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papers for the Rivererton-Price merger. Ordinarily, that sort of drudge workwould have been handled by one ofthe junior associates, not a senior partner. Janice, 29, a transplanted Iowan, had escaped the confines of Cedar Rapids twoyears before, after the collapseof her four year marriage to Jeffrey. She knew all too well John’s sentimentsabout California, but she knewtoo that he liked the theater, and so had gotten tickets for a new and locallywell re-viewed play, herintention evidently to demonstrate the cultural maturity of her adopted city tothis skeptical easterner shehad come to know on ICQ. Before going to the play they had an early dinner atAlversano’s, a lovely Italianrestaurant (even he had to concede that), but the play itself was dreadful. Theyleft after the first act, anddrove up the serpentine road to her house in the hills overlooking the hazecovered city, which seemed tosprawl, endlessly, below. Arriving, she poured them each a glass of wine, tunedthe stereo, and then providedthe ritual tour of her home, including (but of course) the bedroom, dominated bya huge bed, itself adornedwith red satin sheets. After, they went out to the deck, and, simultaneously it seemed, decided that itwould be a nice evening to gointo the Jacuzzi, for John a novelty. Janice took his glass, refilled it withthe perfectly iced Champagne,and placed it beside her own on the ledge around the Jacuzzi. She handed him atowel and said she’d be backshortly, warning him playfully "not to start" without her, but to go on and getin the water. Stripping, hedid, at the same time wondering ". . . start what??" She left, then returnedmoments later with what shereferred to as "a joint," dropped her towel and joined him, naked, in theswirling water. The cBettyabisseemed to make the lyrical, soulful music playing on the stereo touch theirsenses even more acutely than ithad before. Relaxing, leaning back with the jets and bubbles going full force,drinking the bubbly, withnothing but the stars above them, finally she leaned into him.
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Inevitably theirlips met as their bodiestouched, sending an anticipatory stirring through both of them. Then, Janiceshifted her position in thewater, to a place directly in front of him. He spread his legs so that she couldcome closer still. . . . Sitting naked with her in the Jacuzzi, a little light headed from the combinedeffects of the wine and thegrass, it occurred to John that they seemed to have hit it off pretty famously. Here he was "unexpectedly" inCalifornia with this sensual woman he had "met" electronically scant monthsbefore. . . . "This is the first time I’ve ever been in one of these things," John said,gesturing vaguely, a bit nervously,at the oaken tub which enclosed them, his oddly pale skin (surely *eastern, shethought) almost luminous,translucent, in the reduced light, ". . . I find the experience decidedly sexy," hecontinued, "and full ofinteresting possibilities.
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" What *sort of "possibilities," she asked, thinkinghis choice of words curiouslyclinical. Still, her reply was punctuated by a slow, suggestive, and (yes)worldly smile. "Well, Janice, thisreminds me of a story I read not long ago, on the internet, evidently written bysome wanton, which suggestedan explanation about why women seem to like these tubs so much. . . . " What storywas that, she wanted to know. By a stroke of good fortune, unbelievably [all things being possible in thisworld of the imagination], John"just happened" to have a copy of the text of the aforementioned tale secretedsomewhere on his person. He retrieved it, miraculously, from somewhere [literary ingenuity here fails,momentarily: being naked, soaked,soaking, we know he had no pockets, or none to which he would readily admit inmixed company]; nevertheless, hebegan to read aloud, confidently, almost as though he had some proprietaryinterest in the tale’s composition:"Why don’t you go to my lake house this weekend and enjoy some free time," Suetold Betty at work on Wednesday. Too much responsibility at work had recently drained Betty of energy, but shehad the weekend stretching outin front of her that was hers alone. . . . So the story began, and Janice listened attentively, chastely even (given thecircumstances), and learned thatultimately it concerned a hot tub, not unlike her own. Holding onto the side of the tub [it went on], Betty [our heroine] spread herlegs so that the water would hither pussy at just the right spot.
