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This is not the girl at the first photo is the other one with many photos but she uses the profile of the first girl and the reviews are not hers but for the first girl
It was wasted time with her not even a smile
Everything robotic no sensual at all
Waste of money
I left in 10 min
Don't forget to pass from Zakynthos as well babe
What i wrote in my review is 100% the truth
You gonna waste your money with her
At least pretend you like your job
Alicia elegant : Your review is just a malicious review because I don't believe you visited me❤️
Let everything you do and come in Zakynthos baby
Don't put fake foto
You can't fool us
Rosa: 100% real verificando
Come also in Zakynthos
I've been with you in Athens
Time to meet you in Zakynthos island beautiful
Hey beautiful after Corfu come in Zakynthos
Annie : I will try❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️