
First Time For Vicky


But he is over 60 years old, saidGuy. Well maybe he is but he is in great shape, his body looksmore like he is 40. Guy, all my lady friends say that you boysdon’t become men until age 40 and Carlo has 20 years of experienceas a man, so he has the experience to teach our daughter whatshe needs to know in order to be popular with high school boys and men in general. Jean, how are we going to get Vicky to go along with this? After all she like all the other kids and people in generalthink that young is good and anything over 40 is bad, saidGuy. Guy, you and I will have to do a little brain washing. we willtalk to her about the benefits of learning about sex from anolder man. Jean, how will we convince Carlo Giovanni to teach our Vicky about sex? he is rather conservative, Italian/American, grandfather and I am not sure he would look at another woman. Guy, his wife hasn’t slept with him in years and if he is a redBlooded, Italian male, he is hot and horny. Leave him to me andI will convince him. He also likes Vicky a lot. Do you rememberhow he played with her in their pool last summer at the company picnic? They could not stop touching each other whilethey played in the water. Since there were so many people in the pool, Carlo didn’t think anyone would notice. The next day the front door slammed close as Vicky entered the house after school. Vicky, what the problem, dear, her mother asked? Vicky ran into her bedroom crying. Her motherfollows her into the room and sits next to Vicky on the bed. Jean, just sits there and waits for Vicky to calm down.

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  Oh mother I hate high school none of the boys even look at me and I got cut from the cheer leader tryouts. Vicky, I need totalk to you about your problem. Will you listen to me andquit crying, please. Yes, mother I will listen. Well Vicky youneed to learn about boys and sex. Yes, mother I agree. I don’tknow much about those two subjects, but I don’t know how to go aboutlearning. Most of the high school kids are all talk. They don’tknow shit and from I hear from other girls, boys don’t do anythingfor their girlfriend, only for themselves. Vicky, now that you are growing up I am going to tell you somethings I did when I was your age and even younger. Well my best friend and I both made the cheerleaders squad, when shelost her cherry to the captain of the varsity football team. Agood looking guy by the name of Josh Logan. Well it was a verybad experience for her. He did it in the back seat of his dad’s car in the high school parking lot after the game. He didn’t take his time to make sure she was ready, he just rammed it in anddid his thing and took her home in pain, both physical and psychological.

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   I talked to my mom and told her about what happened. But mom was from the old school, sex was bad, butnecessary and only after you got married. So I asked my auntSue, she was a lot younger than mom and being dad’s sister, shewas a lot more with it than mom. Since aunt sue had never gotmarried and had lots of boy friends, I just knew she could helpme understand about boys and sex. Aunt Sue told me that having sex with boys was like taking a ride in a high powered car without any brakes, fast acceleration but no control. A dangerous, one with little or no consideration for your pleasure and welfare. Aunt Sue said it was important thatthe first time you had sex that it was a good experience. AuntSue said that males don’t grow up to become men until the ageof 40. These men are better partners for women of any age, butin particular for girls with little or no experience, because:1) they have more experience2) they understand women and our bodies better3) they have more patience, are not in a big rush4) they want to please us5) they are less likely to be focused on only pleasing themselves,6) they are less likely to be wrapped up in their career, their job, and themselves7) they know more about the mechanics of sex and how toadapt this knowledge to meet our needs and their. 8) more likely to cooperate with you when you desire to become a mom, by planting his seed where and when it will do the most good. 9) they make better dad’s because they have grown up enough to realize how important it is to be a good dad and will spend as much time as possible at home with you and the kids. God mom, I never though about these things, but they seemto make sense. But dad is the only older man I know, but you and I know that dad and I are too much alike for me to be comfortable with and he is after all my dad and I cannotdo anything with my dad, no way!Vicky, there is another mature male you know, just think about it for a while and when you remember who he is cometalk to me about him. When Vicky was in bed her mother looked in to say good night and Vicky said mom could it bedad’s boss Carlo? Yes, dear you are exactly right. Well momCarlo is a lot of fun and he so nice and nice looking too.

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   But,I so seldom see him that even if I wanted to it would not bepossible. Vicky, I think i can help you in this matter, but only for youto spend some quality time with Carlo, everything else willhave to be up to you. Mom, didn’t I hear you tell dad that in spite of the fact that his wife doesn’t sleep with him anymore he doesn’t have any lady friends. Yes, dear I did say that, but when there is a will there is a way. I know Carlolikes you a lot! Remember your time in the pool with him last year at the company picnic?Yea, that’s right we had agood old time hugging, pushing, shoving and of course splashing each other. Vicky, I happen to know that Carlo has to go to Californiafor some business, at Stanford University the same date youhave your trip for that awesome soccer tournament in the same area of the state. your dad and I cannot go because of someof our best friends are coming to visit us that week end. Well it seems that the team mom and the coach said that arelative from each family had to travel with each playeron this trip. I was going to call your aunt, but I think I cantalk Carlo into being your uncle for the week end. Remember the last soccer trip? Due to the fact yougirls didn’t get any sleep because you talked to each other all night, you ran out of gas and lostin the final so now the coach want each girl in her own room withonly her adult family member. Vicky, I need you to be honest with me. Now tell me the truth,are you still a virgin?Mother, how could you ask me sucha personal question? Yes, I know dear but it is a very important question, so tell me the truth. Well all right,I am sure you will be glad to hear that I am. I am glad Vicky,I didn’t want you to have a very unpleasant experience yourfirst time. Well Vicky, I am going to make an appointment for you withmy doctor and have him put you on the pill right away.

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   And Vicky I will arrange it so we will have Carlo over for dinner one night and see if he need someone to man his nice,large, sail boat. He told me no one in his family wanted to sail, so he was unable to do what he loves so much, sailing. Mom, that sounds so neat. You know that I have been dying tosail on his type of boat. All that time I spent learning how to sail during that class the country club offered lastsummer, will help me a lot. Mom, this is interesting but I do not think i can pullthis off. I don’t have enough experience. Vicky, you arevery pretty and have a great body, no man will be ableto resist you, but first we must buy you some clothesthat will make you irresistible. The first thing we buy issome very hot, bikinis, thongs and bras. Jean had called Carlo to make an appointment to talk tohim. They met at the country club and had a drink. Jean explained the problem that she and her husband not beingable to go with Vicky to California with her soccer team. Jean asked this as a special favor of one of her favoritepeople, Carlo. Well Jean you know I think the world of Vicky, but I wouldn’t feel right, what ifsomething happens during the trip. Carlo, we will give youlegal permission to do what ever is necessary if she getshurt or sick and we will give you a release from liability,also.

