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Both of the girls are sexy and polite. This was actually my second trip. I stayed shorter at first. This time I stayed for 3 hours. These girls are sweat Jul clean. With their energy, they immediately take away the nervous stress of a person and relieve it. I had a lot of fun with 4 hand massages and lap dances. They did a great job. That's why it was assumed to write this review. The most attractive features of girls are their prices.
Both ladies did a great job. They do what they do willingly. Their performances paid off for the money I gave. I also had a meeting with the girls twice same week. I called the taxi money for my place. I booked the girls for 3 hours. we danced, cyclically and brewed for 3 hours. The girls did a double dance show. I can't forget the way they rock the goths when they dance. The candle is without clay. they make 4 hand treats. I had a massage oil, I also had a massage. I didn't ask anal. If anyone has any questions other than that, they can ask in private. Have fun everyone