Erotic Novels
In Search of the Final Freedom:
An Erotic Socio-Political Novel
By Pat Tomason
Pat_Tomason@hotmail. com
It seemed nothing would slow the pace of Bonnie and Cooper’s new explorations; however, life has a way of undermining the most exciting of events.
While the girls were in Miami, Lamar was spending two weeks with Bonnie’s parents in Tennessee. Grandpa Forrester was an outdoorsman and expert wood carver. This was Lamar’s second extended visit to their home in near Cumberland Gap. Grandpa Forrester was very active with a sharp mind, despite being almost eighty, and loved to teach his grandchildren his carving skills. Lamar was, by several years, the youngest of his eighteen grandchildren and he loved having him visit.
Grandma Forester was lean and hard as the oak flooring in their mountain home, but she was very visibly less active than she had been just a few years ago. In her heart Bonnie feared she was more ill than she admitted.
Cooper’s summer class ended on Friday and he spent the five days alone very busy preparing lectures for his three classes he would be teaching in the fall and researching and writing new material for the FFF.
On Tuesday night the FFF had a board meeting in Augusta. Bonnie had sent the contribution records to the board treasurer before she left, but Cooper was bringing the donor list as well as the layout for a brochure for potential donors.
After the opening parliamentary procedures were concluded, the first issue was financial. The foundation now had assets of almost $120,000 due to donations from both the art show and a steady stream of donations buy foundations and individuals. Amy also reported that she was in discussions with a private foundation that is considering a three-year grant of $500,000 if she would provide them with a clear plan to use the money to further the FFF’s stated mission.
This much money, and the potential grant, meant the foundation needed full time staff and an office.
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After the board voted to make the office of Executive director a paid full time position, the job was offered to Amy. She accepted stating that she would resign her professorship and could begin mid-September. Bonnie’s position was also made full time effective in the same date.
Amy was authorized to take bids from advertising agencies for crafting a image building and marketing campaign.
Cooper reported on the good reception that Bonnie had received in Florida and suggested that a first use of foundation funds be to support speaking engagements with grass roots organizations “I would suggest” he said “That although a media campaign will be useful, real cultural change will happen on a more personal level. Since we are trying to get sex out of the closet in general, we should reach out first to groups who will naturally welcome our message and not just swinger groups, if we package our message right, college groups, sexual rights groups and the more progressive mainline churches will be open to us. When my article was published in the Methodist Social Chronicle I received far more supportive responses than hostile ones. ”
“So what are you suggesting?” Denise asked.
“A speaker’s bureau: Beginning with those of us on the board who feel comfortable speaking to small groups. Presenting no differently than Bonnie did, the FFF message, the ask for them to support the FFF or better yet, we could create a society to which they can belong - The Finial Freedom Society- via the net we can create a community. ” Looking around at this group of distinguished professionals, he implored, “That’s the way social change works, by first challenging the old ideas and nurturing new ones, one person at a time. ”
Rev. Davidson, the Episcopalian Bishop agreed, “He’s right, the media campaign is important but people’s hearts are changed by other people. Unfortunately, due to my position I can not do that kind of speaking; however, I can arrange for our speakers to have access to dozens of churches that are both open to our message and influential in their communities”
After nearly an hour of further discussion it was agreed that a second non-profit, the Final Freedom Society would be formed and would be designed to be a community of like minded people. The meeting lasted until late and since Bonnie wasn’t home he went home with Amy.
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Her place was about thirty minutes from Augusta in rural South Carolina.
It was a first for him, he and Bonnie had many times had a friend join them in bed, but it was different joining Amy and her husband Walt in their bed. Strange or not, he had not had sex in almost a week so he was more than ready to take turns with Walt doing Amy that night then again in the morning.
All in all Cooper had enjoyed a very productive week with the family gone, but was looking forward to the noise and energy of his busy household. He was also busy packing up the camping gear. The plan was to go on Friday up to Bonnie’s parents and then they would go up to the National Forest for a couple of days of primitive camping. He was looking forward to that, now the kids were older, camping was far more relaxing.
The van full of very tired girls and women arrived after dark on Wednesday. They had dropped off all the girls but Misty and Sarah before they pulled up in front of the Campbell’s house. The three moms and two daughters were surprising quite as they unloaded the van. He could tell by their eyes they were exhausted and so he did not ply them with questions. Marcy and Trisha pulled out and Bonnie collapsed in their bed.
It was well past noon when mother and daughter finally lounged in the family room and began to tell their tales. They were still telling tales when they finished packing the rented van for their trip to Tennessee. And they were still adding details the next day when the Campbell family crossed the state line into Tennessee.
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At first it was unnerving to listen to his daughter describe in detail having sex, but after the first hour he relaxed and listened to what she was saying. She was simply telling her dad about the fun she’d had; she was not embarrassed or shy that that fun was sexual in nature. He slowly accepted she was no longer a child and this was her life now, a life she wanted to share with him. Listening to her on the trip to grandma’s he accepted all that and after that day her sexual activity never made him uncomfortable again (well, not enough to make him sick).
Though they could see Grandma was not the energetic self she once was, they did not comprehend that when they left the old house on Saturday that it would be the last time they spoke to her. On Wednesday when they left the campsite deep in the mountains, to get some fresh ice in town Bonnie’s cell phone received a message from the day before that her mother had been taken to the hospital. After several frantic calls she contacted one of her sisters and found that her mother was in a coma, having suffered a stroke.
All other family and social plans were shelved. For a week she stayed with her sisters round the clock until the next Tuesday their mother passed.
Bonnie’s mother had always been a hard person, aloof and emotionally unavailable. As such her death was not as hard on Bonnie as it might have been in other circumstances. Her concern was her father, to whom she had always been very close. In all she stayed at the old home place for a over full month. As the new FFF office was under construction until the end of September, with the help of Trisha back in Georgia, she could do her work from Tennessee until then.
She had not realized that her parents had not slept in the same bed for years until as she was packing up her mother’s clothes she found that nearly all of them were in the dresser of what she thought was an unused bedroom.
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Since her dad never commented on the reason her mother evidently lived in another room, she did not bring it up. She had attributed the fact that he was not overly distraught to the mountain stoic ethic, but now she wondered what was left of their relationship.
One thing that had survived was clearly a division of chores. Though her father was an exceptionally industrious man, he was simply unprepared for simple household tasks that had been performed by Mama for the past fifty-three years. Things such as cooking meals and cleaning the bathroom were totally foreign to him. Bonnie took up these duties, but the week before she left Tennessee to go back to work, she arranged for a neighbor woman to help out two each days each week with domestic tasks.