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   Jean, I just don’t have the time, I cannot do it. Carlo,Ii was trying not to bring this up but you don’t leave meany choice, Carlo, remember that night when I came over toyour house to see how your wife was doing after the death of your daughter, well as you remember she was at thechurch and it was only you at home. You had been drinking and offered me a drink. i felt so bad for you, since she was your only daughter and as I remember she was about Vicky’s age when she died. Well I felt so bad i hugged you and we both cried and cried and the next thing I know weare in your bed making each other feel better by making love. You were so out of it I am not sure you would remember what happened. But, before I left you thanked me forhelping make you forget about all the pain you had buriedin your soul. Jean, you bring up a very painful time, which I had put out of my mind. well, I guess I owe you a favor and yes I will playUncle for the week end, but after that we are even, right?Yes, Carlo we will be even. But as a way to let you two getto know each other better so you will be more comfortablewith each other, I would like you to come to dinner at ourhouse. I will fix you that special veal chop dinner you like so much. Carlo, don’t forget to bring your swim suit. The following Saturday Carlo showed up at 5:00 p. m. sharp.

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  Guy, opened up a bottle of French hard apple cider andpoured Carlo a generous portion into a chilled mug. Thistop of the line hard cider was what Carlo liked to drinkprior to dinner. Everyone was already in their swimming gear and Carlo went in to change into his. After he changedCarlo dove into the deep end of the pool. He was no soonerinto the pool when Vicky showed up and dove into the deepend right after him. Carlo watched Vicky get out of the pool and he was stunned to see how she had filled out. lastyear she was a pretty girl, this year she was a beautiful, sexy woman. By god. Vicky’s bikini was a master piece ofSexual stimulation, it left little to the imagination. Shenoticed him for the first time and said hi Uncle Carlo and proceeded to dive back into the pool, but first pulled thevery thin material of her bikini out of her slit between herlegs, she did this very slowly allowing him to watch herexpose her pussy for a moment. Carlo felt his blood pressure rise to the boiling point. Vicky swam over to Carloand then put her arms around his neck and gave him a softkiss on the lips. Uncle Carlo, I missed you so much after our littlesplash in the pool at last year’s company picnic, where haveyou been keeping yourself? Vicky, I was hiding from you, you little tease. My doctor told me to stay away from you because you make my blood pressure go sky high. Uncle isthat any way to talk to your niece, well almost niece, my almost uncle.

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   You are my favorite uncle. Did you know that?Carlo responded to her flirting by tossing her into the air and away from him; head first, but upside down. she hit thewater like a sack of potatoes. The impact stunned her but she quickly swam underwater and grabbed his legs andyanked him underwater. they came up for air in a mass oftangled limbs. Before Carlo could get his bearing, Vickypushed him under water and at the same time she clampedher lips over and stuck her tongue between into his mouth and grabbed his tongue with hers. as they went underwaterCarlo was so stunned he didn’t know what to do but herproactive tongue was so insistent he had to respond in kind. as they came up for air they pulled apart and at that moment, Jean walked up and told them dinner was ready. Carlo watched Vicky dry off and she asked him if he would dry her back. he enjoyed the closeness of her body and after he dried her, she took it upon herself to dry his back. At dinner Carlo opened a bottle of fine, expensive, Italian,red wine that he had brought with him. the wine was 18 old and was so smooth that even Vicky though it was incredibly good. Since jean had purchased prime veal chopsthe meal was a good as the wine. by the time they had finished the second bottle of this fine wine, Carlo was feeling no pain and his resistant to Vicky’s charm was low. So when she dared him to see who could dive the greatest distance into the pool.

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   Vicky was an excellent soccer playerand in great shape, but Carlo was at one time a professionalsoccer player and was still in great shape, so it was so close they called it a tie. Then she dared him to see who was thefastest to swim from one end of the pool to the other. Carlowas winning when Vicky cheated by grabbing his legs. Carloproceeded to duck her and would not let her up until shehad swallowed a mouthful of water. Vicky came out of thewater like a rocket, spitting water and her body sucked upto his, allowing him to feel the heat of her body and her lovely, firm breasts. She beat on his chest and called hima monster uncle, but laughed as she said it. Carlo put hisarms around her so she couldn’t hit him and this resultedin pulling her closer. When this happened she could feelhis hardness between his legs, pressing between her legs. Vicky felt her pussy throb and lubricate. She was stronglyattracted to Carlo they had a special chemistry that made them very comfortable talking to each other. Carlo was such a nice, kind man and so friendly. He had aWonderful, sense of humor, but he always treated her likean equal. He never talked down to her. After they got out of the pool and dried off they sat and talked to her parents. Jean, listened and picked the righttime to talk about Carlo sail boat.

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   She asked him if he stillneeded a first mate. Carlo said yes. I have not been ableto sail for months. Carlo, I have a first mate for you this person graduated top of the sailing class last year. Jean,who are you talking about I have even run ads and am willing to pay, but no takers, well lots who don’t know anything. Carlo, she is sitting right next to you. Vicky, Ididn’t know you could sail. This is great i cannot wait toget my boat into the water. Vicky, do you want to be myfirst mate? Sure Carlo, I love to, I love sailing. Well Vicky are you free this Saturday?Sure, Carlo what time? Howabout 8:00 a. m. ? Sounds great, is there anything I need to bring? Only your swim suit, sun screen and a towel. I willhave the food prepared in advance by my favorite cateringservice. So met me at the marina at dock k7, at 8:00 a. m.

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   sharp. Theweather report says that the winds should be ideal. We willsail to a beautiful island about 40 miles from the marina. Itis privately owned and the owner is a friend. The trip will take all day and we will be back late. Jean is that ok withyou and Guy?Carlo, just take good care of our baby andsee that no harm come to her, that’s all we ask. We trust you andit is ok for her to spend the day sailing with youSaturday morning at 8:00 a. m. Jean, dropped Vicky off atthe dock and waved hi to Carlo then was gone. But on theride over to the marina asked her mother for some tipson how to seduce Carlo. Well dear be sure to make sure youtouch him accidently as much as possible. Sail boats don’t have much space so it will be easy to accidently rub yourbody against his. The second most important thing is to lethim see bits and pieces of your body and again accidently. Don’t wear a bra and let your white t-shirt getshit by sea spray. It is interesting to watch his face when herealizes he can see your breasts, as if you have nothing on.


  Pretend you don’t have a clue as to what is going on. Whenyou anchor the boat put your bikini on and then you go on deck and ask Carlo if is ok for you to go topless, ifthere is no one else around. When you are scuba diving makesure your bikini bottom is pulled up tight between your lips and try to get ahead of him while swimming underwater. this will give him a good view and don’t be afraid to bump into while making a lot of flesh to flesh contact. By 8:15 a. m. they were in the channel headed out to sea. Vicky wearing short, white shorts and white t-shirt anddeck shoes. She followed Carlo instructions without troubleand found the system that handled the sails we the bestand easiest to use that she had ever experienced. Before theyknew it all the sails were rigged and the boat cut through the sea like a knife. The sea was perfect, just enough wind todrive the boat but not enough to make the sea rough. Afterfour hours of sailing they came to a cove north of Seattlewhere they dropped anchor. The cove was isolated and could not be seen from the ocean. Carlo asked Vicky if she wanted to swim before they had lunch. She said she did andboth of them went down to their separate rooms and changed.

