Auntie Mabel: Sixty and Sexy.
By drsnip
Book one
John woke up late, but it was no problem as it was a Saturday and he didn't have to go to work this weekend.
He had overslept a bit because last night had been his eighteenth birthday, and he had been out with a few friends celebrating.
Luckily he never suffered from hangovers, so although a bit tired he was otherwise ok.
Feeling the now familiar ache in his cock he resigned himself to his morning wank.
He had tried often to ignore his cock's demands before, but if he didn't see to it, then he would think of nothing else all day but girls.
Once he had come, he would feel the welcome relief and relaxation of all his muscles that was the good side of masturbation.
The bad side, was the recognition that although he was now officially a man, he had still never had sex with a girl.
John was an apprentice engineer, and as such was in a predominantly male world.
The walls of the factory were covered in pinups of naked women, some with their legs wide open and some even opening their cunts.
Most of the banter between the engineers, was about which girl they fancied in the office, and who had fucked who lately.
Before john had started work he had been sheltered from the sexual side of life by his mum.
Doreen was a straight laced lady, and wouldn't allow any smutty talk or pictures in her house.
However now after two years in engineering, he was fully versed in the theory of fucking women.
He just didn't think he would ever get to actually fuck one any time soon.
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Like most lads, he tried to give the impression that he had plenty of girlfriends, and was quite a man of the world.
Unfortunately he was just too shy to approach any of the girls he fancied, and too honest to pretend to fancy the ones he didn't.
However before he could commence his relief, he heard his mother coming up the stairs towards his room.
Come on John, get up quick, you promised to help me this morning,' she shouted through his bedroom door, before returning to the kitchen.
To take his mind off his sexual problems, he tried to remember what it was, that he had to do that day.
Oh yes, he remembered that he had promised to help his mother's old friend Auntie Mabel, move in to her new house just up the road from theirs.
He had never met her, apparently she wasn't really his Aunt, but was just a very old friend of his mother's.
After being widowed a few years ago, she had downsized into a small flat close to his mother for company.
He got up, washed and dressed and ran down to the kitchen.
His mother Doreen, who had been up since 7am, made him some tea and toast.
Then they both left the house, and walked the few hundred yards to the flat.
The removal men had just driven away and the first thing John noticed was a woman bending over a box in the garden.
She was wearing a pair of denim shorts, a tee-shirt, and a big floppy hat and he noticed that she had a lovely little bum.
Who is that?' he asked his mum as they went through the gate.
His mum ignored him as she walked right up to the woman and lightly smacked her on the bottom.
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Hello trouble, here we are at last, I've brought you a strong pair of arms to do the heavy lifting so you don't need to lift that box anywhere'.
The woman straightened up and turned to face them with a welcoming smile on her face.
She was about five foot tall and although generally slim she had a well-developed bust under the tee-shirt and her nipples proclaimed the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra.
He realized that although from the rear she looked like a young woman, her beautiful heart shaped face belonged to a mature worldly-wise woman.
Her eyes were a stunning deep blue and they focused on john as he stood by the gate.
Hello Dor, lovely to see you, who is this fine young man?' she asked smiling at John.
He was a lovely big boy, and her still wet cunt twinged as she looked at him.
This is my son John, John this is your Auntie Mabel'. Introduced his mum.
For heaven's sake Dor. You make me feel old, Auntie indeed, just call me May, John' she replied shaking his hand and looking up at him with a smile.
From his height advantage, he looked down at her, and his eyes were drawn involuntarily to where the top of her loose tee-shirt had gaped open, and was giving him a partial view of two firm large breasts.
Like most teenagers he was transfixed for a few seconds, before he noticed May was still shaking his hand, which had the effect of making her breasts wobble in a most disturbing way.
To his horror he felt his unruly cock stiffen in his pants, and he could feel his face going red. Nice to meet you he stammered'.
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I can see that' she replied with a mischievous grin, and turned and walked towards his mother, who was waiting just inside the door of the flat for them.
John used the few seconds when they were both looking the other way, to put his hand into his pants and adjust his cock so it didn't stick out so much.
His mother had gone into the flat, and was moving things about in the small kitchen.
May however had stopped at the front door, and to John's further embarrassment, she seemed to be observing him in the reflection of the glass panels in the door.
May thought to herself that this could be the start of something nice.
She turned to him with a smile and said,when you have sorted yourself out John, could you bring in that box of things marked for the kitchen please'.
She then joined his mum in the kitchen, while he located the box required and brought it in to them.
They spent most of the morning settling her in, and John found himself really liking May.
He found her charming and witty, and gradually relaxed in her company until he felt that he had known her for ages.
They had a tea break, during which his mum quizzed May about her life before coming to the village.
John learned that she had been married to a wealthy businessman, who had spent a lot of the time travelling around the world for a big oil company.
Sometimes he would take May with him to exotic places, but more often she was left behind in England.
He had died in Bahrain, and his body was flown back to England for burial a few years ago.
May had been alone in their big house in Berkshire, until she had finally decided to move closer to her friends and family.
May had a lovely melodious voice, and John found himself empathizing with her, as she spoke of her childhood, and amusing anecdotes of her life as a teenager and a young woman.
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John noticed that there was no mention of children in her stories, and he also noticed that his mum avoided asking about any.
As they finished up in the lounge May asked john to take a box of bits up to the room that she would be using as a her bedroom.
He carried the large box carefully upstairs negotiating the narrow stairs with care lest he dropped it and finally lowered it onto the double bed that he had previously assembled.
The box however gave up the ghost when it hit the bed and its contents spilled out over the covers.
He gave a resigned sigh and started to gather up the bits and pieces into a neat pile.
Suddenly he noticed that he was holding in his hand what appeared to be a copy of his cock.
It was slightly bigger than him at full size, and seemed to be made of a soft latex, that felt rather nice and warm in his hand.
Although a virgin, he knew from stories told to him by the older engineers, that this was a vibrator, and women used them to make themselves orgasm.
A picture of May lying on her back stark naked, with this thing thrust up her cunt, flashed unbidden into his mind, and instantly his cock sprang again into full erection.
He groaned, and with the hand that wasn't holding the vibrator, he grasped his unruly cock and squeezed it to try and get it back to normal.