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She began to push against the water andcouldn’t believe the feeling shemoved up and down pushing herself harder and harder against the jet. It feltlike a hard cock pushing deepinto her. She began to twist and thrust again and again. The jet bored into her,and the sensation grewstronger and stronger until she felt that feeling, the release she needed, andshe heard herself crying outwith pleasure. . . . And then Betty was caught, flagrante delicto, in media res (as it were), postres, actually, by a randy mailman, of all things, yes I know, it should have been a gardener, I read too, butI didn’t write the story, andmaybe (a *very long maybe) mail men too are capable of randiness. "That’s it," John said after he had concluded, "it never was continued, alas. Have you ever tried using thejets that way?" Janice blushed but smiled again, and that was answer enough. "How about now, then," heteased. And then, wordlessly, he put his hands on her shoulders, and turned heraround so that her back waspressed into his chest. In this position, she sat between his parted legs, hisnow erect cock pressed into herbuttocks. He could reach ‘round her, under her arms, with both of his hands. Doing so, he cupped each of herfull breasts, gently rolling the nipples between his fingers.
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Their naturalbuoyancy and the surging watermade her breasts seem to float, just breaking the water’s surface. She sighedheavily and pressed back intohim, as all the while he continued to toy with her, the pressure of her backagainst him, the salute of herswelling nipples signaling her arousal. . . . "Come on," John said finally, "let’s try it. " Giggling like children at theirown clumsiness, they eventuallymade their way to the side of the tub, still in the water, she sitting on hislap, her legs parted, thighsenclosing his. Again John reached around her with his left hand and began tostroke gently between the lips ofher vulva with his middle finger. "Yes, just there, John," she murmured, and shespread her legs yet furtherapart. Even as he played with her, occasionally varying the routine by slippinghis finger *in-side, Johnmaneuvered them closer to one of the jets until he could feel it pulsingdirectly on the back of his caressinghand. In this way, if he moved his hand away, the water jetted right between thelips of her pussy, and heheld her there in that position, kissing the back and side of her neck, fondlingher breasts with his righthand, stroking her clitoris with the fingers of his left. . . . These several delights had Janice *very aroused, very quickly, more so than evershe could have imagined.
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"God, you’re going to make me cum," she moaned, "I want you inside me. " "Notyet, Janice," he answered,laughing, handling her, ". . . this first one is just for you. " So, abandoningherself now to the inevitable,Janice reached down between her own legs and took his rampant organ into herhands, rubbing it up and downbetween the by now swollen lips of her pussy, as the water pulsed and pulsedagainst her. At last, she camewith a shudder. . . . "Hmmmm, just like the story," John said, smiling. "But whatabout you, *what can I do foryou," she asked, holding onto his still very erect cock. "Use your imagination,"he replied. Pressing back onto John’s chest and massaging him gently with her hand, teasing,pivoting her hips against him,feeling his breath quicken, Janice then turned and, facing him, leaned into him,kissing, running her tonguealong his lips, felt them part. Their tongues touched, darted each into theother’s mouth, entwined.
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Shelowered her hand down to his erect cock once again, and put her other arm aroundhis back, pulling him closerso that he could feel her breasts on his chest. She rubbed her body against him,up, down, and felt his cockgrow even bigger, hotter than before. Then moving so that she could straddle hislap, pushing herself hardagainst his loins, she asked again "What would you like, John?" He smiled up ather, saying that he wascertain she’d be able to figure it out without his having to say a word. . . . Already atop him, she raised herself slightly, so that she could sink slowlyonto his cock. Feeling the waterjets and bubbles all around them, the heat from the Jacuzzi augmented by theirbody heat, they were dizzied andslipped down further into the water, their hands expCathyng, probing. . . . All thewhile, she continued to moveup and down on his cock. Perceiving his risen desire, and not wanting him to cumyet, (since she had more inmind for him), she then moved from on top of him and knelt again before him,between his splayed legs. Johnmoved up a little on the seat, so that his cock was beside her breasts, andJanice leaned forward to kiss hisneck. Trailing down his chest, she lowered her head down across his taut abdomenand kissed his cock, whichwas just barely jutting out of the water.