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  When she came out she asked Carlo if it would beO. K. if she went topless. Carlo’s face got red and Vicky saidthat no could see her, Carlo said what about me. Vicky said you don’t have to look if you don’t want to. Carlo said O. K. but you swim on one side of the boat and I will swim on the other. So Vicky took her top off while Carlo had hisback turned. She dove into the water and proceeded to diveunder the boat and came up under Carlo and pulled him down. As he came down Vicky slid up his body, she was facing him and rubbed her breasts on his chest and wrapped her armsaround his body and Carlo struggled to get free and thenVicky slid further up and wrapped her legs around his neckand let him push her out of the water. When she was out ofthe water she stood on his shoulder and dove back into thewater, then treaded water laughing with Carlo who started to swim over to her when he remembered she was topless and proceeded to swim to the other side of the boat. Vicky climbed back on the boat and waited until Carlo started to climb on to the boat and she stood above him andoffered him her hand, making it impossible for him not to stare at her breasts. Carlo was not too sure what part of him hadthe most blood his dick or his red face. Vicky ate her lunchacross from Carlo so he had to look at her hot, sexy body.

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  After lunch they put the sail up and pull the anchor andwere up to speed in no time. Vicky left her bikini bottom onand her top off, and Carlo did not change back into his sailinggear, also. Carlo could not keep his eyes off Vicky’s beautiful breasts. They looked like they were carved out of alabaster. Firm,proud and no sag. They were the perfect size for Vicky, nottoo big or too small. Vicky was a real beauty, slim waist, nice tight ass and hips that were perfect, thought Carlo. Vicky made sure that Carlo could see her tits as much aspossible and in profile seemed to get his attention the most. Carlo had a constant hard on. He tried to will it down andhad no luck thanks to Vicky. Carlo as captain of the vesselwas at the wheel steering, when Vicky asked if she could steer the boat and Carlo being a nice guy said ok, but I haveto be behind you in case of any sudden trouble. So Vicky steered the boat with Carlo standing not too close behindher. Vicky, thought to herself this is not working so shepretended to slip and lose control of the wheel thus forcing Carlo to move up against Vicky so he could grab the wheel. Vicky pretended to fall back against Carlo andfelt his hard dick pressing between her legs. as she fell backwards she put her hands behind her to catch herself,but instead she ended up grabbing Carlo’s swim suit with one and pulled it down and then his cock with the other hand.

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  . . holding it until he moved her to the side, but holding her up with one arm and steering with the other hand. As soon as Vicky caught her balance she moved back to steer the boat and leaned back into Carlo who could not resistand moved his hands over her breasts. Vicky’s breasts felt like theywould explode they were so hot and this heat was drivingher pussy wild. Vicky tried to reach back and grab Carlo’scock and he knocked her hands away. But, he kept his handson Vicky’s hot breasts. Vicky was so hot she was dripping on thedeck of the boat. Carlo had pulled his swim suit back up and Vicky never gota chance to look at his cock. She wanted to look at it, buteven more so wanted to get her hands on it. Carlo, I am like a different person when I am with you. what do you mean Vicky, asked Carlo? well when I am with boys atmy school I am shy and backwards. I am too scared to evenkiss them, but with you I am not at all shy, don’t you agree. yes, Vicky in fact I find it hard to believe you are shy withboys at school. Carlo the fact is I don’t even like the boysat school.

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   they treat us girls as dumb stuffed, displayed models. Carlo, one of the reason why I am so backward is becauseI know very little about sex. I am afraid to tell anyoneof my class mates including my girl friends. Vicky, I am sorry to hear about your problems. I can appreciate howdifficult school must be for you. you need someone thatyou can talk to and explain these things to you. Carlo, doyou know anyone who could help me? I need an experiencedolder man who would not hurt me. no Vicky I don’t knowanyone. well Carlo, I just though of someone. bet you cannot guess who it is. Vicky, you got that right I don’t havea clue. well it’s you Carlo. come on Vicky, no way are you going to talk me into this. Vicky starts crying, tears flow out of her as if a dam has broken. Carlo, if you don’t help meI am going to become a total outcast.

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   I will flunk out ofschool. I need someone to help build up my self-esteem. Carlo, you are the only person who can help me. please, asshe continued to cry. poor Carlo he was torn in two. he wanted to help her but he know this was wrong, but hishands and the rest of his body did not agree… well maybeI can help but I will not have sex with you. I will only showyou what should be done prior to having actual sex. Vickystopped crying and threw her arms around Carlo and kissedhim hard on the lips. O Carlo, you are such a wonderful person, you are so kind. you won’t be sorry I will do anything you ask and will not give you any problems. Vicky, this has to between the two of us. you are a young girl anda lot of people including parents would not understand and i do not want to go to jail. Carlo, I will not tell anyone. promise, cross my heart. Carlo, put the auto pilot on and took Vicky back into the eating area of the boat, which also served as extra sleepingbunks.

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   he took Vicky in his arms and kissed her gently andher tongue came out to duel with his. the longer they dueled the more passionate it became. Carlo, started kissingVicky up and down her neck very gently and then nibbled on her ear and put his tongue tip into her ear. his actions were making her so hot she couldn’t hold still, her bodyvibrated like a string on a violin. he then kissed his waydown her body to her breasts, where he kissed, sucked andlicked her nipples until she thought they were going to become so hot they were going to burst into flames. turned on by his sensitive touches, Vicky’s pussy was forcing herhips to rotate, side to side, back and forth. Carlo, continuedkissing his way down her body, putting his tongue tip into her belly button making Vicky gasp, then Carlo kissed hisway down the inside of her thighs down to her delicate feetwith her painted toes and cute toe rings. Vicky could hardly bear the tingling shooting down her legs to her pussy. He took off her bikini bottoms and then kissed her sensitive areas of her thigh with hislips and licked his way up to her pussy where he kissed andlicked the areas around her pussy. Vicky’s body was on pins and needles in anticipation, waiting for him to kiss her virgin,hot box. to Vicky, Carlo was taking forever, so she told himto put his mouth on her pussy, I cannot take it any longer, lick me now! Carlo, found it difficult to say no to Vicky, sohe slid his tongue into her sopping pussy. He licked from thebottom to the top, then sucked on her hole, inhaling thejuices that she was pumping out of her pussy, the quantity was so huge he had a hard time breathing. He moved up toher clit where he kissed and nibbled it gently and Vickybucked so hard she knocked Carlo backward away from her body and she screamed so loudly it hurt Carlo’s ears. Carlo, left her sprawled out, dead to the world, and wentback to the steering wheel. when Vicky finally came outof it, they were about to drop anchor at the island of Carlo’s friend, Alberto Rizi.