All the while she had been in Tennessee, a sore throat had been nagging her but it was getting progressively worse. She finally broke down and went to a local clinic rather than waiting to go to her regular Doctor. As it turned out, she was glad she chose to deal with it away from home.
The young female doctor examined her throat and sent a nurse in to take a swab, that almost gagged Bonnie. After a short wait the doctor returned and asked a peculiar question. “How many men have you had oral sex with over the last three months?”
Bonnie was mortified by the question, and by the fact that she did not immediately know the answer.
The young physician continued “Well really we only need to know those men with whom you did not use a condom, you see you have Pharyngeal Gonorrhea, or gonorrhea of the throat and we need to make a report to the Department of Health. ”
Bonnie’s mind reeled as she took in this information. Not only did she have to mentally count the penis’s she’d sucked, she really didn’t know any of them by more than first names.
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So, she did what most people do when caught in a very embarrassing spot, she lied. “My husband Cooper, and at a party in New York I did a guy named Jim, but I don’t know his last name. ” She declined to list the half dozen others she had done in Florida out of embarrassment. “And when was that?”
“The first week in July”
“Yes, that is consistent with the progression I saw in your throat. I’ll need to give you a vaginal test as well, so if you could slip out of your pants. ” She said as she pulled the latex gloves on her hands.
Her head was swimming when she left the clinic with a bottle of antibiotics in hand.
“Trisha” she said into her cell, tears wetting the hand set as she sat in her car.
“What’s wrong?”
“I have gonorrhea! Gonorrhea of the throat, I’ve got VD”
After a moment Trisha responded “I think it’s called STD now, but it’s easily cured isn’t it?”
“Yea, that’s not the point. You and Marcy need to get tested. I could have given it to you, or you could have given it to me. We haven’t’ been living with the rules we set up for the kids and now I’ve got the clap. ”
Again the period of silence “OK, do you want to call Marcy or do you want me to?”
“Can you” Bonnie asked “I’ve got to call Cooper” then she thought “Maybe he gave it to me…. and you”
Bonnie couldn’t reach Cooper. When she arrived back at the family homestead she just sat in the car for the longest time.
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In her father’s dirt drive was the car of Stella, the woman who was helping her dad.
She was still so embarrassed she wanted to just disappear so she quietly slipped into the house hoping not to see that woman. She headed through the living room into the bedroom in which she was staying.
At first the house was completely quiet. She assumed her dad must be taking a nap, but wondered why she didn’t hear the neighbor lady. Suddenly she heard the sound of bed springs squeaking from behind her dad’s door. In this old house everything made noise and she remembered she could always hear if her parents were getting out of bed because the loud squeaking of the old box springs. She stopped in her tracks when two new pieces of information resonated in her brain.
On the couch was a large purse, just like the one the neighbor lady carried and the sound of squeaking was coming in a rhythmic pattern. A pattern she had never heard coming from her parent’s room in all her years growing up there: the squeaking sound of an old bed being used for sex.
She stood frozen listening first to the squeak, squeak, squeak of the box springs, then the addition of the tap tap tap of the four-poster bed hitting the wall. Momentary she was appalled at her dad doing this so soon after her mom had died, then the obvious occurred to her. She knew her father was not the strict church person her mom was, and if they had not shared a bed in years, did she really think her dad would be celibate. Of course not! She clearly remembered his flirtatious ways with women and had on occasion speculated that he might not be completely faithful to her mom, but now listening to him rutting a woman that was a good twenty years younger than he. Standing, listening to minute by minute progress of the rhythm droning on from behind the door she began to understand.
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It was her father who had recommended Stella, a reasonably attractive divorcee in her early-50’s come over and help him. Why hadn’t she picked up on the fact they appeared to be good friends the first time she came over.
The sounds stopped. Then she could hear the springs squeak as bodies moved around the bed, then again the regular squeaks resumed, only slightly slower this time. Bonnie was now a bit impressed by her seventy two year old dad’s stamina. She smiled and crept to the bathroom. Opening the medicine cabinet she looked at the labels and sure enough one of the bottles was labeled Viagra. She couldn’t help laughing out loud. Her mood of despair had lifted.
She debated leaving the house but decided to practice what she preached. With the sounds still emanating from the closed door, she switched on the TV. The sounds from the room instantly stopped. She heard someone exit the bed and footsteps approach the door. The door opened slightly and her fathers face peers out. She looked over at him with a broad smile and before he could speak she said “Oh, I didn’t mean to bother you guys.
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Here, I’ll turn this off till your done. ”
He just looked a bit befuddled before a look of understanding came over his face. He said “That’s OK, you can watch TV” and he shut the door.
It was quiet for a long time, then she could just hear the squeaks for a while, but slowly they and the wall taps returned for a less than a minute then the sounds quit again. Bonnie decided to give Stella a break, so she went to take a shower when she heard someone get out of the bed.
Coming out of the shower she found her dad had gone out to his wood-shop behind the house. Though the incident was not directly mentioned before she left, two days later when Stella arrived she told her father “Dad, I’m running into town for some groceries. I’ll be gone for about an hour. ” Then she winked and said “Have fun. ”
His face crinkled up into a wry grin, but he said nothing.
Cooper filled as much of the void created by Bonnie’ absence as he could,keeping track of all the things that Bonnie did on a day-to-day basis without his awareness: washing clothes, cleaning and fixing meals. The house that had been so busy with guests for months became quite. Family friends dropped by but it was subdued and very conservative by their standards. With out even mentioning it the family once again donned swim suites for the few times they used the pool in those weeks after Grandma’s death.
While the Campbell’s life was consumed by the passing of Grandmother, the world around them continued on.
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Soon those event’s would take on a life of their own. Bonnie, who had been so careful to control the pace of things, had already lost that control but it would be some time before she realized it.
For one, The Euro Club was not idle. By the end of the Miami trip, Sarah and Katie were full members of the club. In a frantic round of calls searching for a new hang-out while the Campbell family was in mourning, Sarah offered her place. It didn’t have a pool, but the hot tub was well appreciated and most importantly, they knew Mrs. Kelly would not object to the club’s habits.
School had started on August 29nd, two weeks after the girls returned from the beach and two weeks before Bonnie returned from Tennessee. Misty and Lamar didn’t arrive home from Tennessee until noon the day before school. It all seemed so rushed and with Bonnie out of town, Cooper worked feverously to get it everything done.