Moving her mouth over the very tip shecircled it with hertongue. . . . Then taking his hand she said "Come on, come with me. " They stepped from theJacuzzi, toweled each other dry,and she led him to the upper portion of the deck, then into the house, to thebedroom. Still holding his handshe pulled him to the bed and turned, again to kiss him, ultimately sitting downon the edge of the bed, withhim standing in front of her, his cock still full and thick from their foreplayin the Jacuzzi. . . . As she led John into the softly lit bedroom, he couldn’t help but notice againthe opulent, femininefurnishings: the raised teakwood platform bed with its alluring red sheets, theplush oriental patternedcarpet, and the damask curtains cleverly suspended in some hidden fashion on allof the walls sur-rounding thebed, which stood in the exact center of the room, the very focus of the place. "Curious to cover the wallswith curtains," he thought at the time, but said nothing. And this time he alsonoticed a detail which hadeluded him during the brief tour of the house earlier that evening: the entireceiling, at least four hundredsquare feet corner to corner, was made up of brilliantly polished mirror panelswhose purpose he immediatelyguessed. "So you like to *watch yourself, Janice," he said, smiling. She made noreply other than to reach tothe head of the bed in which was located what appeared to be a small controlpanel, buttons and switches.
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Pressing one of these, she caused the curtains silently to glide into recessesin each corner of the room,revealing beneath them walls covered entirely by yet more mirror panelsidentical in every respect to thosewhich constituted the ceiling. . . . The effect was electric. No sooner had the curtains moved aside than she tookhis half turgid cock into herhand, ringing it with thumb and forefinger, stroking up and down, cradling andgently squeezing his balls withher other hand. She began slowly, teasingly, licking the tip of the glans, andworked her tongue in and aroundthe super sensitive eye. Within a few short moments, however, she picked up thepace, hungrily engulfingalmost the whole of him. He looked down, enthralled, watching his cock disappearthen reappear, glistening. As her head bobbed, John became aware of a kind of low guttural purring soundemanating from her throat. . . . Since she was sitting just at the edge of the bed, he standing before her, hewas able to get one of his legsbetween hers.
Sensing what he was about, not slowing her rhythm, sheaccommodated him, spreading her thighswide apart so that he could push his knee hard up against her center.
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She hadalready become very wet. And asJohn looked about him, into the mirrors on either side, he saw their lovemakingreflected, replicated over andover in the shiny glass, dozens of ever shrinking images receding into a seeminginfinity. Reaching down, heran both of his hands through her hair, then pulled her closer onto him,enraptured with the exquisitesensation of her mouth and tongue. . . . In time, feeling that all too familiar tightening in his scrotum and lowerbelly, even as he grew weak-kneed,John knew that he’d not be able to hold out much longer, and he didn’t want tofinish alone. So he pushed heraway, withdrew himself from her unrelenting caresses. She looked up at himimplor-ingly, questioning, a childwhose treat had unaccountably been taken away for no apparent reason. But as hepushed her back onto the bed,she understood. "Come on, Janice, get on top of me, I want to taste you," hesaid, and she smiled. He lay onhis back, she over him, her knees on either side of his shoulders. Graduallylowering herself, her beautifulbehind neared his face, and he could see *all, from anus to pussy, wide open,shiny. . .
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. At the apex of thedelicate floral inner lips proudly stood her little clitoris, whilst beyond hecould glimpse just a bit of hertrimmed pubic hair. All this but for a second or two, and then it was lost tohis delighted gaze as shedropped onto his mouth. Next she sank down on her own belly, towards his, seizedhis throb-bing cock, andplaced it once again between her lovely lips. He felt her tongue playing with him, licking and sucking, and voluptuousfeelings, almost unbearable, shotthrough him, emanating from that one place, now fully enveloped in her mouth,the center of her attention, thecore of his very being. Up and down gently she moved her head, the pressure ofher tongue and palate affordinghim excruciating pleasure. . . . Out shot his tongue in reciprocation, seeking the expanded smoothness of hervulva, finding the full clitoris,then thrusting into the very avenue to her womb. So for some time, they carriedon this delicious play, withmutual enthusiasm. Then he felt her backside wriggle, and she pressed herselfcloser, harder against hismouth. His cock, harder and harder, jerked upward, involun-tarily, deeper intoher throat, his own hipspropelling him *into her. With a tractable fucking motion, more quickly stillshe moved her mouth up and downhim, and he, alternately clasping and rubbing her buttocks, tongued rapidly thewhole surface of her cunt. .
