Topic: Marky´s Rubber Gloves I grew up as a military brat moving around airforce bases all over the world. My favourite memories are from Heidelburg AFB in Germany. I can remember all the fun we american kids use to have with the German kids everyday after school in a small German neighborhood just outside the gates of the base.
The German kids were a few years older than my friends and I but that never made a difference. We were foreigners and the Germans were fascinated with us and us with them especially the oldest boy Marky who was about 16. Marky was tall well built and was on the rugby team at his school. His chissled jaw, bulging baskett and huge hands kept me up at night dreaming of the day I would get the nerve to entice him to grope me or anything sexual to fulfill my lust for him. All us kids jumped on Marky and rough housed with him and he would chase us, pin us down, make us eat grass and tickle us into hysterics. We could never get enough.
One day it was just Marky and I taking a walk along the ditches where we would catch crawdads, snakes and sometimes fish. He kicked one of my feet trying to trip me but was unsuccessful. I thought to myself, it´s now or never. I said outloud look a snake! When he whipped his head around I went right for that huge baskett between his legs and squeezed it as hard as I could. I felt his cock jerk almost to errection in my hand. He almost caught my arm but I was able to yank loose and started running towards an old workshead we kids use to hangout at. He was chasing me and getting closer yelling to me with a thick German accent "I´m gonna get you good for that, you know you can´t get away from me.
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All of the sudden I felt his massive hand on my shoulder grabbing hold of my shirt and tugging at it to slow me down. I struggled like a dog trying to get free from a leash giggling and screaming "ok you win, you win Marky, it was just a joke!". At that moment I felt his arm wrap around my torso and his other hand come between my legs cupping my dick and balls and hoist me up in mid air. My cock jumped so fast it ached. My heart was pounding out of my chest I could hardly breathe. I was in complete exstacy and never wanted this moment to end. I twisted my head and looked into his big blue eyes giggling and said "ok Marky, please put me down now, you got me". He looked at me with this sly half grin started chewing his gum, shook his head and said "not a chance!"
He carried me with his hand still craddling my crotch squeezing and groping me along the way so by the time we reached the shead I had a raging hardon and my underwear was saturated with precum.
When he finally put me down he didn´t turn me loose. He reached around with both hands squeezing my balls and stroking my dick really hard yanking them up and down punching and spanking my groin with intermittant tickling and jabs to my ribs. During my giggling fits I begged him to stop to no avail so I reached behind me and grabbed his baskett for the second time and felt his huge rock hard cock in my hand. He said "auhh you little shit! Now I´m gonna get you reeeeal good with my rubber gloves!"
He dragged me over to the back end of the shed and opened up a work cabinet where inside hung some old tools and a huge pair of elbow long thick black rubber gloves. He took some white silk rope hanging on the wall and started tieing my hands to a vice at the end of the work table. I was getting a little nervous until he asked me if the rope was tied to tight. I said no but what are you going to do you´re scaring me.
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He said don´t be scared, I´m not gonna hurt you. But you´ve been a bad boy and I´m gonna milk ya real good to punish you! Then I knew exactly what he was gonna do and what the rubber gloves were for. I said very unconvincingly, "Marky no please don´t, oh come on you´re not really going to are you?" Sill chewing his gum he just grinned and unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down around my ankles along with my underwear. I continued to giggle and plead as he brought the gloves over to me and made me breathe in to them and smell the rubber. The whoppling sound from the gloves made me so horny and more precum oozed from my cock and the way he handled and squeezed the gloves rubbing them on my balls and staring me directly in my eyes with that sinister grin and gum smacking, I knew he was enjoying it as much as I was.
He proceeded to pull the gloves over his huge hands and stretch them up to his dry buised elbows to a snap then clinched his fists to make sure they were tight. Then he took out a can of motor grease and lubed up the gloves and approached me. He grabbed my dick and balls at the same time stroking them and getting them all greased up and started massaging and kneading my balls and glidding his smooth gloved hand up and down my cock. My mouth was watering and I couldn´t help but stand on my toes and my hole body was shaking. He tossed his hair out of his eyes looked at me and said "I know you like that rubber don´t you boy". In that momment I heaved and fought to keep from yelling as my feet went cold and I felt the nerves in my scalp pulling downward and first I squirted several huge cum drops that went in his face on his chest and over his shoulder then pumped out a small pool of cum that dripped off the rubber onto the dirt floor.
After he was sure he had squeezed every last drop of cum from my balls and milked it from my cock, he dropped his jeans and mixed more grease with my cum on the gloves and began beating off squeezing his balls and in literally just seconds squirted all over me panting and moaning.
This by far was the best orgasm I´ve ever had in my life. I often reflect back on it when jacking off. Needless to say I love the feel of rubber and have owned rubber gloves and underwear since I was old enough to get them.
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But now I´m the one milking the dudes!