Dropping the kids off at home he rushed up to the high school to get them registered. One of the benefits of living in the rural south was that in times of grief the whole community helped out. Though he missed the appointed time to register them, the school secretary already knew of their loss and allowed him to register them contrary to the posted times.
After spending over an hour at the high school, he picked up Misty and Lamar back up and drove them to the mall in Macon to buy school clothes. By the time they made it home it was well past dark and Cooper collapsed in the bed fully clothed.
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Though dad was dragging the next morning, the kids were ready to go. Jefferson Davis High, though a rural school was not small. As one of only two high schools in Hancock County it had almost two thousand students. In a school that size most students moved through the halls in relative anonymity. Misty, however, was no longer one of those anonymous faces. It was not that she was a senior or the fact she had been named Photo Editor of the school newspaper and yearbook that made her a face nearly everyone knew. Her nude beach photos from the previous year were still passed around the locker rooms and now the end of school party had taken on legendary status, even though fewer than one in four seniors had actually come.
Passing through the halls that first hour she hardly passed a person who didn’t say “Hi Misty” or something similar as well as many sexual innuendos from guys she did not know. She just brushed them off.
The Euro Club girls all forwarded condolences about her grandmother and asked if they could help.
Several of her teachers paused at her name as they checked their rolls. Clearly she had a reputation that extended beyond the ranks of the students. She had heard, through Ms. Kelly, that her appointment as photo editor had been challenged by one of the vice¬-principals on “moral” grounds. It was only through the insistence of Mrs.
Maybree, the photo teacher and Mr. Truman the publications teacher that she was allowed to be editor. Already the protectors of morality were beginning to see Misty as a threat.
At their lunch table the original Euro Club girls were joined by their boyfriends and a new group of younger girls: Katie, Sara and several girls that Misty didn’t know by name.
Misty set down her tray next to Keli as she was asking Caitlin “Do you think that was you?”
“I don’t know you’ll need to tell me more about the pics. Caitlin answered “then shifting tone she looked at Misty “How’s your mom doing?”
“Thanks for asking” Misty responded “She’s up with my Grand-Dad. She’s OK, she had never been real close with her mom, but she and her dad are tight and she’s worried about him. They had been married like forever. ”
“Let her know we’re all thinking about her” Caitlin continued
”From me too” Keli said, followed by the others at the table
“I hope your mom knows how much we all appreciate her” Kelli told Misty “She’s like the mom we all wished we had”
”Yea, I think she does, but I’ll tell her you said so. ” Misty replied “What were you talking about when I got here?”
“Well” Haley offered “You know that Jeannette, Hope, Tyler Rice, and John Paul Anderson have been a regular foursome for about a month?”
Misty shook her head, “No, I didn’t. Yea, I knew they were all messing around together but their like a double couple now?”
From further down the table a newly arrived Jeannette and Tyler “Yea, we love it. ” And beside her Tyler added “But we’re not like Devin and Gregg”
Haley swiveled and seeing Tyler at the end to the long table said “Come down here and tell us what you saw on that web site. ” Jeannette pulled him down to the center of the table and he began by saying “Well, see John Paul and I were online last night and we checked out the Voyeur Web site, a place where people post pics they took in public. So, we’re just flipping through when we see a post from Miami Beach - we’ll we open it up and the story says this guy saw a group girls hanging out all day and he took these pics with a hidden camera. Now the pics weren’t too good but I could swear I could recognize Caitlin and Haley, but what threw us was that we didn’t recognize the other two girls at all.
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When he finished they all looked at Misty who asked “Was one of the girls you didn’t recognize Asian?”
“That was Mindy, so those pics are probability us. Are you sure you didn’t see me or the others?”
“Maybe, but Caitlin and Haley were the only two we could clearly see the face. ”
“Well, keep looking. I saw guys taking our picture from a distance just about every day, I guess that’s why they’re not too clear. My guess is they will be popping up all over the net now. Just do me a favor and email me any web addresses you find us. ”
His face looked taken aback “Sure” and he began moving to his seat and she added “Go ahead and help the club’s image by getting those addresses around – no, not all of them, just the ones with good photos, don’t want anyone to forget the Euro Club. ”
After that, the table broke into a number of separate conversations. Caitlin looked over to Misty, a little pale. “I guess I didn’t realize we’d be out there for everyone to see. ”
“After my pics came out on the net I thought you’d know we would” Misty said a bit surprised. How could they all not assume their naked photos would join hers in the school’s mythology?
“Not really. The pics you had posted you knew they guys were taking. ”
“And you didn’t see the guys with cameras at the beach?”
“No, well, yea, but I didn’t think they were taking pictures of us.
” Caitlin said flabbergasted “I just hope my mom doesn’t hear about them.
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After a few seconds she added, “But it’s not like she can play ‘Miss High and Mighty’ Christian since her boyfriend seems to have lived in our house the whole time while I was in Miami. I even found his underwear in our laundry. Gross!”
Haley put in “Well he’d likely already found some of yours. I remember what a perv he was looking at us. ”
“GROSS!” Caitlin exclaimed “I would die if he sees them. ” Then she paused and looked at Haley seriously “Do you think he looks at me…. like that?”
“Can you be that dense, yea!Remember last New Year’s eve at your place. We all were sitting around in our night shirts. He kept trying to get a peek at all of us, including you. Then he leaves the door open so we could hear them doing it. He’s a pervert, don’t you see?”
From down the table a voice said “All guys are perverts. ”
Caitlin thought for a minute then said “Yea, I remember that night, but to be fair I’ve never seen him drunk since then and I’ve only caught him looking at my boobs a couple of times since then and that was in the summer when I was wearing a tank top without a bra. ” She thought then added “And other than that night they have been very discreet about sex. I think they don’t know I can hear what they are doing anyway. They don’t even hold hands at church, and I’ve only seen them kiss a few times.
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I’m guessing they usually do it at his place before she comes home. Come on she’s not on the pill for nothing. ”
Haley pointed out “Are they still talking about getting married?”
“Yea, in the spring. ”
“Well that means you’ll only have to put up with him for a few months before you go off to college. ”
“I might just move in with my Dad and step-mom. She’s a bitch but I won’t have to worry about her peeping me. ”
The group laughed then Haley said “Well I sure hope the pictures on the net make me look good. ” Looking over at Misty, “Your naked pics made you a real sex goddess around here and I want my chance in the spotlight. ”
“Well the pics I took of you are great. ” Misty said then added with a sly grin “and who knows who might hack my computer and sell them to the same site that posted my pics in the spring?”
