All of my stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.
“4 3 6 5 8 7”
After giving my number I paused to listen to who was calling.
“Hello, this is Mr Spencer. ”
“Mr Spencer? Do I know you?”
“I’m assuming I’m speaking to Mrs Kendal?”
“Yes, I’m Mrs Kendal. But I’m afraid I don’t know any Mr Spencer. ”
“Your husband works at D F H distribution? Well I’m his boss. ”
“Oh yes. I’m sorry, the name never clicked. Oh my god! Has something happened to Gerry?”
“Well in a manner of speaking, yes. ”
“Oh no. Is he alright?”
“Yes, he hasn’t had an accident or anything, but I have to talk to you about him. ”
“Why what’s happened?”
“It’s too complicated to talk on the phone, I was just ringing to make sure you’d be in if I called around to see you. ”
“Well yes, when will you be coming?”
“Right away if that’s ok, I can be with you in thirty minutes. ”
“Ok I’ll be waiting.
With that I put the phone down and began to worry. If Gerry hadn’t had an accident, then what else could be wrong? Then I thought about Gerry’s ‘perks of the job’. You see Gerry works in a distribution warehouse, and the products they store vary widely. And if a large pallet of, for instance, washing-up liquid slipped from a forklift whilst being loaded, then the whole pallet would be written-off as damaged, and should then end-up in the waste bins. But obviously, only a few of the bottles would actually be damaged, so it was common practice for the warehouse lads to share out the undamaged boxes, as freebies. This was what Gerry called ‘the perks of the job’. Now I know this is not strictly legal, but we never considered it stealing. But as I rushed around tiding-up before his boss arrived, I racked my brain to think what else he could be coming to talk to me about. And why me? Why wouldn’t he just be hauling Gerry over the coals?
As I was busy putting things into one of my kitchen cupboards, it struck me just how petty these so called perks of Gerry’s were. The top of this cupboard I’d opened was stacked full of bottles of vinegar. I’d given away bottles to various relatives, all of my neighbourhood friends, and even though Gerry is only 24, and I’m only 25, we’d still got enough bottles to last for the rest of our natural lives. That was the trouble with all his freebies, they were of little value, and always came in large quantities. So I’m busy trying to work out what this man will want to talk about, when I hear the knocker on the front door.
He had made his way across to the sofa, but was stood in front of it as if ready to sit down.
“Ok then. As I was about to say, I’ve got a bit of a problem. ”
“What kind of problem?”
“Well just recently, I visited my sister; she lives just in the next street to you. Tudor Road. ”
I nodded but didn’t make any comment.
“And she was talking with her neighbour, a Mrs Harris. Thelma; I think is her first name.
“Well she was telling my sister all about her friend whose husband gets all kind of knocked-off stuff from work. And being as the wastage; that’s what we call any goods at work that get damaged or stolen. Yes, being as the wastage levels for this last six months has risen by seventy percent; I was interested in what she was saying. So later when she’d gone, I asked my sister to surreptitiously find out who this Robin Hood character was. ”
He paused, as if waiting for me to say something, but I kept silent.
“I thought maybe you’d have guessed his name, he lives in this street. ”
Again He paused, waiting for me, but again I kept silent.
“I see the cats got your tongue. ”
“Well this so called good Samaritan is called Gerry Kendal. So you see Mary, I thought maybe it would be a good idea to watch your Gerry a little closer.
It was obvious he had got Gerry, as they say, ‘bang to rights’ or ‘caught red handed’. So I thought maybe I could put in some kind of mitigating plea on his behalf.
“But please Mr Spencer. It would all have just been thrown in the waste bins. It can\'t do any harm us using them up. You know with all this talk of re-cycling and not wasting food, you could even say he’s doing his bit to save the planet. ”
He took a small pen like object from his pocket,
“I assume you have a computer?”
“Yes it’s in the other room. ”
“Do you think we could take a look at this video I’ve recorded?”
We went into the back room and I turned on the PC. I know it always feels like forever waiting for a PC to boot, but sitting here, with him holding what I now could see was a memory stick; one I assumed with incriminating evidence, it was like my life force was ebbing from my body.
He plugged in his memory stick and in seconds the video was showing a fork lift driving down an isle in between tall stacks of pallets. He kept moving the slider bar until we got to a place where the fork truck driver turned around, obviously checking in every direction to make sure he wasn’t being watched, and then he drove slowly backwards, getting ever closer to a steel girder that protruded from the floor and reached up to support the roof. As the edge of the pallet made contact with the stanchion, he slowly reversed until the pallet was dragged off the forks, and overbalanced. It slipped off as if in slow motion, and as it hit the floor, the boxes stacked on it slipped. Then the other side of the pallet dropped back to the floor, almost shaking the boxes back to their original position.