Unfortunately all this achieved, was to make it even bigger.
He had to drop the vibrator on the bed, in order to use both hands so as to straighten his cock upright in his pants, for as much comfort as he could get in his present condition.
Just when he thought things couldn't get any more embarrassing, he looked up to see May standing in the doorway, watching him with a wry grin on her face.
I see you have met my secret lover; sorry about the box it was too old for the job, a bit like me' she said quietly.
Sorry Aunt May' he stammered going red again,it just fell out and I picked it up.
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I don't think that you are to old at all, I think you are fantastic, and I like you a lot'
Do you really like me John? She said with a beautiful smile.
That's very nice to hear at my time of life, when you get to Sixty you tend to think that a lot of things are over for you.
It's nice to hear that someone still thinks about you, in a certain way'.
You don't look anything like Sixty' he replied you have got a better figure than most of the girls at college'.
Why John what do you mean? Are you referring to these by any chance, I couldn't help but notice your interest earlier' she said with a smile.
John looked on in amazement as she cheekily held her breasts, one in each hand and slowly lifted them up.
He couldn't help but notice that her nipples had gone hard, as they pushed against the thin material of her tee-shirt.
We get erect too you know, just like someone we know' she whispered conspiratorially to him, and winked as she walked out of the bedroom.
John, May, tea's ready when you are' yelled Doreen up the stairs to them.
John followed May downstairs, he took his time to give his cock a chance to shrink back to normal, before he had to appear in front of his mum.
May thanked them both for all their help, and invited them both round the next day for a small housewarming party.
Doreen said they would be delighted to come, and that they would bring her husband Sam as well.
That night as he lay in bed, John couldn't think of anything but May.
She fascinated him, she was still beautiful and sexy, and so obviously experienced, compared to the young silly girls that he was used to in College.
He kept seeing her lifting her fantastic breasts up for him, and the thought of her hard nipples, caused him to wank his cock harder and longer than he had ever done before.
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When he finally came, his cum shot up into the air a good few feet, before splattering back over his belly and pubic hair.
The image that ignited his massive orgasm, was of him sucking those glorious nipples, and hearing May moan his name as he called out hers in the midst of his orgasm.
The next day couldn't come soon enough for him, and he was up, showered and dressed by eight.
He surprised his parents by appearing in the kitchen without them having to call him.
He had taken special care in dressing, and his mother complimented him on how smart he looked.
Seeing a new girl are we' commented his dad jokingly.
Leave him alone Sam, it's nice to see him up, let alone smart for a change', said Doreen with a fond smile at them both.
The evening finally arrived, and they walked over to May's flat.
John had been looking forward to seeing her all day, but when she opened the door to let them in he was stunned.
She was wearing an evening dress of scarlet silk, which chastely covered her breasts.
However the sight that took John's breath away was her hair.
The previous day she had been wearing a big floppy hat, that had almost completely hidden her hair.
Today it was revealed in all its glory, it was thick, wavy, golden blond, and hung down her back to within a few inches of the floor.
John just stared at May and said in a wondering voice,' it's like a golden waterfall, I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life'.
Both his parents looked at him in surprise.
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Thank you kind sir,' said May with a giggle,' I hardly ever bother to wear it like this except for special occasions'.
It looks lovely dear' said Doreen,' you always were proud of your hair as I remember'.
May had cooked them a lovely dinner, and John watched her enthralled, as she played the gracious host during the evening.
She was in a sparkling mood, and even had his dad laughing out loud at some of her stories.
They all drank far too much wine, including John, who was given a few extra glasses by May.
She had heard that he had just turned eighteen earlier that week.
If he is eighteen, then he is now a man and must be treated as such' she stated.
When his parents had both taken the dishes into the kitchen to load the dishwasher, he was left alone with May.
The wine and food had gone to his head, and he found himself explaining to her that although he appreciated her remarks concerning him being a man at eighteen, he wasn't really a man yet as he hadn't had a proper girlfriend.
In the midst of telling her how beautiful she was, he fell off the chair and lay on the floor with his head spinning in a pleasant way.
He wasn't sure if he imagined that she knelt down beside him, and leaning over, kissed him slowly and sexily on his mouth, while he felt her hand fondling his cock.
We will see about that in good time', she whispered in his ear, before getting up and calling for Sam to help his son to his feet.
John lay in bed that night and went over everything that had happened, so as to be sure not to forget any part of it.
He tried to have a wank, but he was so drunk that his cock didn't work, and he fell asleep still thinking about May.
The next few days passed without any sign of May, and he began to wonder if indeed he had read far too much into some innocent friendly remarks.
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It wasn't until the next Friday evening, that his mum asked him if he could do her friend Mabel a favor, and help her with her garden the next morning.
At first he didn't know who she was talking about, then he remembered that May's real name was Mabel.
Even thinking about her seemed to change the word Mabel, into May Bell.
Mabel was having a hard time deciding what to do about the situation with her and John.
Up to this point there was no situation, and she knew that she shouldn't proceed any father along the road of seduction that she was considering for John.
All her good intentions however were being eroded by three major facts.
One, he was so tall and handsome and obviously innocent of the sexual side of life between the sexes.
Two, she knew she could introduce him to sex better, and more sensitively than any young chit of a girl could.
Three, since the death of her husband she had been so terribly lonely.
She hadn't mentioned, and Doreen hadn't taken her up on the fact, that her husband had been twenty years younger than she was when they married.
May had been attracted to younger men than herself all her life.
She knew that she was taking a terrible risk with her friendship with Doreen, but she was weak and needed love and attention like anyone else.
She stood naked in front of her full length mirror, and arranged her hair so that it covered both breasts, whilst leaving her curly golden pubic hair in full view.
Lady Godiva eat your heart out, she thought with determination, I want him and I need him, and I am going to teach him all there is to know about love.
When he is ready for his first young woman he will be a confident and experienced young man thanks to me.
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She turned away from the mirror and laid on her bed, her hand reaching for her battery powered lover.
She switched it on and gently rubbed it between her thick pubic hair until it was over her clitoris.
She closed her eyes as the waves of pleasure started and thought of John.
