
The Time Shifter Chapter 35


A few days after the Maiden gig, I was really hankering to begin playinglive again. I liked being Derek's wife a lot, but now that we hadsettled into a nice routine, I was becoming restless. I suggested toDerek that we move closer to the center of London both to save him somecommute time and fuel cost and so I could be in greater proximity towhere the musical action is. I also wanted a house I could have a roomin which to rehearse. "That's going to cost a pretty penny," he doubted. "The money's not a problem for me," I informed him. "Oh really? Are yourunning a drug cartel behind my back or something?" he joked. "You'remy only addiction, honey," I countered with a snarky grin. "But do youwant to look around this weekend?" I wondered. "Couldn't hurt," heconsented.

Unfortunately, in those pre-internet days, it was hard to know what wasavailable. We contacted an estate agent (real estate agent) and, thatSaturday, he began squiring us around. I didn't like anything I saw. "Sweety, how would you feel about moving to America?" "That's not on,love. " "But we could get ourselves a nice big place and you could hang ashingle out there. " "It's not home, Melody.

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   I'm an Englishman all theway. America doesn't really do it for me. " "Yeah, I understand how youfeel even though Thatcher sucks donkey cock. " "Fucking hell, Melody, Ican't believe some of the words that come out of that cute little mouthof yours sometimes," he chuckled. "You mean the same mouth that latcheson to your dick several times a week?" I giggled. He burst out laughingat that.

Eventually, I was able to find an agreeable home, but it needed a lot ofwork and we didn't move into it until January, 1980. Now Derek couldtake the tube to his office and I wasn't so dependent on him driving meinto town anymore. I put an ad in Sounds, a music tabloid prefferred bythe burgeoning metal movement, seeking bandmates. Unfortunately, I wasnever able to get a stable lineup for my neo-classical metal band, Celestial Dream, and, after banging my head against the wall for fiveyears and with Derek's business growing, I admitted defeat andrestricted my rock and roll  career to the confines of my music room andfocused more on making a pleasant, healthy home for the two of us. Theirony became that since he needed to form pretty close personalrelationships with his clients, he threw occasional dinner parties atour place for folks, including celebrities, who were used to good food. The abilities that Vishnu so kindly imbued me with got me by on thataccount.

In addition, because Vishnu kept me from physically or mentally aging,Derek and many others remarked about how amazing I appeared even when Iwas getting numerically up in years. Thus, we had a pretty healthy sexlife until he came down with prostate cancer at 63 and had to have thatgland removed. He fortunately survived that horror after rounds ofchemotherapy and radiation, though it took a lot out of him.

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   He couldstill feel it when I sucked his cock and it felt good to him, but hecould no longer get it up. He compensated for it with more oral sex anduse of his fingers. I . was never big on toys. I could sense that he wasbeginning to head for the big round up, unfortunately. At age 72, I wokeup next to him one morning and he was gone.

Before the ambulance arrived, I covered his face in kisses and strokedhis cold cheeks. The funeral was well attended. None of us would havethe pleasure of looking into those piercing eyes of his or being amusedby his dry wit any longer. My only regret with him was that I wasn'table to tell him I loved him at the moment he passed.

I grieved for several weeks after Derek's death. The more I had to dothis the harder it was becoming with all the transformations andexperiences they had engendered. . Maybe it was a lesson from Vishnu onnot just how much we value life but how torturous it becomes when theother products of his creation leave us and we insist on carrying on.

Derek had always wondered about the icons of Vishnu I had put up on ourbedroom wall.

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   I told him that they lent me a sense of peace. I hopeVishnu continues to watch him and keep him.

 Five months hence, I sold all of my belongings and the house and donated the money to charity. Iwent into what had been my bedroom and prayed to Vishnu. I thenannounced that I was ready to return to the residence that I wasliving in the morning before my latest transformation in 2011.

When I arrived back home the same morning before I initiated my lasttransformation, I, as usual, took another walk around my house tomake sure everything was in good shape. I was also a little hungry,so I went out to a nearby cafe and had a tasty, filling breakfast. When I returned, I reflected on my last adventure as well asother things that happened in my life. I began to mentally revisitthe first time I lived and worked in Japan. It was a blast. I becamegood friends with one of my coworkers, Tsutomu Kurosaki. He wascute, nice and intelligent and even though I was a male, I am alsobisexual and kept hoping he would make a pass at me. In the yearssince, I have often fantasized about Tsutomu pulling his cock outfor me to suck and/or to fuck me. I lost contact with him back inthe 1990's and I often wondered what he was doing these days. I hopehe's happy and healthy.



I decided that I wanted to have a chance to be closer to Tsutomujust to see what would happen. So the next morning, I woke up, tooka shower, had breakfast (eggs and toast) and then dropped to myknees in front of Vishnu to thank him for allowing me to continueexperiencing all the things the medallion empowered me to.