The driver then jumped down, and with a long steel bar from the back of his truck, he ripped open the banding holding the boxes, and pushed one of the boxes to the floor where it burst open. Then as he went back to the truck and began to fill in some paperwork, Graham said,
“I hardly think damaging a box of yogurts is going to help save the planet. ”
The video was so clear my Gerry was instantly recognisable, and there was no way anyone looking at this video could call this accidental damage. But I didn’t reply, I just stood alongside him at a loss for words.
“Well my dear, nothing to say?”
“I I I’m sorry. I never realised. He just said it was a sin to see the stuff thrown away into the bins. ”
“Well now you know how it’s damaged, what’s your opinion now?”
“I I’ll tell him as soon as he gets home. ”
“Tell him what?”
“I don’t want him to bring anymore things home.
“Oh my god! But what can I do to help?”
“First, tell me, has your Gerry got a garden shed or workshop?”
“He’s got a shed, but he hasn’t got any of the stuff he’s brought home out there. For one thing it lets in water, and anyway it’s only just big enough for the barbeque, lawn mower and his tools. ”
“I wasn’t thinking about where he’s stashed his ill gotton gains, I was wondering if that could be where he’d hang the free calendar I give to each of my staff at Christmas?”
“Do you mean the one with views of the Lake district?”
“Well that wasn’t the one I was referring to, but now you’ve mentioned it. What did you think of the pictures?”
“Ok, I guess. But I’m not much into mountains and lakes. ”
“I was meaning more the camera work. Did it look professional?”
“I guess so, why?”
“I took those photos myself, it’s my hobby.
“Well from what I can remember, the girls’ weren’t leaving much to the imagination. ”
“Do you know where your husband has put his?”
“Yes, it’s hanging on the back of the door in his hobby room upstairs. ”
“So I can take it from your reaction that you didn’t think much of my camera work? I thought I’d struck the right balance; keeping it sexy, but not being too crude. ”
So from this I gathered this was another example of his handiwork, and not wanting to get on his wrong side, I didn’t want to criticize what he actually seemed quite proud off.
“I didn’t mean it was crude, but looking at girls is even less appealing to me than mountains and lakes. ”
“But I guess you\'re wondering what my obsession with photography has got to do with the predicament your Gerry has got himself into?”
In truth, I was beginning to think that he was maybe going to try to blackmail me into posing in skimpy underwear, like the models in his calendar, but not wanting to put unwanted ideas into his head, I just answered,
“Well yes, I was looking for some kind of connection between his foolishness, and your generosity in giving out free calendars. ”
“Well it’s like this; I’ve got an idea for next year’s workshop calendar. That’s what I call the girlie version, cos it normally gets hung up in garages or workshops. I was thinking of a masquerade. You know, the girls faces concealed behind those masks on sticks like at the high class balls. ”
I didn’t comment, but just nodded to show I understood what he was talking about.
“And then last week I saw your Gerry showing his holiday snaps to one of the lads, and the chap he was showing them to, passed them to me.
There was a silence for a few seconds, and then he asked,
“Well, what do you think?”
But still trying to play the innocent I answered,
“About what?”
“Well I thought you’d be a bit brighter than that. ”
“What do you mean?”
“Ok, it’s your loss. If you think I’m going to make a proposal you can take to the police, then you must take me for a fool. I’ve given you a lifeline, and if you’re too dumb to take hold, then you’ll just have to suffer the consequences. I’ll wish you goodbye. ”
With that he got to his feet, and I realised if I let him leave with things as they stand, my Gerry could soon be in real trouble.
“Please Mr Spencer, don’t go. I I didn’t mean to annoy you. ”
He didn’t re-seat himself, but just stood there and said,
“I I I’m not sure what you are asking?”
“Young lady. Can\'t you understand? I’m not asking anything. It’s your husband who is in trouble.
“Are you saying if I was to agree to model for you, you wouldn’t report my Gerry to the police?”
“I haven’t asked you to model for me, so it’s not a case of you agreeing to anything. If I did ask, that would be bribery. But if you want to offer to model, then that’s your prerogative. And as I’ve said, I’m a reasonable man, and the last thing I’d want to see is a generous young lady being dragged down by a foolish mistake made by her husband. ”
I thought for a minute or so, but I could see he was getting restless, and I sensed he was about to speak. Fearing he was again going to threaten to leave, I said,
“I’ll model for you on condition its just swimwear. I won\'t do topless or underwear. ”
“Right my dear, what are you saying, you’d like me to consider you for a modelling job in my next calendar?”
“I I guess so. But like I said; nothing as revealing as that other calendar. ”
“I don’t know what you take me for. But I can assure you, all the girls who model for me are free to accept or reject any of the costumes I select.
“I I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply there was anything dirty going on. But I just don’t want you to think I’m agreeing to pose nude or anything. ”
“Let’s forget this topic, if you want to pose for me, then there will be nobody forcing you to do anything you’re not happy with. Now to the details, have you anything planned for tomorrow?”