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   Al Rizi was extremely wealthy and had retired to this island. no one else could live on theisland since al owned it lock, stock and barrel. Vicky, helped Carlo drop the sails and the anchor. they are dinner with al and his wife Gina. Gina cooked anincredibly delicious meal of spinach lasagna which included buffalo milk mozzarella cheese and veal. everything was made from scratch or was imported. al served an outstand imported Italian red wine, a 1996 Brunello. It was so good that even Vicky, who did not drink,liked it. After dinner Vicky and Carlo got back on his boat and sailed home. On the way, Vicky again teased Carlo by makingsure her t-shirt got wet so Carlo could see her awesomebreasts. They were so firm, some might think she had implants, which gave her an idea. Carlo, do you like whatyou see? do you think they aren’t real?Vicky, Carlo said,they look good but i cannot tell by looking. Carlo, do youknow of any way of telling?no Vicky I don’t. Carlo, I can think of one, said Vicky. you do.

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   who is it? Vicky pushed herbreasts into Carlo’s back firmly and put her arms around his waist and said you will have to put the boat on auto – pilot,first then I will tell you. Carlo did so and turned toward Vicky. Vicky quickly pulled her wet t-shirt over her head and grabbed him around the neck and kissed him. At first he resisted but as her tongue pushed between his lips forcing him toopen his mouth, his tongue met hers and danced together,back and forth. She pulled back grabbed his hands and putone on each of her breasts and looking him in the eye witha beautiful smile radiating from her face, she said feel them. do you, can you feel any implants, Carlo? Carlo, gently, very gently felt around each of her breast and gently started to kiss and suck on each. This is exactly what Vickywanted, she was so turned on. Then Carlo said to her, VickyI cannot feel any implants, so yours are god given and theyfeel so good and look even better. Carlo, you are so nice and have made me feel so good. Whatcan I do to make you feel good? Not waiting for an answershe reached down and gently held his cock. His cock wasalready semi-hard before and now was rock hard. she undidhis belt, pulled down his zipper and pushed his shorts down to the deck. his cock was trying to drill a hole through hissilk, imported, form fitting underwear. Vicky, quickly, butgently pushed his underwear down to his ankles and stroked his cock, which was acting like the safety releasevalve on a steam engine, which was about to burst. Vicky,dropped to her knees and started to lick his cock, Carlo wastrying to push her away.

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   his mind said no, but his body said yes. once she had started to lick his cock his mind gave up and gave in, Carlo, I have never done this before, please tellme what to do, you promised to teach me, to help me. Vicky,keep doing what you are doing but open your mouth and putmy cock into your mouth and start sucking on it and at thesame time use your hand to move up and down on the base ofcock. hold my cock gently while doing so and at the same time lick and suck my cock. move your head up and down while you are doing this also. in a few minute I will cum in your mouth and don’t worry it does not taste bad. many girls like the taste. I will try to let you know when I amcoming, so you won’t be surprised. You have a choice to makeyou can spit it out or you can swallow it. It will not make you sick, and most men think it is very sexy for a girl to swallow. It is a big turn on. So Vicky, an excellent studentdid exactly what she was told and soon, too soon Carlo, felt himself start to come and told her so. she didn’t say anything, but was determined to please him and pushed hiscock into her throat and swallowed as best she could. Hewas incredible, she though she would die before he stopped. she felt like she was wetting her pants when Carlo wascoming in her mouth.

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   After they both calmed down, she toldhim about that. Vicky, you just had an orgasm, sounds like itis your first. I guess so, I have heard the girls at school talking about making themselves orgasm, but I don’t play withmyself. Vicky, you don’t know how to make yourself orgasm?No I don’t and I hear it is a lot better if some else does it foryou. I rather you did it for me like earlier today. The boat got to the dock after dark and late that night. Carlo, thanks her for her help and dropped her off at herhome. Vicky, had tried to get him to make love to her, but he refusedand got so mad he would not touch her or let her touch himthe rest of the trip home. He had told her up front that hewould not have vaginal sex with her, ever!After Vicky got ready for bed her mom came into her roomto say good night. Vicky, dear how did things go with Carlo?Well at first things seemed to go well mom, but then I gotcarried away and tried to get him to make love to me and hegot mad and would touch me anymore or let me touch him. Vicky, you mean you didn’t get him to do anything. No, mom Ididn’t say that. Before he got mad he licked my pussy and Iwent down on his cock. Well dear that sounds like progress and by the way did you get him to come in your mouth and if so what did you do with his cum? Well after Carlo said thatguys like it best when a girl swallows, I wanted to please hima lot, so I swallowed. it wasn’t easy because I had never done it before and he came so many times I thought I was going to drown.


   But, he tasted pretty good, nothing like Itasted before, but I could find him habit forming. I wonder,mother is cum fatting?Well dear if it was fatting a lot ofladies including your mother would be at least 20 poundsheavier than we are. Vicky, remember we are taking Carlo out to dinner this week end. we going to that great Italian restaurant thatCarlo and your dad like so much, then we are going to the niceDanza club with all the hot young people, who have money and like to dress up. God mom, that place is hot they have 4 dance floors and each one has different music. Yes, dear theone we will take Carlo to has nice slow romantic music andis very sexy in its atmosphere. mom, what am I going to do? Iscrewed things up. Well Vicky dear, be patient and be sexy. don’t push him, let him come on to you. but you have to be prepared to stir the pot. we are going to buy you a dress that is conservative, but at the same time is very beautiful and sexy like you. You need a dress that brings out the bestof your beautiful body. I saw a fantastic dress made of silkthat was champagne white in color. This color is perfect forsomeone with your coloring. Vicky’s skin had a nice Italianolive glow and her hair was a stunning red.

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   It was natural,but only ladies who spent a lot of money at a high class beautysalon could duplicate it. Her eyes were a brilliant brown with flecks of green sprinkled over them. her complexion was perfect. Her father’s family came from the south ofItaly, while her mother’s came from the north of Italy. Hermother had much lighter colored skin and green eyes, with redhair. her dad had olive skin and dark brown eyes and hair. Vicky’s hair was naturally curly with a reddish gold luster. Vicky is about 5’ 4” tall, 110 lbs. , with a perfect body and her breasts ideal for her body: c cup with outand sag and the face of an angel, sometimes a naughty one. Vicky did not need glasses or contacts since her vision was better than 20/20Vicky liked people andpeople liked her. She was always trying to get other people to feelbetter about themselves. She was a natural leader. Vicky, was an exceptionally intelligent person, who tookall the challenging classes in high school and alwayshad the top grades in her classes. Beneath all that wonderful beauty beat a heart that lacked self-confidence. Vicky felt she was not beautiful and felt that no one liked her.

