Chapter 69
Michelle dropped her backpack onto her bedroom floor and fell back onto her bed. She was drained, completely worn out from the full night of sex and drinking. The cold bath in the creek had more or less taken care of her slight hangover, leaving her with just the hint of a lingering headache.
She lay there for a few minutes, wanting to just close her eyes and take a short nap. Yes, that was just what she needed. Just close her eyes for a moment…
Faintly in the background she heard the phone ringing out in the family room but she made no move to get up. A few seconds later there was a tapping on her bedroom door and she looked up to see her mother peeking in.
“Phone, honey. ”
She pushed herself up and walked over to her mother to take the cordless phone from her. Before her mother passed it to her, she cupped a hand over the mouthpiece.
“Please don’t make any plans for after supper. It’s a little cooler today so your father and I are going to tackle that mess in the storage room. We’d appreciate your help. ”
Michelle nodded and took the phone from her. “Sure, Mom, no problem. ”
Her mother left, closing the door behind her and Michelle put the phone to her ear.
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“Hey, Michelle. It’s Jake. ”
Jake? Why was he calling her? “Uh, hi, Jake. What’s up?”
He hesitated and she was about to ask if he was still there when he spoke up. “Um, remember earlier when I said Kristi was acting a little strange toward me?”
“Yeah, sure. ”
“Well, I was wondering…could you maybe…talk to her? Ask her if I did something to make her angry?”
Michelle took in a deep breath. “Well, yeah, I guess so. What exactly is she doing that’s so strange?” She knew the answer, of course, and the reason for her new attitude about him.
“I dunno…she just seems like she doesn’t really want to be with me, you know? Like she might be thinking of breaking it off and I can’t figure out what I did. Did she say anything on the camping trip?”
Michelle paused, then said, “No, not really. She did mention that she wished you could have come too. ” That wasn’t a complete lie - she did allude to that at first.
“Yeah, she did. Ok, sure, Jake, I’ll talk to her. ”
She heard him exhale a breath of relief.
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“Thanks, Michelle. I owe you one. ”
“No problem. Give me a day or two, ok? My folks have me tied up here doing chores. ”
“Oh, all right, I guess. Just let me know or get her to call me, ok?”
She promised to do what she could and hung up. This was starting to get complicated. Jake would have to be handled delicately. She started to dial Angie’s number, then stopped and sniffed at her top, which smelled like a campfire. She needed a shower and a change of clothes first.
She went over to her closet and took out her white terry cloth robe, then quickly undressed and slipped it on. She picked up the phone and went out into the family room to return it to its cradle. Her father was there watching a NASCAR race on TV and she gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Hi, Daddy. Who’s winning?” She didn’t really follow the races but she knew from osmosis many of the driver’s names and that his favorite was Dale Earnhardt Jr.
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“Gordon,” he said dejectedly, “but it’s still early. ”
She smiled and patted him on the shoulder, then went into the kitchen where her mother was loading the dishwasher.
“I’m going to take a quick shower, Mom. ”
“Ok, honey. I’ll wait until you’re done to start this then. ”
She went into the bathroom, started the shower and shrugged off her robe, then stepped into the warm spray and immediately felt better as the water rinsed the lingering sweat and grime from her skin. She soaked her hair and lathered in her favorite citrus scented shampoo, then let the water slowly rinse it from her long hair.
When her hair was fully rinsed, she picked up a louffa and soaped up her body, wincing when her fingers dipped between her legs to her still tender pussy. Steve had really worked her over good.
Her ass also was still a little sore and she wondered how long it would be before she was ready to try anal again. It kind of surprised her that she’d found it so pleasurable. She had a feeling that it would be fun, but thought it of it as something she could do to please her man. The fact that she got off on it as well was a huge bonus.
She rinsed off and stood under the soothing spray for a few more minutes, then turned off the water and dried herself off. She slipped into her robe and wrapped a towel around her hair, then went back to her room, calling out to her mother that she was finished and could start the dishwasher.
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She sat at her makeup table and rubbed her hair until it was dry enough to brush. As she was brushing it, she leaned over and turned on her computer. Artie had been e-mailing her about what he was up to at his aunt and uncle’s and each day the message seemed to be more about how much he missed her and couldn’t wait to come home.
She began blow drying her hair as she opened up her e-mail and saw that there were two new messages from Artie. She read each one with a smile and a warm spot in her heart for the sweet guy who was obviously totally smitten with her. Angie was only mentioned occasionally in his e-mails.
In the second one, he wrote that his parents decided to stay for a couple more days. He told her again how much he missed her and asked if she could send him a picture of herself. That would be simple enough. Her parents had given her a digital camera for Christmas and it would be a simple matter to snap a picture and send it off to him.
She finished with her hair and went over to her dresser to get her camera. Looking around her room, she decided that if she set on a few books on top of her desk it would be about the proper height if she sat on her bed. She lined it up and after taking a few test shots to make sure of her positioning, applied a little makeup and checked her hair, then set the timer and took a few pictures until she had a decent head shot.
She was about to upload the picture to her computer when she was struck with an idea. Why not send him a few pictures he’d really like? A sly grin crossed her face and she moved the camera slightly so that it covered her entire bed.
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She went over and opened her door just a crack, peering down the hall. Her mother was carrying a laundry basket of dirty clothes toward the basement stairs and she could hear the roar of engines as her father’s race continued on the TV.
She quietly closed her door and untied her robe, letting it drop to the floor. She set the timer on her camera and lay down on her bed with her legs spread and one hand between them. The other hand went to her breast and she tilted her head back, arching her back just as the camera flashed.
She jumped up and checked the picture on the viewer. The aim was a little off and it wasn‘t perfectly centered, but it was close enough. She had an idea for another pose and quickly gathered up a few more thick books from her shelf, raising the camera to almost eye-level. She set the timer and went over to her bed, getting on her knees and spreading her legs, her hands cupping her full breasts. She checked the picture and found it needed to be a little higher. Placing one more thick book under her camera, she took the same shot again and grinned at the result. If these pictures didn’t have Artie pumping his big cock, nothing would!
She put her robe back on in case one of her parents came in, then quickly uploaded the pictures to her computer. She grinned as a larger image of her simulated masturbation filled her screen. Working quickly, she attached both sexy pictures and the innocent head shot to an e-mail and hesitated only a brief second before clicking the ‘send’ button. ‘There you go, Artie,’ she thought with a grin.