Caitlin said “You wouldn’t?”
“Well, it’s like this I’m going to burn a CD of the best beach pics to give to everyone who went. Well, no of the sexual ones, and none of people who don’t want their photos seen, but there are plenty of good ones besides. I can’t imagine some those pics will find their way to the web, so you need to decide if you want your photos on the disk. ”
“As long as they make me look good” Haley said
“I’ll want to see them first” Caitlin said
“Yea, so do I” Haley agreed.
And that is how the Euro club and their boyfriends scooped the adults by having a picture showing party and orgy before the adults did.
By 4:00 that afternoon, the Campbell family room had over a dozen High Schoolers lounged out waiting as Misty still worked behind the closed doors of the study burning the three hundred or so photos of their trip to a DVD.
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Cooper would not be home from work for some time and Bonnie was still in Tennessee, so the kids had the house to their selves. All eleven of the original Euro Club members were present as well as five boyfriends and two would be members who came with Jeannette. As Sarah’s mother had been at school it was not a problem getting her OK to ride with Misty to the Campbell. Thus the only teen participant from the trip not present was Katie. Uninvited, but present were Lamar and Byron.
Though she had already created a set of photos that eliminated all the fuzzy or unfaltering photos and the photos of herself she was going to sell to the web site she quickly copied the photos to a new file and as quickly as she could deleted all the nude photos of Sarah’s mom out of concern for her job. The vast majority of the photos were outdoors but she did have the photos she had taken of the moms and the two Swiss men and then one nightthey had passed around the camera taking photos of each other having sex, from those shots she excised all those clearly showing Katie having sex: she asked Sarah to not let Misty share any of those photos with the boys. That is why the group had to wait until quarter to five for Misty to emerge with two disks.
Seating was at a premium so in addition to her brother and Byron flanking Sarah on the couch, Cody and Haley were squeezed in as well. She almost demanded her brother and his friend leave, but then decided not to make a scene, which would look like she didn’t believe in the free love doctrine the Euro Club preached.
She held up one disk, “This disk has nearly all the photos on it ¬as it has a couple of dozen photos of us messing around in the house with the guys we met, it is probability illegal since most of us were minors when the photos were shot, so I can’t give you copies of those pics. I don’t want us to get arrested. ” Then she held up the second disk. “This is the disk I’ll give to everyone who went to Miami with us. It only has pictures that, according to what my dad said his lawyer said, would be legal.
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The only topless or naked pics are at a public beach and are no sex pics. ”
Several guys moaned in disappointment
”I’m not saying your parents would approve but they are legal. ” After the laughter, she loaded the first DVD into the player.
The first photo loaded onto the big screen TV was from the inside of the van of Haley and Caitlin making faces. The different girls began to narrate about the fun they had on the road. After the third photo of just silly antics from the trip the boys began to grouse “Get to the good stuff” and “Dull, we’ve been duped into watching this?”
Misty, rather testily replied “If you don’t want to see our pics, your free to leave. ” After which several of the girls seconded her opinion.
After quelling the boys, the slide show continued. It took a full half hour before the first bit if skin appeared. The girls were having a great time talking about the shopping and the people they met and everything but naked bodies. The photos were in chronological order and the first day Misty hadn’t taken her camera to their trip to South Beach. Cody, Todd and John Paul had resorted to scrounging the kitchen for food when they heard Gregg and Devin calling them back to see.
On the big screen the photos were Misty, Sarah and Haley standing in front of the Havisau beach sign in their sarongs.
Haley narrated “Trisha and . uh.
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Mrs. C’s friend went with Caitlin and Katie back to SoBe to meet some Swiss guys but Mrs. C took us to this beach about ten minutes away. ” Though all the girls knew the third adult was Mrs. Kelly, Sarah’s mom and the school’s drama teacher, they had agreed to tell the guys that the third adult woman was a friend of Mrs. C’s from Atlanta.
Misty pushed the button on the remote to advance the photo. It was the same photo but the sarongs were gone and they stood in the buff beside the sign.
“Wow” Gregg said
Haley continued by describing the skateboard boys starring at them and then several photos of them nude on the broad white beach. Misty stopped at a group photo with Rock, the hunky stripper they’d met.
After moving through a few more from the nude beach there was a visible gasp from a couple girls. On the big screen appeared the first of the photos that Bonnie had taken of Sarah’s mom and Byron’s mom making it with the two Swiss men in the upstairs bedroom. It wasn’t actually the first photo in the series, but it was the first in which Marcy’s face wasn’t visible.
On the screen he could see the back of Marcy Kelly’s nearly nude body as she bent over obviously giving him head. The next photo was similar except Marcy was now completely nude and the camera had a full view of her baby smooth labia, with the small pink lips on display.
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“Your mom’s friend is hot” Michael said to Misty “A full ass with a smoothly shaved pussy. Just the way I like it. ”
Iris, sitting next to him elbowed him hard “That’s someone’s mother you’re talking about”
“It’s a mother I’d love to fuck then” he retorted
“Rather than me?” Iris demanded
“I promise I got enough for you both” He said plenty loud enough for all to hear. He got heckled for his efforts.
The next photo was of the same woman on her back with the man on top, penis buried between the slick labial lips.
A few more followed of Trisha riding on top of the other man, with the friend of Mrs. C out of focus in the background.
Several comments from the guys to Byron about his mom’s great tits followed by several more tasteful comments about how pretty his mom was from the girls.
A photo of Trisha sitting up-right on the man with her hands on her breasts was followed by an identical photo except the focus had shifted from Trisha in the foreground. In the background, still in focus was Mrs. C’s friend,her face screwed up in ecstasy as she was clearly climaxing.
“That’s Mrs. Kelly from school!” Devin and Gregg said almost simultaneously. Both knew her very well from their drama classes.
Misty quickly went to the next frame, but the guys insisted she move it back.
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She looked over to Sarah who said “Might as well, they know now. ”
Misty brought back the photo of Marcy. “I thought I’d taken out all the pics where you could see her face. Guys, listen to me. If the school finds out that Sarah’s mom did all this stuff, she’ll loose her job for sure, so no one and I mean no one outside this room can know she went with us. You guys get it?”
