


Shana – A 18 year old runaway   Shana is a 18-year-old runaway, picked up by an older man while she is hitchhiking.   Little does either know what the outcome will be.   If you like it let me know – Uncledan_1@hotmail. com     Copyright by author 2005   A little about me.   I’m 6', 190 lbs, short cut lt br hair, hazel eyes and broad shoulders. Ten years back I was 50 and getting tired of the rat race. I was working as a programmer/analyst, trying to prepare computer systems for Y2K.   The more I thought about it the more I realized that I knew the ideal place if it was to happen.   A friend of mine had inherited 40 acres in the mountains that he was trying to sell.   I went to look at it and fell in love.   I was bordered on two sides by National Forest land.   We finally struck a deal that satisfied both of us and I was the proud owner 40 acres of mountain meadow.   I gave notice and retired. My 401K’s and my investment in the market were to give me a substantial base and continuing income.    I bought a good 4WD pickup and small camping trailer to live in and started building a cabin.   I selected a site that was downhill from a year around spring and laid out a two-bedroom cabin with kitchen, bath, large living room and a spacious enclosed porch that overlooked a small lake fed by the spring and on into the valley below.

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    All of this sat on a full basement.    As time progressed, I bought a larger generator and also installed a solar power system.   Next was a wood-fired hot tub, set in the enclosed porch.   With a cell phone and later DirectWay, I seemed to have all the amenities a man could ask for.    Late in the spring, two years ago, I was homeward-bound west on I70 from Denver where I had gone for my monthly shopping trip.   I stopped at an old-fashioned convenience store for a piss and a coke.   I parked around the side of the store by the restrooms and got out to relieve myself.   As I approached the mens room, I noticed the door of the ladies room was cracked open slightly and it appeared as if someone was peeking out.    I peed, went into the store and got my coke and returned to my truck.    Just as I was about to open the door on my truck a young girl stepped out of the ladies room.   She stood cautiously, with her back to the door and her hand on the doorknob.   She was blonde, blue eyed, slim, about 5'3, maybe 110 lbs with what I considered a knockout 34B-22-32 figure.   I really like small tits.   The down side was she looked tired and disheveled, wearing lo rider shorts and a tanktop.   Her other hand held a small canvas duffel bag.

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     “You going west?”, she asked in a timid voice.    “Yes,” I replied, “for a little way. ”   “Do you suppose I could hitch a ride?”, she asked.    I hesitated a moment, thought, ‘What the heck’ and said, “Sure. ”   I went around and opened her door, offering to put her duffle in the back but she clung to it tightly, placing it on the floor at her feet.    As I climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door, she offered her hand.    “Shana,” she said.    “Dan,” I replied.    She said that she had been frightened by her last ride.   The driver of the big rig had kept offering her a drink from his bottle.   He had stopped for another bottle and she had run and hid in the ladies room.    She was 16, from a small town in western Kansas.   Her father had died in the First Gulf War and her mother had taken to alcohol to try to forget her loss.   Her mother’s drinking and her continued fighting with her mother had gotten worse lately.   She finally had decided that she would run away.

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    She didn’t know for sure where she was going to go but thought that it would probably be LA.    I told her a bit about myself and where I lived.   After a while our conversation lagged and she started to nod off.   Once or twice she jerked awake but when she found that I was only driving and didn’t seem a threat, she dozed off, curled up in the seat.   The sight of her sleeping soundly was attractive and sweet, but not really arousing.   I guess I had not thought much about young girls, both with being busy and having an open relationship with an old friend in Denver, who was just as busy trying to keep her own small business going.   We usually saw each other whenever I went into town or on rare occasions when she would manage a weekend at the cabin.   This time she had been away to visit her sister in Dallas.    It was already early in the evening as we drew near the exit where I would get off the interstate and start up the mountain to my cabin.   I pulled into a rest area about 18 miles from my exit and woke her.   I told her that this was the last rest stop before my turn off and that there would probably be enough traffic that she would be able to catch another ride.    She thanked me for the ride, gathered her duffel and was opening her door when a big rig flew by, Jake brakes, then tires complaining as the driver tried to come to a stop.    In a flash, she was back in the seat, ducked down and pulling the door closed.    “Oh my god! ,” She exclaimed, “it’s him!”   I knew in an instant that it was the driver that had given her last ride.   Her face was ashen and her whole body was shaking.