. . His moan of pleasure, muffled in her groin, signaled the beginning of hiscrisis, and with a thrill he felthimself pulsing jet after jet into her mouth. From her again he heard that samelow guttural purring,"ummmmmm," felt the vibrato on his cock. With another wiggling motion, sheresponded at once to the sensationof his emission, and settled closer onto his mouth. His nose fairly buried inher, her clit between his lips,he shot his tongue rapidly over it as tighter he held her to him. He felt hertremble, then go rigid, and thenher motions ceased. She lay still, atop him, tranquil in the aftermath ofpleasure, his cock still in hermouth, his face soaked with her essence. . . . Then they relinquished each other, and moved to reverse their position. So lostin rapture had they beenthat only then did they realize that they were no longer alone in the bedroom. That Janice showed no sign ofshock or even mild surprise told John at once that the person staring at themwas someone she knew. Coolly, levelly, she returned the stranger’s gaze and said "Well, I should haveknown.
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. . . how long have youbeen watching us?" And John wondered *what he had gotten himself into. . . . With a smile the tall, dark, stranger answered, "Long enough to know I want tojoin you and your new friend. Aren’t you going to introduce us?" "Sure," Janice replied, "John, this isJeffery. " As they greeted eachother, Janice could sense an uneasiness about John. She smiled up at him andasked what was wrong. He saidthat he was "just a little uncomfortable" with someone around whom he didn’tknow had been there, that it mighthave been "nice" if Jeffery had made some sort of noise when he entered theroom. . . .
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Janice attempted tosoothe him with a gentle kiss, to which he responded a little nervously, butthen seemingly John calmed downvery quickly when he learned that there was really nothing to worry about, thatJeffery and Janice were quitegood friends, and that often Jeffery and his friend Cathy, with Janice and herpartner would swap. Asking himhow he felt about that, swapping, John quickly told Janice that he had had *thatsort of encounter but oncebefore, many years earlier, and that at the time he had known all of the partiesfairly well. . . . Just then another person entered the room, wearing only a towel, havingapparently just left the Jacuzzi. Sheapproached Jeffery, kissed him, then asked to be introduced to the "new kid onthe block. " John immediatelyrealized that this must be Cathy, who without batting an eye took Jeffery by thehand and led him to the largebed where he and Janice were still lying. They climbed onto the bed and startedkissing each otherpassionately; by this time, her towel was of course gone and she had alreadyremoved the robe that Jeffery waswearing, dropping it to the floor. Following her lead, John and Janice embraced and started kissing again. Very soon all four were touching each other, caressing and kissing. Then theychanged partners, John withCathy, Janice with Jeffery. Soon Cathy took John’s hand and led him across theroom, through a door that hadbeen obscured by the mirrors. . .
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. This room had a totally different atmosphere from the one which they had justleft. The furnishings wereFrench Provincial, with a four poster bed in the middle, chiffon draping allfour sides, held back by satinrope ties to the corners of the bed. A thick plush rug carpeted the floor, softmusic emanated from hiddenspeakers, and burning incense candles were placed throughout the room, itselfdone in shades of blue, with ahint of pink highlights. The only similarity to the other room was the wallthrough which they had justentered: it too was covered with mirrors. . . . Still holding his hand, Cathy ledJohn to the bed, turning to himto say that she certainly "approved" of Janice’s taste in men, that she wasreally glad that she and Jefferyhad "happened by" that evening. Seeming to know her way around very well, she pulled him down on the bed withher. Grinning, she asked, "Wouldyou like to see something interesting?" Before he could answer, she reached forthe light and turned it off. At the same time, John discerned another sound, a click, some sort of switch. She then turned him around sothat he faced the mirror, *through which he could see Jeffery with Janice in themirrored room. Since they hadnot had any interruption, had not moved from one room to another, they werealready enjoying each other. Watching Janice’s mouth go down on Jeffery’s thick, erect cock, seeing histongue dart in and out of her cuntexcited John immediately, powerfully.