Cody said “No problem, but we want to see the pics we missed. ” That request took Misty by surprise. She again looked over to Sarah who shrugged her shoulders. “If they don’t let it get to the school, Mom won’t care. ” She paused then rephrased “Mom will care if she thinks you guys in her class are sniggering at her behind her back. ”
Gregg and Devin assured her they would not and Iris added “And you can tell your mom that my boyfriend here has the hots for her now. ”
“So do I get the un-edited disk?” Misty asked Sarah
“Yea, go ahead”
It took just a minute for Misty to retrieve the disk from the study. On the way she noticed for the first time that Keli had her hand inside Cody’s fly. It’s wasn’t a big deal, but she note that Sarah was watching the busy hand as she had her own hands on Byron and Lamar’s thighs. Then looking past the couch where Jeannette, Hope Tyler and John Paul were sitting in chairs pulled out from the kitchen she expected but failed to see any similar action from the foursome.
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Opening the new disk, she skipped to the photos Mrs. C had taken of Marcy (Mrs. Kelly) and Trisha undressing for the gentlemen from Switzerland. She went through he photos with out narration as they guys made comments about Mrs. Kelly until she came to the first of the photos she had taken.
“Here is where Sarah and I came in the room. They were so into it all they didn’t even notice were there until I asked my mom a question. ” On the screen in the foreground both Mrs. C and Trisha rode one guy and in the background Mrs. Kelly was taking it doggie style from the other.
“Of course this wasn’t the first time I’ve seen my mom doing it” Misty said
Samuel pointed out “And she’s seen us doing it up close, and I can assure you she liked to watch as much as I do. ”
Haley gave him a whack, but he continued “and in just five weeks she’s giving me that pussy as a birthday present”
Haley again hit her boyfriend.
Sarah added “I’d never seen my mom doing it before. We could hear the sounds coming up the stairs, and I kinda knew what we’d see, but it was a bit overwhelming”
Bonnie picked up “You guys know I’ve seen my mom doing it before, but this was seriously hot. ”
Sarah agreed, “Before we went upstairs Misty and I had been messing around for a long time and when we walked in there was my mom taking it like a horny cheerleader.
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I just couldn’t tear my eyes away. I almost came just watching. ”
With only a little narration a couple of dozen photos of the three moms, mostly shot from outside the room using the doorway as a frame. Abruptly the photos changed to Misty, wearing nothing but the strap-on dildo hovering over Sarah, nude with legs spread, waiting to be impaled by the black and white candy striped dildo. Several of the guys hooted saying things like “Lesbo action” and Devin said “My dick would feel better than that”
Misty defending her skills said “I’ve had your dick in me and I am quite sure I’m better than you”. This was followed by a chorus of heckeling.
“I took these” Haley piped up as the photo changed to one with the dildo fully inserted into Sara “Notice that these nasty girls keep watching their mothers to their right. ”
“You girls are bad” Gregg “That’s why we love you so much”
The photos bounced between more of the moms shot through the doorway and their daughter’s, up close. Later it was agreed by all that the most amazing shots of all were a couple that showed ¬in the foreground Sarah sitting upright on Misty’s face while in the background, through the doorway, smaller and slightly out of focus, could be seen Sarah’s mom doing Misty’s mom in the same position looking toward the camera at Sarah.
“Wow, did you guys plan that one?”
Misty denied it by saying “I was on the bottom, so I couldn’t see anything” she looked over to the couch were Sarah sat. Keli, squished on the left side of the couch now had Cody’s penis out of his pants and wrapped in her fist. Sarah, evidently taking up the cue had a hand in Byron’s pant’s and while Lamar had his hand in her shirt kneading her left breast. She knew her parents wouldn’t approve, but she wasn’t his mother and was not about press the issue.
Sarah, turned in her seat to see the others, witch disengage her from both boys began her narration “I didn’t take the picture, but I’ll freely admit it was getting me off to watch my mom do both those Swiss guys, and then with Mrs. C.
When the second guy was done Mom sat up on Mrs. C’s face and so I decided to imitate her and sat up on Misty. We watched each other and while Misty got me off over and over. ” She looked to Misty, “Are there any more like this?”
Misty pushed the remote and a second similar photo came up from an angle only showing Misty and Sarah - with Sarah’s face skewed up, apparently in climax. “Yea this was one of many big O’s” Sarah said.
The next photo was of her mom also in apparent climax. Sarah narrated “Yea, mom also got off big time. She said she came like ten times with Mrs. C. and I wasn’t far behind with Misty. ”
The frames continued through mother and daughter going down on the other mother and daughter before jumping to South Beach where Misty continued the narration.
“Now this is the world famous South Beach, or as the locals sometimes say SoBe. ” Misty said “I’ve never seen so many hot guys in one place. And it was so cool, this was like just the regular hang out for our age. The nude beach was mostly people more like our mom’s age, but SoBe was, like, the teen hang out.
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And as you can see, thongs and topless was like, no big deal. ”
Haley continued “I want to move to Miami - I could spend all day every day on South Beach. ” On the screen was a photo, evidently shot by the moms, of Misty, Haley and Caitlin with a several of the guys and girls they had met at the beach”
Caitlin took up the narration “These were the guys and girls we hung around with most of the week. ” She moved from the back of the room to point out each person on the big screen “That is Red, Drew, Josh, Franklin, Angie and Mindy with us. They all just graduated and rented a house in Miami for the summer. ”
Keli offered “We should think about that for next summer” for which she received several seconds.
The photos moved forward showing many pics taken over several days at the beach of the girls, their friends and the moms. In nearly all the females wore noting but thongs. This slowed down the show as again as the girls told many side stories about their times at the beach and the people they’d met.
After the photos taken of the moms showing off their party outfits on a main shopping street, Haley paraphrased what the moms had told them of what had happened at the party. After which Devin added “I’ve always liked Mrs. Kelly, now I’m positively in love with her. ” Predictably Iris once again elbowed him for his comment.
Jumping from the shots on the street next photo was a photo taken in the house; a rear view of two girls being fucked missionary style by two guys.
“It’s hot, but who is it?” Tyler inquired
Sarah had just said “It’s me and …Ka.
