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I thought Pride was a decent agency. I even met couple of their girls before, it was fine experiences. They did communicate with me smoothly before without any problems. Today I wrote themai, they asked wheter I want incall or outcall, I told them both fine. After that my message became blue tick. I waited around 15 mins and then wrote "are you there?". They wrote "no" and never answered again. They can check the reviews under my profile, I have done business with them before without any problem. I don't understand why they acted like this. Unfortunately this is not contained to PRD, this site as a whole is going down ways. Even worthless local turkish whores started to migrate here in mess. I hope this won't be the end of this site. Hopefully it can return to its old state in the near future. 🤷♂️
Iyi ajans, iyi kiz.<3 Kendime geldim yemin ederim. Musiat olunca review da yazicam.
Sevgili Romalılar, bu kızımızı görmek için İstanbuldan kalkıp gelmeyi düşünüyorum. Fakat piyasada çok fazla imitasyon/fake var. Bu güzelliği deneyen varsa yazıversin buraya