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   Since Vicky was new at herschool she did not know any of the kids in her classes. Vickydid not dress in such a way to call attention to herself, hermother thought to herself. the following Saturday Vicky found herself enjoying a great meal at Antica Napoli. Carlo was in rare form tellinga lot of funny, but interesting stories to a captive audience. Vicky heart felt so happy to be near him, her heart was close to exploding. Her pussy was heating up and caused herto day dream about having him touching her, making love to her and pleasing her in every way possible. Vicky had a few stories she told that Carlo found very funny. He thought to himself this girl is very smart and mature beyond her years. For the first time he looked at her as awoman, not just a cute little girl. Her dress and limited useof make up made her look 18 years older, Carlo thought andwhat was that perfume. Carlo, was having trouble thinkingdue to the sensory over load coming through his eyes and his nose. God she smells incredible and words were lacking for how good she looked. Guy, ordered champagne for everyone, they managed to sneak Vicky a glass or two. Vicky was seated next to Carlo,unlike dinner, where she was across from him. The bubbleswere making Carlo feel nice and mellow and before he knewit his upper leg was rubbing against Vicky’s.

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   When Vicky felthis leg rubbing against her, she was at first shocked, but pleased. She did not pull away or do anything and then shefelt his hand reach over under the table and touch her hand resting in her lap. she opened her fingers and interlocked his fingers with his. Just then her dad said letsdance, Carlo do you mind dancing with Vicky while I dancewith her mom?No problem guy, both ladies are very special. So Guy and Jean proceeded out on the dance floor and talked about Vicky and Carlo, Jean brought Guy up to dateon what was going on. Jean, I got to hand it to you and Vicky,you might just pull this off, but still Carlo said no sex andif I know Carlo he is not about to change his mind. That manis tough and he has a lot of self-control. Once when we went together to a business convention two very hot, young beautiful ladies came on to us in the hotel bar. Theywere college students who had to lose their virginity in order to get into a sorority. Well it did not happen becauseCarlo would not let them drag him off to their room. Thosegirls would not take no for an answer, they had had guyshitting on them for sex all the way through high school and now when they wanted to, the guy they hit on tells them no. They were in shock when they finally went offfor greener pastures. Guy, those girls were cruisers, VickyIs a battleship. When she unloads all her weapons he willbe blown out of the water. Vicky and Carlo were dancing in the darkest part of the floor and were holding each other very close.

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   Vicky couldfell hard cock pressing into her body making her pussy scream out pleasure sensations thought her body. Her breasts were extremely sensitive from rubbing against Carlo chest. Her nipples were hard as ice, but hot as fire. Vicky was talking intelligently to Carlo about a subjectdear to him, sailing. she was asking him questions abouttactics used in racing large sail boats. Her in depth knowledge impressed Carlo. He seldom met anyone who knew as much, and never a person so young in age. She istruly a woman, not a girl. He knew he need a woman, a partner, but this is stupid she is a high school student and I am old enough to be her grandfather. I cannot make love tosuch a young person, but I did promise to teach her some things. Carlo and Vicky were enjoying each other companyso much that Vicky, started to think about Carlo as a manshe could love and live with, not just someone to teach herabout sex. what did mom say about older men? she was soright. better 20 years with a kindred spirit than a life timewith some self-centered, immature boy. Vicky did not wantto wait 20 years or more for a boy to grow up. Mom, got married when she was still in high school and she and dadhave a great marriage and her dad was in has forties whenhe married her mom.

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   Carlo, askedVicky what other thingswas she interested in. Vicky said soccer and Carlo i understand you were a very good striker. Yes, Vicky, in factI still play on a men’s team, most of the players are closer to your age than mine, but my skills of mind and foot makeme dangerous in front of the goal. Gosh, Carlo I got to seeyou play, this is awesome. I too am a striker, but I could surestand to learn a thing or two. When are you next going to play?Vicky, I am going to play tomorrow at 1:00 p. m. as marrow field #1. I have a pass in my car that I will give youlater, ok? Sure, I love to go, could you pick me up? we are short of wheels tomorrow. Vicky, I have to be there by noon, so I can pick you up at 11:30 a. m. Carlo, sounds good. then they quit talking and just held each other and enjoyed thephysical contact as they inhaled the enticing odors coming off their bodies. Carlo, looked forward to Vicky’s companythe following day. He wanted to touch her and to be touched by her.

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   He was so lonely, god he needed her company! Vicky went home with her parents who gentlyquestioned her about Carlo and what she was thinking. She toldthem she liked him a lot and every time she was with him sheliked him even more. The next day Vicky watched Carlo play an amazing gamehe did not run all over the place like the young guys, buthe popped up at the right time to score three goals. His teamwon three to zero. His one on one on one skills were awesome. He repeated beat defender faster, bigger and stronger than he was. She told him how impressed she was and how much she learned from watching him play. Carlo,thanked her and asked if she would like some lunch. He tookher to his home where he told her they would be getting their lunch delivered by the best French restaurant in town. After an excellent meal, but not too filling, butwith an excellent French white wine. He had picked a winewith a slightly sweet after taste just to please her. Whenhe had picked her up he told her to bring her swim suit andnow they put their swim gear on and dove into the pool tocool off. climbing out of the pool Vicky spread out on a recliner and Carlo stretched out on the one next to her. she asked him to put lotion on her back as she untied the back of her bikini and laid on her stomach while Carlo rubbed lotion slowing teasing her skin. He moved down herbody and rubbed her legs, carefully working his way up theinside of her thigh getting closer and closer to her pussy.

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  When she did not say anything and her breathing got heavier, he asked her if she would like her bottom protectedalso?Sure, Carlo. As he started putting the lotion on herbottom, he said it would be easier if the bikini bottom was pusheddown a bit, so Vicky pushed it down and he worked on thisexposed area and he asked her to pull it down a littlemore, a little more until the bottom was down to her ankles. As he rubbed lotion between her legs his finger tipstouched her pussy lips ever so carefully and Vicky spread her legs a little wider and when he touched her pussy withmore pressure from his fingers, she spread her legs even wider. Carlo asked Vicky if she wanted her front covered. she rolled over and removed her bikini top. Carlo, rubbedthe lotion on he shoulder and arms her lower stomach andthen carefully around the out side of her breasts. Carlo, aren’t you going to do the rest of my breasts? They are verytender and burn easily. So, Carlo started apply lotion toher nipples and Vicky’s breasts became alive driving her pussy into overdrive. Carlo, working his way down Vicky’sbody until he was playing with her most private area. Vicky’s body vibrated under his touch. Carlo, leaned between her legs put his lips over her pussy and licked herback and forth, causing Vicky to orgasm for only the second time in her short life. He keep sucking her pussyand nibbling on her clit driving her into one orgasm afteranother. Finally he stopped and Vicky was allowed to comedown from her heavenly cloud. Thank you Carlo that was wonderful, but I owe you now. Yes, Vicky you do owe me, he said as he pushed her to her knees in from of him when he reached toward his trunks she stopped him and pulled histrunks down to his feet.

