
Pt. 1 Misunderstanding of Hearts, Part 2 : Finding the Depth of Love


It was an ordinary day in Pembroke, New Hampshire, save for the fact that rain fell in sheets, sending everyone scurrying for their homes and shelters. Blank and Tushima were holed up in their house alone. The others were at a movie, while the two had stayed behind simply cause they weren’t interested. Blank went to the kitchen and made a sandwich for herself, mind preoccupied with what she was watching on TV. Mouth crunching, she walked back into the living room. Tushima followed Blank with her eyes then closed them softly, envisioning a Blank that was hers, that loved her as much as she had loved him. She felt a pang as she felt Blank ignore her, watching the television as though alone in the room. She got up silently, not showing her tears and went to her room, a single whimper escaping her lips as she climbed into her bed. She cried quiescently for several minutes, holding a pillow to muffle her small gasps of sorrow. “Oh Blank… why can you not love me? I sit right in front of you, loving you so deeply, but you ignore my presence… as though I am invisible, as though my love for you is invisible. I wish so deeply for your touch, for you to hold yourself to me and softly massage your lips with mine… so I can tell you of my love forever…”Blank followed Tushima silently to her room and listened at the door. At Tushima’s words she blanched, as though hit. She walked away silently, staring at the ground, once again feeling that muffled spark in her heart that she always pushed down. She had vowed to herself after that last time she would never trust herself with love again, being hurt scarred her deeply. She walked to the front door and out into the rain, the drops hitting her face and running down her chest as she stared up into the sky. Her heart ached at Tushima’s tears, knowing that she was the cause of them.

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   Her mind came into focus, bringing back the memories of the person that had hurt her before, and her eyes took on an unblinking glazed look of one haunted. Her body began to shake silently and her tears joined the raindrops pouring down her face. Blank fell to her knees, tears of anger and unwanted pain streaming down her soaked face and clothes. She calmed herself slowly and walked back inside, soaking wet. Tushima emerging from her room and seeing the look in Blank’s eyes she immediately broke down again and ran into her room. Tears streamed down her face at the pain in she saw Blank’s eyes, knowing in her heart it was her fault and hating to see it so obvious in those hollow irises. Tushima felt her mind begin to mock her, telling her that she had only brought pain to the one she loved so dear. Blank tried to follow but Tushima had locked her door behind her. Blank sighed deeply and walked away from the door slowly, arms sagging at her sides, pain in her heart for hurting the one that loved her so much. Then suddenly the door flung open and Tushima came out with tears flooding down her face. “Why can’t you see how much I love you Blank? Why? You are my heart’s desire in every way possible… but you never allow me to have you… to hold you…”Tushima stepped closer and planted a soft kiss upon Blank’s lips, keeping the subdued passion for a moment then running out the front door and into the rain. Like a zipper closing around her, Tushima’s running form became lost in the falling drops, leaving Blank standing there, fingers to her lips, feeling as though she had been hit by lightning. She absent-mindedly pulled the fingers away and stared at them, then out into the rain where Tushima had disappeared. She sat down hard, very hard on the wood floor. She stared at her fingers, gazing into them with the look of someone in shock.

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   After five minutes of staring she spoke one word to the dark hallway. “Love?”All this time Tushima was running blindly through the rain not caring where she went, legs guided by chance instead of choice. In a twist of fate she came to a playground she used to swing at, and fell under her favorite pine tree. Sitting against its roots, She cried silently, softly touching her lips in remembrance of what it had felt like to kiss Blank. “He has such soft lips… just like his face, so kind and reserved at the same time. I love him so much… it hurts to not hold him. Why am I given such love if the one I have it for is of such a hardened heart?”Blank stared out the window at the rain, trying to understand exactly what was going on in her own head. She had vowed long ago never to love again. It hurt too much to find that it wasn’t what you thought it was. Her heart had shattered, broken into a thousand pieces and she still hadn’t found them all. So on that day she had sworn to live without love, to never heal that wound and live on without the thing that people say makes them complete. But… with that one kiss her heart was reassembled and was fighting her heart for control from the pain of the past. Her fingers were once again pressed to her lips, the feeling of Tushima’s lips pressed to hers still unfading from her body. Her mouth continued to softly sigh the word “love” to the empty house, mind in turmoil and heart in shambles in her confusion. The spark that she had suppressed for a long time had grown into a flame, filling her heart with the emotion she forbade it, the love for another.