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     “Please, sir,” she pleaded, “don’t leave me here. ”   I looked at her, helpless looking and frightened.    Finally I said, “You can come with me to the cabin and stay the night.   I give my word that you’ll be safe there and I’ll bring you back down in the morning. ”   “Oh thank you, thank you, I won’t be any problem at all,” she promised.   Then after a slight pause she asked, “You don’t drink, do you?”  “No silly, it’s just never been my thing,” I answered truthfully, “only a glass of wine occasionally. ”   “Well, I would have gone anyway, I think,” she said, “Anything is better then trying to dodge that brute.   At least you’ve had a shave and don’t smell bad. ”   We pulled back out on the interstate with her still huddling down in the seat until we were well back on the road.    As we drove toward my exit, she actually seemed to be excited about seeing my cabin, asking no end of questions about it and how I had come to live there.   The drive up to the headwaters of the Arkansas River is not that difficult.   You just have to be a little careful. Shana marveled at the mountains in their evening colors.   Once as we were passing an old mining town I heard her snicker at the name and when I looked over she was actually blushing.   This was the first, even oblique, reference to anything sexual that had passed between us.

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       When we arrived at the cabin she oohh’d and aahh’d, I think mostly because I had told her I had built it myself.   It was still an ego boost.    I showed her around quickly, how much of a ‘grand tour’ can you give with that few rooms.   First the bathroom, then kitchen and livingroom.   I indicated my bedroom and then showed her the guest room, telling her to make herself at home there.    I left her in the guest room and went out to unload the things I had purchased.   I needed to at the least to get the groceries out of the truck and into the house to keep them away from the critters that roamed at night.   I had no more than started when she came flying out of the house.    I thought that something had frightened her but all she wanted was to help me with the unloading.   When we got to the perishable items, she grabbed an armload and followed me down to the basement where the freezer.   I seemed to take no time at all and everything was unloaded. The all the while I was marveling at the enthusiasm of my helper.    “We’ve done enough for now,” I said, “I’ll finish it tomorrow.   How about a pizza for supper?”   “Sounds great,” she replied, then very timidly she asked, “May I take a shower before we eat?  I feel so grungy. ”   I said, “Sure, there are clean towels on the shelf, if you need anything else, just ask.

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    I’ll get the pizza started. ”   Shana headed off to the shower, I lit the oven and set it for pizza.   Then I went out to fire up the hot tub and bring in wood for the fireplace.    When the oven was ready, I put the pizza in, set the timer and started a fire in the fireplace.   Any time of year at this altitude it is cool at night and the fire does a nice job of keeping the chill off.    Shana came out of the shower dressed in a pair of cutoff jeans and a white blouse.   She had a towel wrapped around her hair and suddenly it hit me, I never used a hair drier so I didn’t have one.    She was no longer a bedraggled ragamuffin but a very beautiful and alluring young lady.   She had applied just a hint of makeup, accenting her natural beauty.     The pizza was right on time.   The ‘ding’ of the timer startled me out of the revery.   I turned quickly and retrieved two cokes from the fridge, set them on the table and went to get the pizza.   It wasn’t a lavish meal.   I could tell that she must not have eaten lately, but she would pause after each piece as if to ask permission for another.   We ate with little chatter, she consuming pizza and I admiring her beauty.

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     After pizza on paper plates, there isn’t much cleanup that the trash can can’t handle and we moved to the livingroom to sit watching the fire.   Shana had been strangely quiet all through supper and remained so as we sat watching the glow of the wood fire.   I wondered if the way I had looked at her when she came out of the shower was bothering her.     Finally she said, “I’m really tired, if it’s OK with you, I’m off to bed. ”     I replied, “Sure, I’ll see you in the morning, I’m headed to the hot tub. ”    The porch has large French doors in front of the hot tub and when they are open and there is a moon at night you can see it reflected on the lake.   I usually go naked in the hot tub but opt for an old ‘speedo’ suit tonight.   Thinking I’d be by myself I took a lighter and a joint with me.   All else aside, I’d sleep well.    I settled into the tub, lit the joint and relaxed.   My mind snapped back to the vision of Shana coming out of the shower.   I took another hit and my cock started to stir, trying to imagine what might have been under those cutoffs and blouse.   The more I thought about it the harder I got.   Part of my mind was saying, ‘Don’t even think about it’, but it kept coming back stronger each time.   Then I thought, ‘I’ll just get myself off and she won’t even know, so that will be all right.