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   She touched his cock and caressedhis mighty weapon and then licking his cock with her tongueuntil it was as hard as possible. Vicky, inserted his cock intoher mouth and she started to suck his cock and pushed itinto her throat, when Carlo said now to take one step further in your lesions on sex, try to swallow my cock down your throat, you must learn to control your gagreflex and your breathing. Breathe through your nose. Changethe angle of your throat until you find what is most comfortable for you. Try to swallow my whole cock downyour throat. Vicky worked diligently to follow his instruction. She was able to swallow more and more of hiscock, but she needed more practice, but Carlo, recognizedhow fast she improved and soon he was pouring molten lavainto her throat. Vicky swallowed without any problems this time and again she had another orgasm. Carlo’s kneesbucked because he came so hard. He could remember comingthat hard for his wife or for any other woman. Vicky and Carlo, laid down side by side holding each otherand stoking each other with their finger and lips. A at the same time they French kissed with a great deal of passion. Vicky, I have been thinking that maybe I could help you withyour soccer skills, that is if you would like some help. Carlo, that is so nice of you and I have a very big game thisWednesday after school. If we win it we go the semifinals ofthe state cup.

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   when can we start?Late this afternoon if youlike. I will take you home so you can get your soccer gear on then we will go the park near your home. So everydayfor at least an hour Carlo gave Vicky private lesions. When her game came on Wednesday, Carlo was there for her. Vicky, was inspired in her play and even though the otherteam had more talented players, Vicky scored two goals and set up the winning goal. final score Vicky’s team 3 – 2. Carlo, got to see what areas he needed to help Vickywith. Since the following weekend was their trip to the soccer tournament in California. Carlo helped with her soccerlessons. The following afternoon after an hour of soccer training, Carlo, took Vicky to his house so shecould shower and then swim with him. After they got outof the pool, Vicky, went into the shower again, she was teasing her clit, when quietly Carlo came into the showerand started to soap her back. Carlo, you are being a verynaughty boy. What has gotten over you? You have been pushing me away and now you are rubbing your body overmine. Vicky, if you are uncomfortable I will take my showerseparate. When Carlo said that Vicky grabbed his cock andstarted to apply liquid soap on it, stroking it until it washard as a steel rod, then she got on her knees and inhaledit into her mouth, after she washed the soap off.

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   Workinghis cock down her throat until all of it was inside her mouth. Carlo, fucked her mouth moving his hips back andforth while Vicky slide her mouth back and forth trying tokeep up with Carlo and finally just let him control thepenetration of her mouth. she let him down deep in her throat just like he had taught her to do. she felt his cockswell and she knew he was about to cum and still she was surprised by the power of his ejaculation. After the firstblast was shot into her stomach, she pulled his cockout to her mouth so she could taste his sperm, she loved how good he tasted. As soon as Carlo could pull himselftogether, he shut off the water and pushed Vicky down onthe shower bench, on her back. Vicky, it’s your turn andput his mouth over her little pussy. At first he tried to suckher pussy into his guts, then he started to lick her slit, prying her pussy lips apart. Vicky’s hips started to buckgently at first, but when he nibbled on her clit with histeeth, she started to buck violently, as she had her first,but very strong orgasm. He used his tongue to probe intoher pussy hole and to suck her cum into his mouth. Carlo,couldn’t believe how sweet she tasted. He had tasted a lotof different females when he was much younger, but nonecould compare. Carlo, looked at the clock, time was late,Vicky had to be home for dinner in 20 minutes, so they gotdressed and he dropped her off and telling her what timehe would pick her up this coming Thursday for our soccer trip to California. Vicky wanted to get Carlo to teach her how to make loveduring this soccer trip. Conditions would be ideal since sheand Carlo had to share the same motel room.


   But, she wasworried, so she talked to her mom. Mother, what do I have to do to get Carlo to make love to me?Vicky dear, there are several things you have to do to overcome his resistance. first whenever you get a chance let him see some flesh. Aquick peek of your breasts and/or your pussy while you arein the plane, the rental car, on the soccer field and in restaurants. When you are in the motel room make sure youcome into the room after you take a shower, with a towelwrapped around your naked body, be sure it is a small towel. Vicky, make sure you let part of the towel slip and show your nipple, or your pussy, but pull the towel back up. Whenyou have his full attention and he is hot and bothered andhis cock is trying to drill a hole through his pants, pretendto lose your balance and drop your towel. When you fallspread your legs out and let him see your sweet pussy andyou’re firm, hot breasts. When you get up apologize for beingnaked in front o him. When you dress for bed wear the hotlooking, sheer, baby doll outfit we got you from Victoria secret. But when you wear it be sure not to wear the bottoms or panties or a bra. But first and foremost remind him about his promise to giveyou lessons about how to do sex things, when you alone with Carlo. The best time is when you are both getting readyfor bed. Another time is when you have time to kill and youare in your motel room resting during the day. When yougive him a blow job, make him lay down, but first make surehe has had several strong drinks to loosen him up.

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   When youare sucking on his cock and he is getting turned on big time,before he knows what hit him jump up on his hips and take hiscock and hold it while you put it into your pussy and forceyour body down his shaft. Since you are a virgin, be sure helicks your pussy before you give him a blow job. Just makesure that you both are hot and juicy. Vicky, dear it will hurt for a short time, but if you drop quickly on his cockyou will quickly get over it and then it will feel great sooner. But if you are lucky he will give in and make loveto you. Tell him how you fantasize about having his cock inyour pussy and how you have done so for years. Tell him you are a virgin and that you have saved yourself for someone very special, someone who would make it very special. Someone who is kind and knows how to please a lady. The only person I care for who has these qualities,is you Carlo, I want to be your lover. Be sure to tell himyou are on the pill, this removes a serious obstacle thatwould keep him from making love to you. Last but not least shave your pussy, except for a nice patchof designer shape hair above your pussy. Carlo’s, wife told methat Carlo loved her pussy shaved. Some girls have aheart, some an arrow, etc. I can help you shave and shapeyour hair, or maybe you have a girl friend who can do it. Mom, I have a better idea, why don’t I get Carlo to do it.

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   Didn’t you tell me he was an excellent artist. Yes, dear he has a great eye and very sensitive hands. Mom, I think itwould turn Carlo big time for him to touch me between mylegs. Vicky, I think you are so right, well other than usingjust the right amount of perfume and make up, all I can sayis good hunting and good luck. By the way Carlo, loves Chanel #5 perfume. If it is right for your body chemistry itwill turn him on big time. I bought you a bottle last weekjust for this special occasion. Vicky, runs up to her motherand throws her arms around her and hugs her. Mom, you arethe greatest. When Carlo came by to pick up Vicky, she was dressed up in a sweet looking dress that while not real short, showed offher legs and hot body. but at the same time made her look over 20 years old. Her hair was put up in a sophisticated style and she wore elegant, medium high heel shoes that were hand made in Italy. Carlo’s eye’s popped out of theirsockets and he whistled just loud enough so Vicky couldhear him. Vicky, what is going on why aren’t you wearingyour sharp team sweats? Well the girls got feed up withwearing them while traveling and so the coach and teammom said we didn’t have to wear them, but that we had todress up and look sharp. We all have to wear dresses, noslacks, jeans or tennis shoes, etc.