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She played around on her computer for a bit, then put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that she didn’t mind getting dirty while cleaning out the storage room. The shower had invigorated her for a while, but now she was once again feeling the effects of too little sleep. She needed to recharge before tackling the storage room so she lay down on her bed and closed her eyes.
A knock at her door startled her awake and her mother peeked in again.
“Dinner will be in about half an hour, honey,” she said.
Michelle propped herself up and looked at her alarm clock. It was almost five o’clock.
“Oh, ok. Thanks, Mom,” she said, stifling a yawn.
Her mother smiled. “You must have been tired. You slept for almost three hours. ”
She smiled sleepily. “Yeah. We were up kinda late last night.
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Her mother smiled and nodded. “I went on a few sleepovers myself when I was your age. I know how you feel. ”
With that, she closed the door and Michelle couldn’t stop the image of her mother taking part in an orgy from entering her mind. She quickly pushed it out and got up, stretching. She needed to call Angie and see what they were going to do about the Jake situation.
She went out to the family room and retrieved the phone. Her father sat watching the post race interviews, a scowl on his face as a picture of Jeff Gordon standing next to his car in the Winner’s Circle flashed onto the screen.
“Aw, I’m sorry, Daddy,” she said, kissing him on the cheek. “There’s always next week, right?”
He grunted a reply and stood up, turning off the TV. “Yeah, I suppose,” he said glumly. “Guess I’ll go help your mother with dinner. ”
She wandered back down the hall, punching Angie’s number into the phone. She closed her door as it rang and was answered by Steve on the second ring.
“Hey, there,” she said.
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“Michelle, hi!”
“Sorry to call so close to dinner, but I really need to talk to Angie. Is she there?”
She waited as Steve handed the phone over to Angie and after a bit of small talk, she told her what Jake had asked her to do. Angie was silent for a few seconds.
“Well, it looks like we don’t have a choice anymore,” she finally said. “Kristi seems to like being part of the group and if Jake isn’t, how can she be?”
Michelle sighed in agreement. “I have no problem with him being part of the group,” she replied, “I mean as far as the sex goes, but I’m worried about him keeping quiet about it. ”
Angie said something to Steve, then came back to Michelle. “Yeah, I feel the same way. I think we’re going to have to talk with Kristi first, all three of us, then see what to do from there. ”
“Agreed. So when do we do this? Jake seemed pretty impatient for me to talk to her. I don’t think he’ll wait that long. ”
“How about tonight? We could meet at the mall. ”
“I can’t,” Michelle replied. “My parents need me to do some work here.
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“Tomorrow morning then,” she said, then quickly said, “Hold on a sec. ”
She heard her and Steve talking in hushed tones, then she came back on the line.
“Steve has to work tomorrow but he said we could handle it. For some reason he trusts us. ” She giggled and told Steve to cut out whatever he was doing.
Michelle grinned at their good-natured ribbing. “Well, if he trusts us, it’s ok with me. I’ll give Kristi a call and make sure she can make it, then call you back. ”
They said goodbye and hung up, then she dialed Kristi.
Angie hung up the phone and sighed, turning to Steve. They were sitting on the couch in the basement watching TV and making out a little. As much as they both wanted to go into one of the bedrooms for a little romp, part of ‘the talk’ had been about how they would be closely monitored at home and any hanky-panky would not be tolerated. Unscheduled nightly bed checks were also part of the deal to allow them to maintain their current sleeping arrangements in the basement. Any infraction would bring on a brutal grounding and Angie would be relocated to another part of the house.
“It looks like we’re going to have another group member.
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Steve nodded, his face serious. “I understand the reason, and Jake’s a decent guy in many ways, but …”
She interrupted him. “But you don’t think he can keep it a secret, right?”
He nodded. “He’s got a big mouth. When we were coming back from the liquor store yesterday with his brother he was bragging to him about how he’d ‘nailed’ Kristi. ” He sighed and shook his head. “I’d kill him if I heard him talking like that about you or Michelle. ”
She moved closer and lay her head on his shoulder. “I know, baby. That’s one of the reasons I love you. ” They sat in contemplative silence for several moments before Angie sat up.
“I can’t think of any other way. I mean, if we don’t let him in, what happens with Kristi and Michelle? I think they really hit it off. ”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, I noticed that too.
“I mean, if she breaks up with him, how are they ever going to hook up? He’s still a friend and he’ll want to hang out with us. We can’t all just stop hanging out with him. ”
Again, Steve nodded. “And it would be hard for us all to hook up. ”
Angie nodded emphatically. “Exactly. So I’m thinking that if we ease him in slowly then explain that if anything about it gets out, he’s out for good. That includes friendship. He’s just gone. ” She studied his face. “Would that work?”
Steve thought about it. He and Jake had been friends since they were in kindergarten. For the most part, he was a stand-up guy and a good friend. But he could also be a callous jerk at times. And the idea of ending his friendship with him after all those years seemed a bit harsh.
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But maybe the threat of that, not to mention risking losing hot sex with three beautiful girls on a regular basis, might be enough to keep his silence.
“That may work,” he said, turning to her. “We just need to emphasize that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and if he blows it he’ll be kicking his ass for the rest of his life. ”
Angie nodded as the phone rang. She picked it up, answering on the first ring.
“I told Kristi about our plan and she’s going to meet us in the food court at eleven,” Michelle said.
“Perfect,” Angie replied. “Meet me here at ten and we can talk about what we’re going to tell her before she gets there. ”
Michelle agreed and they hung up. Angie snuggled up against Steve, staring at the movie neither of them was really paying any attention to. Tomorrow could be the start of a new phase of their swinging, or it could all come crashing down around them. She hugged him tightly and tried to focus on the movie.
Chapter 70
The next day, Michelle arrived at Angie and Steve’s promptly at ten and they began the short walk to the mall.
“So, how should we do this?” Angie asked.
Michelle thought for a moment.
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“I don’t think we should move too quickly,” she said. “Like, maybe just one of us at first. ”
Angie nodded. “Ok, so who?”
Michelle smiled wanly. “I think I win that honor. Kristi’s warming up to you, but she knows me better. ” Angie nodded her agreement. “Besides, I think we really bonded the other night. ”
Angie smiled. “Steve and I were talking about that after you called last night. You two looked like a couple. ” She grinned and nudged Michelle. “A very hot and sexy couple!”
Michelle smiled. “After being friends for all these years it’s kinda strange and cool how we connect so intimately. ”
“Ok, so we suggest that you and Kristi …what? Seduce him somehow?”
