The next day, Mr. Stevenson called Steven, Tim, Donny and Clyde andhad them come to his office at the end of the work day. "Well,here's a status report for ya boys, but there is good news and badnews: the guys at the Pentagon think the technology here isdefinitely something they will be incorporating into their fighters,though of course, that is pending the results of the tests we haveto run for them. However, they may decide to opt for creating a newgeneration of planes rather than merely retrofitting all of thecurrent fleet, though there will definitely be at least some ofthat, at least in terms of one of Steven's earlier projects. Whatthat means is that it may take several years for the designs to beapproved by the military brass and Congress and then beginproduction. So on the money end, you might have to wait a whileDonny and Clyde before you really begin to see anything, but whenyou see it the payoff is going to be monstrous. " "Yeah, Clydealready told me that this was a possibility," Donny revealed, "so Ican't say it's THAT much of a surprise. " "Just be patient boys. Youstill have your jobs here. " "Have you looked into the civiliansector yet?" "No. I want to see what the tests say first so that weknow what we're playing with. The heads of all the airlines will beinvited to observe those particular tests once we get clearance fromthe Pentagon to let them. There may be noise issues with the addedthrust your process generates, Steven, that might keep this amilitary only application, but we'll just have to see. There is alsothe possibility that we might be able to come up with a mitigationstrategy. " Mr. Stevenson hoped.
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"The other problem is that if that fuel and processor requirestructural or infrastructural changes, it's hard to see the airlinesgoing for it under current conditions. They basically fly everythinguntil the aircraft is pretty much like a beater car and I don'tthink they would like to be compelled to purchase a new generationof aircraft unless they can shake down the public, which is alreadyfed up with being nickeled and dimed to death by them, for the moneyin some way. If they then can't get it from the public, then theywould have to ask Congress for subsidies and, with the way theairlines have treated the traveling public like shit, I'm not surethey could get them. I mean, how do you go to your district andrationalize a subsidy for the assholes at Delta, for example?"
"There is another possibility, Mr. Stevenson," Steven jumped in. "The private jet business is highly inefficient in a sense. You needat least one pilot, maybe two, plus a multimillion dollar plane and$10-100,000 roundtrip to use them for one or two passengers. Whatwould be ideal are pod planes that could be launched from theparking lot of your business after clearance from air trafficcontrol and then use GPS to steer it remotely at 500-600 mph to itsdestination. You could have the passenger take a sleeping pill sothat he or she wouidn't mind the cramped space. That way, thetraveler would arrive fully rested and then could leave as soon aspossible from any nearby parking lot. "
"That's a wild ass idea, Steven, but think of the infrastructuraldemands. It would take hundreds of billions to make that work. Imean, we can't even pay to update an air traffic control system thatis barely different from what it was in 1965. " "But you know what,Clyde?" Mr. Stevenson said, "there was a time when it looked likethere would never be an interstate highway system because theRepublican Party and conservative democrats were against theexpense.
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However, as soon as Eisenhower said it was to promotenational defense, then they found the will for it in Congress. Sowho knows? Crazier shit has happened. "
"Listen," Mr. Stevenson propounded, "even if the idea seemsunworkable, I think we need to cover it from an intellectualproperty standpoint. So you guys get together and try to make thiswork. It may come to nothing, but we gotta definitely explore itjust in case. " "Mr. Stevenson, do you want to start an aircraftcompany?" "Fuck no, Steven, but we might have to if this thingappears as if it might bear fruit. I just wonder how much we'regoing to have to pay the first human who we can get into one ofthese planes or rockets or whatever form it takes. " "There are goingto be bigtime security concerns, here, too, you guys," Clydeinterrupted. "Well, whatever," Mr. Stevenson reacted irritably. "Let's fly this idea around for a while and see if it gets usanywhere. And yes Steven, I definitely want a stake in this. Not asfar as my firm goes, but as a private investor if the proposal showspromise.