John had thought of no-one else but May since he was last with her, and after a few insincere mumblings about missing out on drinks with his mates, he apparently reluctantly agreed to help his mum's friend with her garden.
When the agreed time came, he was once again clean and smart in his work shirt and jeans, and waving to his mum he set out towards May's flat with a spring in his step.
She was waiting for him with a big smile and a hug, My hero, thank you so much for saying you would help me.
I haven't anyone else to lean on except you' and pulling his face down to hers she gave him a warm kiss on his lips.
Before he could react in any way, she had turned and walked out of the patio doors and onto the rear patio.
He had no choice but to follow her, and listen as she explained the jobs that needed doing.
Basically the lawns needed mowing, the hedges needed cutting, and various bits of assorted rubbish needed to be cleared away; and that was just the beginning apparently.
He noticed that she was wearing very similar clothes to the ones she was wearing when he first met her.
She had on her big floppy hat, which he now knew concealed her gorgeous golden hair.
The same loose fitting tee shirt, but instead of shorts made from denim, she was wearing shorts made of a type of soft toweling material, which he was quick to notice clung to her bottom like a second skin.
Also they were a light buff color, and gave the impression when she bent over to pick up the grass cuttings, that she was naked below her loose top.
After he had mown the lawns she called a break, and they went into the lounge for a cup of tea.
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I don't know how you keep on John' she said as she poured him his cup from her teapot.
John assumed that she didn't know that her top gaped open when she leaned towards him to fill his cup.
He had a good view of her breasts, as they hung free beneath the loose top.
This time he could be sure that she wasn't wearing a bra.
She sat back in the opposite armchair to his and sipped at her tea.
Would you like a biscuit dear?' she asked taking one for herself and pushing the plate towards him.
As he reached to get one she accidentally knocked hers onto the floor by the side of her chair.
As she stretched sideways and down to pick it up she had to stretch her opposite leg out for balance.
This left her with her legs wide open in front of him, as she searched around for the elusive biscuit.
The soft material of her shorts was stretched tightly across her pubes, showing him her deep cleft clearly.
As she had been working as hard as him, her crotch was moist with sweat, and it was as if she was naked for him.
Again his cock reacted fiercely, and swelled up in his pants as if it had a mind of its own.
May was well aware of what she was doing, and from her position she could see under the table, and observe the effect her show had on John's cock.
She was very impressed at the size of his bulge, and determined to continue her plan.
She found her biscuit, and settled herself back in her chair with a sigh.
She was glad that Doreen wasn't there with them, as she would have seen instantly what was going on and put a stop to it.
Again guilt reared its head but May thrust it aside firmly.
After tea and a chat in which she reminded him of the rest of the jobs to do, they went back into the garden.
She pointed out an old tin bath that was on the roof of the shed, and suggested that they lower it to the grass to see what was in it.
John could reach it easily, but it was very heavy and as he pulled it towards him, he realized that it was full of stagnant water.
He was just about to warn May to stand clear, when she jumped up and grabbed the edge of the bath.
The next second, a wave of dirty stinking water slopped over them both. May squealed in shock as the water soaked her and John, who would have been able to jump out of the way, but was forced to stand holding the bath so that it didn't fall on her.
After the first cold shock they stood looking at each other, suddenly May burst into laughter,
John why on earth didn't you jump away you silly man, you are soaked like me now. '
John explained that if he had the bath would have fallen on her, and might have hurt her badly.
I didn't realize that, I'm so proud of you, you really are my hero aren't you. ' She whispered.
He lowered the bath to the grass and took a good look at May, her top was soaked, and stuck to her breasts like a wet tee shirt does.
He could see her nipples clearly, and the cold water had made them stick out like strawberries.
She stepped towards him to give him a hug, but before she touched him she recoiled in horror.
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Oh my God John we both stink to high heaven, I can't let you stay like this I will have to wash your stuff out before Doreen has a fit'. She looked down at herself and noted that she also needed a good scrub.
Her plan had worked well so far, she had topped up the bath of stagnant water so that however carefully it was moved it was bound to slosh over them.
When it had looked like John had it under control, she had helped' him by jumping up and grabbing it, ensuring that they were soaked.
Over his protests she dragged him by the hand into her bathroom and insisted he strip off and hand her his clothes. She could then put them in the washing machine, whilst he had a good long shower to remove the smell of stagnant water.
When he hesitated she told him not to be silly as she wouldn't look, and anyway he didn't have anything she hadn't seen before during her long life.
When he still dithered she said she would go first to show there was nothing to fear.
Without further ado she took of her hat, pulled her top over her head and threw it into the dirty laundry bin.
He only caught a quick glimpse of her large breasts before she turned away and commenced to pull down her shorts.
She was now only wearing a pair of white cotton knickers and as she pulled them down he saw her tight little bottom come into view.
When she bent right over to take off her sandals he could see a mass of golden hairs between her legs.
He quickly turned his back on her so she wouldn't think he had been watching and quickly stripped off his wet clothes.
He threw them in the bin and dived into the shower cubical to hide his erection.
As he commenced his shower he could hear her putting their clothes in the washing machine and turning it on.
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She was humming a happy little tune that he couldn't make out over the noise of the shower.
May had loaded the washing machine with his clothes.
She couldn't resist smelling his underpants, before she added them to the washing.
She stood for a short while watching him in the shower, she could make out his erection even through the distortion of the shower glass.
It seemed enormous to her, and she decided that he wasn't getting out of her house until she had fucked him every way possible.
She took a deep breath, and with a wet pussy opened the shower door.
He was soaping his face with his eyes tightly shut, when he felt the shower door open.
Before he knew what was going on, she had come in with him.
Move over a bit John, I'm only small but I do need a bit of space to get this smell off me' she said in a business like tone of voice
I can't wait until you have finished'.
He automatically obeyed her, and when the soap had cleared from his eyes, he saw that she was standing with her back to him, and was in the process of undoing her hair.
When it was all loose it hung over her shoulders like a golden cape effectively hiding her charms from him.
There you go John we may be sharing a shower, but I'm as decent as if I were dressed aren't I', she quipped, looking over her shoulder at him coyly.
Before he could reply, she started to soap her body under the cover of her hair, and seemed to be ignoring the fact that she was sharing a shower with a naked man.