Michelle grinned.
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“I’ve been thinking about that and I think I have a plan. ”
As they entered the mall, she began outlining her plan and Angie’s grin widened as it was revealed. Michelle was just finishing her explanation as they sat at a table.
“Oh my god, Michelle! You little slut!” She laughed out loud. “I love it!”
Michelle grinned and laughed with her. “I kinda thought you might!”
Two older ladies sitting a couple of table over turned in their direction but their words were low enough that they weren’t overheard. They began talking in excited hushed tones while they waited for Kristi.
She arrived a few minutes before eleven and took a seat next to Michelle, facing Angie. After a few pleasantries, they got straight to the business at hand.
“Ok, we need to make this quick because I have to go soon,” Angie said. “My parents narrowed their choice of houses down to two and they want me to help decide today. ”
“Cool,” Michelle said. She turned to Kristi. “This is kinda up to you, Kristi. ”
Kristi gave her a perplexed look.
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Angie took over. “Yes. If you want to keep seeing Jake and hang with us, he’s gonna know something’s up. He already suspects something after just one time. Imagine trying to keep this from him indefinitely. ”
Kristi inhaled a deep breath and nodded.
“So,” Angie continued, “Here’s what it boils down to: If you decide that a relationship with Michelle and the rest of us isn’t for you and you choose Jake, then ok. All we ask is that you promise to keep what we do to yourself. ” She glanced over at Michelle, who appeared to be holding her breath. “Of course, you could still join us once in a while if you wanted to, as long as Jake didn’t suspect it. ”
Kristi nodded and looked over at Michelle.
“And if I decide that I want to stay with Michelle?”
Angie leaned back. “Then we have to tell Jake everything and include him in our …well, our orgies. ” Might as well call them what they are, she told herself.
Michelle spoke up.
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“Neither of us have any problem with that, nor does Steve. Our concern is that he might not be able to keep quiet about it and go bragging to his friends. ”
Kristi nodded her understanding. “Yes, you have a point. ” She looked up at her two lovers. “Jake can be a little…outspoken sometimes. ”
Angie smiled at her diplomatic choice of words for Jake’s big mouth. “If you decide that’s what you want, we’re all willing to take a chance on him. So, like I said, it’s up to you, honey. ”
Kristi took a deep breath, looking over at Michelle. Michelle tried to smile, but it was plainly evident she was waiting for a reply. Kristi stared at her beautiful friend and wanted to rush into her arms and hold her. Jake was a good guy, and she didn’t really want to break up with him, but if she had to make a choice based on her feelings at that moment, it was plainly evident to her.
“I want to stay with Michelle,” she said after only a moment’s consideration. Michelle’s eyes glittered with unshed tears and a smile broke out on her face.
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“Do you mean that?” she asked, wiping at a stray tear.
Kristi smiled warmly and nodded. “Oh, yes. It wasn’t a difficult decision. ”
Michelle felt her heart swell with emotion and she wished they’d chosen a more private place so she could hold Kristi and give her a loving kiss. Instead, she sniffed and reached across the table, grasping her small hand.
“Thank you, baby,” she whispered.
Angie placed her hand over theirs and smiled at both of them. “You two are just too precious!”
Michelle slapped her playfully and wiped another tear. “Oh, stop it!” Kristi just grinned from ear to ear.
“Ok then, it’s settled,” Angie said, standing up. “I’m afraid I have to go so I’ll leave it up to you two to work out the details. ”
They said their goodbyes and Michelle promised to call her later with the full story. They watched her walk across the mall, her tight jeans drawing stares from several patrons, then turned back to one another.
“So what’s this plan of yours?” Kristi asked.
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Michelle grinned. “Call Jake and tell him you spoke to me and didn’t realize he felt that way. Apologize and ask him if he can meet you at the creek after lunch, and make sure he gets the impression you‘re going to put out. Don’t say anything about me. ”
She took out her cell phone and began entering his number. “And then what? We just seduce him?”
Michelle grinned as Kristi put the phone to her ear. “Something like that,” she said with a wink.
Chapter 71
Half an hour later they were in Michelle’s bedroom. Kristi sat on her bed as she dug through her dresser drawer.
“What are you looking for?”
Michelle closed the drawer and pulled open another one. “You’ll see,” she said, glancing back at her before turning her attention back to the drawer. “Aha!” She exclaimed, pulling some colored fabric out. “Got it! Ok, let’s go!”
She stuffed the cloth into a small pack along with some bottles of water and they left for the creek. As Michelle had predicted, Jake was all too eager to meet with Kristi and hopefully reconcile with a little romp in the woods.
They arrived a little before the time Kristi told Jake to meet her.
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They dropped their bikes over near the path to the campsite and Michelle pushed hers deep into the woods. She came back out and embraced Kristi, kissing her lovingly for several long seconds before releasing her soft lips.
“Mmm…if you only knew how much I wanted to do that back at the mall,” she said, brushing Kristi’s dark bangs from her eyes.
“So did I,” Kristi whispered, moving in for another kiss.
Michelle pulled the colored cloth from her pack and gave it to Kristi. “Remember what I told you. You have to get this right for it to work. ”
Kristi stashed the cloth in her own pack and nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ll have him right where we want him in no time. ”
Michelle smiled and leaned in for another kiss. Kristi welcomed her lovingly, their tongues darting and exploring. The rattle of a bike coming down the path from the road ended their hot kiss prematurely, leaving both girls panting for breath. Michelle grabbed her pack.
“Ok, see you in a bit!” She ran into the path only a few seconds before Jake rolled into the clearing, steering toward Kristi.
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She smiled and went over to him as he dropped his bike to the grass next to hers.
“Hey, Jake,” she said, reaching out for his hand. “I’m so sorry I made you feel neglected. Tell me how I can make it up to you. ” She looked up at him, a coquettish grin on her pretty face.
He felt his cock twitch at the sight of her in her short white tennis skirt and matching tank top.
“Wow, Kristi, you look great!” he exclaimed, his eyes moving over her entire body.
She grinned and stepped closer. “I bet I can look even better!” she said with a wink. He grinned as he pictured her standing completely naked before him.
“Yeah, I bet you could,” he mused.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in for a kiss. When their lips met, she immediately thrust her tongue into his mouth and pressed her body tight to his. She could feel his stiffening cock pressing against her through his shorts and rubbed her body subtly against it.
When she finally released him they were both a little breathless.