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  ’   I had just reached down and was about to slip off the ‘speedo’ when I sensed some thing and turned to see her standing there watching me.    “That smells nice. ”  “ I couldn’t sleep. ”  “ I’d like to join you if it’s all right. ”  “ It’s just that I don’t have a suit. ”  All of this flowed from her mouth in a steady flow.    I couldn’t get out of the tub like this.    “The cutoffs are fine, but if you would like, there is an old flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, hanging on the rack in the entryway.   That way you won’t ruin your blouse. ”   She disappeared and came back in the shirt which was half way to her knees and hiding everything.   She got down into the tub and held out her hand, indicating the joint.    “May I?”, she asked.    I hesitated, then figured ‘what the heck’, passed it to her, even as I realized this could get out of control. Sex and drugs with a 18-year-old runaway.   I hadn’t really thought that it might go this far.

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     She scooted closer and handed back the joint. Our fingers touched and hers lingered a moment.   The contact was electric to me.   The shirt was wet now and flannel or not it was old and thin.   It was plastered around her breasts, clinging tightly to their shape.   My cock reacted to the sight, growing upward, held firmly against my stomach by the ‘speedo’.   I took another toke and passed the joint back to her.   Once again out fingers touched and lingered, noticeably longer this time.    She took another toke from the joint and started to pass it back.    I declined, “Enough already for me. ”   She took one more toke and put the jay in the ashtray.   ‘Smart girl’ I think, this is potent stuff from the high mountains.    She turned toward me on the tub seat, pulled one leg under her, exposing her breasts above water.   The cool air did its’ work and her nipples press against the thin old flannel.    “Do you really live here alone?” she asked.

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     “Yes”   “Ever get lonely?”   “Seldom, I keep pretty busy. ”   There was one of those indeterminate pauses that only pot can bring on, as both of us enjoyed the approaching high.    “What about the women in your life?” she asked.   I explained that I had been married and divorced.   That my wife had not wanted to have children and I had agreed to get a vasectomy.    Not to long after that my wife had become pregnant from a man she worked with and the divorce was the outcome.    “I also have an old friend in Denver that I see occasionally, I won’t live there.   She has a business that requires everyday personal contact with her customers and she won’t live up here. ”She looked out toward the lake and shook her head, “This is so different then Kansas. ”   A cool errant breeze slipped through the open doors causing her nipples to stiffen.   She caught me looking, blushed, then smiled.   “I think they’re too small,” she said.    “Oh NO,” I replied, “I like them like that, it must mean I didn’t go hungry as a babe. ”   Her face lit up into a broad grin.   “Really?” she asked.


     “Honest,” I replied.    “Does this stuff make you as horny as it does me?” she asked, indicating the roach in the ashtray.    “Probably more so,” I answered, “It brings back good memories when no one is around. ”   “I wish I had more good memories,” she said.    “You’re young yet, they seem to come with time,” I replied.    Her toes touched my leg. “I wish my time would come,” she stated.    By now my cock was rampant.   Should I really be doing this?   Her hand was laying on the rim of the hot tub.   I reached out and touched her fingertips with mine.   She pressed her thumb over my fingers.    She looked into my eyes and whispered, “Please, I just want to feel that someone loves me, even if it is only for tonight. ”   We reached for each other and our lips met, tentatively at first and then with passion.    Now all caution was thrown to the wind, we embraced and kissed, probing each others’ mouths in a hungry frenzy.   My hand slid through the cut off sleeve hole of her shirt and around her bare back, holding her close to me.