I stood up and placed both hands on the medallion and intoned, "Iwant to again look, move and vocally sound exactly like the Japaneserock singer Mari Hamada when she was 21, except with C cups breasts,a totally hairless torso and legs, have the same sex drive I didwhen I was an 18 year old male, able to get pregnant and give birthto healthy children when I'm off the pill, immune to all sexuallytransmitted diseases, will orgasm intensely after five minutes ofpenetration and every five minutes thereafter, will orgasm everyfive minutes from oral stimulation of my clit and every five minutesthereafter, my body will bounce back to look the same as it didbefore I got pregnant, a wide ranging and sexy wardrobe and a Lexus,semen will taste good to me, inherent knowledge of how to best makemyself up and care for my hair, will be able to cook to the level ofthe best chefs in the world, will not physically or mentally age orbe a victim of any crime or accident, the tellers at my bank willknow me on sight and not hassle me for ID, and who will go back to1995 on the first day I started working in Japan with a suitcasefull of female clothing and a purse that contains $100,000 inJapanese yen, though when I return to the U. S. I will be living inmy own beautifully furnished and decorated two story house,including a shrine to Vishnu, in Seco Alta with $100 billion US inthe bank that nobody will question me about, a whole array ofplatinum credit cards with no limits, my identity documents willshow my name as being Aiko Hanatomi and I will be a virtuosoguitarist and keyboard player who would know how to correctly play asong after hearing it just once and who remembers every song Ilearned during previous transformations, speaks Spanish, Portuguese,Japanese, Chinese and Korean fluently in addition to English plus Iwill be permitted to bring birth control pills into Japan. I am nowready for the transformation. "

I woke up in a Tokyo hotel room at around 6 a. m. and was naked. Iwent to my luggage and picked out my clothes for the day: a whiteblouse, blue jeans, white cotton bikini style panties and a bra. Mypurse was on the end table with all my credit cards, ID and cash onit. After taking an hour to think things through since I had beenthrough this previously, I gathered up my effects and headeddownstairs to wait for the head of my company's Japanese division. He picked me and the other girl who was sent there with me (thoughto work at different branches) up and took me to what would be mynew workplace for the ensuing three months to introduce me. Once hedid likewise for the other girl, who was also Japanese-American andwas named Hiromi Kitami, at her new job site, he took us to theapartment building where we would each be residing, both of ushaving our own studio flats.

From there, Hiromi and I were lead to the train station that was abit down the block and shown how to use it to commute to work andthen return to our respective apartments.

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   The Tokyo subway system ispretty much a piece of cake. When I got back to my branch, I wasasked what department I wanted to work in and that was where Iremained until my assignment was up. Of course, I got a bunch ofremarks about how much I looked like Mari Hamada and they found itinteresting I was a musician, too.

They put me on the employee schedule and I mostly worked the nightshift 1-18 p. m. five days a week and had Saturdays and Wednesdaysoff. Tokyo is really safe so I had no worries about walking homefrom the station in the dark. The next shift, I met Tsutomu, who wasa 20 year old part timer that was working his way through college. We had brief chats in between performing our duties . Then thatFriday night, we went to a local restaurant, where they held a partyto welcome me aboard. I hate booze, but when you go out withJapanese you have to drink and so by the end of the night I wassomewhat tipsy. I did, though, have nice conversations with a few ofthe permanent and part time staff, including Tsutomu. He was seatedacross from me, though, so I couldn't touch him.

Saturday, I had off, so I went guitar shopping and bought a Stratand a Les Paul. Then after taking them to my apartment, I bought aMarshall combo amp because I was going to try to get in on some jamsessions.

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   But for practice in my apartment, I just used a Rockman(this was before Boston guitarist Tom Scholz sold that line off toDunlop, who put out inferior versions of it), which was one of theearliest portable headphone amps. Then I went to purchase a ricecooker and cooking utensils. I would have to go to the supermarketevery day because the apartment didn't have a refrigerator, but thatwas fine. The supermarket was only about 200 yards away. There wasalso a convenience store just around the corner from my building.

By the time I went to work Sunday morning, I felt like I was prettywell situated. I saw Tsutomu again and briefly put my hand on hisshoulder and elbow while I talked to him. I also asked if he had agirlfriend and he said he didn't. I already knew that, but byinquiring about it I was trying to instill in him the idea that Iwanted to make sure that the field was clear for me to take a run athim.

Later on, not long before we closed shop for the day (which was at 6p. m. on Sunday), I remarked to a couple of the other girls how cuteand nice he seemed. Tuesday night, he asked me to go to dinner withhim on our breaks. We mainly talked about ourselves and he admittedthat he didn't have much experience with women. Obviously, it wasn'tbecause he didn't go for it when he found out somebody liked him.