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   Tushima. The name echoed inside her mind over and over, the look of pain and anguish so evident in her eyes. Then it was as though the skies of her mind had cleared of rain, sunlight had broken through the clouds, and warmed her cold form. Her heart had won. The anger and sadness of the past left to fade in the light that is joy. She took a step to the open door, then walked outside, and stared into the rain, trying to guess where Tushima would have gone. Then a warmth spread through her again, and she ran into the rain, letting her heart guide her to the one that she loved. Her legs pumped through the warm rain, the summers heat making the pavement steam, creating a fog that was all the more hard to see in. But she ran on, heart unhindered by the rain and slight coolness that had descended upon the neighborhood. Tushima felt something inside her suddenly warm, as though she had eaten her favorite food and all was well with the world. Then she heard the steps; the rapid scuffling that was Blank’s run. She stood and saw her love approach through the rain, watching the one she had loved one-sidedly for so long appear through the silvery mist, face slightly flushed from running. Her heart leaped, and she ran to meet him, but he stopped her at arms reach. “Tushima…I came here to say…I…I love you Tushima…and I am so sorry for all those times when I pushed you away…I had vowed to never love again, but I broke that vow…for you. ”Tushima threw her arms around Blank, embracing him tightly.

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   Blank reached down slowly and hesitantly put his arms around Tushima, one hand lightly running through her hair. Tushima looked up to Blank’s eyes, tears of joy ran down her face, she leaned close to him, resting her cheek against her love’s chest. Then she felt something that should not have been there, something she had never felt because she had never been this close to him. She drew back in shock and pulled open his shirt to reveal that he was in fact a she. This news hitting her harder than anything had ever hit her before. Blank…was a woman? No, no. She couldn’t be. Tushima’s mind told her, Blank is a man, he has to be a man. Her mind struggled to process and her mouth began to mumble, but gradually gained strength. Blank looked confused for a moment, then realized exactly what had happened. Her face looked as though she had been punched again, sadness and anguish filling her mind as she prepared to get hurt again. Tushima looked at her with pain and confusion filling her eyes, the love she felt still evident, but confusion was dominant as she tried to process the fact that her love, that she had thought was a man, was really a woman. She backed away slowly, tripping over a branch and sitting down hard on the ground, tears welling up in her eyes again. Blank reached for her, but Tushima curled up and began to cry into her hands, her body shaking with sobs as she fully grasped what this meant, that she had fallen for someone she couldn’t love. Her mind screamed at her, you can’t love this person, she is a woman, it is not right! Blank sighed deeply knowing keenly the pain Tushima felt.

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   She tried to comfort her, but in her heart Blank knew it was to no avail. Tushima would have to make up her own mind. She berated herself for falling in love when the person that loved her wasn’t even fully aware of who she was, including the all important detail of her gender. Pattering softly into the rain again footsteps much slower than before, she left Tushima to figure out her own heart. Tushima cried into her hands, body wracked with shaking from her grief at the mistake. “Why? Oh my Blank… why do you have to be a woman? I love you so much… my heart hurts to know I was wrong about you. ”Her head sagged against her chest, crying even harder. Her mind kept yelling, you were wrong, you can’t love a woman! What would your family say to know you love a woman? How can you possibly allow yourself to love her, when you know that it can’t happen? And as she listened, so vulnerable in her pain that she was open to the lies the pain told her. Giving into her grief she collapsed against the tree and whimpered softly. Then a sound floated from the mists, a sound like water running through a stream, but in a voice. She stopped crying and listening hard to the voice. “Follow your heart. ” It echoed softly, “Your heart is never wrong in it’s feeling; do not hide from it and give into the lies you hear. ”A strange shape moved away in the mist, the person attached to the voice smiling softly and disappearing in his black clothes, a small smile set on his normally stormy face. Tushima shook her head softly, mind still resisting those words, but knowing in her heart what she wanted and needed to do.

