Its was early in the afternoon. I walked into the living room and Jane was there with a couple of her friends. "Hi". "Hi", they all replied cheerily. "What's up?" "Not much". "Jane said you had a couple of tattoos" said Sue. "Yes, I do". "May I see""Sure"I took off my long sleeved shirt to show Sue the dragon on my shoulder. "Show them the one on your thigh", said Jane. "I'd have to take my pants off". "You're wearing boxers aren't you?"So I take my pants off and turn to the side so they can see the tattoo on the side of my thigh. "Show them your first tat". "Ok Jane". I carefully peel back the elastic band on my boxers to reveal the tattoo just below my belly button. I facing the girls now, and Jane is sitting slightly behind me. I go to put my boxers back into place when Jane suddenly pulls my boxers out of my grip and down to my ankles.
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