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What an elegant lady! I had met her ~6 months ago and I still regret for not having the chance to repeat it. GFE at its best from a slim figured and beautiful woman. Meeting @ her quiet and clean apartment close to Limassol...
Beautiful and elegant lady, truly dynamite in bed. I had met her multiple times, genuine fan of her! Enjoy every moment with an angel like Alex...💋
100% genuine GFE, true fan of her...😉, she is 🌋 in bed. I had met her multiple times in Larnaka and Limassol during her previous tours! Spent quality time with her and she will be your surprise gift...
Elegant and classy lady! Treat her like your girlfriend and enjoy every second with her! Get a descent short-stay hotel room or call her in your hotel room; share some drinks or a bottle of wine with her and you will be rewarded 100%. Soon you will become a regular...It was my third meeting with her. Perfect body! I do not want to be vulgar but... perfect tits, perfect ass, perfect body all in all! She enjoys 69, massage, pussy licking! A gentleman's gift...💋
Looks like an innocent, sweet, next door girl but she can be a true dynamite in bed. Tight body, firm boobs, excellent figure. We spend quite a lot of time in the jacuzzi, shared a beautiful bottle of wine...
Get a minimum 1,5 hour date and you will be rewarded, you cannot get enough of her within 1 hour...