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     She threw one leg over both of mine and was sitting astraddle my lap facing me.   As we kissed, she moved toward me until we were tight together.    “Oh, you really do like me,” she gasped.   Her shirt had ridden up and she had nothing underneath.   The only thing now separating our lower bodies was the ‘speedo’ which had not manage to contain all of me.    Her hand came between us and between us and began to unbutton the shirt from top to bottom.   As she continued, the shirt gaped open and her hard nipples pressed against my chest.   When the last button was undone, her hand caressed the exposed portion of my cock above the ‘speedo’.    I removed my hand from the sleeve of her shirt and drew the shirt from her shoulders.    “Are you sure you want to continue this?” I whispered.    “Yes, it’s not as if I never have, it’s just that there always seemed to be something missing. ”   “Then let’s get somewhere more comfortable,” I said as I rose up, taking her hand and pulling her up with me.   Her other hand expertly drew the ‘speedo’ down my legs.   When she was standing, I released her hand and the shirt fell to the deck.   What appeared was a masterpiece of feminine beauty.

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    Venus de Milo with arms.   I followed her through the kitchen and livingroom watching ‘the most perfect ass’ in motion as she led the way to my bedroom.    She stopped by the bed and turned, holding her arms out to me.   We embraced and I leaned down to kiss her, fondling the cheeks of her ass as I held her to me.   I kissed her on the forehead and then trailed kisses down to her eyelids, the tip of her nose and finally to her parted lips.   Our tongues met, retracted and met again.   We began to duel in earnest, changing from foil to saber as we explored each others mouth.   My right hand released her ass and sought her breast, cupping nearly the whole breast and feeling the nipple grow taut against my palm.   Shana broke the kiss with a sharp intake of breath followed by a low moan.   I moved to kiss the side of her neck and licked and kissed to the hollow of her neck above her clavicles.    We moved against the bed and I laid her gently on her side and lay down facing her.   Her hands went to the back of my head, holding me tightly against her upper chest.   My right hand maintained a hold on her left breast, working the muscles of my palm on her stiff nipple.   Drawing my head down her body, my tongue flicked against her flawlessly smooth skin as my lips sought her other nipple.   It too was puckered tight and I rolled the sides of my tongue to form the letter ‘O’, extending and withdrawing my tongue and moving the tip as I caressed the tender bud.

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    Her hands pressed my head against her as she writhed with pleasure.   I retracted my tongue and opened my mouth, engulfed her tit, then retreated to the nipple and began to suckle.    Low animal sounds escaped from her throat, almost like the purring of a kitten.   She threw her left leg over me and drew our lower bodies together.   The tip of my hard cock pressed intimately against her mons, the heat of her passion suffusing through my whole body.   All action ceased for a time as we basked in the pleasure of our conjoined bodies, each of us clinging tightly to the other.    Shana’s left hand moved down my right side to my waist, sending chills and creating goose bumps as it went.   She proceeded to reach between us and encircled my cock with her fingers.    She began to stroke lightly up and down the shaft, causing my cock to pulse in her hand.    I had continued to suck on her breast and now cushioned my teeth with my lips, drawing the nipple between them, I bit gently.   She inhaled deeply and pushed my head even more firmly against her breast with her right hand.    My cock began to exude precum.   She took her thumb and spread it around the tip of my glans. The sensation, coupled with anticipation was bringing me closer than I wanted.   I didn’t want to cum just yet.

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    I withdrew my cock from her hand and coursed my tongue down her chest and stomach.   I paused at her navel, circling and then probing.   Her stomach tightened from the contact and once again she placed both hands on the back of my head.    I moved my right hand down and cupped her mons veneris.   My fingers were extended against, but did not penetrate the vestibule.   The base of my thumb caressed the downy softness of her fine, sparse pubes.   I alternately applied and released pressure on her mons and she responded by thrusting against my hand and spreading her legs to allow me access.    Shana rolled onto her back and I positioned myself between her outspread legs.   She raised her knees, placing her feet flat on the bed.   My tongue traversed the outline of her pubes and then down teasingly close to her nether lips.   The scent of her sex filled my nostrils, sweet and vaguely musky, permeating my whole being.   I continued up her right thigh kissing and nipping gently.   I reached her knee and looked up at her face.   She was lying with her eyes closed and was holding her lower lip between her teeth.   She was holding a breast in each hand, rolling her nipples with her thumbs and forefingers.

