
Hymen Snap (Chapter Two)


The night after I first met Becca I had a pre-arranged meet with an older lady.

I drove up to a car park where I had had a couple of meets before and found that the woman in question and two additional gentlemen had arrived before me. I parked, unzipped and walked towards them, trying desperately to stroke some life into my beleaguered cock.

The other two men were both overweight and in possession of small penises (I certainly wouldn't be breaking my promise tonight) and they grinned at me as I approached. The woman (I forget her name but let's call her Sheila) was sucking one of them off whilst the other hand groped her hairy pussy. Behind me cars were roaring past infrequently but I didn't find myself turned on by the threat of discovery. All I saw was this fat, old lady, her sagging tits a perfect contrast to the blossoming ripeness of the breasts that I had lusted after in the afternoon.

And her cunt. Her cunt was a mess. Fat, wet and loose. All I could think about was Becca's cunt, even though I'd never seen it. Perfectly tight and untouched. I could, at that point, only imagine how it tasted and smelled, but as I watched Sheila finger herself I grew more and more entranced with the prospect of that eleven year old vagina.

Eventually I perked up and joined in this roadside fun. If there's one thing that can be said for older women, besides their inherent desperation, it's that they know how to pleasure a cock. Eventually I fucked her in the ass too and, in an act that rather disgusted me, one of the other two men felched my semen out.

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   The two men departed more rapidly than I could and I was left for those awkward few minutes with Sheila whilst she wiped herself down and packed up.

'Did you enjoy tonight, honey?' She spoke without care. Presumably she hadn't noticed my lack of interest in her sagging tits or ageing vagina.

'Sure' I said diplomatically, 'you were excellent. ' She smiled up at me.

'Thanks' She began to stroke the bulge where I had put my cock away. Running her hands up and down my length I was gripped by intense desire, even for this old lady. I grabbed her face and pulled it to mine, kissing her lips in the most juvenile way I could. Her rubbing of my trousers became a frenzied attack. If I couldn't fuck my 18 year old princess then I was going to degrade this old woman as much as I could. She seemed to be enjoying it.

Quickly I unzipped and removed my cock which was already hard. I forced her down on me for a couple of minutes, choking her on my length. Six inches isn't too much, but It'll still make an old lady gag. I didn't want to cum in her mouth so I pulled out and dragged her to her feet.

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   Subserviently she walked round to the front of her car. Violently I ripped off all her clothes until she stood before me, stark naked, in the middle of the car park. She seemed to be in a state of total arousal. My cock had gone slightly limp but I took it out and pointed it at her face. Pissing when aroused isn't ever easy but eventually it came.

A thin stream of golden urine spurted from my tip, splashed on her cheeks and round down her chest. With only a small supply of the nectar I moved in closer and forced her mouth open before filling it up with the last of the pee that I could muster. I could see her feverishly working her own cunt and at the same time trying not to wretch. I forced her to swallow it and then kissed her deeply tasting my own urine and her vomit which was coming up.

Throwing her onto the bonnet of the car I straightened my penis and immediately slid it into her. She gasped in restrained ecstasy and I continued to slide in and out of her, thumping against her hard each time. One hand steadied myself against the car bonnet but the other felt out her neck and slowly applied pressure. As I throttled her I looked down at my penis sliding in and out of her loose cunt and imagined that that vagina was small and tight and that the face above it was that of the 18 year old girl with whom I was becoming infatuated. Sheila gasped slowly as the pressure round her neck tightened but she continued to moan as I thrust deep into her.

Eventually she was crying out dangerously loud and, with a certain aplomb, I shot my load deep inside of her.

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   Pulling my hand off her throat I brought it down and slapped her as hard as I could around the face before punching a couple of additional thrusts into her.

I pulled away, exhausted, and watched her as she sat up, still in the afterglow of climax, and squeezed the cum out of her pussy. Even the joy of a creampie couldn't dispel my lasting wish that the girl squeezing my cum out of her vagina was Becca, and not Sheila.

That night once I had returned home I dreamt of Becca and all the next day I could hardly contain my excitement at going to see her and possibly getting to know more about her. A sick part of me said that I would give her five days to present herself as sexually willing, after which if I had received no inclination that she would consent to sex, I would rape her. But the part of me that had seen those tiny lips suck back on her teeth after I slid my hand down onto her ass thought that this drastic plan would be unnecessary. As fate turned out to have planned it my disgraceful thoughts proved groundless.

The next day, although I didn't know it yet, would be the first time that I had ever touched a minor inappropriately. . .

To be continued. . . Comment if you want more, plus suggestions and advice!