“I don’t think so. ”
“I need a yes or no. If I’m going to arrange a makeover team, then it can\'t be just a ‘don’t think so’. ”
“Well no, I have nothing planned at the moment. ”
“Well you do now. There’ll be a car here at nine in the morning, and you’ll be at my place by nine-thirty. The makeup team should have you sorted by eleven-thirty, and by twelve we can start shooting. That’ll give me a good three hours. And you can be back here by four, ready to make hubbies tea. So is that settled?”
“I guess so. But what am I going to tell Gerry?”
Gerry arrived home from work as normal, and as Graham had predicted, he had a box of Strawberry yoghurts. I was bursting to say something to him about this stupid habit, but knew it would only make the whole thing more complicated, and wouldn’t really solve anything. So the night passed without incident, and the next day after Gerry had gone off to work, I began to get myself ready for the car that was to collect me. If I tell you I was on edge and having second thoughts, then I’m sure you won\'t be surprised.
But at the stroke of nine a car arrived, and in I got. In less than thirty minutes I was being shown into a magnificent studio in the back of a very large country house. This was the kind of house you’d expect a Lord of the Manor to own, built inside a walled estate, with its own big iron gates at the end of the long drive. But once inside the studio, I was shown into a room which was obviously designed for the purpose; equipped with everything the team of three beauticians required. For the next two hours all three of them worked on every inch of my body, and when I emerged at around eleven-thirty, even I had difficulty believing the stunning girl in the mirror was actually me.
It was then that Graham appeared, and he escorted me into a changing room, where there were at least five racks of clothes. Ranging from full ball gowns, to jeans.
I stopped and said,
“You won\'t be expecting me to model these without wearing a dress on?”
“Not if you don’t want to. But let’s just start with the others, and if you still feel uneasy about modelling in underwear, then nobodies going to force you. ”
“Ok. But I don’t understand, I thought you only wanted me to model swimwear, and that my face would be covered. I can\'t model any of this stuff if you’re going to put it in a calendar, I can\'t have my face recognised. ”
“Today is nothing to do with the calendar, this is just to get you used to being in the bright lights, and letting you get acclimatised to the whole situation. When I shoot the calendar shots, I want you to feel totally at ease.
The day went by with me in some kind of daze, and far from being sordid or sleazy, I felt like I was some kind of super-model. I was pampered and preened in between every change of clothes. And no matter how revealingly cut the outfit, I felt completely at my ease showing off my assets in any pose requested. And by the time the outfits progressed onto the swimwear, I was already so at ease with showing my underwear via splits in skirts and plunges in blouses, that the first of the one piece costumes actually felt quite unexciting. Gradually as we moved to the bikinis and thongs, I got a little more self-conscious, but I still posed in whatever was the requested position. Surprisingly, when all the swimwear was done, and all that was left were bra and panty combinations, the point I’d been dreading, I found the first of these to be so stunning, and relatively speaking modest, that I actually re-appeared on set with a feeling of elation and excitement.
It is difficult for me to now explain, but the whole experience of a professional set with bright lights, dresser to assist and preen, and a photographer with such a reassuring manner; they all worked together to melt my apprehension, and replace it with an inner glow of confidence. So strong was this self-belief, as the underwear got scantier, and even when I was expected to model the last few outfits which were just skimpy thongs, meaning I would be topless; I still walked out on set. Even if I did need a small silk shawl around my shoulder the first time I walked out with naked breasts. But once on set and the shooting re-started, I again just proudly displayed my body. And continued to do so with all the remaining thongs.
I left his house feeling so proud of myself, not only for overcoming my shyness to protect my husband, but I also a felt I’d displayed, if only to Graham, that I had a body as good as his professional models. Again that evening, as Gerry came home I wanted to tell him all about my day, but knowing my Gerry, this was obviously not something he’d understand, even if I had been drawn into it by his stupidity.
The next morning, I wasn’t expecting to go back to Graham’s studio, but he had said if he got time he might try to call round to show me some of the results of the days shooting, but no time was mentioned. I went shopping around nine, and when I arrived home around ten-thirty, Graham’s car was parked in the street out side our house. As I got closer, I could see it wasn\'t just Graham inside, but it looked like he had another man with him. As I approached my front gate, they began to get out of the car, and the man from the passenger seat, who was a total stranger to me; took the bags of shopping from my hands, and followed me towards my front door.
Once I’d opened the door, I just ushered them both inside, and after the stranger had put my bags down in the kitchen, we all made our way into the front living room, and sat down. The stranger sat in the arm chair by the fireplace, and Graham sat on the sofa. As he did so, he patted the empty space on the sofa to one side of him, saying,
“Come on, room for a little one. ”
I turned and backed myself down, and as soon as I was seated, he moved up close alongside me, making contact leg against leg. Graham opened a folder on his knee and began to produce photos, placing them on my lap.
