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met kari after a reccommodation of our private group of "roma"
my experience was not as good as l was hoping
kira is a very nice girl, nice body
commucation is good, speak english well
blowjob without condom but not wow its ok
kissing is great with her
but when it come to sex, she was passive, she was laying down thats it
since l am an experience customer and met with lots of girls here on this webpage
l know the rules, and prices very well
so 1 hours meeting should be 2 shots, but she refused and said only 1 shot
thats why l wont recommed her to others
but totaly she is a nice girl, she didnt treat me bad
but of course if pay for an escort you expect a little more
Roma Halkina Selamlar
Kari: Yes, dear, when you had 10 minutes of time left, we wouldn’t have time. I hope you stop being offended soon ;) Good luck
I arranged a meeting with Madonna, when I entered the room, a different girl was there which was blond, of course, I wrote to the manager and asked her, she gave me another room number who was in the same hotel.
Then went to the other room but again it was not again the girl which I book for and canceled my meeting.
I know that sometimes girls are not looking the same as it is in the picture because they use photoshop etc.
But this is not about photoshop, Madonna has Lots of Tattoos on her neck, etc. where you can understand from the pictıures easily.
I was very disappointed when I saw a different girl.
So I can not say anything about Madonna as others mentioned in the previous review.
But I can only inform you that this agency is not honest about girls.