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She looked up into his eyes and gestured with a nod of her head to the path that led to the place they’d camped.
“Why don’t we go where we can have a little more privacy?” she suggested, giving him her best ‘come fuck me now!’ look.
He nodded, a goofy grin on his face and started to let her lead him into the woods before remembering their bikes were lying out in the open. He stopped her.
“Wait. We need to hide our bikes. ” He went back and picked his up and Kristi followed to get hers as she tried to remember exactly where Michelle had hidden hers. It had been to the right of the path. Yes, she was positive.
She picked up her bike and was first onto the path. “In here,” she said, pushing it into the thick brush on the left side.
Jake followed her without question and a few minutes later they were half walking/half running down the path to the other clearing where Michelle was hiding, waiting for just the right moment.
When they arrived, Kristi looked around quickly and could see no sign of Michelle. She saw a place that would allow her to carry out their plan and led Jake over to it. It was a grassy area with some small saplings about the size of her forearm at one side.
They embraced and kissed and she murmured her approval as Jake’s hands moved down and cupped her ass under her short skirt. She pressed her pelvis tight against him and began a slow grind against his now fully hard cock. She felt him gasp into her mouth and knew her seduction was driving him crazy with desire. Hopefully crazy enough for him to say yes to her suggestion.
They kissed for several moments and she was becoming quite aroused as well. Despite her newly acquired taste for pussy, she found she still loved the idea of having a cock in her mouth or pussy and felt a surge of relief. So she wasn’t gay, only bi-sexual.
After a few more minutes of deep, passionate kisses, she felt the time was right and pulled her lips from his, their eyes meeting. She licked her lips and nibbled on her lower lip.
“I’d like to try something different,” she said in her best sexy voice. “Are you up for it?”
He gave her a questioning grin, then shrugged. “Sure. What is it?”
She gave him a devilish grin and took a step back. “Are you sure? It’s kinda kinky, but I think you’ll like it. ”
He followed her, nodding.
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“I like kinky,” he said.
She slipped her backpack off and unzipped it. He watched as she pulled out the long pieces of colored cloth, wondering what she was up to. She stood up, holding two of them in one hand and snapping the third between her hands.
“I want to tie your hands and blindfold you,” she said, her smoldering eyes locking on his. “Then I’m going to fuck you until you beg me to stop!”
He stared at her open-mouthed. While the idea of being tied and blindfolded was rather low on the kink scale, the fact that this once sexually timid girl was proposing it took him completely off-guard. Not to mention the way she was talking.
She took a step closer to him, the black cloth held firmly taught between her hands. “So, what do you say? Wanna play with me?”
He grinned awkwardly and nodded. “Sure. Sounds like fun. ” He looked around. “Where do you want me?”
She pointed at the grassy area by the saplings. “Take off your shirt and lie there with your arms over your head.
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Jake eyed her questioningly. “You’re going to tie me to the trees?”
She nodded. “Don’t you trust me?” Her eyes sparkled mischievously.
He laughed, albeit a little nervously, and pulled his t-shirt off while she extracted a beach towel from her pack and spread it out over the grass. “Sure, I trust you, baby. ”
He knelt on the towel and allowed her to tie the black cloth around his head, completely blocking his eyes. There was no way he could see anything. Then she helped him lie down and straddled his chest. He could feel the damp heat from her panty covered pussy on his bare skin and it made his already hard cock grow even harder.
She tied another piece of cloth around one wrist, then did the same to the other one. Then she pulled off her top and tossed it aside, her bare breasts heaving and both nipples fully erect. She leaned over his head, allowing her hard nipples to brush across his lips as she secured his wrists to two stout saplings.
When she was satisfied with her knots, she sat up, placing both hands on his bare chest.
“Ok, Jake. Are you ready?”
He nodded, his mouth breaking into a wide grin.
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“Do your worst, baby!”
She looked up and nodded into the woods, then slid down and began to unfasten his shorts, talking to him in a low, sexy voice to hide any sounds Michelle might make while emerging from her hiding place.
“I can’t wait to feel your big hard cock fill my tight little pussy,” she cooed, lowering his fly.
Michelle stepped out of the trees, completely naked and grinning.
Kristi hooked her fingers inside his shorts and began to tug them down. He lifted his ass from the ground to help her. She continued to talk to him in her sexy voice.
“First I’m going to suck that monster into my mouth and use my tongue to make you feel so good …”
Michelle knelt softly next to them, her eyes sparkling as Kristi slowly revealed Jake’s erect cock to them both.
When she had his shorts off, she tossed them to one side and switched places with Michelle, who crawled up between his legs. Jake cocked his head and for a second they thought he’d heard or sensed the presence of another body, but Kristi lowered her head down next to Michelle’s and continued her dirty talk.
“Mmm…you look so yummy I just want to devour that beautiful cock …”
Michelle crawled even closer to his throbbing meat. She stuck out her tongue and gave his balls a quick lick, then rolled her tongue along his shaft.
Kristi grinned at Michelle and said, “Mmm…you taste good!”
Jake moaned and tugged at his bindings. “Oh fuck, Kristi! You’re driving me crazy!”
Michelle moved closer and wrapped her lips around his engorged purple head and sucked nearly half of his shaft into her warm, wet mouth. With a wink to Michelle, Kristi moved up and whispered into his ear.
“That’s the idea, baby!”
Jake suddenly stiffened and Kristi couldn’t stop herself from letting a partial giggle escape her lips.
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Michelle laughed with her eyes and continued to suck on Jake’s cock as he squirmed under her.
“Kristi! What the fuck…?! Who else is here?”
Kristi laughed and lifted his head so she could untie his blindfold. When he blinked the sunlight from his eyes and looked down, he gasped as Michelle looked up at him and gave a little wave without taking his cock from her mouth.
Kristi leaned in and kissed him. “Surprise!”
Jake stared dumfounded at Michelle as she sucked his cock with an almost loving determination. She finally let it slip from her lips with a slight popping sound and grinned up at him.
“Hi, Jake!”
He looked from her back to Kristi, who was standing up and taking off her skirt. His eyes were locked on her as she pulled off her panties and turned to allow him a full view of her perfect naked body before kneeling back down next to them.
“We thought maybe you might enjoy a threesome,” Michelle said as she stroked his shaft.
Kristi nodded and leaned in for a quick suck on his velvety soft head. She pulled her lips from it slowly, watching his face the entire time. Then she turned to Michelle and kissed her fully on the lips as she continued to stroke him.