I know this sounds so boastful, but I’m telling you my honest feelings. And as I saw these pictures, my heart began to swell with pride. It was only the fact I know I was there, that made it believable that I was the model. I looked stunning. Yes I know the clothes give the first impression, but the way they made-up my hair and every other part of my body, I just looked so elegant.
But as the remarks they were making were all complimentary, I soon began to feel that even these were worthy of maybe a little pride. When Graham had shown the last of his selection, he asked,
“Well. It wasn’t so bad was it?”
I didn’t need to think of my reply, I instantly answered,
“It was like a dream. I’d never have believed I could do it. And your make-up girls made me look so good; I could hardly believe it was me. ”
“So no regrets?”
“Oh no. But you have to promise me nobody will ever see any of those photos, especially the ones in the underwear. ”
“Nobody? But we’ve both seen them. ”
“Well yes. But I mean they won\'t be on a calendar, or in any kind of book. If my Gerry ever knew I’d done anything like that, he’d kill me. ”
“I guess you could say that is one of the reasons I’ve brought Peter around with me.
They were both looking intently at me, but the thought of what he was proposing didn’t appeal at all.
“What do you think, we could say maybe ten parties would be pay back for all the thieving your husband has done?”
“I couldn’t do that. ”
“Why not?”
“I couldn’t model that kind of revealing stuff in front of a group of strange men. ”
“But you modelled for me yesterday. ”
“That was different.
“Well that does disappoint me. ”
“I’ll do your calendar. ”
“I told you, I’ve gone off that idea. ”
“I’ll do it wearing just that little micro thong from yesterday, without wearing a top. So long as my face is covered, that is. ”
“No. The calendar idea is dead now. What about if you let both of us fuck you right now?”
My head almost exploded! I instantly went red with embarrassment, and a fear ripped into my tummy as I realised just how unsafe I was sitting here with two men I hardly knew. I began to try to get to my feet, I felt sick with fear.
He reached his hand onto my shoulder and as he eased me back to the sofa,
“Hey, what’s wrong? I was only joking you. Come on, we wouldn’t force you to do anything like that. ”
I looked at him, still trembling with fear,
“Please don’t say things like that. I I thought you meant it. ”
“Don’t be silly. I didn’t do anything yesterday.
He put his hand in his pocket and pulled from it the skimpy thong I\'d just referred to, the one I\'d modelled yesterday. He took hold of my hand and placed the thong into it, folding my fingers closed. The thong was so minute, even in my tiny hand the thong was almost invisible. I shook visibly as I heard him tell me,
“You go out there and slip this on, and then come back and let Peter see what you look like. ”
“Please don’t. ”
“Don’t what?”
“I I can\'t. You know I can\'t. ”
“I think you can. You wouldn’t want your Gerry to see any of these pictures. Now would you? Come on, I saw you in it yesterday; so letting Peter see you in it should be no big deal. After all, you’ve just offered to model this for a calendar that would be ogled by thousands of men. ”
“If I do this, does this payoff Gerry’s debt?”
“You are joking.
It was obvious I had to comply with his wishes, so I got to my feet and made my way up to my bedroom where after locking the door I undressed, and put the skimpy little thong in place. I say in place, because you could hardly call it wearing it. It was just a narrow triangular strip of thin silky material about four centimetres at the widest part, tapering to nothing at the narrow end over a length of no more than five centimetres; held in place at the front of my crotch with a narrow ribbon. Yesterday, the dresser helped me, and I’d stood there open legged while she made sure it was strategically placed to cover the necessary area.
It was obvious yesterday when I saw the thing hanging on the rack, that I would be exposing myself. But, I\'d just gone with the flow of the whole event. And even today, looking at the results of yesterdays shoot, as I mentioned earlier; their complimentary remarks made me feel proud, if somewhat nervous about my revelation. But now; knowing once I call them up, there wouldn’t be any camera or impersonal posing. It would be me posing for two men to look and mentally devour every centimetre of my flesh. But as the alternative was for my Gerry to see the pictures from yesterday, I knew I had no choice.
I walked to my bedroom door, pulled back the little bolt and as I opened it and went to step out onto my landing to call down the stairs to Graham and Peter, I almost jumped out of my skin. They were both standing there just outside my door. Before I’d even regained my composure, they were moving towards me, and I was backing into my room. By the time I was alongside my bed, Graham had reached behind me, and as I felt his hand touching my bottom I stopped. Then as I stopped, he brought his other hand up to cup my naked breast.
“Come on mate, you take the other one. ”
I tried to make a protest,
“Please don’t do that. ”
But they took absolutely no notice, and in seconds, Peter had taken up Graham’s invitation, and he was at my other side, with his hand cupping my other breast.