May decided that she had better initiate contact as soon as possible, so suddenly she bent over to wash her feet.
This brought her naked bottom into contact with his rampant cock.
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Feeling his knob touching her naked bum, she pushed back as if by accident and felt his cock slip between her bum cheeks.
Amazingly, although John could clearly feel that his cock had slipped between the cleft of her bottom, she showed no reaction and continued to soap her feet as if nothing untoward was occurring.
He quickly turned around in the cubicle but this action meant that he dragged his cock out from between the cheeks of her arse, and ended up by him rubbing his naked bottom against hers.
Keep still John you nearly had me over then, I'm going to need you to wash this hair of mine as I can't do it all by myself'. She remarked unconcernedly.
May reached up to the shower shelf and handed him a bottle of shampoo. Her hands were starting to shake with desire.
Be a love and rub this in for me please', she asked in a matter of fact voice.
He was forced to turn towards her again, and started to rub the shampoo into her mane of hair as requested, he was very aware of his cock sticking out towards her.
As her hair had somehow managed to be hanging down the front of her body, she also turned so he could reach it.
Although her hair hid her breasts from his eyes, as he rubbed the shampoo further down the length of her tresses the back of his hand was rubbing against them.
He could fell her nipples clearly pushing against his wrists, as he continued to rub the shampoo in.
However she made no comment about this, and he started to relax as much as he could with a raging hard on.
Kneel down so you can do the ends for me, and while you are down there I can shampoo your hair in exchange' she suggested.
He carefully knelt down on the cubicle base, thankful that at least she wouldn't see his rampant cock, and rubbed the shampoo into the final ends of her tresses.
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She commenced to rub shampoo into his hair, and he found the sensation very nice indeed, it caused him to close his eyes for a moment in pleasure.
When he opened them a few seconds later, she had somehow positioned herself so that he was looking directly between her legs, at her mass of golden pubic hair.
It was so thick and curly, that as if of their own volition, his fingers reached forward, and gently felt the soft wet springiness of her pubic curls.
As his fingers touched her she chose that moment to lean forward so as to shampoo the back of his head.
May pretended to be so engrossed in doing this that she didn't notice that her pubes were pressing hard against his exploring finger.
She thrust her hips forward until it slid inside her up to his first knuckle.
She again made no comment about this, and he was only aware of the tight hot feeling of a woman's cunt gripping his finger.
There you are dear, now we just have to rinse off and we will be nice and clean again' she said, as she stepped back from him to put the shampoo back on the shelf.
As she stepped away his finger slid out of her, and the next thing he knew was that she had taken down the shower-head, and was spraying the water over his head and body to wash off the suds.
I'll do you first then you can do meshe said.
Stand up now so I can get at your back'.
He stood up turning as he did so to present her with his soapy back.
His rigid cock knocked against the glass, as she played the water all over his shoulders and back.
While the water wash running over him, he reflected that in all his sexual fantasies about sharing a shower with a naked woman, there had always been lots of mutual soaping of breasts and cock.
He didn't know what was going on here, as May didn't appear to see this as a sexual situation.
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Perhaps he thought, this is what a woman who is old enough to be your mum regards as just washing a baby.
You get it clean without there being any sexual component to it.
He just wished his cock would realize that May wasn't interested in the sexual side of this situation.
Turn round so I can do the rest' she ordered.
He took a deep breath and turned to face her.
She ran the water over his chest and down onto his groin.
She seemed oblivious to the sight of his throbbing cock sticking out towards her, as she directed the water between his legs.
In a matter of fact way she grasped his cock, and moved it left and right, making sure that there was no soap left around his balls.
Part of him was so glad when she let go of his cock.
But another part wished desperately that she would keep hold of it, and give it a good rubbing.
May was enjoying herself, she had a good view of his lovely young body and so far she hadn't scared him by being too obvious.
However the sight of his rampant cock a mere few inches from her hungry mouth was nearly too tempting to ignore.
Instead of sucking his lovely cock she forced herself to calmly grasp his hot shaft.
Then instead of guiding it into her waiting mouth, simply move it from side to side as she sprayed the soap from around his balls.
To rinse his feet she had to kneel down, and when she was satisfied that he was soap free she stood up.
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As she stood his cock hit her on top of her head causing her to remark, Careful John you could have someone's eye out with that'
At the look on his face she burst into giggles, and impulsively hugged him.
Her naked wet breasts felt very hot on his chest, and his big hot cock dug into her belly.
It's my turn now, you have to be very thorough and not leave any soap on any of my hair' she said, handing him the shower-head.
She stood naked in front of him, as he started to rinse her from top to bottom.
It took a while before she was satisfied that her long golden hair was totally rinsed.
Then she threw it back over her head, so that he could see her naked body clearly for the first time.
May decided to be a bit more obvious and said Make sure you don't miss any bits' in a firm voice,I didn't miss any bits of yours did I?'
He needed no further urging, and carefully ran the water over her shoulders and breasts.
She insisted that he lift each of them up, so that the water could wash away any soap trapped under them.
As he ran it over her belly, she opened her legs for him so he could run it over her golden pubes.
To his amazement she then turned round and bent over for him.
He took the hint, and ran the stream of water between the cheeks of her bottom.
He made so bold as to part her bum cheeks, to spray the water directly onto her neat little anus.
He had never seen a woman's bum hole before, and he was fascinated by it.
Haven't you finished yet back there?' she said I will be getting rusty soon if you don't hurry up'.
He guiltily finished rinsing the back of her legs, and she turned off the water.
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She led him into her bedroom, where there was a big pile of soft towels waiting on the bed for them.
He sat on one of the towels, and watched as she wrapped a towel around her head, trapping her hair into a turban.
When she turned back to him she was completely exposed to his eyes.
Seeing him look away, she told him not to be silly, they had already shared a shower together.
They had seen more of each other's bodies than anyone else in the world had.
It's too late to be shy now John, I expect you to dry me properly and then I will finish you off',
She handed him a nice fluffy towel, and lay down on the bed with her arms stretched out to her sides.
She had a beautiful firm body, and like all real large breasts, her tits didn't stick straight up, but tended to flatten slightly under the weight of gravity.