Jake couldn’t believe his eyes. Two beautiful and naked girls were sucking his dick and making out! He had to be dreaming!
The girls ended their kiss and both turned to him. Kristi began kneading her soft tits and Michelle resumed sucking his cock.
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“Are you ok with this?” Kristi asked, her face now serious.
Jake looked down and saw Michelle’s eyes watching him as her lips moved up and down his he managed to gasp.
Michelle looked up at Kristi, who nodded. This seemed to be some type of signal the two of them had worked out because Michelle suddenly pulled his throbbing cock from her mouth and moved aside.
Immediately, Kristi straddled him and positioned her pussy over his engorged tip. Michelle crawled up next to him and leaned down.
“Now, from what Kristi tells me, you need to work on your self-control a little. ” He shot her a funny look and she grinned. “That means you need to keep yourself from cumming until she’s had at least one good orgasm, stud. ” She noticed a blush spread across his cheeks and lay a reassuring hand on his chest.
“Relax, a lot of guys have that problem. But I’m here to help!” She nodded to Kristi and she lowered herself until the tip of his cock pressed against her moist lips. “All you need is a little incentive. ” Kristi lowered herself a little more, each of them letting a small gasp of pleasure escape their lips as his head slipped inside her hot pussy. Jake closed his eyes and swallowed, the sensations on his cock almost too much to bear.
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Michelle smiled at him.
“Feels good, huh?” He nodded jerkily. “But, I don’t want you to cum until she’s ready and here’s what’s gonna happen if you cum too soon. ” She leaned in closer and whispered hoarsely. “You’re going to eat her pussy until you clean every bit of it out of her!”
Jake felt his urge to cum suddenly drop to almost nothing at the idea of eating his own jism from Kristi’s pussy. Michelle noted his expression of disgust and grinned, winking at Kristi.
“I believe we have his full attention now, baby!”
“N…no…I can’t do that!” he gasped.
At that, Kristi pulled herself from his cock, hovering her pussy just over the tip. Michelle shook her head sadly and sighed.
“Jake, your lack of confidence and self-control disappoints me. ”
“Me too,” Kristi added, pouting.
“Please,” Jake pleaded. “Don’t make me do that! I’ll try. I’ll really try hard, but don’t make me do that!”
Michelle and Kristi exchanged a look and Kristi shrugged. “Maybe we can allow him a mulligan for the first time.
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Michelle pondered that and nodded. “All right, but after that we better both get off before you do or you’ll have to find your own way to untie yourself. ”
He nodded, then stared at her. “Both of you?”
Michelle and Kristi grinned at him and nodded. “Oh, yes,” Michelle said. “We’re going to become very close, the three of us!”
Chapter 72
Angie gazed around the room that was going to be hers in just a couple of weeks. They’d seen both houses and after much discussion, had decided on the one with the pool. It was a little smaller than the other one, but it was only the three of them so they really didn’t need four bedrooms. And a pool would be so nice on these hot days. Plus, the previous owners had been transferred so the house was empty and they were anxious to sell. The other one would have taken a couple of months to close on.
Her room was in the basement, which she preferred. All too often she’d been kept awake by the sounds of sex from her parent’s room after they thought she was asleep in their old house. And they seemed to lead a very active sex life; too active for her to try to sleep just across the hall.
Both of them had given her a questioning look when she requested the basement room, but her argument was that she would be in high school in the fall and needed her privacy.
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Besides, this room was bigger and they wouldn’t be tripping over one another. When she mentioned that, her parents exchanged a look and agreed. Did they know she’d been hearing them?
As her parents and the realtor set up the offer upstairs, she explored more of the basement. There was a small rec room, a laundry room, and a small storage area under the steps. It wasn’t very big, but she was happy with it. Almost like her own little apartment, she thought.
Her thoughts went to Michelle and Kristi and she wondered if Michelle’s plan had worked. She’d been pleasantly surprised when Michelle told her about her plan to tie and blindfold Jake, then pull a switch. That little girl had a real perverted mind!
She heard footsteps echoing across the ceramic tile in the kitchen and voices approaching the back door.
“Just be certain to lock up when you leave,” she heard the realtor say, then the door opened and closed.
She went upstairs and met her parents in the kitchen, talking excitedly about their plans for their new home. Cathy smiled at her as she came in.
“Carl seems to think they’ll accept our first offer,” she said. “Isn’t going to be nice to have our own house again?”
Angie nodded, returning her smile enthusiastically. But her feeling were bittersweet.
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Sure, it would be great to have her own room where she could finally stop living out of her suitcase, but it was also very reassuring to know Steve was sleeping in the next room. They couldn’t sleep in the same bed, but that was the next best thing. It made her feel closer to him.
She followed them through the rooms, with her mother excitedly explaining her color choices and other changes while her father rolled his eyes in a good-natured ribbing at all the additions to the Honey-Do list a new house was going to bring. Angie knew he was only joking and was just as excited as her mother.
“Um, is it ok if I go over to Michelle’s?” she asked once the tour was over. Fortunately, the house was only a few streets from Michelle and just a couple more from Steve and Kristi.
“Sure, honey. We’re going to take a few measurements and we’ll be along shortly,” Cathy replied as Mark picked at the unattractive wallpaper on the dining room wall.
“Ok, see you later,” Angie called as she went outside.
Cathy went over to where he was and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Finally,” she whispered, “…our own house. ”
He turned around and embraced her, giving her a kiss. “I’m sorry it took so long, honey, but I think we got a good deal. And it’s only a few minutes from Alan and Karen.
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Angie can walk to school and her friends all live nearby. ”
Cathy smiled and nodded. “It’s almost perfect. ”
He looked at her quizzically. “Almost?”
She nodded, a sly grin coming to her face. “It just needs to be properly christened,” she replied, her hands going to the button of his pants.
He glanced around at all the bare windows. “Uh, honey, they took the curtains, remember?”
She looked out the large picture window and shrugged. “So what? We’re married and it’s our house…well, it soon will be. ”
He laughed and pulled her to him. “Ok, but let’s go somewhere not so out in the open. ”
She grinned and grasped the waistband of his unfastened pants and led him into the master bedroom. There were large windows in here as well that went almost to the floor, but instead of looking out onto the street, they faced the fenced-in back yard.
She stopped in the middle of the room and unfastened her knee-length skirt, letting it drop to the carpet. Kneeling on her skirt in just her thong and blouse, she quickly had his fly open and his cock in her hand.