I reluctantly just stood there, with them both fondling a breast apiece, when Peter said,
“Jesus Graham, I’m getting a stiffy. ”
“You’re not the only one. And by the feel of this nipple, we’re not the only ones getting turned on. I bet her snatch is getting moist as well. ”
“Please stop now; I’ve let you have a feel. If he wants to see the costume, let me just model it for him, and then I’ll get myself dressed again. ”
“What say you Pete, do you want to check out the goods?”
“I’d rather she took care of this cock of mine. ”
“You heard him. How about a quick blow job before you show-off your goodies?”
“Well one way or another, you’ll have to relieve both of our dicks, or your Gerry is going to be experiencing prison food. ”
“Please don’t say that. ”
All of this time they’d both been continuing their manipulation of my breasts, and Peter had also moved his other hand down behind me, and was stroking down over my bottom and gradually each stroke had been making its way deeper under my crotch. Just at that moment, his finger tip had reached the entrance to my pussy, and I squirmed my hips forwards in an attempt to prise him away. But Graham’s hand was stroking my pubic bulge from the front, and all I succeeded in doing was to remove Peter’s finger, and replace it with Graham’s.
“Come on, you can’t pretend you’re not getting excited by the thought of it.
I couldn’t see Gerry go to prison, and if rubbing their cocks was the price; then I decided I’d have to pay. But I knew if I allowed them free access to my pussy, I would be susceptible to my own desires, and the whole thing could end up with a major fucking session.
“I’ll wank both of you, and you can have me on my back on the bed, and fondle the top half of my body, but no touching down there. ”
“No can do. I said that was my final offer. So unless you\'re going to play ball, I guess you’d better be prepared to loose your husband for a few years.
“Ok Mary, looks like Pete here has taken pity on you. So first of all you get our pants off, then we’ll have you on the bed. ”
I looked across to Peter, and said, a quiet,
“Thank you. ”
And then I began to loosen Graham’s belt. As I did, he removed his tie; both of them must have removed their jackets down stairs. As I started to lower his trousers, he was taking off his shirt, and so was Peter. So once I\'d removed Graham\'s trousers, he stood there naked, apart from his socks. Then I turned and began to undo and lower Peter’s trousers to the floor.
Now we were all as good as naked. That is they were both still wearing socks.
A hand pressed into the middle of my back, as Graham’s said,
“No my dear, I want you back down there, I want to be able to see your snatch as it gets all excited. ”
I didn’t resist his pressure, but now back with hands supporting my weight, I asked,
“How am I supposed to wank you?”
“Patience my dear. We’ll let you get to play with our cocks soon enough. ”
With that they each resumed their breast fondling, and the arousal they had started while playing with me whilst we were standing by the bed, was instantly re-kindled. Graham moved himself around towards my head, reaching under me to hold and fondle one breast, but he was also knelt down low, and he brought his face up to mine, and started to kiss my cheek. He slowly moved around placing kisses from one ear across to the other, and covering all parts of my face in between. I resisted the kisses as he approached my lips, but as he was also using his open palm to caress and stroke my hair and neck, after a few minutes of this tender handling I could taste his tongue as my mouth began to accept his eager lips. Once my resistance had been thwarted, my pent-up passion just exploded, and our tongues danced in each others juices.
I’m not exactly sure at what point I became aware of Peter’s hands stroking the inside of my legs.
I hadn’t noticed his hand was no longer working my breast, but I did feel the pressure as he used both of his hands, gripping my legs tightly just below the knees, as he spread my legs open wide. Whilst his hands still restrained my legs I felt what was instantly recognisable as his tongue as he lapped the exposed lips of my pussy, first one side then the other. My first deliberate action was to try to pull my mouth from Graham’s. But he was far too strong, and my attempt was futile. But worse was my involuntary reaction to his licking. I felt my tummy clench, and as it drew in, it pushed my whole genital area, bulging it into Peter’s face.
This he took as an endorsement of his method, and he released my legs, giving him a free hand to pull the meagre thong clear. Then he began to devour my clit; sucking, rolling it around, and even a light nipping and tugging. Once he’d homed in on the approach that gave the best response, he relentlessly worked back and forth between rolling my bulging button, and then curling his own tongue which he then pushed as deep up inside me as he could. Then it would withdraw, unfurling as it slowly slipped out; to return to my eager clitoris.
And then as Peter’s tongue slipped from my hole but didn’t arrive at my waiting clit, I felt his hands taking hold of my waist. It was at this point as I waited for the inevitable; that I realised somewhere in this journey of discovery, Graham’s cock had replaced his tongue, and he was now gripping both of my breasts as he thrust his cock hard at my throat. Then I felt it. Peter’s cock! As it touched my hole, my tummy again clenched, and this drove my hips back. My hole opened as his cock plunged in to the depth of my reflex thrust, but just this first few inches stretched my hole open wider than it had ever known. I tried to let out a cry, but the cock in my mouth just pushed deeper and began to enter my wind-pipe.