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This might be something good to will to my kids down theline. Let's touch base on this the week of the tests for your fuelprocessor and the other stuff that comes with it, Steven. " "ListenMr. Stevenson, I want Donny, my dad and Clyde protected here, too,so we gotta think how we're going structure the company we'll haveto set up so that they get paid fairly. " "I don't think that will bemuch of a problem on my end, Steven, We could pay them asconsultants with a gross income stipulation for the project thatthey would cream off. It has to be said, though, that we may have tobring in VC's and they're going to want blood. I don't see how wecome out of this with control of the company per se in thatinstance, but that kind of talk is premature anyway. "
"By the way Donny, I have something I need to discuss with you lateron. Give me a call when you get home. Say hi to Yoriko for me, too. ""You got it Steven. " "What's that about, Steven?" Mr. Stevensonwondered. "It's an idea I've been kicking around for a while but I'mstill a little shaky on the end details, especially getting thechemical processes correct. I'm going to bring some of my Cal Techbuddies in on it, too, because there are a whole lot of complexquestions to be resolved.
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Once I get a coherent hold on it, I'llbrief you on it. But if it works like I think I can, we're going toset up an independent firm to produce it since this is totallyoutside the scope of what your company does Mr. Stevenson. " "Cool. See you guys later. "Say hi to Arlene and your wife for me Mr. Stevenson," Steven requested. "I will Steven.
Give my best to Harukoand her family. "
That night, Haruko received a phone call. "Hello?" "Hi MistressHaruko. This is Donny. How are you tonight?" 'HI Master Donny! I'mdoing great!" "Mistress, may I speak with your property?" 'Yes youmay Master Donny. Please hold for just a second. " "She handed thephone to Steven.
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" "Hi Master Donny. " "Hi Stephanie. So what is itthat you wanted to discuss?" Steven began to give a proposal on howto soup up solar cells and extend their application and output,delving into what he understood about the possible processes to dothat. "That's a highly original way of looking at that question,Stephanie. If you can give me a couple of days, I'd like to examinewhat you have in mind and confirm what I know or think I know aboutthe possibilities of some of that. " "No problem. I'll be organizingmy group at Cal Tech tomorrow and I'll keep you abreast of what'sgoing on. " "Great, Stephanie. Talk to you then. " Okay Master Donnie. Take care. "
"So you have another project going on in addition to the one youjust told me about?" "Yes Mistress. But this one is more in Donny'sarea of expertise and so I'm not at a point yet where I feel I cantake leadership of it. But if it works like I think it can, thecompany we'll form out of it will be one of the biggest in the worldovernight and we could very well reduce Exxon to a memory. " "Wow!That's pretty ambitious, Stephanie.
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" "Yeah. I just hope I'm notwasting my time with it. "
Two days later, Donny called Steven. "I checked into the viabilityof some of the ideas you have for the solar cell project. From whatI gleaned, there is definitely enough there to go forward for a fullinvestigative project," Donny said. "That's not to say I think it'sa slam dunk, but there's some intriguing possibilities here," heelaborated. "Thanks for that Master Donny. I assembled the ad hocresearch team at school and they're pretty much of the same opinion,but the possible rewards are so huge that they definitely want toexplore it. " "We should probably put a company together to protectourselves and so we have some rubric under which to operate," Donnysuggested. "Yeah, I'm still trying to think up 1 name for one. We'llhave to kick that around the next time we get together. "
"I really love how you're keeping at it, just constantly pushingahead, Stephanie," Haruko complimented. ":"It's all to impress youMistress. " "But there's a limit to that, Stephanie. Please don't beone of those guys who has billions and yet still insists on going tothe office everyday until they die.
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I want you here with me andthink in terms of quality of life rather than striving to endlesslymake as much as you can because when you're dead you're money'sliterally no good anymore. " "I agree Mistress. The moment I reach abillion, I'll retire and we'll just focus on raising our kids,traveling and trying to enjoy life. " "I'm glad to hear that,Stephanie. By the way, have you taken care of booking the trip forus and my family?" "Yes Mistress. We'll be staying at one of thebest hotels in Japan and I've got reservations for some of the morewell known restaurants there, too. I'm really looking forward toit. " "Me too, Steven. I've never been there and neither have mybrothers and sisters. My dad was so busy with his publishing firmthat we never had the time to take long vacations before. " "That'stoo bad. That makes me especially glad, though, that I can do thisfor you. Oh, by the way, Mistress, because I've been forgetting toask them, when you see Matt and Brandon, can you please ask them ifthey want to come? I booked it as if they would have want toaccompany their slaves just in case. " "That's totally considerate ofyou, Stephanie. I definitely will, Rie and Shiho will be veryexcited thanks to your kindness.