It was only semi-hard so she wrapped her lips around it and took the entire thing into her mouth, rolling her tongue around the soft tip and murmuring as she coaxed him to full hardness.
Mark lay a hand on her head and watched his beautiful wife suck his cock in their empty bedroom. Her openness and constant state of horniness never ceased to amaze him and he realized that this had been her plan all along when convinced the realtor to allow them to stay after he’d left.
He felt himself growing fully hard in her mouth and she began to pump her mouth back and forth on him. He groaned softly and watched her as she stared up at him, her nipples leaving little bumps in the delicate fabric of her almost sheer white blouse.
“Oh yeah, Cath,” he mumbled as she began to unfasten her blouse, “Suck it good, baby!”
Angie started down the driveway then stopped. She’d never really given the pool in the back any more than a passing examination and she wanted to be able to tell her friends about it. A few more minutes wouldn’t matter anyway.
She turned around at the sidewalk and went into the back yard. A black tarpaulin covered the inground pool but it looked to be of average size. It was surrounded by a slate patio that extended to the wooden deck coming off the kitchen. She walked around the pool, checking out the corners of the back yard and the view of the house from various locations. She picked out the windows to the different rooms - first the kitchen, then the patio doors off of it to the deck. Next came the family room, a larger window that almost reached the floor, then the small window of the ensuite bathroom for the master bedroom, and finally, the master bedroom, which had the same low window as the family room. She wondered absently why someone would put such a big window in a bedroom, where one would want some measure of privacy.
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She moved around the pool, her eyes catching some movement in the master bedroom. Probably just her parents deciding on the wall color or…
She froze. It was her parents all right, but they weren’t picking out paint. She crouched down behind a shrub and stared in disbelief at what she was witnessing. Her mother was on her knees wearing only her panties and giving her father a blow job!
Angie continued to stare. This was wrong, on so many levels, but she was powerless to look away. Sure, she knew all too well that her parents had sex - a lot! But she’d never actually witnessed it before and found it fascinating.
As she watched, her mother got to her feet and for a brief moment she caught a glimpse of her father’s hard cock before he turned and bent her mother over at the waist. She grabbed her ankles and he shoved her thong aside, then pushed his cock into her. As Angie watched, he grasped her hips and began to pound at her hard, both of their bodies shaking from the force of the hard fuck he was giving her.
Angie felt herself becoming damp between her legs and her nipples were leaving very prominent protrusions in her top. She absently rubbed them over her shirt as she watched her parents fuck in their empty bedroom, easily visible to anyone hanging out in their fenced-in back yard.
After a several minutes, her father withdrew and her mother once again dropped to her knees, taking him back into her mouth. She couldn’t see her father’s face from this angle, but from his body language she could tell he was about to cum. Sure enough, his hands gripped her mother’s head and he thrust forward, throwing his head back.
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Her mother never pulled off, but took his entire load and swallowed it all. Angie grinned. Apparently enjoying the taste of cum was a family tradition!
She watched as they kissed and her mother began to get dressed, then hurried from the back yard and down the street.
Chapter 73
Jake stared up at them, still in a state of disbelief. Michelle leaned in again and Kristi lowered herself until his cock rubbed against her dripping lips.
“So, what do you say?”
Jake nodded, his grin returning as he realized this was really happening. “Let’s go, ladies,” he said, his confidence returning.
Kristi and Michelle grinned at one another and Kristi lowered herself further onto his cock. Jake gasped as her warm tightness engulfed him and felt the urge to release build once more.
“Oh, fuck, Kristi! You feel so good!”
Michelle got to her knees. “Maybe you need a little distraction. ” She straddled his head, facing Kristi, and lowered her own dripping snatch to his mouth. He didn’t need any coaching. As she pressed down, his tongue began lapping at her tender lips, savoring her sweet nectar.
“Mmm…that’s nice, Jake,” she murmured.
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She reached out and grasped Kristi’s shoulders to steady herself. Their eyes met and Kristi allowed her weight to let Jake’s cock completely impale her, gasping as she was completely filled.
Michelle smiled at her and they both began undulating slowly. Kristi moaned as her clit rubbed against the base of his shaft and in her heightened state of arousal felt the first tingle of her impending orgasm.
Michelle studied Kristi’s face as she rocked and humped Jake’s cock. While his tongue felt good on her pussy, her main focus was Kristi’s pleasure. However, as Kristi moved closer and closer to release, Michelle was becoming just as aroused by her facial expressions, grunts, and the movement of her body as with Jake’s mouth.
She was really getting into it, feeling her arousal building, when she felt Jake’s body tense and his mouth paused its work on her pussy. Kristi’s eyes opened and she shuddered as she felt Jake erupt inside her. She reached out and gripped Michelle’s arms as she came, her back arching and her mouth open in a strangled grunt.
As she watched Kristi cum, she felt herself about to release and a shudder ran through her own body, her pussy pressed against Jake’s mouth. It wasn’t exactly mind-numbing, little more than a pleasant shudder, but watching Kristi get off on a cock for the first time was her real reward.
She rolled off Jake and looked down at his face covered in her juices. Kristi groaned as a final quiver ran through her body. She leaned down and kissed him, her mouth filling with the tangy flavor of Michelle’s pussy.
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“Mmm…you taste good!” she breathed, licking her cum from his lips and face.
Jake only stared up at her in disbelief. She liked pussy, too?! Suddenly, his thought went to her orgasm.
“Did you…?”
“Cum?” Kristi asked, a smile breaking across her face.
“She did,” Michelle answered for her. “At about the same time you did. Well done. You pass the first test. ”
He looked up at Kristi and she nodded, still smiling. “I did. It was wonderful. ”
He grinned and sighed, then tugged on his wrist bindings. “Do you think you could untie me so we can do this properly?”
Michelle looked at Kristi, who was still rocking back and forth on his softening dick. “What do you think, honey? Should we release him?”
A dreamy smile crossed Kristi’s face and she closed her eyes, her movements becoming more urgent. Michelle knew exactly what she was doing.
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His cock was still hard enough to rub her clit and she was making the most of it. As they both watched her, her mouth opened in a silent gasp, then another. She began moving even faster, her young body grinding down hard on him until she cried out and froze as another orgasm rolled through her. She shook and tensed several times before collapsing to his chest, her body heaving as she caught her breath.
Michelle quickly untied Jake’s wrists and he wrapped his arm around Kristi, holding her small body to his with his cock still inside her very sloppy cunt. He felt a warm wetness as their combined fluids seeped down around his balls and soaked the towel under him. He didn’t care. He had much more important things to attend to!