Then his hands released my hips and I felt him take hold of a handful of my hair. He just tugged gently, and at the same time gave a steady push. I could feel it slowly swelling my tummy as it entered uncharted territory, making its own path as it drove deeper and deeper inside me; not unlike the relentless advance of a gang of bodyguards, as they escort a celebrity through a dense crowd of photographers. Eventually I could feel his groin as it made contact with my bottom, and at that point I knew I taken his full length. From then on the whole event just took on a new dimension, I knew both of them were pumping, one at each end of my body, but that very same body of mine was experiencing sensations at such a level and frequency, I just lost all conscious control.
I had several of what up until this point in my life I’d called orgasms, but all the time there was something else I couldn\'t explain building inside my tummy. Something I’d never before experienced. They both fucked for what seemed an hour, but I guess in reality couldn’t have been more than quarter of that time. And then Peter pulled hard on my hair, almost lifting my head off Graham’s cock, and at the same time, his strokes which up until now had been long steady thrusting, became erratic.
His first violent tug had pulled me off Graham’s cock, and now in front of me, he was wanking his cum shots directly into my face and hair. But did any of this worry me? No fucking way! For as my pussy had sensed Peter’s first load of cum, it had exploded with a kind of convulsion. It was alternately dilating and contracting. With each dilation it was spraying out love juices. From what I can remember Peter gave a good ten or more plunges depositing his cum, before he slipped from my pussy. But as they both finished there relief and lowered me back to the bed on my side; I carried on writhing and pumping cum (mine and some of Peter’s) for at least a minute after they’d both finished. (You might be wondering; if I was so far out of my head, how on earth could I know or remember so much about who did what, and where and when. Well, I’ve written my feelings and the parts I could remember; but how I came to know the rest, you will find out soon. )
When I returned to normality, I could hear the shower running, and I was lying in the most disgusting mess on my bed. Neither of them were in my room, but then I heard their voices coming from the bathroom, where I supposed they must both be taking a shower. I got to my feet dragging the sheet from the bed with me. But the sheet I’d been lying on was so disgusting, I bundled it into a heap and dropped it on the floor. Then using the sheet from the mattress, I wrapped it around myself and made my way to the door where I again slipped the bolt into place, locking them out.
After about five or ten minutes, I heard the shower stop, and a few minutes later I heard their voices out on the landing, as they made their way to my door. The handle on the door rattled as they attempted to open the door.
“Mary. Are you alright? Have you locked the door?”
“Yes. I’m not coming out until you\'ve gone. ”
“But our clothes are in there. ”
I hadn’t thought about that.
“Well go down the stairs, and call back up. When I know you’re out of reach of the door I’ll throw them down to you. ”
“You’re being silly. Come on open the door. ”
“No. I don’t trust you. ”
“Don’t be silly.
I then heard Graham say to Peter,
“Come on mate, it sounds like she’s gone all shy again. ”
Then he said in a louder voice,
“We’re going down now. ”
A few seconds later the voice sounded like it was coming from downstairs,
“Ok. We’re in the hall. You can throw them down. ”
I slowly slid the bolt back, and opened the door, a quick peek told me they weren’t on the landing, so I dashed to the banister rail and threw their clothes down the stairs, and then returned to my room locking the door. I waited until I could hear their voices coming from the room below me, and then I made my way to the bathroom and had a soothing shower. But the warm water didn’t just clean and refresh me, as the warmth engulfed my naked body; from deep inside my tummy I felt a glow. This was unlike anything I’d ever known, and as I stood there my body began to tremble. The feeling built, until I had another orgasm. This was not as overwhelming as the gusher I’d just experienced, but it was far and away stronger than any other so called orgasm I’d had previously, and it did result in me sinking to my knees in the shower.
I’d intended to shower without wetting my hair, but as it was, I now looked like a bedraggled rat as I limply stepped from the shower. After a quick attempt at removing the bulk of the water from my hair, I wrapped my head with a towel.
“I don’t think you two will be so cocky if I phone the police?”
Graham froze the screen and looked at me,
“Police? Why on earth would you do that?”
“Rape! Don’t think you can do something like that and get away with it. What my Gerry has done doesn’t even come close to your crime. ”
He gave a stifled laugh,
“Ha Ha. ”
“What ever makes you think we’d want to rape you?”
“Think! I don’t need to think. You pair of bastards have just done it. ”
“Oh you mean your little fucking session up stairs. But that wasn’t rape. That was what we were watching when you came in. I videoed it, it makes good viewing. In fact,”
And at this point he snatched out and grabbed a handful of the towel robe I was wearing, and as he pulled, the loosely tied belt slipped off, allowing the rope to pull wide open.
I leapt sideways to get out of his reach, and only succeeded in ripping the robe exposing myself completely.
“You bastard! Get off me!”