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   So I gather you like whatyou see. Vicky, you look great, in fact if I bumped into youby accident don’t think I would have known it was you,you look so grown up. Carlo, I am not a little girl I am awoman, and it is about time you recognized that fact. Vicky,you have grown up and I didn’t realize it until the last couple of weeks, yes you are more of a woman that many who are a lot older than you are. It is for that reason Ihave been looking forward to out trip to California together. Oh Carlo that was a very nice thing to say, and I toohave been looking forward to this trip because you are somature and manly. As Vicky and Carlo drove to the airport, Vicky sat as close as possible without making it noticeable to people in othercars, just in case a friend of theirs saw them during the drive. She put her hand near his leg and when hedid not say anything she pulled up her dress just enough so hecould see her thighs. She told him to look at something onher side of the car, but off the highway and when he lookedhe saw her incredible legs; her thighs were so lovely he could not keep his hands off them. He put his right hand onher left thigh and Vicky put her left hand on his right thigh. when Carlo started to stroke her thigh, Vicky started to stroke his right thigh. They did not talk, but both seemed tobe holding their breath. Vicky was starting to cream herblack silk, high cut, lacy panties. Her breathing seemed tostart and stop and Carlo’s breath became irregular also. By the time they got to the parking structure at the airportCarlo was about to lose control of his body and the car.

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   While they checked and went through airport securityVicky made a point of touching Carlo every chance she had. She would bump into him, put her hand on his arm, touch hishand. When she had to talk to him she made it a point to getvery close to him and whisper into his ear and breath into his ear and just lightly touch his ear quickly with her the tip of her tongue. When Carlo did not seem to mind her touches, Vicky put her hand next to his as they walked through the airport and made sure their hands touchedfrequently. It wasn’t too long before Carlo, gently tookher hand in his as they walked. Vicky was so turned on by histouch, that she wanted to drag him into some private placeand French kiss him. When they were seated together side by side with her teammates in the same general area, Carlo asked the stewardess to bring a couple of blankets for the two of them along with pillows. Carlo put the blankets over their laps and told Vicky that later when the lights went out he would pull them up to completely cover Vicky and him. Vicky,thought to herself that would be cool, they could foolaround if Carlo could be motivated to do so. She had heardabout the mile hi club, but for her first time she wanted todo it in a romantic place, like the motel they would be staying in. It was a first class, beautiful place, Carlo hadtold her. He had stayed there often on business trips. Oncethe plane had taken off and things had calmed down, Vickynoticed that Carlo’s thigh was touching hers and then hemoved his leg up and down hers very slowly and gently. Vicky’s leg responded in kind and after what seemed to Vicky to be forever, Carlo put his hand under Vicky’s dressand gently rubbed her upper leg and slowly moved to herinside thigh, he was making little circles on her skin. Hisfingers moved slowly and carefully.

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   He was teasing Vickyto a fever rage in her pussy. Vicky couldn’t help but put herhand on his upper thigh and when he finally let his finger tips touched the crouch of her panties, Vicky jumped and puther hand on his cock. Carlo moved his fingers over her panty covered pussy and Vicky moved her fingers over hispant covered cock. Carlo stroked his finger into the material covering her slit and Vicky pressed down on hiscock. Then Carlo slid his finger under her panties and played with her pubic hair and fingered her slit from top tobottom. Vicky gasped and took in a deep breath then pulleddown his zipper and reached in to touch his pubic hairs andhis cock. Just as they were doing this the over head lightswent out. Finding it difficult to get his finger under her panties, Carlo grabbed the sides of her panties and pulled them down and Vicky lifted her hips to aid him and her panties were pulled off by Carlo who then put them to hisnose and inhaled them before putting them in his pocket. Vicky then unbuckled Carlo pants and pulled them down with his help. She almost melted into a bucket of cum whenCarlo put his finger into her slit and rubbed her clit all atthe same time. Carlo found her to be very tight and a virgin. Therefore he did not go in very deep, but played with her vaginal lips and her clit. Vicky slide her hand up and downHis cock until it exploded under the blanket. Vicky had usedher hand to catch his cum so it would not get on the blanket. While they were turning each other on, they weretalking about the soccer tournament so no one would takespecial notice as to what might be going on under the blankets.

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   They both straighten up their clothes and went tosleep. When they arrived at their motel room Vicky asked Carlo ifhe wanted to take a shower, but he let her go first. When shefinished she came out into the room with a small towel wrapped around her and hiding very little. It barely covered her breasts and was only a inch or two below herpussy. She turned around pretending to look the suite over and then told Carlo it was his turn. When he was taking hisshower she put on her hot baby dolly nightie. She did not put on the bottoms, nor panties or a bra. Since it was lateand they had not eaten Carlo had ordered dinnerto be served in their room. Room service arrived just asCarlo came out of the bathroom in his robe. Vicky slipped into the bedroom while Carlo answered the door. After thewaiter had left, they sat down to eat a gourmet, Italian meal. Vicky was surprised as to how good the food was. At first Carlo was focused with dealing with his hunger. As he wasdrinking his glass of excellent imported, Italian wine, he noticed what Vicky wasn’t wearing and almost dropped hisglass, but recovered enough so he only spilled some of his10 year old, red wine. After dinner they watched a first class late run movie that was about a young girl tying toSeduce an older man, her uncle and companion on a trip.

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   While there was no sex or nudity in it, Vicky though thetheme was right on and it planted food for though in bothof them as they sat so close that they touched. Carlo held Vicky’s hands and bent his head down to her hands and kissed the back of both of them, gently, tenderly. Vicky’sheart jumped, skipped with anticipation. What a gallantold world way of showing his affection. Before they knewit they were kissing, at first gently with only the lips, butas their bodies heated up their tongues interlocked like two serpents dueling in a mating dance. The pressure on their lips was becoming so passionate that their lips werehurting, but it was a good hurt. Vicky got so carried awaythat she bit Carlo’s lower lip, she meant it to be a nip but in fact drew blood. But, due to the fact that Vicky had a earlymorning game they were forced to retire to bed. Vicky in one of the queen size beds and Carlo in the other. The beds were in the suite’s one and only bedroom. Carlo though that if they didn’t quite fooling around that Vicky wouldbe too tired to play good soccer. Vicky wanted to do morebut she knew that Carlo was right. Carlo was so turned onby the sight of Vicky’s hot little pussy he was about to come unglued. He wanted to jack off, but he wanted to savehimself for Vicky. When Vicky reminded Carlo, as they laidin bed, that he promised to teach her about sex, he said he would start tomorrow when they were alone in their room.