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"Stephanie, I so want your children. I wish I could be pregnantrightnow. " "Me, too, Mistress. We could roleplay it if you would like, though. " "Take your outfit and your makeup off, Stephanie. " "YesMistress. " Steven got naked and then wiped his makeup off whileHaruko also stripped. They laid in bed together. Steven gazed atHaruko's shapely body. " "Well?" she said impatiently. "I'm justenvisioning what you're going to look like when you start showing inthree or four months, Haruko. " he pretended. "God Steven, thethought of it makes me so hot for you. Just fuck me and implantthat seed sweety. " "You got it sweetheart.
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" Steven climbed on top ofher and inserted his penis into her, feeling the velvety compressionof her vaginal muscles as he initiated thrusting. "Oh yesssss baby,God, bury that thing deep into me," Haruko pleaded," as she wasimpaled on his flesh pike over and over. "Oh fuck yes honey, God,make my belly big," she wantonly demanded as his turgid dick slippedquickly in and out of her, her passion amplified by the pleasurablefriction she felt inside. "Oh fuck oh fuck, oh shit yes, I want youto cum so much inside me, Steven, god, fuck me hard!" she orderedand he obeyed, slamming his rocket into her pocket with as muchforce as he could, her legs on his upper back to not just take himas deep as she could, but to ensure that as much of his sperm aspossible would end up in her womb and not drip out of her and on tothe bedding under her. His pubic bone jackhammered against her assas he continued lustily shoving his cock into her and thenwithdrawingit, Haruko feeling that primal need to enlarge her race with anotherlife as he worked up to seeding her furrow. "Oh yes oh Gooddddddd,"she blurted, panting and gasping, the idea of him filling her withhis life giving spunk making her borderline insane and she clawed athis back as she went over the edge while the walls of her love cavewere scraped without let up. "Oh fuck! God baby! FUCCCCKKK!" shescreamed, the heat and psychological echoes she geneticallyinherited as a woman causing her to go into an animalistic frenzy,and he finally gave her what she wanted, his cream gushing into herreceptive slit and into her cervix, where his sperm began what wouldbe a futile journey to unite with an egg.
She laid there with a pacified smile on her face. "You're going tobe such a beautiful mommy," Steven predicted. "And you'll be such agood father," she countered. He rubbed her abdomen and showed her agoofy grin as she enjoyed the sensation of a pussy filled with warmcum. "I so envy Yoriko right now," Haruko whispered. "I wish we weredone with school so that we could start our family.
" "You and meboth, Haruko. If our family is anything like the one your mom anddad raised I'll be a happy man indeed.
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" "Steven, we discussed havingtwo, but how would you feel about three or four?" "Sweety, we havethe money for it, so if you want more children I'm on board. " "Well,let's see how the first two pregnancies go and then we'll decidefrom there," she said. "But all the activity in this house makes ithard to ever be bored and I would like a similar atmosphere for usand our kids," she revealed. "Sounds like a plan, babe. At my folkshouse, it was always so quiet because we would either mainly bereading, watching tv or on the net with just the three of us there. So I really like the energy of your household. "
In late March, Steven and his dad were summoned to Mr. Stevenson'shome office. "Well, I have some good news for you, boys: the firsttest of your new weapons system went off without a hitch. We have amore rigorous one scheduled for May. If that one shows as well asthis one did we'll be open for business and start taking orders. Ifit doesn't go as well as we hoped then we'll have to enter into anew round of testing, which could delay things by a year, if notlonger. So let's hope for the best. " "That's great Mr. Stevenson.
Sohow much in initial orders are we looking at, best case scenario?"Steven asked. "Our marketing analyst told me it could be around $1. 6billion and that should grow as they begin retrofitting the planesof our NATO allies. So minimum, we're going to make a profit of atleast $500 million. " "Jesus, that means that dad and I are going torealize $125 million apiece out of it. " "Yep, something like that,Steven," Mr. Stevenson confirmed. And I thought that the $457,000check I got earlier this month was sweet," Steven laughed. "Well,let's not get ahead of ourselves boys. Let's just hope the next testgoes well and we'll go from there. "
Haruko was amazed when he told her. "$125 million? I can't evenimagine having that much money," she said. "Well, you won't forlong," Steven chuckled. "Uncle Sam will take about $50 million ofthat, but we'll still have an obscene amount of cash. Some of that,though, will be invested in our solar project so that I will be lessreliant on VC's for initial development and testing money so that Ican retain more control over the company we'll be forming.