He noticed that her nipples though were still hard.
He started to gently dry her, patting the towel over her face and neck. When he had dried her face, he leaned down and kissed her on the mouth.
She responded passionately, pulling his head down so she could kiss him back hard.
That's a nice thing to do dear, I want you to kiss all the parts you dry'.
He next rubbed all around her breasts, gently lifting each one so that he could dry underneath.
As he finished each breast he kissed the nipple on it.
Each kiss turned into a long slow suck.
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He sucked each tit until she moaned and started to writhe about on the bed.
Oh John you are getting me all wet again' she whispered.
She got up on her hands and knees and presented her little naked bum to him.
Again he gently rubbed the towel between her bum cheeks, parting them so he didn't miss any places.
He dropped the towel to free both his hands, so that he could hold her cheeks apart exposing her little bum hole to his eyes.
He had never seen a woman's bum hole up close.
The pin ups on the factory walls, tended to concentrate on tits and cunts.
He was fascinated by this private pink little hole.
Is it nice John?' she queried,reach into the bedside cabinet drawer and take out the tube of Vaseline that is in there'.
He did as instructed.
Put some on your finger, and rub it in and around there, so I don't get sore' she asked.
He dutifully dipped his finger in the jar of Vaseline, and tentatively rubbed it around her anus.
You will need to put your finger deep inside my bottom dear, so I don't get sore' she told him.
John gathered up his nerve, and as gently as possible, pushed his finger deep into her bum.
He enjoyed the feeling of her tight little hole gripping his finger, so much that he pulled it out, and reinserted it again.
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May moaned when he did this.
Am I hurting you?' he asked anxiously.
Oh no dear it feels lovely, keep doing that for a little while'. She replied'.
He put more Vaseline on his finger, and continued fingering her bum hole.
He noticed that the more he stretched her anus, the louder her moans became.
He started to rotate his finger in her anus, and this caused May to wiggle her arse at him in an obvious invitation.
The trouble was he didn't know what to do, so he thought it best to withdraw his finger from her bum.
After wiping off the surplus Vaseline, he parted her bum cheeks and kissed her little pink anus.
May was so hot she could scream in frustration, her most secret vice that even in girlie conversations with her friends she never mentioned, was that she loved anal sex.
Her husband had once taken her to Hong Kong with him, and whilst they were there they had gone to one of the many sex shows on offer in that fantastic city.
She had watched in rapt fascination, as a small Chinese girl, was fucked up the arse by a big black man.
His cock had seemed enormous to her, and yet the little girls bum had managed to accommodate every inch of it.
The girl had also gone into multiple orgasms there in front of them, and it was obvious that she was enjoying every thrust of his cock.
When they had returned to the hotel, they had gingerly attempted the same thing.
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After a few painful episodes, they had learned that the secret of good anal sex, was plenty of Vaseline up the bum.
During the following years, she had been arse fucked often, and it always gave her multiple orgasms.
Kneeling there with her naked bum presented to John, she remembered that he was still a virgin.
He hadn't fucked a woman's cunt yet, so to expect him to fuck her up the arse was asking too much of him.
However, she promised herself that in the very near future, she would be kneeling in front of him, and she would be taking it hard up the arse from his big young cock.
One last bit and then I'm done' she announced.
She turned onto her back, and opened her legs wide for him, her golden pubes were open to him and he gently rubbed the towel over them.
As he rubbed her he noticed that her eyes had shut, and she was pushing her pubes against his hand.
May decided to go for it, and come right out and tell him what to do.
Don't stop just yet she whispered, rub a bit harder John, please'.
He needed no further encouragement, and started to rub her hairy little pussy as fast as he could.
Soon she was writhing on the bed, her fingers digging hard into the covers, and moaning his name just as he had dreamed about.
At last May felt her orgasm explode, she gave a long drawn-out cry and collapsed onto the bed limply, where she lay with her legs wide open and her hairy golden cunt totally exposed.
He noticed a white creamy substance running from her cunt, and realized that some women came just like men.
After a few minutes she opened her eyes, and asked him to give her a hug.
He happily crawled to her, and as his arms went round her she pushed him over onto his back and lay on top of him, hugging him tightly to her naked body.
Her lovely warm soft breasts pressed against his chest.
His cock was still rigid and sticking up, so she wriggled around until it was securely held between her inner thighs, his hot shaft pressed against her damp pussy lips.
Thank you John' she murmured in his ear that was lovely, I really enjoyed it and now it's your turn.
I want you to do everything I ask without question, will you do that for me please?' she whispered seductively.
At this point John would have done anything for her, and he nodded his head in acceptance.
She kissed him slowly and passionately, pushing her tongue into his mouth, and as the kiss progressed she started to rub her juicy cunt over his cock.
Lie still while I dry you off' she ordered as she slowly slipped off him and picked up a small towel.
He was instructed to lie on his back with his hands behind his head, andwhen he was comfortable, May started to dry his body from his head to his toes.
She rubbed between his legs, and told him to open them wide for her.
I want to see your big cock and balls' she whispered to him.
He opened his legs for her, and she lay between them with her face inches from his balls.
She started to kiss the inside of his thighs, and continued kissing all around his balls until her mouth was on his shaft, which she kissed all along its length until she reached his knob.
Slowly she closed her mouth over his swollen knob, and gently sucked and licked it until he moaned out loud.
As soon as she felt the tell tale twitching that warned of ejaculation, she stopped and getting up from the bed, walked naked into the kitchen to get them both a glass of wine.
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By the time she returned his cock had cooled down a bit, and was ready for more foreplay.
Why are you still randy?' he asked her, didn't I make you come once already?'
She smiled, and explained that women could come many times during lovemaking, but men could only come once.
This is why it is very important that your first time with a women, is with one who knows what to do to, otherwise it is over far too soon.
I am going to make love to you, so you never forget this time, no matter how old you become'.
They both had a drink of their wine, and then she climbed back on the bed and knelt over him so her pubes were just above his mouth.
I want you to lick me, you will see a little knobbly thing hidden in my pubic hair just above my cunt lips.
That is my clitoris and if you suck it,it will feel to me as me sucking your cock feels to you, it's called 69ing'.