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He pulled Cathy above him on the bed,maneuvering himself so that hecould bury his face between her legs. At the same time she took his cock intoher mouth, driving it to theback of her throat. With a motion that somehow allowed her throat to open evenmore, his cock completelydisappeared inside her mouth, and he thrust harder and harder, deeper anddeeper. Just as he felt himselfstarting to come Cathy moved so that she was straddling over him and loweredherself onto him moving her bodyto his, grinding her hips against him. . . . At that very moment, John managed tosteal a glimpse into the mirroragain, to see what was going on in the next room. Only then did he realize thatJeffery and Janice were *alsoable to see through the reflective glass, as he had earlier. Surprised athimself, John was mightily arousedby this new sensation of being on display, and he found himself wanting to makelove to both Janice and Cathyat the same time, wanting to feel both of them all over him. He motioned toJanice, asking that she come intothe room where he lay with Cathy. In a moment she was there, leading Jeffery bythe hand. After Janice climbed into the bed with John and Cathy, she asked whether he hadever made love to two women atthe same time before. John shook his head, whereupon Janice told him to goacross the room, to the chair. "Watch us," she said, "and any time you want to join in, why just feel free todo so.
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" But before he left thebedside, Janice pulled him down on the bed and kissed him hard on the lips,while Cathy began rubbing betweenhis legs. John then went across to the chair, to watch. Noticing another "joint" on thetable beside him, he decidedthat a bit more couldn’t do any harm, then walked back to the bed and offeredthe other three some of thegrass. They all accepted, and planted kisses on him in gratitude. Walking backto the chair he continued tosmoke, sitting on the edge of the chair, not exactly certain how long he’d beable simply to sit and watchthis activity, already in full progress before him. But at the same time, he wasnot sure how he felt aboutmaking love with two women at the same time, and both of them making love tohim. After all, this wholeexperience was unlike anything in his experience. Yet on the other hand they*did seem to be having a greattime. John began to feel left out, sinking back onto the chair, his mind andeyes on the bed, on the three ofthem. . . . It’s certainly true that John’s mind was filled with a whole set of conflictingemotions when he first noticedJeffery standing there, a broad grin on his face. At first, he wondered if hewas expected to participate insome sort of bisexual or homosexual action, and he knew that he was decidedlyunready for that sort of thing. He also thought the name rather amusing, recalling from his college days thatthe most famous historical"Jeffery" was Jeffery the Censor, a Roman magistrate of the second centurybefore Christ, a sternlyconservative official who opposed as immoral hedonism virtually all Greekinfluence on the Roman Republic inshort, old Jeffery was a celebrated prude.
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What an inappropriate name for theseemingly unapologetic libertinethere in the room with them. "Poor old Jeffery must be spinning in his grave,"John thought, amused. . . . In any event, Janice’s relaxed attitude, her assurances, and finally the arrivalof Cathy, went a long waytoward allaying his misgivings. He couldn’t help but admire Cathy’s beautifuland healthy California body,lithe, long limbed, slim-hipped, her small firm breasts crowned with pertnipples. Like the others, he notedthat hers was an all-over tan. . . . So on impulse, he decided ". . . in for a penny,in for a pound," andreflected that if this was the sort of thing that went on in California, well,after all, he *was a guest inthis place, and wouldn’t want to offend anyone, would he? And so he determinedjust to let it happen.