After a moment, Kristi pushed herself back up, brushing her hair from her face. She grinned down at Jake, then over to Michelle.
“Wow, that was incredible!”
Michelle smiled and nodded, then looked at Jake. “Now we need to make him hard so he can do it again. Hmm…” She looked up at her naked girlfriend still straddling her naked boyfriend. “I have an idea! Come over here. ”
She patted the spot next to Jake on the towel and Kristi slowly extracted her dripping snatch from his now almost fully flaccid cock. She felt a warm gush of cum seep from her pussy and run down her thigh as she lay back beside him.
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Michelle kissed her and then suckled her breasts, the salty taste of her sweat somehow arousing. She moved lower until her face was poised over her dripping pussy, still swollen and oozing cum. With a grin, she ducked down and began to lick and suck their combined juices from Kristi’s pussy.
Kristi gasped as Michelle’s tongue delved deep inside her still sensitive pussy, her body twisting and jerking whenever she touched on a tender area. Jake rolled over on his side and watched in utter fascination as his long-time friend licked his cum from his girlfriend’s pussy. While the idea of him doing it disgusted him, watching Michelle do it was having a positive effect of his cock and he could feel it already starting to respond.
When Michelle first suggested Jake eating his cum from Kristi’s pussy as a punishment, something about doing that aroused something in her and the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to try it. After all, she enjoyed swallowing cum and the taste of pussy, so why not? When she went down and got a good whiff of the musky scent, she felt her own pussy flood and knew she had to do it.
She parted Kristi’s puffy labia and stared in at the slimy jism covering her pink flesh, leaving strings of it between her spread lips. Without even pausing to consider it, she dove in, tasting the salty flavor of both of them and loving it. She licked and sucked, swallowing it as she fished it out, until she was certain she had it all.
By this time, Kristi was panting heavily and her swollen clit was poking from under its protective cover. All it would take were a few properly placed licks and she’d be screaming in orgasmic bliss. She grinned to herself and pressed her tongue to the sensitive little pearl.
Jake watched as Kristi grew more and more aroused by Michelle’s cunnilingus.
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Her hand went out and grabbed his, squeezing it tightly. Suddenly, her movements changed from a gentle rocking of her pelvis against Michelle’s mouth to a more urgent jerk. She cried out and her back arched as she gasped and grunted, her head twisting.
“Oh fuck…yes…like that…. oooo…!”
She became more animated, her flushed chest heaving until her back arched so just her shoulders and feet were touching the ground. She cried out, almost screaming as she came harder than he’d ever seen, her body writhing and her hand gripping his so hard it hurt.
Michelle continued her assault for a few seconds after Kristi climaxed, then lifted her face and watched as she continued to cum for a few more seconds before dropping back limply to the towel, her chest even redder than before and her breasts heaving.
Michelle looked up at her from her position between her sprawled legs, then looked over at Jake and winked. “Now, that was an orgasm!”
Jake looked over at Kristi’s panting body, a sheen of perspiration coating her soft skin. He reached out to caress her face and she jerked slightly at his touch, her nerves still highly charged.
“Are you ok?” he asked, genuine concern in his voice.
She smiled faintly and nodded almost imperceptively. Michelle looked over at him.
“She’ll be all right in a few minutes. Those big ones take a lot out of you.
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” She looked down and noted his cock had reached a state of near full arousal. “It looks like you enjoyed that. ”
He looked down at his cock, then back up to her, shrugging. “What can I say? Watching two hot girls have sex has an effect on me. ” He cocked his head. “Which brings me to my next question: how long have you two been …” He gestured toward Kristi.
“Fucking each other?” Michelle asked with a smile. He nodded dumbly.
She crawled up next to Kristi and smiled down at her. “Should I tell him everything, baby?”
Kristi looked over at Jake, then closed her eyes and nodded. Michelle caressed her breasts and looked across her to Jake.
“Kristi and I just hooked up during the camping trip,” she said. “We kissed a few times before that, but that was when things really became interesting. ” She paused, her eyes studying hers. “Now, what I’m about to tell you next is going to be even more shocking and I need you to swear on whatever you believe to be holy that will never, ever breathe a word of this to anyone.
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” She stared at him, her eyes boring into his with a seriousness he’d never seen in her before.
He nodded and swallowed. “I swear, I won’t say a word. ”
“Let me make it clear to you just how important this is,” she continued. “This…” she gestured to the three of them, “…can happen often if you keep quiet, this and more. Or it will never happen again if I hear one word of this outside our group. What I’m about to offer you is something every guy dreams of and very few ever have the chance to experience. It’s something that puts those ‘Dear Penthouse’ stories to shame. If you screw up and blabber, it will end and none of us will ever speak to you again. Do you understand?”
Jake held her gaze for a moment, letting her words sink in. She was being very serious, of that he had no doubt. He looked down at Kristi, who was starting to recover and was lying and watching him with almost the same intensity that Michelle was. She nodded and grasped his hand.
“She means it, Jake. And so do I.
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This may be the most trust I’ve ever placed in anyone. Don’t make me regret it. ”
He looked back up at Michelle and nodded. “Look, I know that sometimes I babble and let things out that I shouldn’t. But if this means that much to you, I promise I won’t say a word to anyone. And if it’s something like what we’re doing now, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep it happening!”
Kristi and Michelle looked at one another and Kristi nodded. Michelle smiled and met Jake’s eyes. “All right, I think we’ve convinced you how important your silence is. ” She took a deep breath. “Kristi and I belong to, well, sort of a club. ”
“A very exclusive club,” Kristi added.
“Right,” Michelle agreed. “We get together and, well, we have sex. I guess you could call it swinging. ” They both watched his reaction, and the stunned expression said it all.
“Wh…huh?” he managed to blurt out.
Michelle continued. “It all started when Steve and Angie…seduced me, I guess is the proper word. They invited me over one night and Angie was curious and I guess I was too. Anyway, I ended up spending the night and made love to both of them. It really opened my eyes. ”
“But…I thought you were seeing Artie?” he queried.
She smiled. “Artie saw me and Steve making out at the creek and was furious at us for cheating on Angie. So we talked to him about it like we’re talking to you now. The more I got to know him, the more I liked him. When we had sex, Artie and I sort of gravitated to one another and now I consider him my boyfriend, but I still have sex with everyone else in the group too. ”
Jake turned this over in his mind and Kristi watched as the pieces fell together. Suddenly, he looked at her, a hint of hurt anger in his eyes.