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   When Vicky woke up before the wake up call she saw Carlo’searly morning hard on. She wondered if he would like a very special wake up call, as she pulled his sheet off his body andreach down to touch his hard on which was poking out ofhis boxers. She straddled his legs and inhaled his cock intoher hot mouth. As she sucked and moved her head up and down while holding his cock base in her hands. Carlo started to breath hard and his hips humped in and out of hermouth, just has his cum blasted out of his cock into Vicky’smouth and throat, he woke up. what the hell is going on, oh, oh, oooooo,it’s you Vicky, what a way to wake up. You were great andafter last night I needed that. But we got to get breakfastfor you and me so you will have the energy to play in the big game. So Vicky put on her beautiful soccer uniform andthey both ran out the door to eat a rushed breakfast andthen jumped on the team van to go to the game field. When Vicky got dressed she didn’t bother to go into the bathroom. Carlo couldn’t help but admire her hot, mature body. Herbreasts and her tight ass were perfect. Her pussy was covered in light blond hair and while he preferred a shavedpussy, she still looked good enough to eat. These thoughts and others were on Carlo’s mind on the ride to the game. Heneed to convince Vicky to shave her pussy, maybe she wouldlet him do it for her.

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  When Vicky and Carlo arrived at the game field, she foundout that she was wearing the wrong colored shirt and wasgoing to have to change, to her team’s alternative jersey. normally Vicky would put the right jersey over the wrongjersey and then pull her arms out of the wrong jersey andslip it over her head and off her body, but decided not todo it that way. She realized this was a great chance to showher breasts to Carlo in such a public way and such a daring manner she would turn him on big time and break down hisstrong resolve to not make love to her. So Vicky asked Carlo if he could help her and she hands him the shirt she must put on and leads him into the swarm of girls who are herteammates and pulls off her shirt. Vicky, was the only girlon her team who did not wear a bra when she played soccer,She did not need to because her breasts were so firm that they appeared to be carved out of alabaster. While most ofher teammates had to tie down their breasts to preventthem from interfering with their constant body twistingand turning. Vicky, faced Carlo and looked him straight inthe eye as she pulled her soccer jersey off and holding itwith her arms at her side, she continued to look to see where Carlo was looking, then said “like what you see miamor?” Carlo’s tongue stuck to roof of his mouth, so he was forced to nod several times, then Vicky asked him tohand her the other jersey and she slowly lifted over herhead and holding there she again looked to see if his eyeswere still on her breasts, and yes he was staring like a virgin, teenage boy would his first time. She slowly loweredher jersey over her head and when it caught in her hair clipshe took it back up slowly and again lowered it slowly again over her head and down her chest, covering her breasts like an income tide. Carlo, finally snapped out of itand started to breath again, god was she real! When they got back to the motel Vicky took a shower and when she came into the room with her very small towelwrapped around her body she pretended to slip and fell tothe floor with her legs spread wide and the towel fallingoff her body on the way down. Vicky made sure her pussywas facing Carlo when landed on her sweet ass. Carlo, helpme up, I am hurting. Carlo went over and bent over Vicki and slid one arm under her ass and the other around herback, with his right hand gripping her right breast and picked her up. Vicky where do you want to go, on your feetor your bed? On my bed on my stomach. Carlo, would you goto the trainer and get some of her pain killing lotion forme. When Carlo got back he started hand it to Vicky, but shesaid, Carlo could you rub it on my bottom, please.

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   As Carlo rubbed Vicky’s butt the pain started to be replaced with tingles of pleasure, and her groin started to rotate aroundhis finger which had moved down between her butt cheeksand was stroking her pussy lips, Vicky groaned and gaspedCarlo, please use you tongue, please!! Carlo’s blood pressure was about to go through the roof as he turned Vicky over and put his mouth over her pussy and started tolick his way to paradise. With Vicky getting hotter and hotter, Carlo turned up the heat as he nibbled on her clit ashe put a finger part way into her virgin forbidden slit. Vicky had a massive explosion start in her soul and blastingthrough out her body. She came off the bed so far and so suddenly that Carlo thought some external factor was the cause. Carlo was knocked on to the floor and was stunned. He crawled up to and on the bed and laid besideVicky. When Vicky came to she looked at Carlo’s ram rodhard cock and said I think someone needs first aid, or should I say mouth to cock resuscitation, as she licked his cock along the whole length. She then sucked his cock into her hot, wet mouth and then proceeded to deep throat his7 inch long and two and half inch thick cock. Of her threeholes two were still virgin, but not for long if she coulddo anything about it. Carlo, prostate was so loaded thatit was about to have a spontaneous release. Vicky’s mouthfelt so good, Carlo knew he could not last too long andthen his cock swelled and erupted with the force of a volcano as his molten lava flowed down and out his lavatube, Vicky took the first blast into her stomach but whenshe pulled his cock head into her mouth so she could tastehis sweet cum, the volume surprised and overwhelmed herand before she knew it his cum was coming out of her nosein two jets and the sides of her mouth. Carlo passed out from the extreme pleasure his body suffered. When he cameto he licked the cum off her face and breasts and Vickywrapped her arms around him and mussed with his hair. they took a quick shower together and rushed to get dressed for the team meal. Vicky was riding a high, she had scored the winning goaland had played an awesome game, her best ever, thanks tocoach Carlo.


   The whole team went out to eat together andshe sat next to Carlo and like she did while riding back tothe motel she made sure her leg was touching, rubbing Carlo’s every second she was sitting by him. When they wereat the dinner table and no one could see her hands, she hadher left hand rubbing his thigh. After a while Vicky felt ahand on her left thigh, moving back and forth slowly moving toward her pussy as he reached under her dress. Vicky had left off her bra and panties since it made her feelso sexy and she knew that Carlo the sensitive Italian couldsense her heightened sexuality. When Carlo’s fingers touched her pussy, Vicky’s body jerked and her teammateswanted to know what was wrong with her. She told them she fell on her butt and she had a painful spasm due to theinjury but it was not serious and she would be ok for thenext game. When they got back to the motel, Vicky decided she was going to going to tease Carlo, but was going to wait forhim to make the first move. So she slowly and carefully dida planned strip tease. Carlo, said to Vicky shouldn’t you bechanging when I am in the bathroom?Carlo, you and I haveno secrets. You have seen all of me and I have seen all of you and you have promised to teach me about sex. Yes, Vickybut I also told you I would not have sexual intercourse with you. Carlo do you like me? Do you find me sexy? Do youfind me beautiful? Yes, Vicky you are that and more but youare a young girl and society does not look favorably on older men who have sex with young girls. But Carlo you told me I look, think and behave like a grown woman,so you know I know what I am getting myself into and thatyou are not taking advantage of me. Vicky, you are a hardlady to argue with, you are so smart and so mature. Vickyfinished taking off her clothes and hugged Carlo and kissedhim with her tongue buried in his mouth and Carlo picked her up and laid with her on his bed.

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   Carlo did you know thatI love you? No, I didn’t know that, are you sure? Carlo, I haveBeen in love with you for years. What I want to know tonightis whether you love me?Vicky, I don’t know if I can answerthat question tonight. It ha.



