I came in late one evening when all others were asleep. I didn’t turn on the bedside lamp since sufficient light from the streetlamp outside beamed through the Venetian blinds. I stood naked in the closet and put away my jeans and a pullover. As my eyes adjusted to the light in my sister’s room, I turned to stare. She lay on her back in a pajama top. Rhonda usually breathed heavily when she slept but I heard no sound that night. I found her smooth bare legs stirring to look at, so I crept into her room. Her pajama top was unbuttoned from the waist down, exposing her mound. My penis became immediately erect. I leaned forward, unbuttoning the rest of the pajama top. Rhonda didn’t move as I opened wide the flaps to her top. Her hand laid just inches from my rigid dick. Her body shifted, and her fingers stroked its length. Although I then realized Rhonda hadn’t been asleep, she didn’t open her eyes. My lips engulfed a nipple and I nursed her breast as her limp hand stroked my cock. After that, I would visit her room at least every other night for two weeks, and the same proceedings took place as before.
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