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. . . and. ” Then she looked over to Misty “You were supposed to take out those of her”
“I had checked and none of the sex pics show her face. If you hadn’t have just given up who it was they wouldn’t have known. ”
“Who is it?” one of the guys persisted? “She didn’t tell us her name. ”
“And she’s not going to!” Misty replied firmly “And don’t ask again. ”
“Ooops” Sarah responded then after a short pause “Well, it’s us with these two guys we met on the beach. ” when the next frame showed them from a different angle where Sarah’s faces were visible. “and as you can see I’m ambisextrous. ”
“Ambisextrous?” Hope asked
“Yea I do guys and girls equally well. ” She responded with a perky tone which got another round of comments.
“We’ll have to add that word to the Euro Club web site. ” Keli added After a few more of Sarah and Katie getting laid, was the first of almost a dozen that Misty had taken of Caitlin with Stephen and Red in the mom’s bedroom.
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“Comments Caitlin?” Misty asked.
“No, it was fun, but it was just sex. ”
Haley prodded her as Misty advanced through a dozen photos “Come on, you got more to say than that. ”
“OK” Caitlin added “It was great sex and we did it for like two hours. ”
After her second comment there were only a couple of pics of her before the first photos of Haley with a penis buried in her cleft filled the big screen, Misty swiveled to her right on the love seat where Haley and Gregg shared the space with her. Seeing only smiles from them she flipped through the next few frames of Haley first having sex with one guy then with two.
“Do I have the hottest girlfriend in the world or what?” Gregg exclaimed.
“You better not agree” Hope said to the guys beside her
The next thirty or so photos were all explicit sex shots. All featured Haley having sex with individuals and combinations of guys and girls.
Keli commented “You were busy. ”
Haley answered “Yea, it was pretty crazy, but I was having a great time. ”
Iris added “I think I see a budding porno star”
Haley answered by saying “I turn 18 September 8th”
Finally came three photos of Misty.
Each with a different guy doing her.
“So you were more than the photographer” Iris said
“Oh yea, Haley didn’t have a thing on me that night, It’s just no one else wanted to mess with the camera much. ”
The photos of the entire group on the nude beach the next day and then the photos from the snorkeling cruise seemed a little anticlimactic, but the girls again moved into narrative mode.
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“Who took that one?” Keli asked as a group photo from the nude beach had all five girls and the three moms posing at water’s edge.
Sarah answered “Remember the pictures of Katie and I with the two guys we met, well they came by for a while and they took that picture for us. ”
By the time Misty turned off the TV It was past six.
“Wow, those were amazing” Gregg said before nearly everyone else shared the same sentiment.
It had been another long day for Cooper and when he saw the two cars still in front of the house he was not too surprised. He was glad to see Trisha was here, maybe she’d made some diner. And he also recognized Keli’s lime green beetle. He was glad to see the kids getting back with their friends after the ordeal with the death of their grandmother.
Dropping his brief case at the door of the study he was indeed greeted by the wonderful smells of dinner and Trisha’s smiling face. Maybe it was the fact he’d been almost celibate for nearly a month, but she looked hot. His eyes naturally landed on her chest. She wore a light gingham halter that tied just below her very full bust. As no buttons were done, more of her soft fleshy breasts spilled out the front than Bonnie even had. The extremely low rise white jeans would have been called hip huggers in the old days, were low enough to both show off her dark tan and her surprisingly flat stomach. Not that she was a hard body, clearly she as a size 8 at the hips but her stomach, was much smaller and flatter than her recalled last time he’d seen her nude.
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“You look great” he heard himself gush as he felt his penis begin to stir.
She smiled broadly, waiting to let him take in her carefully planned appearance before coyly answering “Thank you”
“I mean really great. Have you been working out?”
“Glad you noticed. I joined the Georgia Gold Gym during the summer. I’ve lost twelve pounds and have toned quite a lot” then she struck a body-building pose “And you should see me naked, it’s even better”
His penis now made a tent in his dress slacks. “So, take it off”
“Sorry Cooper, your too late. It’s now past seven, by the time we get the kids fed and this mess cleaned It will be past time to get Byron home. ” She turned to go back into the kitchen. “If you can get the kids I’ll get the food out”
Let down, Cooper reached down and adjusted himself in his pants as he went to the bedroom to kick off his work shoes. He was surprised to see the bed neatly made up, since Bonnie was out of town it had not been made once. He assumed Trisha had done it.
Walking to the kid’s wing he now noticed how neat and clean it all was. “Trisha has been busy” he thought. “I owe her one”
They ate in the dinning room because the breakfast table only sat four and with Trisha, Byron and Keli there were six. The kids talked at length about their first day back.
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“Well the Euro Club is now famous. ” Keli told the group “The end of they year party has now reached mythic proportions”
“If all the people who claimed to have come really did we would have had like three times as many people” Misty continued
“Yea” Byron added “I heard a guy in my grade telling how he saw all the Euro Club girls swimming topless”
“We are nearly legends and I had several girls ask me to join the group. ”
Keli countered by saying “The down side is we also have heard that a bunch of kids have been banned from coming over here by their parents. ”
“And the prep girls were pretty nasty today, but that’s old news” Misty added.
Cooper felt a need to point out “Of course a lot of this is due to the photos that were on the web last year. To be fair naked photos of a girl in the school was pretty provocative. ”
Lamar burst out with “And wait till people see the pics you showed your friends today!”
Cooper, who knew nothing of the teens coming over asked “Did I miss something? Who was over and what photos did you show them?”
“Just the Euro Club girls and some of their boyfriends” Misty said calmly, though Cooper could tell she was apprehensive about this subject so he decided to push this.
“How many kids were over?”
“I don’t know, ten or twelve”
Trisha cut in “I counted fifteen, not including Byron and Lamar”
Cooper looked over to Trisha “So you were over, well that’s OK then”
“No” she said “I didn’t come over till later when they had been at the pool for a while. I recognized most of the girls but there were at least two that I’d never seen before. ”
Misty, now clearly rattled quickly cut in “That was Patty Schultz and her friend … uh. . ”
“Jo Lynn” Keli offered
“Yea, Jo Lynn Price; she’s Megan’s cousin. ” Misty continued speaking very fast. Cooper could tell she was trying to change the subject but let her go on anyway, “Not that Jo Lynn is anything like Megan. You know Megan is a real prep, all about the right clothes and the right make-up and stuff.
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But Jo Lynn and Patty are like total nerds. Not that nerds are bad, but they don’t seem to care to fit in. They both play the violin like really good. They both made All-County but Patty is like super great. She has been on the All-State Orchestra since she was a freshman. ”
Trisha, clearly listening asked “But while was she here, she was busy out at the pool, but not playing the violin. ”
Misty commented “Yea, she’s become quite the sex fiend, but we didn’t do that to her. She got that this spring in Europe”
Cooper didn’t miss this hint as to the goings on at the pool, but was not ready to butt in yet.
