

  • 26-09-2021
  • Adelle
  • City:Kopenhagen
  • Aussehen0.5 / 10
  • Dienst:0.5 / 10
  • Mitteilung:0.5 / 10
  • Reviewer:MOKKASEX
  • Kuss:Nein
  • Blowjob:Unbekannt
  • CUM:Nein
  • Sex:Aktiv
  • Anal:Nicht verfügbar
  • Brüste:Unbekannt
  • Extraball:Unbekannt
  • Foto:Reales Bild


Normaly i believe in the best in people. nI payed up front in Transcash and now i am feeling like the biggest fool ever. You didn`t show up at the hotels reception, and i was left the biggest feeling of being cheated. nI can´t stand this feeling, and don´t know how you can live with this.nHopefully i will be able to get in contact with City Tour Girls so this can be stopped.nn

  • 26-08-2021
  • City:Chania
  • Aussehen10.0 / 10
  • Dienst:10.0 / 10
  • Mitteilung:10.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:MOKKASEX
  • Kuss:Mit Zunge
  • Blowjob:Ohne Kondom
  • CUM:Nein
  • Sex:Aktiv
  • Anal:Nicht verfügbar
  • Brüste:Natürliche
  • Extraball:Mehrere Male erlaubt
  • Foto:Reales Bild


It is not what you expect when you are at vacation, but to meet a shining star like Ksenya who is such a friendly carefull, beautifull and beloving person only leave you with a feeling of have been faling completely in love. nI had the best GFE with her and the rest i will let be between her and me, just gonna say i wasn't dissapointed at at all. nThe guy who gets her in the end is a very lucky guy. nKsenya sorry that i wont be able to follow your steps but I enjoyed nnsu h nat