He had read about position 69, and could see her golden pussy clearly, and as she lowered it onto his face, he stuck his tongue deep inside her and licked and sucked for all he was worth.
She lowered her head until her mouth slipped over his knob again and gently sucked it, while she massaged his balls.
He was in heaven his face was covered in her cunt juices, and they ran into his mouth where he greedily swallowed every drop.
May was also really enjoying herself, it was a good feeling to have total power over her very own toy boy, and she loved the taste of fresh young cock in her mouth once again.
She lifted herself off him, and turned away from him with her bum in the air.
I want you to slip your fingers up inside my cunt, and really finger me hard', she instructed him in an urgent voice.
He knelt behind her, and found that his fingers slid into her so easily, that he could put four of them into her without any trouble.
He then began to thrust them in and out of her cunt, faster and faster until she began to moan again.
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Soon her cunt juices were running down the inside of her legs, and she was coming for him again.
Push your fingers up my bum, and finger it just like my cunt'.
He quickly pulled his fingers out of her sopping wet cunt, and pushed one of them into her tight little bum hole.
It was slippery from the Vaseline he had rubbed in earlier, but still gripped his finger tightly, and he started to rotate his finger in her bum so as to stretch it enough to get more in.
She relaxed her bum muscles, and he was soon able to insert four of his fingers up her bum.
Again she was moaning, and thrusting her arse back against his fingers, until she gasped in ecstasy.
More of her creamy cum squirted out of her cunt, and ran down the inside of her thighs.
He then realized, that fingering her bum could also make her come.
May was really starting to have fun, she had already had two orgasms and knew there were lots more to come.
She crawled away from him and told him to lie on his back again.
This time I'm going to lower my cunt, onto your cock.
I'm doing it this way, so I can control the friction on your cock.
It will be the first time your cock has been in a woman's cunt, and if you feel that you have to come, then tell me, and I will stop for a bit to let you cool down'.
She knelt over him with her breasts hanging down in front of his eyes, and slowly lowered herself onto him.
At last John felt the wet heat of a woman's cunt, as it slid slowly down his throbbing shaft.
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He closed his eyes and savored the sensations, as she gently fucked his cock with her cunt.
May was really enjoying the feel of a big young cock in her cunt, and she was enjoying every minute of it.
She could feel her cunt being stretched from her lips to her womb, as she bounced up and down on his cock, and she tightened her cunt muscles to increase the feelings as much as possible.
She had already come twice, and her cunt was red hot for another orgasm.
It hit her sooner than she expected, and she buried her face in his chest and gave a muffled scream, as her hot cunt juices ran down his cock and soaked his balls.
After laying on him for a little while he felt her lifting her cunt off his cock, but before he could complain, she had turned around so that he was looking at her naked little arse.
I'm going to lower my arse onto your cock now, it will take me a while to get comfortable so be patient while I do it' she explained.
He watched in wonder as she positioned her bum hole onto his knob. Very slowly she increased the pressure, until his knob disappeared up her bum.
She then stopped and stayed very still, relaxing her arse muscles until she could take a few more inches.
Eventually his cock was right up her arse, and it gripped his shaft tightly.
God I love having a big cock up the bum', she gasped as she slowly started to bounce her arse onto his bollocks.
Watching his cock going up her arse, really brought John to the brink of coming, and he asked May to stop for a bit so he could calm down.
She gently lifted her bum off his cock, until it popped out.
May turned again until her tits were just over his face.
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Suck my nipples, till my bum stops throbbing' she said.
He was only too pleased to do so, and grabbing hold of her big tits he sucked hard on her nipples until they were red and swollen.
Well John dear have you enjoyed yourself so far?' she asked with a grin.
He replied that he had never enjoyed himself so much in his life, and that he loved her.
I think I love you too dear,' she replied.
It was time she said for him to fuck her properly, and come up her cunt. May explained that when he started fucking her, he probably wouldn't last long before he squirted his cum into her cunt.
However all good things must come to an end, and he deserved to come in her for being such a good boy.
She asked him if he wanted to fuck her face to face, called missionary.
Or whether he wanted to fuck her from behind, doggy fashion.
He opted for face to face, as he wanted to watch her as he fucked her.
She lay on her back, and opened her legs wide for him.
He positioned himself between her naked thighs, and she guided his cock gently into her hot wet cunt.
At last he was finally going to fuck a woman, May felt his cock deep in her cunt.
Looking him in his eyes she demanded Now fuck me John, fuck your woman hard and deep.
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I want your cum in my womb. '
He tried to fuck her slowly and gently, but looking down at her with her big tits bouncing to his thrusts, he was soon fucking her harder and faster. Suddenly he felt her cunt tighten in orgasm again, and she cried out
Oh John I love you my darling boy'.
On hearing that, he let go all restraint and finally with a triumphant cry emptied his balls into her cunt.
She heard him cry out as he came, and wrapped her legs tightly around him so that she got every drop of his cum inside her womb.
Afterwards they just lay together wrapped in each other's arms.
May was tender in both her holes, but relished the warm feeling of a well- fucked woman.
John was still coming to terms that he was now a proper man, who had fucked a woman.
Not a silly little girl who knew nothing, but a fully experienced woman. May had taught, and given him so much, that he knew he could never repay her as long as he lived.
May lay thinking quietly, as he sucked on her breasts, and toyed with her hair.
She knew he was hers now, and she would teach him to fuck her every way possible.
By the time she had finished with him, he was going to be the perfect stud muffin.
Her stud muffin.
They would have to be careful not to be discovered, but she was sure that she could think up lots of jobs for John to do for her over the coming months, or her name wasn't Auntie Mabel.
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John was so emotionally and sexually drained, that he dozed off in her arms. She gently disentangled herself from him, and walked into the kitchen to move their clothes from the washing machine, into the tumble dryer.
May didn't have to wait for her clothes to dry, as she simply changed into a clean set that was in the wardrobe.
However, she knew that she couldn't send John home in different clothes from the ones he had left his mum's in.
While his clothes were drying, she took the opportunity to put up her hair in its customary bun.
She was proud of it but sometimes it was a pain to keep tidy.
She made some tea, and assembled a plate of cakes for John when he woke.