Misty looked over to Keli “You explain, I don’t know a lot”
Keli took over “Now I got this from Jeannette who asked if she could come over and see the pics, so I might not have all the details right. Last fall Jo Lynn won a violin contest so she was invited to go to Italy and go to this special music school for the spring semester. Like Misty said, she was a total frump, even through she’s could be attractive she just dressed so bad and she was so absorbed into her music thing she’s never had a boyfriend, and from what Jeannette said she’s never even been on a real date, never been to the beach, never done anything social. ”
“Well, according to Jeannette, at this school the kids are just wild. They come from all these countries that don’t think teen sex is any big deal, so the dorm was co-ed. I don’t mean girls rooms and guys rooms are on the same hall, I mean things like there was only one big bathroom and the shower room is used by both guys and girls. And they don’t assign roommates based on gender, they assign them based on the instrument they play.
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So, as it happened, little conservative Jo Lynn had a guy from Romania for a room mate. If you can imagine this, a girl who had never worn anything but a one piece bathing suit and had certainly never seen a naked guy under any circumstance finds herself rooming with a guy who, get this, sleeps in the buff. ”
“No, not really” Trisha said “What did she do?”
“Like I said, her music is her world so she either had to give up this opportunity or just put up with it and she wasn’t about to give up this opportunity. For the first weeks she was able to change quickly when he was out of the room and take showers late at night, butafter being mortifieda few times when guys would show up in the shower room when she was there she just gave up and went with the flow. ”
“Did she and roommate become lovers?”
“Well, as I understand it they did do it a few times together before she left Italy, but he preferred guys to girls. Just as she was beginning to not die of embarrassment when her roommate would walk around the room nude, she is awakened one night by racket from her roommate’s bed. What did she find but her roommate on all fours being fucked…. by another guy. ”
“I didn’t hear that part” Misty said
“This part I know I got right because Cody asked her and she told him with me there. The guy doing her roommate she said was the hottest guy in the dorm. He was from Rome and he was a total hunk and totally bi. She’d had a crush on him from the first day and so she wakes up to see him naked fucking her roommate. She was totally embarrassed but couldn’t stop watching. When they finally finished the hunky guy doesn’t go back to his room, he sleeps in the bed with her roomy. When she wakes up there he is sitting on the side of HER bed still completely nude.
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She is just petrified and then he asks her if she liked watching. She couldn’t speak she was so shocked then he tells her ‘Tonight we, me and you,make love and he watches. Yes?’, now remember she’s not only a virgin, she’s never even made out with a guy. But I was surprised when she said right out in front of Cody and me that that she has been masturbating regularly since she was twelve and has used all sorts of household objects as pretend penises. So, she says while watching this guy fuck her roommate she had already decide she wanted to loose her virginity to him. So when he says “Yes?” she nods yes. That whole day her violin playing was terrible because all she could think of was what was going to happen. But, that’s all I head, I didn’t hear the rest because Misty asked me to help get some drinks for everyone”
“You should have told me to wait” Misty said
“You were rather insistent. ” Keli defended.
Trisha wanted to know “But what happened”
“I missed the details, but she did have sex with him while her roomy watched and by the time she came home she was acting like us, from what Jeannette said the of the 30 guys and girls in the program she had at least had oral sex with all but a few, and she got completely used to being naked both in the dorm and at the local beaches, which all allow nudity. So then in June she comes back to Georgia where she can’t do any of that stuff. At first she didn’t tell anyone but finally she tells Jo Lynn who as it turns out, has been wanting to experiment sexually with her for the past year but was afraid Patty would freak out. So Jo Lynn and Patty become lovers and then Jo Lynn, whom Jeannette has told about the things she has done with us, tells Jeannette that she and Patty were doing it now and that she and Patty would like to meet our crew. So the joined up at the lunch table today and got invited to see the pictures. ”
Misty looked over to her dad “Got all that?”
All that teen speed talk had Cooper’s head spinning, but he was focused no one thing “What pictures did you show them?”
“Just the beach pics” Misty said off handedly
Lamar added “And the pics of Misty and her friends and our moms doing it all to each other and a bunch of guys in the house they rented.
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Byron blurted “They were the hottest pics ever”
Cooper looked at Misty and firmly asked “Did you show photos of underage kids having sex?”
Misty looked down.
Cooper continued “Young lady, you know your mother and I are very, very permissive, but you know that is not OK. It’s illegal don’t’ you understand that?. ”
In a quite voice she said “Yes”
“And, did you show photos of Mrs. Kelly having sex also?”
“Yes, but that was an accident. I didn’t mean to show any pics that they could see her face. ”
“Accident or not, don’t you realize she will loose her job if just one of your friends tells the wrong person. You weren’t using good judgment girl. ”
“Sorry Dad” she said quietly
He knew he had made his point and she was clearly hurt, so he thought he’d take some of the sting out. “So did you friends like the photos?”
Misty perked up “Oh yea, if I say so my-self, they were amazing”
After Keli had seconded it “I’m glad you had a good time and your friends liked them, but after dinner, you have got to erase all the photos showing underage people having sex. All of them. “
“You’ll be 18 in March, after that you can take all the photos you want and show them to the world, but until then no more photos. OK”
“and that goes for you too” he said to Keli”
“But I wasn’t in the pics. ”
“You know what I mean”
“Yes Mr. C, until November 27th””
“Talking about photography” Cooper said to change the subject“How’d your first day as photo editor go?”
This perked Misty up and she said “It’s going to be great.
We had a meeting today with the whole publications team. Keli is the Yearbook Copy Editor so she was there, so was Tommy Francis, he’s the Newspaper Editor”
“Even though we no longer have a actual news paper” Keli interjected “It’s online,but he’s still called the news paper editor and according to him that is even more difficult to do than the old fashioned kind. And … his a total hunk and I’ve herd he is hung like a horse. . ”
“Oh yea” Misty agreed “If I could get him naked I’d ride him until dawn”
Cooper did not like this line of talk. He looked over to Trisha “That reminds me. what did you see going on at the pool”
“Nothing much, just a bunch of nice looking kids having a good time” She said with a smile “I love the windows in the kitchen, I had a great view. It is amazing the energy and staying power of young guys. I guess I’d forgotten since my collage days. ” She looked at Keli, “I mean I watched your boyfriend Cody, he hardly softened the whole time, even though you guys had clearly been at it for a while when I got her and I saw him take off a filled condom and put on a new one three times. ”
“Yea, he’s really good like that. ” Keli said “Why do you think I keep him around. He can do all my friends and still have plenty for me”
“When you say all your friends you really mean it. I saw him doing it with four different girls and I was real surprised that right in front of everyone he blew Iris’s boyfriend. That even surprised me.