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   Arguments of decency and what should be, but it had already lost. A smile slowly crept over her face as she recalled Blank’s kiss and words, the scenes replaying over and over her head. As Tushima listened to her heart, she realized that it did not matter whether or not, Blank was a girl. She loved Blank for Blank, not Blank because she thought he was a guy. She felt the warmth spreading over her body again, filling her with joy as she continued to remember Blank’s words. Blank loved her!He… wait. No, she,” she reprimanded herself,” really loves me! She does! I saw it in her eyes. Even if she is a woman, I love her and I will not give up my heart for nothing. ”She stood up and brushed herself off, drying her hands against her pants and wiping away the last of her tears on her tears. The she looked around at the misty world, the rain having stopped, but the fog now hovering everywhere. She couldn’t see Blank anywhere, and she felt the urge to cry again. Holding back her worry, she went to the sidewalk and began to search for Blank, calling out her name as she walked. Meanwhile, Blank had found herself wandering along the wet streets, forlorn with the pain moving through her heart. Tushima loved Blank as a guy, not for who she really was, her pain told her, already blaming her for getting hurt and allowing herself to fall in love after what had happened before. Loneliness welled up inside her, a sob escaping to the fog that surrounded her.

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   A stab ran through her heart and she stopped in her tracks and stared into the silver-gray cloud around her, then glaring up at the sky. She felt a tear slip from her eye and she ran her sleeve along her cheek furiously. “I am not going to allow myself to be hurt anymore, I don’t know if I could take that betrayal of my heart again. ”Then a sound floated through her ears, her name being called urgently by the soft voice that belonged to Tushima. Blank turned just in time to catch her as Tushima came flying into her arms. Tushima pressed her face to Blank’s chest, crying softly and holding tightly around Blank’s waist. Blank’s heart melted and wrapped her arms around Tushima and tilted her love’s chin up with one hand, leaning down and closing her eyes. Tushima leaned up into Blank, pressing their lips together in a deep kiss that held their passions for several moments. As they slowly broke apart, Tushima sighed softly, gasping after the passion that had passed through them in their embrace, and wishing it had never ended. She brought her tear-filled eyes and streaked face to Blank’s whispering softly, “I am so sorry Blank… for the pain I know that I have caused you. I love you, Blank, male or female, it doesn’t matter. I love you, not your gender. You, Blank!”She tightened her grip around Blank’s waist and Blank smiled, her eyes growing warmer as she stared down into the eyes of her love, she repeated to herself, her love. Blank buried her face in Tushima’s hair, and kissed her head softly, arms holding as tight as they allowed without hurting Tushima. She smiled hugely and tears of happiness rained on her love’s head, Tushima looking up into Blank’s eyes.

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   She saw the tears and brushed them away with her hands, then leaned into Blank, ending the tears with a fierce kiss. They leaned together with lips sealing each other's mouth, as close to each other as infinitely possible. They broke apart softly, eyes opening and meeting silently, each staring into the other’s soul. Then Tushima extended her hand to Blank and the two of them began to walk home together, hand in hand, Tushima resting her head against Blank’s shoulder, sighing gently with happiness. “This is where I’ve always wanted to be, my Blank. I never want to leave you side again. ”Blank smiled softly and kissed her forehead, then nodded, “I love you, my Tushima, and you will never be far from me again. ”They stayed holding hands until they went inside, settling together on the couch, Tushima resting her head on Blank’s chest and Blank with her arms around Tushima. They were watching TV together when the rest of the gang came in and saw their position. There were loud shouts and even a few whistles, and some sweat drops were seen, Mute’s silent nod his only answer, but the situation was finally explained and the rest all congratulated the two on their happiness. Blank nodded silently and kissed her love’s forehead, then rested back against the couch, cradling Tushima’s head in her head. Tushima smiled up at Blank and slowly closed her eyes, the happiness in her heart warming her, and she slowly fell asleep in her love’s arms, knowing that this was not a dream that she would wake from. “I love you, my Blank, my star. ”“And I love you, my Tushima, my angel. ”As the two lay still on the couch in each other’s arms, they slowly fell into slumber, knowing that each had found something they had never had gained before, lasting love.