May knew that young men were always hungry, both for sex and food. After the efforts he had made on her behalf today, he deserved at least a snack.
She took the food into the bedroom, he was still asleep, laying curled up on his side.
He had a lovely body, apart from his gorgeous big cock, he also was tall and handsome.
He had broad shoulders and strong arms, his big brown eyes were closed in sleep.
She heard the tumble dryer beeping to tell her his clothes were dry.
Putting down the tray she gently shook him awake.
The first thing John saw when he opened his eyes, was May sitting on the bed.
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She was fully dressed, which made him very aware that he was naked in front of her.
She however simply told him to drink some tea, and eat some cakes, while she went and got his clothes.
He realized that he was famished, and did as she said.
He was still unsure about what had happened.
How did he get from helping in the garden, to lying naked in front of a sixty year old beauty that he had just fucked.
Or would it be true to say had just fucked him.
The sequence of events that had led to this moment were blurred in his mind.
He did know that his cock was still tender from the unaccustomed fucking, but that he had never been happier in his life than he was now.
He looked up as she re-entered the room with his clothes.
They were nice and dry and warm.
She laid them beside him on the bed, and sat down beside him.
How are you feeling dear?' she asked quietly.
I don't really know,' he replied, wonderful, certainly confused, stunned, but probably most of all grateful to you for making me a man,' in the fantastic way that you did.
I enjoyed it every bit as much as you did love, I'm still a bit tender in places, you are quite a man when you get going. '
She told him to get dressed, as there was still things to do in the garden before he went home.
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She watched him dressing, he first put on his work shirt so as to feel less naked and vulnerable.
He then pulled on his boxer shorts, however as he stood up to pull them up to his waist she asked him to stop for a second.
She got off the bed and knelt down in front of him.
His cock was hanging between his legs, minding its own business.
I want to kiss it before you tuck it away' she murmured.
Lifting up her head she enclosed his limp cock in her mouth, and sucked it in as far as she could without choking.
His cock was still tender but she was extremely gentle, and he felt himself relaxing as the heat of her mouth transferred itself to his cock.
She gave his cock a last gentle suck, and as it slipped from her mouth she kissed it.
May remained kneeling in front of him, as he finished getting dressed.
When he was ready, she accompanied him back out into her garden.
They sat on her garden bench, and she turned to him and asked him if he had any questions that she could help him with.
His only question was what now?.
May explained that they must keep what had happened between them a secret.
She had a great deal more to teach him, but if his mum found out about them he would be barred from seeing her again.
But I'm a man now I can do as I like' he protested.
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Technically, yes you are, but how would it look to your family and friends, if they knew you were fucking an old lady.
You have a good job, and a loving family, and I will not allow you to endanger that' she stated firmly.
If you cannot promise me that you will keep us a secret then I will have no choice but to never see you again, if necessary I will move back to Berkshire to keep you safe.
I cannot lose you,' he admitted, I will do as you say, although I want to tell everyone how fantastic you are. '
Don't you realize that I also want to tell the world about you, how lovely and kind you are.
Not to mention telling Doreen, that her son can fuck me into heaven,
'She replied passionately, and pulling him towards her, she kissed him hard and long.
You know I think I love you,' he said seriously.
I think I love you too,' she replied just as seriously.
Counting the work actually done in the garden, he had been there for six hours and it was time for tea.
May suggested that she ring Doreen, and say that he was staying for tea, and then was going to help May sort out her loft.
That way he could stay until the evening, without any suspicion.
Doreen had no objections to this plan, and the knowledge that they had the evening to look forward to, made them both happy.
May had a hedge trimmer, and as John was so tall it didn't take him long to make it neat and tidy.
Standing back to view it, she remarked that at least they had achieved some real work amongst the fun.
I hope the fun is not over yet,' he whispered in her ear.
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Oh no, when you have had a light tea I'm going to fuck you senseless,' she whispered back.
As promised she had prepared a light meal of ham, with a side salad.
He quickly ate every piece, and taking her by the hand they both ran up the stairs to her bedroom.
She asked him to stand by the bed while she slowly stripped him naked. He had to bend over so she could reach the higher buttons on his shirt, but she was soon able to remove it.
She next pulled down his jeans, leaving him in just his boxer shorts. Watching her strip him had re-kindled his young lust, and his cock was back with a vengeance.
It was sticking out towards her, held back only by the material of his pants.
May left him standing like that, while she told him to remove her top. John slowly pulled it over her head.
As it went up, it took her breasts with it, so when he pulled it over her head her breasts bounced back delightfully.
He knelt down so that he could pull down her shorts, leaving her only wearing a pair of white cotton knickers.
He put his hands on her bum, and pulled her towards him.
A sudden urge came to stick his nose into the crotch of her panties, and smell her hot damp cunt.
He rubbed his face over her pubes, until the gusset of her knickers were soaked with her cunt juices.
She pulled her knickers up for him, until the gusset slipped between her cunt lips, and he could see the beautiful golden curls of her pubic hair either side of the cotton.
Hooking his fingers into her gusset he pulled it to one side, so he could get his tongue between her cunt lips.
Holding her bum cheeks tightly, he pulled her cunt hard against his mouth, as he licked her golden triangle.
Let's try it this way,' she said, and stepping back from him, she pulled her knickers right off, and knelt on the bed with her arse towards him. Lick my cunt from behind' she said, as she swayed her bottom from side to side.
John knelt down on the carpet so his mouth was on the same level as her cunt.
He opened her bum cheeks so he could get his tongue deep into her wet cunt, and gave it a good long licking.
Exposing herself to him like this really turned May on, and as he licked her cunt, so she was grinding it in his face.
He had to stop, as his mouth was full of cunt, and his nose was buried in her golden pubic hair.
He just couldn't breathe, and had to come up for air.
She got off the bed, and knelt on the carpet facing him.
He saw her put her hands behind her back, and clasp them together.
I want you to go to my dressing gown hanging on the wardrobe door, and bring me back the belt from it please' she asked him.
He got the cloth belt, and brought it over to where she was kneeling.
I now want you to tie my hands to my feet, so that I am helpless' she instructed quietly.
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John did as she told him, and secured her with the belt.