Peter then spoke, in a somewhat calmer voice than Graham’s,
“Come on Graham. Enough is enough. Let her cover herself up. ”
Graham loosed his hold, and I attempted to wrap the torn towelling as best I could to cover myself. Peter got to his feet and began to walk towards me. I backed away, and I guess the look on my face told him I wasn’t happy being backed into the corner of the room. He held his hands up open palmed,
“Calm down. I’m not going to touch you. Tell you what, how about you sit there and I’ll go and make us all a nice cup of tea. ”
By now I was almost in tears, and I half spoke and half sobbed,
“Tea! You don’t think making me a cup of tea will get you out of this. You’re the one who’ll go down for rape!”
“I can tell you’re fraught, but maybe when you have time to relax you might see things differently. I’ll make that cup of tea anyway. Do you want one Graham?”
“I guess so if you’re doing the honours.
He left the room, and Graham said,
“I’ll start this from the beginning; Peter has already seen the start, so he won\'t be missing anything. ”
“No need to on my account. I don’t want to watch your dirty movies. ”
“I think you should. If you have some silly idea about being raped, I think maybe you should see the real evidence. This is video footage as it happened. ”
The video began at the point where I’d just resigned myself to the prospect of having to wank both of them. All the conversation and my protesting up to that point hadn’t been recorded. So the first thing I see is Graham and Peter stood with their backs to the camera and me in front of them. To be more accurate, it could have been any two men stood there; but I knew it was them. I could then be seen to be doing something to Graham, and as his pants began to drop, it was obvious; I’d been loosening his belt, and was then removing his trousers and pants. At the same time both of them could be seen removing their shirts and ties. In short, it was a recording of the episode I’ve just related, taken from some point behind where they had been standing; my dressing table would be my guess. (So now you know how I managed to fill in; who did what, and where and when; while I was so far out of my head. )
As I sat there watching, without diverting his gaze from the screen, Graham said,
“The camera work isn’t what you’d call professional, but being as I only had seconds to plonk it down on your dresser, I guess I couldn’t expect much better.
Before I could answer, Peter arrived with a tray with our cups of tea. He passed one to me,
“Do you take sugar? Or are you sweet enough already?”
I guess the five or so minutes he’d been out of the room had given me time to reflect, and the hostility I had been feeling had subsided slightly. Instead of giving him a curt reply, I managed a slight smile as I replied,
“No thank you. ”
He then gave Graham a cup, and sat himself back down next to him.
Graham again tried to goad me,
“I was just asking her if this was the fucking session where she thinks she got raped. ”
I could see this kind of remark didn’t sit easy with Peter, and he gave Graham a black look as he said,
“Ok Graham, I’m sure she isn’t going to pursue that route. There’s no point in rubbing it in. ”
I was sipping on my tea, and by now on the screen, we’d arrived at the point where Graham pulled his tongue from my mouth, and manoeuvred himself into position in front of me. As he brought his cock up to my mouth, I could hardly believe my eyes. I could be seen lifting my head, and opening my mouth, not just allowing him access, but you could almost say, encouraging him.
It was obvious to me, and would be to anyone who watched this video, that there was no way I could claim he abused me forcefully. I sat there completely numb, as Peter could be seen to lift his head from my crotch, and he positioned himself to give me a doggy fucking. Yes his hands were on my waist, but I didn’t fight or attempt to struggle.
When it got to the end, and I saw myself writhing around long after both of them had dismounted, I turned bright red, and unknowingly lifted my hands to cover my face. I sat their mentally squirming in my seat so ashamed of my disgusting performance. But as soon as Graham turned the video off, Peter said,
“Well my dear, I can honestly say, I’ve never had a girl fuck as good as that before. You have a real talent. ”
I didn’t reply, and indeed, I think I actually blushed even redder. But Graham again brought up my accusation of rape,
“Come-on then Mary. Are you still considering reporting us to the police?”
I didn’t speak, but with my head hung low, I just shook it from side to side.
It was as I sat there sulking, knowing I had no bargaining point to free myself from this state of affairs I’d been drawn into, that I suddenly realised something. I lifted my head, and said to Graham,
“So I won\'t have to do any of those underwear parties now. ”
He gave me a curious look, and then turned to look at Peter. As if to ask if Peter knew what I was talking about. Peter just shrugged his shoulders, and Graham turned back to look at me and asked,
“And what makes you think you’ve got out of paying me back for your stupid husband?”
“You gave me the option earlier, if I didn’t want to do the parties, I could. .
Peter looked at Graham and said,
“She has a point. ”
Graham didn’t look pleased at Peter siding with me, but after a few seconds silence he came back with,
“Ok little miss clever clogs. But when I watched that video, I only saw one of us fucking you. If you want to take up that offer, then I want to see you on your hands and knees on the floor now, robe off, and ready to fuck. And then once I’ve spunked up inside your snatch; then I’ll call it debt paid. ”
I knew he’d again got the better of me. I\'ll bet as you read this you\'re thinking, ‘you’ve already fucked one, what does one more matter’? But I’d never have let Peter go that far knowingly. And now ‘in cold blood’ so to speak, there was no way I could get down and let him take me. But a kind of determination, or if you will, pig headedness came over me.