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   No matter what anyone said, they had love, and it was not going to fail. Mute smiled at them and nodded secretly to himself, then walked outside to the rain again.
(End Part 1)
Tushima cried softly in her room, the events of a few hours ago still playing out over and over in her mind. She held her pillow tightly and tried to fall asleep, but her head kept spinning with the same thoughts and fresh memories. It had been two months since Tushima and Blank had found each other’s love, and things seemed to be moving at a steady pace… until tonight. Tushima looked at her clock, the red numbers 1:20 am shining softly in the dark of her room, and she returned mentally to 4 hours ago, when she and Blank been hidden in their little spot away from the world. Blank and Tushima were deep in each other’s arms, lips pressing together softly. They were lying against a leather couch in the attic, eyes locked as they embraced, hands clasping softly in the pale light coming from the lone window. Tushima softly let go of Blank’s hands and slipped them around her love’s waist, smiling into the kiss as she felt Blank’s arms shift to a position around her neck and she closed her eyes slowly. Blank’s lips left hers softly and Tushima moaned through her parted lips, eyes opening again to look up at Blank as Blank moved her face down softly and kissed Tushima’s neck, eliciting another moan from her lips. Tushima’s arms tightened around Blank’s waist and her hands trailed her fingers down her beloved’s back, bringing them as closely together as their bodies would allow. She could feel her heart race at every touch of Blank’s lips, like a fire jumping to every place their skin touched. As Blank continued to kiss her neck, Tushima could feel the heat rising from every part of her body and she slid her hands up Blank’s body, cupping her face and pulling their lips back together, her forcefulness surprising Blank as she melted into Tushima’s lips. Blank’s hands slipped out from around Tushima’s neck, and started moving them steadily south, going as slow as possible and began to unbutton Tushima’s shirt, wanting to feel more of her love, to show her just how deeply her love ran. Tushima felt Blank’s hands slipping her buttons out of their spots and she felt her heart jump, wanting it so badly yet so afraid of it at the same time.

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   Blank felt Tushima stop kissing her, stop breathing at all and she opened her eyes to look down, and seeing both emotions mixing in a turbulent storm in Tushima’s eyes. Inside Blank, her heart was hurting, her thoughts crying out silently, Tushima, my dear Tushima… why do you look at me with fear in your eyes? Do I scare you? Why do you always freeze when I try to move beyond our embraces and kissing, why do you seem to become ice in my hands, at the same time as desire burns in your eyes? My beloved Tushima, if we are to last we have to be able to find solace in each other, not me seeing fear in your eyes. How can we hope to love forever when you cannot be at ease in my arms, at peace against my lips?Tushima was falling apart, her heart wanting so desperately to melt into Blank’s arms, but her fear still wouldn’t let her let go, she couldn’t slip into her beloved and be lost to the world. As she stared up into her lover’s face, she could see the pain her hesitation and fear was bringing to her, and she began to cry softly, tears sliding down her face as she felt Blank shift back and away from her, sitting on the other end of the couch and starting to cry herself. Tushima got up and ran down the stairs, running into her room and locking the door, wishing so much to be frozen in that moment before her doubts came back. Blank curled into a fetal position and cried, her jeans becoming stained with her tears as she lost control over her sadness and whimpered to the dim attic. She wanted so much to share all the pleasure she could give to her love, to show Tushima with more than just words how deep her love ran, to make her heart race with the passion of the moment. She could see it in her mind, but she couldn’t see to touch it, it always was beyond her grasp, why did she have to see the fear in her lover’s eyes, why? Blank knew how much Tushima loved her, and how much that love was returned, but why couldn’t she just see that love and passion shining through, instead of fear? As her she cried her eyes out, she started to fall asleep, her heart worn and tired from so much grief in one night. Tushima shed tear after tear into her pillows, no matter how hard she tried, nothing worked, and she couldn’t stop her weeping. Seeing that pain and sadness in her love’s eyes again wrenched at her heart, and her fear was still there, trying to distort what she was seeing and feeling. Why she couldn’t just let herself meld with Blank, why she couldn’t go as far as she could was beyond her, her heart wasn’t telling. As the clock by her bed ticked the minutes away slowly, she began to cry less and less, but still tears slipped from her eyes, leaving them red and swollen. The red numbers glowed faintly with another 18 minutes gone by, it was now 1:30 and everyone else was asleep. Her crying ceased and she stared at her wall, heart still hurting inside knowing that she had brought sadness to her beloved. As she fell asleep her last thought was, I will beat my fear and make it up to her!She woke up only a few hours later and stumbled out before dawn to the computer, turning it on and cursing at the how loud the loading sounds seemed in the silence of the morning.