. . . "California, here I *come!"Shortly thereafter, he found myself in what Janice had laughingly described as"the French room," his faceburied in Cathy’s pussy, licking and nibbling at her labia and clitoris, whileat the same time she expertlysucked, nursed, at him, even as Janice and Jeffery mimicked their actions nextdoor.
"French room;" indeed, hethought it aptly named. . . . Cathy’s truly expert ministrations had him at theedge of orgasm over and over, andhe was amazed how much of him she managed to get into her throat. Yet each timehe felt that he was about togo over the edge, she also somehow sensed it, and slowed the pace, fondling hiscock, squeezing gently, tillthe crisis had passed. She herself had already cum at least twice, he felt sure,when she climbed on him, andimpaled herself to the hilt. Not moving up and down at all, she instead used herinternal muscles, milkinghim. . . .
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All the while, he could see Janice and Jeffery through the glass, and bythen he knew that they couldsee as well. It was more exciting than anything he had ever experienced before,and he came and came, at thesame time as the others in the adjacent room. . . . Of course he was curious about making love to two women at the same time, as hefreely acknowledged when joinedby Janice and Jeffery in the "French room," but he was also quite conscious of(even perhaps a littleembarrassed by) his own limitations: the spirit was willing, but the flesh wasweak. "They gave an orgy, andJohn couldn’t *cum," he thought wryly, at least not as frequently as *thisincredibly sybaritic trio. . . . Sothere he sat in the chair, a little lightheaded from the effects of the grass,watching intently, a bit jealousif truth be told, as *both Cathy and Jeffery made love to Janice, she nuzzlingand teasing Janice’s breasts(her own hand busy between her parted legs), as he fucked her, *hard. All threeof their bodies were bathed insweat, the bed-clothes tangled, the room suffused with the aroma of sex. . . .
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Andafter he brought Janice toanother quaking zenith, incredibly, Jeffery was instantly on top of Cathy,pounding his cock into her, hercalves around his shoulders, ("Is this priapism?" John wondered), as both ofthem ultimately finished at thesame time, their climax heralded by a mutual groan of release and seemingbliss. . . . "OK, folks, half-time," John said, joking somewhat anxiously, and suggested thatperhaps the others would liketo join him in the Jacuzzi, to which he then retreated. By now it was velvetydark outside, the moonlessstarry sky providing the only light, a faint blue. He had scarcely eased himselfinto the tub when the paddingof bare feet behind him indicated that he was not to be there alone for long. "Where’s Jeffery?" he asked,when just John and Cathy slipped into the tub. "Recuperating," Cathy said,". . . getting ready for the secondhalf. " "Christ," John thought to himself, "*who is this? Ironman?" "Actually, hetook a shower, and went intothe kitchen for a sandwich," Janice added, "he’s not eaten anything for hours. Or, more correctly, not eatenany *food for hours, and man does not live on pussy alone. .
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. . "Moments later, the two of them were in the tub with him, one on either side. Hekissed them alternately,faces, mouths, and breasts, and tingled at the touch of hands, four hands,sliding slowly up the inside of histhighs toward his groin, reaching his somewhat revivified member, stroking,kneading, cupping his balls. Hisown hands were not long still, either, and he return-ed the luscious feeling,touching both of them at the sametime. He felt, they *all felt, his vigor slowly rekindled, and then Cathysuggested that they return to themirrored bedroom. . . . John found himself wholly absorbed, intoxicated, by these two voluptuous,appetizing women, one full bodied andfresh as the morning, the other slim and dark, inviting as the night. The strongsexuality emanating from bothof them radiated, and gradually he began to feel rather more *equal to thesituation. All of them were stillstanding, as they collaborated on his arousal, till at last his cock stoodalmost straight up. Then Cathy fellto her knees and began to suck him ardently, repeating again that motion whichenabled her to wholly engulf himdeep into her throat. At the same time, Janice leaned into him, planting kisseson his mouth, eyes, and neck,as his fingers, in return, coursed down to her pussy, which he found moist andopen, her clitoris once againprotruding. Though the game became more and more impassioned, he was determinedthis time to keep his "spirit"in check, in order to see it all the way through.