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    Her head was moving back and forth.   I glanced at her sex, her outer lips were swollen and slightly parted, moisture was gathering on her inner lips.   I changed to her left knee and started down her inner thigh in the same manner.    When I reached the juncture of her legs, I teased around her pubes with my tongue and then made full contact with my mouth on her pussy.   First one and then both of her hands came to the back of my head.   Her hips jerked upwards, pressing her cunt onto my face.   The sweetness of her taste rivaled her scent.   I pushed my tongue into her pussy, savoring her juices as they began to flow.   Once again I could hear the purring in her throat.    I placed my open hands on her lower abdomen, just above the rise of her mons, pressing down gently.   I lapped my tongue upward to her clit and sucking it between my lips holding it with my teeth.   I heard a deep intake of breath and began to move my tongue rapidly back and forth, up and down her clit.   She clutched at the bedclothes, moaning, her head rolling from side to side.   Shana’s legs clamped around my head, her thighs holding me in a viselike grip.   Her hips slammed into my face.

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    I continued to minister with my tongue until her entire body went rigid as she lifted to her heels and shoulders.    When she finally relaxed enough that her back lay on the bed and her thighs released my head, I flattened my tongue and drew it slowly from the base of her pussy to her clit.   This I repeated several times, each time curling the end of my tongue to probe the entrance of her vagina.   Once again I focused on her clit, holding her to me with my hands under her ass.   She approached her climax quickly the second time and exploded, her body thrashing about violently.    When her body had relaxed, she pulled my head up and looking into my eyes said, “Please fuck me, NOW.    I want to feel your cock deep inside of me. ”I rose to lie full length upon her and kissed her waiting open lips, letting her taste her own juices. She reached down positioning my cock at the entrance of her dripping cunt and trust her hips upward.     My cock entered into her well lubricated tunnel, the muscles in the walls of her vagina tightening around my swollen member.   I thrust forward gently, fearing that I might hurt her.   My fears were allayed as she bucked against me driving our pubes together.    “Oh FUCK!” she exclaimed, her arms holding tight around my back as her heels dug into my ass.    Savoring the moment, we lay perfectly still, only my cock pulsing in a slow rhythm with the contraction of her pussy.    We began a slow, easy lovemaking that increased like the crescendo in Maurice Ravel’s ‘Bolero’.

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    I’m sure that it lasted the full 18 minutes of an orchestral performance.    Her impending climax, accompanied with sharp pants and low moans, drove me to newfound heights as I held her knees against her breasts, pounding against her cervix with nearly every stroke.   Her cumming set off my own climax and I emptied my self into her with a long series of pulsing jets of hot jism.     We collapsed together, completely sated, kissing and murmuring together.    I awoke in the morning, spooned against her back, amazingly hard and nestled in the crack of her ass.   I kissed her on the back of her neck and slipped out of the bed, pausing to admire the vision that lay there.    I showered, dressed in cutoffs and t-shirt and was sitting on the porch when I heard her enter the bath and the shower start.   I got up and began to prepare breakfast.   I set the table and started bacon and ham (I didn’t know which she preferred) and hash browns.    The shower turned off and a few minutes later I heard her enter the kitchen.   I turned and there she stood, towel wrapped around her head, dressed in my old terrycloth robe, covering her from shoulder to toes.   She looked every bit an angel.    I held out my arms and smiled at her.   She broke into a smile and flew across the room, hugging me tight.   I put a finger under her chin and tilted it up, leaning down I kissed her gently on the lips.

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     “Did you sleep well?” I asked.    “Great, and guess what, I think I have my first really good memory,” she burst out.    During breakfast she looked seriously across the table at me.    Hesitantly she asked, “Could I stay another day?”   That was two years ago.    Two months later I asked a lawyer friend in Denver to make some discreet inquires for me.   He found that Shana’s mother had passed away as the result of an automobile accident soon after Shana had left.   He arranged for me to have full guardianship as she had no other relatives.    We visited her parent’s grave-site and arranged for a proper headstone.    Shana enrolled in the local high school and will graduate this spring and then go on to Boulder this fall.    And BTW, Shana has met my lady friend from Denver and the three of us have formed a ‘very special’ relationship. Comments (good or bad) will be appreciated.     Uncledan_1@hotmail. comI’m not sure that I’ll add to this, it all depends what the future brings. .





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