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She is scammmmmmmmmmm ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Take care
She would ask you for money and then when u send half of it to meet up , she would keep asking you for more money to confirm your session with her
And actually you will never meet or see her
She is probably a guy who tries to steal from people in sharm el sheikh
Donot pay this scamm any money
Donot send any money on Vodafone cash
You won't meet her
She is scammmmmmmmmmm ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Take care
She would ask you for money and then when u send half of it to meet up , she would keep asking you for more money to confirm your session with her
And actually you will never meet or see her
She is probably a guy who tries to steal from people in sharm el sheikh
Donot pay this scamm any money
Donot send any money on Vodafone cash
You won't meet her
She is scammmmmmmmmmm ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Take care
She would ask you for money and then when u send half of it to meet up , she would keep asking you for more money to confirm your session with her
And actually you will never meet or see her
She is probably a guy who tries to steal from people in sharm el sheikh
Donot pay this scamm any money
Donot send any money on Vodafone cash
You won't meet her