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" "Howmuch do you intend to pour into that?" she wondered. "Probablyaround $5 million. I shouldn't need any more than that. Then we'llget that back in spades if we start production and use an IPO tomake the jump to the big leagues. But that's still speculative rightnow. And then I'll use a small amount of that to get our aircraftproject off the ground if it's viable. Clyde is geeking hard on it. I gave him six months to put a blueprint together on how we'llmanage the development of this thing and create an infrastructurefor it as cheaply and efficiently as possible. " "God Steven, it's soexciting being married to you. I can hardly wait to see what you donext. " "Thanks, babe. You excite me every morning when I wake upnext to you. "
Two months later, the second round of tests on the laser cannon weredone and the results were spectacular. Mr. Stevenson had Steven andTim over to his office again to discuss what happened.
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"I wastalking to Senator Freeman and Admiral Levin and they told me thatgiven the current financial environment, retrofitting was goingto be the order of the day rather than trying to create a whole new generation of planes. So boys, by August, after the new defenseappropriations bills are approved, we should begin receiving orders. And, from what I understand they are going to be very substantial. We're going to make a killing. " "What about the fuel system andshroud,": Steven inquired. "The testing for those won't begin untilAugust and it will go on for a while because we're basically talkingabout rejiggering some of the innards of the jets, so we won't havea final judgment on that for another year, most likely. "
"How are the other projects coming along, Steven?" "They are stillin their infant stages, Mr. Stevenson. There are some formidablehurdles to be surmounted, so this is going to take time. Unless wescore a sudden big technical breakthrough, the best case scenariofor now is when I graduate in another three years as things standnow. " "How about the private jet thing?" "Clyde and my dad aregeeking overtime on that Mr. Stevenson. I'm sure we can geteverything done in terms of the aircraft itself, but theinfrastructural questions are really going to decide the fate ofthis thing. " "Well, keep me posted guys. "
That month, Yoriko had her baby shower.
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She was now six monthspregnant and was radiant at the prospect of having her and Donny'sfirst offspring. Donny got so horny seeing his wife's belly swellingafter one of his sperm took root in her egg that they had knockdowndrag out sex every day for the next two months, especially sinceYoriko's hormones had lit her sex drive ablaze. As they had talkedabout, Steven and Haruko began a college fund for the expectantmother's child as their present to her, seeding it with $25,000.
Since it was also just about the end of the school calendar forHaruko, they went out on the weekends looking for housing up in L. A. As she had hoped, she was admitted to UCLA, where she was going tostudy political science with an eye toward becoming a lawyer if sheneeded to. They found a nice gated rental home in Brentwood andplanned to move into it the week after she graduated from highschool. The weird thing for her about the rental deal was having toremind herself to sign her last name as "Morris" on the leasedocument.
Steven had aced every class his first year at Cal Tech. He didn'thave any exams his last day of that term, needing only to turn in aproject. He raced back to Haruko's and walked to Bauer High andwaited for her to finish her last final. When she came out and sawhim standing there, she gave him a big hug and they kissedpassionately before leaving the grounds with the other South MarlinCircle neighborhood members. Two days later, he watched her get herdiploma before taking her out to Chez Calais along with the rest ofhis and her families to celebrate.
Nine days hence, they moved into their rental house. All they hadfor furniture at the time was her bed, her chest of drawers and someshelving to hold her and Steven's books to go along with theirclothes and Steven's guitars, pedalboard and amps.
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They decided toput off decorating it until they got back from Japan. The followingFriday, he, Haruko, her family and Rie and Shiho's masters boarded aprivate jet at Burbank Airport and, 12 hours later, they landed inNarita before taking a limousine bus to their four star hotel. Itwas the first time Steven had ever been out of the U. S. and he wasexcited to see what new adventure might lay ahead.