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   Onthe way back to work, I told him what I thought of him, which causeda big smile to cross his face. I gave him my phone number, too, andthe next day he called me during a break he had in his classes. Wediscussed what it's like being in college, our majors and all thatstuff.

Wednesday, he had a half shift and we were too busy to have privateconversations with each other, but I smiled when I caught his eyeslooking at me and he bashfully grinned. It was so cute! Friday, Iwent out drinking with a bunch of my coworkers from our department,including Tsutomu. We went to two different establishments and wereout past two a. m. The trains had stopped running at that point andthat meant that Tsutomu, who resided in a prefecture that adjoinedthe Tokyo area, was going to have to drive home intoxicated. Ididn't want him to do that and whispered to him that he could stayat my place to sleep off his inebriation. I suggested that he meetme at the train station near my house. We couldn't be seen gettinginto the same cab together or my colleagues might surmise that hewas headed for my bed, which would cause embarrassing gossip. My cabpulled up to the station and I waited for him. A few minutes later,he disembarked from another cab and the two of us staggered off tomy apartment.

I held on to his right arm as we ambled down the backstreet leadingto my building. He was becoming a little uptight as we made our wayto the elevator.

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   Perhaps he had never slept over with a woman, Idon't know. I didn't have any pajamas or a robe with me because Inever wore them. So when I exited the shower a little while later,it had to be in a bra and panties. I could see his eyes popping outof his head as he scanned my body. I let him shower first and he hadput his pants and shirt back on before he emerged from the bathroom.

I turned the light out, slid into bed and bid him to scoot in nextto me. "So do you think I'm a bad girl for letting you do this?" Iasked. He said no he didn't. However, it can sometimes be hardgetting the God's honest truth out of a Japanese because they areraised to avoid direct confrontation. I looked into his eyes in thedark and gave him a kiss on the forehead and asked if he would mindcuddling me. He wrapped his arms around me and I held his hands as Inodded off. God, that was a comfortable four hours before he woke meup at just after eight to say he had to go home for a new change ofclothes before he would head for work and get there by noon.

"Tsutomu, can I ask you a question?" 'Yes. " "Do you like me?" Nowkeep in mind I was still just in my underwear while this was goingon. He stammered out a "yes.

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  " I hugged him and, in a quiet voice,said, "listen Tsutomu, I'm sorry to be so aggressive, but I reallylike you. I want to spend more time with you today, so can I go withyou? Then when you get to work, I'll just take the train home. " Helooked at me like I was from the Andromeda galaxy. "Oh wait, I'msorry," I said, face palming. "I didn't mean take me home with you. You can just drop me off a few blocks from your house and then pickme back up when you go back to Tokyo," I urged. In Japan, thegirlfriend only meets a guy's parents when they are going to getmarried. Obviously, we weren't quite at that stage yet. "You're sucha dork," he said playfully. "Yeah, that's me," I giggled. "Okay," hetolerated. I took care of my grooming, threw on a white man's shirt,a checkered mini-skirt and flats.

We left my apartment and, as we set out for the station, Iintertwined his fingers with mine. I looked up at him as I did thisand he smiled like the cat that just got the canary. Both of us,though, were unmistakably a little drowsy from a lack of sleep plusthe alcohol that was still being dealt with by our bodies.

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   Our workwas only two stops away, so it didn't take us long to find his car. Fortunately, it was only about 30 minutes to his home. He let me outat a bookstore and I actually bought a few things while I was there. He returned an hour later, as planned, and we repaired to the topfloor of a department store for an early lunch. We ate and he gaveme a quick kiss in the parking  garage before he went to work and IIwent home.  

I didn't see him again until Tuesday, which was fine. I had alreadybeen aggressive enough with him and so I wasn't going to give himthe third degree about why he didn't at least call for two days likea lot of chicks would have. I wanted to make dinner for him, but myapartment only had a basic two electric burner stove, no oven, andthat made it hard to do anything other than extremely simple stuff.

Wednesday, I was reading one of the Japanese rock magazines when, inthe back, there was an ad seeking a female guitarist for an allgirll band. I called the number in the ad and spoke to the singer,Mai Torahama, and we arranged for me to audition the followingSaturday. In the meantime, Thursday, I told Tsutomu that I woulddefinitely be open to him spending the night with me Friday afterwork. I also let him know about the audition I was going to. Heagreed to the sleepover, telling his parents that he was going outdrinking with his coworkers again and he wouldn't be home untilaround breakfast time because he was going to kip in a capsule hotelso he wouldn't have to drive while under the influence.   He couldn'tdrive to my apartment building because the very limited parking wasall reserved for tenants. So he had to leave his car overnight againat the parking garage.