At last Cathy stood up, andtaking his hand led him to atable which was placed against the wall. Janice held his other hand andfollowed. . . . Cathy stood at the table for a moment, then leaned over face down, her torsopressed into its shiny surface. "Here," she said, "take me from behind. " His cock seemed to grow merely at thesight of her well-formedbackside, her slightly parted thighs, and her pussy, which she stuck out behindher, tan-talizing, slightlyswaying her long legs. Taking a position behind her, bending his knees a littleuntil the level was right, heslipped slowly into her in one steady stroke. While John made love to Cathy,Janice stood behind him, fondlinghis balls, and then said, "Let’s do it by turns; first one, then the other," andplaced herself beside Cathy,assuming an identical posture half atop the table. So he withdrew from Cathy,and plunged deeply into Janice,then pulled out again and shoved into Cathy with an equally long and deepthrust, then again into Janice, andagain into Cathy. His excitement over the two of them was maddening, and at lasthe reached the point where hecould have cum at any time. The two of them, side by side, glistening wet andwide open, made him almost faintwith sheer lust. "Come," he said, ". .
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. let’s get on the bed. . . . "Seconds later they were on the broad bed, surrounded by the mirrors. He lay onhis back, and Janice spreadherself over his face, pressing her pussy down to his lips. His tongue playedover her, occasionallytitillating her risen clitoris, his fingers clutching her hips. At the sametime, behind Janice, Cathystraddled him, rubbing his cock against herself, finally sinking down upon it. She rode him, wild withsensuality, until he had to throw her aside to avoid cumming too quickly. "It’syour turn now, Janice," hesaid, his voice ragged and barely audible. Janice changed places with Cathy, andhe let his tongue tease intoCathy. She pressed her cunt down so hard that he had trouble breathing. Despitethe momentary discomfort, itwas a splendid experience to note the difference between the two women: Janicewas bigger, wetter, glowing, andmoved only slightly, but was deeper and somehow more intimate than Cathy, whowas smaller, more hirsute, andless wet, but on the other hand was livelier, wilder, and more earnest. Hesqueezed and fondled both of theirsoft yet agile bodies, and they were a long time fucking, taking turns ridinghis cock, which unbelievablyretained its rigidity.
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. . . Janice had to give up first. He felt her press onto his cock, which now seemedto plumb the very depths of herwomb; from the spasms, he could tell that her orgasm seemed to last severalminutes. After that, Janice laydown by his side, snuggling into him while Cathy mounted him, and *screwed(there is no other word for it) witha reckless abandon, seething, smoldering, yet at the same time explosive. Hermovements quickened, and sherode him in a frenzy, while her fingernails raked into his body. Finally ithappened, not as it had withJanice in slow, profound, and deeply consuming waves, but rather like acataclysm, a volcano suddenly spewingfire. She bit and scratched at him as her little, narrow pussy reached climaxand she sucked him in and up,opening and contracting by endless turns. Then she sank forward, his cock stillburied in her. . . . When Jeffery returned to the bedroom about twenty minutes later, obviouslyrefreshed, he found them still lyingthere tangled in the bed sheets. "So you started without me, eh, and now Isuppose no one’s interested in thefinal innings?" In the same teasing tone, Janice answered: "Oh, I think youmight still be accommodated.
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. . . "Whereupon he slid over to the bed and sat leaning against the headboard, legsapart, his thick cock alreadyshowing signs of renewed life. Jeffery watched, fascinated, as Janice reachedfor him, and played gently upand down his shaft with her hand, causing him to grow with the touch. At thesame time, Cathy snaked her handbetween John’s legs, and found him still hard. . . . Then Janice got on her knees,on the bed between Jeffery’sout-stretched legs, and encircled his rigid sex with both of her hands. Her facewas very near the engorgedhead, and Janice admired it, firm, polished, smooth, tempting. Jeffery watchedher. Cathy and John watchedher, too. And Janice enjoyed their combined gaze, enjoyed being in control, andfelt again a familiar stirringin her loins. .