“So when you went camping, you fucked Steve, too?”
Kristi hung her head and nodded.
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Michelle reached out and lay a hand on his shoulder.
“Jake, it was just sex. She and I have more of a connection than she does with Steve. And we’re inviting you to join us, which means you can have sex with me or Angie, but Kristi will always be your girlfriend. ” She smiled. “I know how strange it sounds, but trust me, it works. ”
He looked at her for a moment, then the look of anger passed and he nodded. “I guess I can understand that, as strange as it sounds. ” He gave Kristi an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, Kristi. ”
She returned his smile. “It’s ok, Jake. ”
Michelle looked at both of them. “Ok, so now you know everything. Do you have any questions?”
Jake thought for a moment, then looked up, a shocked expression on his face.
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“What about Steve and…”
Michelle cut him off, shaking her head and chuckling. “Relax, they don’t want anything to do with one another other than sharing one of us occasionally. ” She looked down at Kristi and shook her head, grinning. “Sheesh, guys are so homophobic!”
Jake felt his face getting warm and grinned meekly. “Well, I thought it was a fair question. I ain’t no homo!”
Kristi and Michelle giggled. “Of course not…only us chicks!” Michelle replied. She looked down at his now completely soft penis and sighed. “Although, any guy who can’t maintain a hardon while two naked girls are waiting to fuck him…I dunno…are you sure you aren’t gay?”
Kristi looked down and smothered a giggle while Jake felt his face growing even hotter. He grinned sheepishly. “Well, you had me scared shitless with the ‘we’ll never speak to you again’ speech. What did you expect?”
Michelle smiled. “I’m only teasing, Jake. The fact that my speech made you go soft tells me how seriously you took it. I noticed while I was still talking and that’s the main reason I believe you won’t say anything.
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She licked her lips seductively and gave him most sultry look. “Now, the only question is, how fast can we make it grow?”
Kristi was still very tender so she simply lay back and watched as Michelle moved down and took him into her mouth. Jake reached over and began caressing Kristi’s breasts and she smiled, her soft murmurs telling him she was enjoying his touch.
Michelle sucked hungrily on his cock, feeling it start to grow almost immediately . Before too long, he was back to full hardness and was starting to pump his hips as she took him in. She surprised him by taking almost his entire length in, her throat rippling over his sensitive tip.
After a few minutes she popped it from her mouth and grinned up at him. “Will you fuck me now?”
He looked down at the sexy naked girl, then over to Kristi. She smiled and nodded.
“Go ahead, Jake. I want you to do it. ”
He smiled and kissed her, then looked back down at Michelle and nodded. “Ok. ”
She got up on all fours and crawled up so that she was almost looking down at his face. “I want you to do something that really turns me on.
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He nodded. “Sure. What is it?”
She smiled. “I like it rough. I mean really rough. I want you to take me and treat me like a whore. Will you do that?”
He looked up at her, a look of shock on his face. Was this the same girl he’d known most of his life and had been a virgin only a few weeks ago? He looked over at Kristi as if seeking her acknowledgement of this fetish. But Kristi’s face also bore a surprised expression and she merely shrugged.
“She doesn’t know about this. Only one other person knows. But if you’re uncomfortable with it, you don’t have to. ”
“Uh, no…it’s not that. You just surprised me, is all. ”
She grinned.
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“So I’m the not the innocent girl-next-door you thought I was, huh?”
He shook his head, returning her grin.
“Ok. I’ll give you a safe word. Do anything you want unless I say ‘too much’. Understand?”
He nodded.
Michelle sat back on her haunches. “Ok, let me set this up for you. I’m just some whore you’re fucking. You know me and you don’t give a shit about my feelings, or if you hurt me. I’m only here for your pleasure. Got it?” He nodded. “And use lots of dirty talk. Call me a whore, a slut, a bitch. Tell me to suck your cock and force me to take it all. ”
He nodded.
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“Ok, I think I got it. Anything goes unless you say ‘too much’. ”
“Exactly. ” She looked over at Kristi. “Are you all right with this?”
Kristi raised her eyebrows and shrugged. “If it gets you off, go for it. ”
“All right. Just remember - he isn’t doing anything that will hurt me. I want this. Ok?”
Kristi nodded and sat up, clutching her knees to her chest. Michelle turned to Jake. “All right, game on!”
Jake got to his feet and stood before her. He reached down and grabbed her by the hair.
“You little whore. Suck my cock, slut!” He pushed her face into his groin and Michelle opened her mouth, allowing him to push her forward until most of his cock was in her mouth.
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She gagged a little but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. He began to push and pull her head back and forth as he rocked his hips against her. She felt her pussy becoming damp already.
After a few minutes of this, he ordered her to get on all fours and spread her legs. He dropped to his knees behind her and placed his cock at her wet slit.
“Now I’m going to fuck you, slut!” he growled.
“Do it!” she hissed. “I’m a whore and I deserve to be fucked hard!”
He pushed his cock against her opening and she pushed back. He didn’t want to hurt her and was going too slow. She looked back at him and said, “Remember the safe word, Jake! Don’t go easy unless I say it! Now fuck me hard!”
She emphasized her words with a quick push back and he responded by thrusting hard into her until his balls swung against her clit.
She moaned and hissed, “Yesss…like that! Again!”
He withdrew and slammed back in, his hands gripping her hips. Then again, and again. He could already feel the cum starting to boil and tried to force himself to think of something else - anything else. He managed to suppress it and continued to hammer at her until she began to wail.
“Oh god yes! Spank me! Tell me how much of a slut I am!”
Jake drew back and slapped her ass half-heartedly.
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He did it again, this time leaving a small red imprint.
Once again, his hand came down, this time with a resounding ‘thwack!’ and left a huge red imprint of his hand.
“Oh yeah! Like that!”
He slapped her ass again, grunting with the exertion. She howled in what could have been pleasure or pain - it was hard to tell.
“You fucking whore! You deserve a good hard spanking!” he gasped.
She mewled as he spanked her again, her right cheek glowing a crimson red. He decided to switch to the other side and soon had both of her smooth round ass cheeks glowing bright red.
He couldn’t believe he was lasting this long. At first he’d been a little leery of this weird sex game, but the more he did it, the more he liked it. He wondered if this was something that would appeal to Kristi. Or maybe even Angie?
Just the thought of the gorgeous b.