I want you to fuck my mouth, I give you full control of how hard and fast you do it, just don't come yet. ' She said looking up at him.
The sight of her kneeling in front of him naked and helpless, had an electrifying effect on his cock.
It became even more rigid than it had been, and he guided it into her open mouth with one hand, while he held the back of her head still, with the other.
He started to fuck her mouth slowly and gently, but seeing her kneeling there so submissively, brought out the dominant male in him.
Holding her head tightly so she couldn't back away he began to really fuck her mouth hard.
This was completely different from her sucking his cock.
Then she had control of how fast and deep his cock went into her mouth, but now he was in charge, and he needed her to take as much of his cock into her mouth as humanly possible.
Once again May knew exactly what she was doing, during her long sexual life, she had mastered many sexual techniques.
The one she would call upon now, was deep throating.
It involved simply breathing through the nose, and suppressing the gag reflex.
Both techniques she had mastered years ago.
As he fucked his cock into her mouth, he could feel it going in deeper and deeper, until it was going right down her throat.
He could hear her apparently choking on his cock, but instead of making him ease up, her noises of distress prompted him to fuck her mouth even deeper.
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At one stroke, he could feel his balls pressed up hard against her lips.
Her submissiveness triggered a deep primal alpha male response in his hind brain, and all he could think about was making her submit to him totally.
He suddenly came to his senses, and pulled his cock completely out of her mouth.
He fell to his knees in front of her, and pulled her into his arms.
God May I'm so sorry, I didn't know what I was doing there for a minute.
I could have chocked you to death, please forgive me. '
He blurted out in distress.
May knelt on the floor with her head down, the force of his fucking had loosened her hair so much that it had fallen down around her like a golden cape.
She wasn't the least bit hurt, but it wouldn't do John any harm to remember that she was just a fragile little girl when she needed to be.
He was frantically untying her hands and kissing her face.
It's OK dear, I just had trouble breathing for a second.
I think I bit off more than I could chew with your big cock,' she said in a timorous voice.
He held her tightly to him, and promised to do whatever she asked, if she would forgive him.
You can help me sort out my hair if you like, you seem to have well and truly fucked it,' she said with a laugh.
His relief at her joke was enormous, and he was soon gathering up her long golden tresses, and using the belt, tying it back into a giant ponytail for her.
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She got back up onto her bed and knelt so that she was facing the full length mirror.
She told him if he wanted to make it up to her, he could give her cunt a good hard fucking from behind.
He was only too pleased to do this, and standing behind her he guided his cock between her cunt lips and deep inside her.
She was wet and hot, and soon he was fucking her harder and harder.
The sight of her little naked bum shaking with the force of his thrusts, spurred him on to greater efforts.
Look in the mirror, John,' she gasped between thrusts.
He hadn't noticed the mirror until he looked up from her arse, and saw himself fucking a naked woman, who was kneeling in front of him with her bum in the air.
This was the first time he was able to observe himself fucking May, and she had positioned herself, so he could see her large naked breasts bouncing wildly with every stroke of his cock.
He had never seen anything so erotic in his life, and it was him that he was looking at.
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I need you to get the Vaseline John she said as he slowed down.
I want you up my bum as soon as possible.
He pulled his cock out of her cunt and walked over to the drawer, he returned with the jar.
Without needing to be told dipped his finger in it, and started to lubricate her bum hole as he had done previously.
This time however he knew he would be fucking May up the arse, and his fingers were shaking in anticipation, as he pushed them deep into her bum.
I want you to get my vibrator from the bottom drawer now, and use it to stretch my bum hole, ready for your big cock.
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He fetched the vibrator, and found that by twisting the base he could control the level of vibration it produced.
He rubbed some Vaseline on the end of it, and carefully inserted it into her little anus.
She wriggled her bum as he did so to assist its entry, and soon he had pushed it halfway up her bum.
She then asked him to gently rotate it in her bum, to stretch her as much as possible.
The sight of it sticking out of her arse really got him hard, and he couldn't wait to pull out the vibrator, and replace it with his hot cock.
Her bum hole was now a lot bigger than it was before he had used the vibrator, and he found that when he pulled it out, he could get three fingers up her bum.
May asked him to gently insert his cock, and commence her arse fucking.
Even with the stretching and the Vaseline, she gave an involuntary grunt as his knob entered her bum hole.
He could feel her little arsehole gripping him tightly, as he gently moved his cock in and out.
He increased his strokes gradually, until his balls were slapping against her cunt, and she was taking every inch of cock up the bum.
This was very different from fucking a woman's cunt, a cunt was designed to be fucked.
A woman's bum needed lots of lubricant, to enable her to take it up the arse without too much discomfort.
John knew from listening to the sexual conversations at work, that very few women indeed, permitted their men to fuck them up the arse.
He had never yet heard of any woman, who actually enjoyed the experience.
John considered himself amazingly lucky to have met a woman who not only permitted it, but loved it.
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Once he had got a good rhythm going, he could look up from her bum, and again he could see himself and what he was doing to May.
When he was fucking her cunt she had been on all fours, and he could see her lovely big tits swaying as he fucked her.
When she was taking it up the arse she had her head turned to one side and flat against the bed.
This presented her arse to him at a comfortable angle for her, and he noticed her eyes were shut as he fucked her up the bum, as hard as he could.
May was in heaven, at last she was getting a really good arse fucking.
She could feel Johns big cock stretching her hole wide, and the feel of his big balls slapping against her cunt was driving her into a multiple orgasm.
John heard her starting to moan, and saw that she was thrusting her arse back towards his cock, as hard as he was thrusting into her.
I'm coming John she gasped, I'm coming for you my darling boy. '
Suddenly he felt her hot cunt juices flowing over his balls.
Fucking her arse had made her cunt come, and soon she was in the midst of a raging orgasm.
He found that once started, he only had to gently move his cock in and out of her arse, for her orgasms to continue one after the other until at last she begged him to stop.
He pulled his cock out of her bum, and she collapsed onto the bed.
Her arsehole was gaping wide, and she was shuddering with her orgasms even though he was out of her.
He was hot and sweaty, after such a marathon fuck.
While May lay naked on the bed, and shuddered through h.
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