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. . Her lips parted slightly, and then delicately, *very delicately, she touched thetip of him with her tongue. They watched her face, and the way her tongue flicked out repeatedly. She lickedat him gently, feline, theninserted a small part of his cock into her mouth: it was quivering. Jefferytrembled with the pleasure Janiceafforded him. Again she kissed it, then enclosed him between her lips like somewonderful fruit, sendingshivers of delight from his sex up and into his body. A drop, milky white, seasalty, the precursor of desire,dissolved on her tongue, and she increased the pressure, the movements, of hertongue and lips. . . . Watching Janice ministering to Jeffery at the same time that Cathy’s coolfingers surrounded him was for Johnalmost unbearably exciting. He reached for Cathy, and began to stroke her pussywith his hand, his eyes stilllocked on Janice. Then, when he moved to push Cathy down upon her back, she said"No, wait, let’s give Janicea *special treat. " Still holding onto his cock, she maneuvered John behindJanice, behind her raised haunches.
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With her hand Cathy rubbed John’s cock between the lips of Janice’s very wetpussy, finally guiding him intoher, filling her, at the same time that Jeffery raised his hips, that he mightbe consumed by her hands andmouth. Having relinquished John, Cathy moved up on the bed, and slipped herpracticed hands beneath Janice’slarge breasts, cupping them, tugging lightly at the nipples with her fingers. The triple pleasure, the intensecarnality, made Janice pant, took her breath away. . . . Still, John sensed that even though the threefold delight, the intensetactility, was exciting for Janice,something was amiss, some limit had been reached. He guessed that Janice wasuneasy about having sex withCathy, and, recalling his own reticence when Jeffery first appeared on thescene, John could understand hermisgivings. His intuition was confirmed when Cathy smiled at him, lasciviouslyrunning her tongue over herlips, saying in his ear that she had been wanting to make love to Janice for along time, but that she,Jeffery, had never let her. Now she fully intended to try and take advantage ofthe situation. . . . Janice overheard Cathy’s whispered remark to John. Wanting to make certain thattheir exquisite night togethernot be spoiled by anyone’s doing *anything which they preferred not to do, yetat the same time wanting not todisappoint, Janice responded only slightly to Cathy’s overtures.
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Soon, how-ever,it was apparent that she hadonly done so in order once more to move towards John, *noticing of course thathe was again aroused by watchingher with Jeffery. As Janice moved away from Jeffery, towards John, Jefferypulled Cathy to him, roughly, hismember rampant from the preliminaries lavished on him by Janice’s talented mouthand tongue. Janice murmured to John that it was almost dawn, that she did not want any ofthe time remaining to them to go*unfulfilled, and led him back into the other bedroom. Closing the door behindthem, drawing the drapes overthe mirrored walls, pressing another button on the headboard, she caused themirrors in the ceiling to recess,to be replaced by rather normal looking ceiling panels. Suddenly the room wastransformed from a den of sex,a seraglio, into a very soft, luxurious room, very sexy indeed but in aperceptibly sensuous way, somehowsofter. Janice then took John into her arms and kissed him very deeply,longingly. They made tender, sweet,gentle love for the remainder of the night. "This is the real me," Janice whispered, ". . . that other person that I pretendedto be was just for fun andfantasy. " They lay in each others arms for hours into the morning, until thesound of a dog barking at themailman brought them back to reality. They got up, dressed, and went down to thekitchen for coffee beforeeach had to pursue separate ways, separate lives. . .
. Janice kissed him goodbyeat the door, then watched himdrive away, down the long road in the rented car. Both wondered whether theywould ever meet again. Both knewthat if ever they did, they would reminisce about the excitement of that nightwith Cathy and Jeffery. Butboth also knew that if ever they should meet again they would spend the entiretime *alone in the luxurious,sexy, sumptuous bedroom making love in that truly special way they had -tenderly, sweetly, gently, andpassionately. . . . .