I held him as we sat on the train to the apartment while he grippeda bag containing a change of clothes in his other hand. He wasjoking and laughing and just being his usual sweet self. Weeventually got to my temporary home and I led him inside, where wespent the first hour cuddling while watching tv. I got up and turnedthe set off, jumped on top of him and gave him some quick pecks onthe lips, which turned into slow, soft kisses, which shifted intomutual tongue diving. I got off of him and said I was going to takea shower. I stripped down to my underwear and gave him a nice viewof my ass before I sashayed off to the bathroom.

About 20 minutes later, I came out with my body wrapped in a toweland let it drop right in front of him. "Sugoi! (wow!) he exclaimed. I plopped myself back by his side and we resumed kissing, in betweenlittle puckish jokes he was making that made me giggle. I think hewas also a little shocked at the way I was throwing myself athim. But it's better to go after what you want rather than play games andrisk losing out to a more enthusiastic party. He began gentlygroping my tits while I unbuttoned his shirt. He shed the shirt andthen I felt the distension of my left nipple arising out of hissuckling it. God, it felt so good! I lightly stroked the back of hishead with my lefthand while my right undid the clasp on his pantsand pulled the zipper down. My pussy was practically sloshing withmy wetness and as my heart beat excitedly, I was so happy we weredoing this at that juncture.

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   The little impulses of pleasure weresteadily building a nice little high inside me.

My hand insinuated itself into his shorts and rubbed his erect cock,which was already a little gooey with precum. I whispered in his earto remove the rest of his clothing. He rolled over on his back andlifted his hips to do that. I sat up and, after the offendinggarments were disposed of, I commenced licking his rigid dick. Helet out a very pleased moan and that would intensify after Isandwiched it between my lips. I sucked up little drops of precumthat continued to drip out of the head before returning to clampingmy piehole around the shaft and bobbing my head up and down on it. Five minutes later, he blew his load into my oral cavity. You'dthink he just died and gone  to heaven judging by the expression onhis face. "Wow, that was amazing!" he celebrated. "I've never had ablowjob before. " "Well, it's not going to be your last," I giggled. "Oh really?" he chuckled. "Of course. You're my boyfriend," Irejoindered with a wicked smile.

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"Now it's your turn," I announced. "Huh?" "Lick me down there," Ipleaded. "I don't know how. I've never done that before," hedisclosed. "No problem sweety. I'll teach you," I advocated. "Uh,okay," he answered somewhat hesitantly. He got between my legs as Iput a pillow under my hips to make my vulva more accessible. Ipointed out where everything was and also taught him about my gspot. "Okay Tsutomu, lick and lightly suck my clit (in Japan, girlsusually refer to it as, "kuri-chan") and let my reactions be yourguide. " He tentatively did that. "Keep your facial muscles and jawrelaxed," I further instructed. I felt the first pulling on my lovenubbin with his suction and I emitted a moan. So he kept doing itand it got me hotter and hotter, my ardor soon reaching criticalmass before I felt like I was experiencing a Fourth of Julyfireworks show inside me. "Oh God oh fuck yes, don 't stop," Iwhimpered in English, "Oh fuck! Ikisou (I'm going to cum)! Iku!Iku!" I barked as devastating thunderbolts of pleasure coursedthrough me.

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   Oh God, don't stop baby, ohhhhhhh" I urged in Japanese. He brought me off a couple of more times and looked very pleasedwith himself.

He was already hard again and, after he put on a condom (I wasn'tsure if my birth control pills were effective yet), I ushered hisdick into me as he positioned himself on top of me. Fuck, his cockwas hard! So what they say about Japanese guys' penises being firmerthan those of westerners is definitely true. He began thrusting itin and out of me as I held on to him tightly. "Daisuki (I loveyou)!" I rasped into his ear as he ravaged me. "Daisuki yoAiko-chan!" he declared as he continued to pump his length into me. Fuck, the sensations I was experiencing, the confluence of emotionand pleasure, was just out of this world and I was soon at ecstasy'sdoor. "Fuck me harder baby!" I prodded and he upped the pace of histhrusts, throwing me over the falls of pleasure and making me pantand feel flushed, my wetness coating his meat tube.

He carried on from there, eliciting another two steaming orgasms outof me before he filled his rubber with his semen. "That was my firsttime!" he revealed as he collapsed on top of me. "And what was youropinion of it?" I giggled. "I think I could become addicted to it,"he retorted. I felt a weird kind of pride taking his virginity.  

"Aiko-chan, how many children do you want? he interrogated.


   "Threewould be nice," I calculated. "Sounds good to me," he approved. Thiswas his way of telling me he was looking at me as marriage material. He round filed the condom and we went to sleep, him spooning my barebody.