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“That started after the big party this summer” Keli said “Now everybody does everybody. ”
Trish smiled “Yea, I watched you too. I’m pretty sure you got banged by all five of the guys. ”
Keli nodded “I was on my period for the big end of school party, then my step-dad wouldn’t let me go to Miami. I’ve been missing all the fun. I sure did do all five guys, and Misty and Sarah and Jo Lynn and I was real tempted to do Lamar and Byron too, but I was a good girl. And yes I’m on the pill and made the guys use condoms.
“As far as I could see every dick had on a condom” Trisha said “so you all need to be commended. ”
“You were looking that close?” Cooper asked
“Hell yea. It was all I could do to keep my clothes on and not go out and join them. If I’d known they’d been looking at pics of me doing it I might just have done it”
Then thinking of the boys he asked“And where were you all this time?”
For a long time we were out with the big kids, but the girls wouldn’t mess with us” Lamar said
“Except Sarah” Misty corrected
“Sarah?” Cooper asked
“Yea, she gave them a hand job during the slide show” Misty sneered
“She did?”
Keli added “She had started on giving Lamar a blow job when I told her about your 18 year old rule. ”
“What do you mean started” Cooper asked.
“Well, she was working him pretty good. He defiantly got to feel what it’s like to get head, but she quit when I told her. So he got left with a bad case of blue balls”
With a snigger Misty added “So he and Byron went in to jack off wile we played”
It was hard for Cooper not to smile.
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Lamar had broken the rules but he clearly had been over his head in that environment and besides he’d paid the price of hanging with the big kids. ”
“Now girls, I know the rule but come on it’s so unfair for you guys first to let them join your friends getting naked and crazy and expect them not to want to participate. That’s just downright cruel. And before that you let them see the pictures of your friends and their moms doing it with complete strangers. For most guys their age that would be enough even without the other. ”
Then he paused realizing this all might be too much for Byron. He knew Lamar had seen dozens of photos of his mother having sex with different people, bit Byron surly had never seen anything of the sort. Looking over to Byron he asked“Did it bother you seeing your mom in those pictures?”
“It’s not like I’ve never seen her do at least some of that in real life, and besides Keith and Mike say my mom is a first rate MILF. ”
“MILF?” Cooper queried
Misty answered, “It’s short for Mother I’d Love to Fuck. When they come over to our apartment, they want to stare at her tits all the time. ”
“I’ve noticed” Trisha said with a laugh “They are so obvious. They haven’t yet learned that women can tell when a guy is looking at her tits and not her face. But in their case it’s flattering that my son’s friends want to peek. ”
“Look nothing” Lamar interjected “Keith and Mike said that last week when they spent the night they got more than a peek. ”
That seemed to get her attention “What did they say”
“They said you left your bedroom door open when you took a shower and so they went in your room while you were showering and looked into your bathroom while you were washing you hair.
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They said they saw everything. ”
Looking to Byron she asked “Is that true?”
Byron sheepishly nodded “I really didn’t think you’d mind”
“You dirty little boys” then to Lamar she asked “So did they like what they saw?”
Lamar leaned back and smiled broadly “Oh, yea, they went back to Byron’s room and had a circle jerk telling each other all they ways they wan to have sex with you. ”
Byron was now practically under the table.
Trisha laughed out loud and told the girls “if you still have teenagers jacking off thinking about you when you’re my age you’ll feel pretty good about yourself. Oh, did you get your dad’s bed made after you finished with it?”
“So that’s’ why my bed was made. ”
“The Misty and Keli had some girl time in your bed after the guys left so I asked them to make it up for you. ”
Everyone was finishing up when Trisha told Byron “It will only take me about fifteen minutes to get this cleaned up, I’ve done most of it already, so go get your stuff together, and we are already here too late. ”
The girls went to the family room and turned on a teen oriented sitcom while the boys when up the stairs. Cooper was hoping for some relief from his now raging erection, but Trisha got straight to work, so he, out of guilt, got busy helping.
Soon the dishwasher was humming and Trisha was wiping down the sink. Turning to Dane she said “Bonnie had asked that I provide you with some more intimate needs, that’s why I asked the girls to change the sheets, but I’m afraid you got home too late for us to knock heels” then reaching up to pull the knot out of her halter top, she pushed Cooper against the counter and pressed her lips to his as her top fell open.
Her tongue writhed in his mouth as he pushed his crotch against hers. He cupped her breast then fingered the rubbery nipple. He wondered if he might cum just kissing like this, but she did not give him time. She broke the kiss and said I really gotta go”
His growing disappointment at having to jerk off again tonight was side tracked when she added “So don’t hold back” and she slipped to her knees unbuckling his belt as she went.
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Working quickly she unbuttoned his dress slacks and pulled pants and underwear to the floor before gripping his penis and swallowing the head. She didn’t take her time to enjoy but when straight to focusing single-mindedly on drawing out the semen from Coopers tool. She too was aroused and found herself craving his taste. She had put this penis in her mouth on three different occasions, but she had yet to taste him. Her brief affair at the beach had opened her to enjoying the taste of semen, and now she went after Cooper’s with relish. , Now wrapping both hands around his ass and pulling him deeper into her mouth with sucking hard and caressing the shaft in her mouth with her tongue. .
It took no time before he knew he would cum hard. He arched his back forcing the last bit of his organ down her throat. His muscles in his thighs and buttocks strained to push his penis in further still. Instinctively he began to thrust, he grabbed her head with both hands as he began to stroke; slowly at first but quickly becoming hard and fast.
“Is this OK?” he croaked
She nodded her head as best she could. It had not been Cooper, someone she trusted deeply, this subservient position and the fact he was now fucking her mouth in deep hard strokes would have upset her. But with him, even the discomfort was erotic.
In his loins the climax began, he held her face up tight against his pelvis awaiting the first spasm.
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It came hard with a long stream of semen. He released her head to brace himself against the counter. From his lips came a loud groan as he willed the semen to shoot deep into the arti.