“I don’t care what you say or do. I’m not modelling that stuff, and neither of you are going to get anywhere near me again.
I let out the longest and loudest scream I could muster, and even though Graham tried to subdue it with his hand I kept up the noise. He stepped back and brought an open palmed hand across my face,
It stung like hell, but in less than a second, as I overcame the initial shock I resumed my scream. I saw his hand rise again, and mentally prepared myself for the pain. But it never came, Peter had now sprung to his feet, and he grappled with Graham restraining his hands.
“Enough of that. I agreed to the sex stuff because I thought she was gonna be easy. But I’m not gonna be a party to any rough stuff. At this point Graham grabbed the remote, ejected the video, and stomped off out of the room. As he went through the door he said,
“You haven’t heard the last of this. ”
Peter took hold of my hands, and then as he gently stroked my face he said,
“I’m sorry about all that. And as for what happened upstairs, I meant what I said, you were the best. And if you do ever want a job modelling, just get in contact, and I’ll find you work instantly. And I don’t mean as a prostitute.
And then they were gone. I sat there for a good hour just crying, I’m not sure why. Was it because Graham might still cause trouble for Gerry? Or because I’d been raped? Or because in reality it hadn’t actually been rape, but I had actually let them fuck me? I don’t know myself, but when I eventually stopped crying, I realised it wouldn’t be long before Gerry would be home from work. I dashed upstairs and did whatever was necessary in our room to remove all signs of what had taken place, and I’d just walked into the kitchen to start on the evening meal when I heard a key in the front door.
It had to be Gerry, he was the only one besides me with a key, but it was a good half an hour before he was due home. Then I heard his voice,
“Hi honey, it’s me. ”
As I walked from the kitchen I said,
“You’re early. ”
And then I saw Graham walking down the hall directly behind Gerry.
“Err Mary, can you come and sit down a minute; I’ve got a bit of bad news. ”
My mind was racing, Gerry’s reaction wasn’t what I might have expected if he’d seen the photos Graham had taken of me, or for that matter the video. So what was it? I didn’t have long to wait to find out, as I sat down in the chair, Gerry sat on the sofa with Graham; Graham sitting in the same position he’d been in just a few hours earlier.
“I’ve been caught out by the CCTV cameras at work. ”
I knew I had to play innocent, so I asked,
“Caught, doing what?”
“Well it’s the stuff I bring home; they\'ve got evidence of me deliberately damaging pallets so that I can scrap them off. And if they take the evidence to the police, I could go to prison.
“I don’t really want to ask you this. But it’s the only way I can save my job, and not end up in prison. ”
I obviously knew what Graham was playing at, but I couldn’t tell Gerry what had already taken place. And even if I did, it wouldn’t help. So I just answered as I thought he’d expect me to,
“Ask me what?”
He passed over a catalogue, the company name across the top said, ‘Erotic Nights’ \'Sexy lingerie to spice up the long winter nights\'.
“If you’ll model this stuff for Mr Spencer’s friend who owns that company, then he says he’ll let me keep my job, and he won\'t go to the police. ”
I opened the catalogue, and the kind of stuff in there was as you might expect. I asked Gerry,
“Have you seen this stuff?”
“Yes. I know it’s a bit skimpy.
“He’s explained it all to me. It’s all above board. You’ll have someone to help you dress, a female of course. And it will be in a private club, with only selected guest. They’ll be a hired security man, so you won\'t be in any danger. ”
“So you’ve already discussed the details before you even asked me?”
“Well yes, I couldn’t ask you without knowing you\'d be alright. ”
“And you want me to appear on stage in front of a load of strange men, wearing this?”
I at this point held the catalogue open showing a thong similar in size to the one I’d modelled earlier for Graham and Peter.
“Please Mary. I know they don’t cover much, but if you don’t, then I’m in real trouble. I wouldn’t ask if I could see any other way out. ”
What could I say? Here was my husband begging me to do the very thing I’d told Graham just a few hours earlier that I wouldn’t consider. I looked at Graham, and as I said,
“Ok, you’d better make the arrangements, and let me know which night you want me,”
I gave him my most angry scowl. It was Graham, who now spoke,
“I think you made a wise choice there Mrs Kendal. Oh that does sound so formal, especially as I expect I’ll be seeing so much more of you in the future.
“Right Mary, have you prepared Gerry’s meal yet?”
I wondered what on earth he wanted to know that for, but I just replied,
“Well no. I was just about to start on it when you arrived. ”
“That’s good. Now Gerry lad, it’s your cal.