   Her eyes itched from her crying and she rubbed them in an irritated way, then logged onto the Internet. Typing as quietly as she could she began an search on Google, and was amazed at the results. Approximately 2 million sites on ways a lesbian couple can pleasure each other. Her jaw dropped as she clicked a few random links and graphic pictures of women involved in sex filled the screen, and her face flushed immediately at the thought of her and Blank engaging in those same acts. She shook her head to clear it temporarily and started reading, absorbing all the ways she could make her lover shake with pleasure, all the ways she could see her through to the final ecstasy. She began to think of ways to do these to Blank, her eyes shining as the thoughts passed through her mind, all her fear gone in the face of sharing such wonders with her beloved. She quickly exited out of the Internet and shut down the computer, skipping back to her bed with a happy beat to her step. Her heart was racing as she slipped into dreams of making those fantasies come true. The next morning awoke with sun shining through the small window in the attic, Blank’s eyelids fluttering open as a beam fell softly on her face and she tiredly put a hand over her eyes, trying to sit up as her back ached from the position she had slept in. Swearing she heard creaking as her arm and legs moved, she shifted into a more comfortable position on the couch and the night’s events came rushing back to her. Her eyes closed tight to prevent further tears, and held in a whimper, then brushed away at her eyes and stood up. She went down to the bathroom and grabbed some clothes, then stepped into the linoleum-tile floor and dropped her shirt to the floor and slipped down her pants. Her arms reached into the shower stall and turned on the faucet, testing it until it was just right and then turned on the shower, stepping into the spray and feeling the water flow down her body. At first she got lost in the warm water, lathering her body and cleaning softly, then her thoughts once again turned to Tushima. As she did so, her mind began to play what could have happened last night, and she felt a heat spread over her body.

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   She blushed softly and tried to think of other things, but her body got warmer and warmer, seeming to originate from one spot in particular, visions of Tushima and her engaged in much more intimate activities that she had dreamed of doing with her love cascading through her mind. As she felt her face flush softly, she looked down at herself and knew already that she was more than just feeling warm, her breasts standing at a higher perkiness than usual and a liquid of greater temperature than the water dripping slowly from her nether regions. Slowly giving into the urge her body was pumping through her, she slid her hands down her chest, each place her fingers touched she imagined Tushima doing it. This set her heart racing as she closed her eyes and brushed her nipples gently, gasping at how sensitive they were, so deep into her fantasy that she literally felt Tushima touch them. Her back pressed against the wall of the shower stall and she pinched her left breast’s nipple, moan getting lost in the sound of water falling around her. Her hand cupped the entire breast and massaged it softly; her moans increasing in volume and intensity as her other hand traced its way down her stomach to her hips, moving around her pelvis. As her fingers moved closer and closer to that spot that yearned the most to be touched, her heart’s beating reached fever pitch. One single finger traced along her opening and she gasped loudly, her back arching as her fingernail ran over her labia. The heat pulsed through her veins again and she pressed her fingers against her slit and between her soft lower lips, parting them slowly and rubbing their inner walls. Her head leaned back against the wall of the shower and she breathed in shakily. Her fingers pressed into her folds and they closed around them, seeming to tighten around them and not want to let go, trying to pull them deeper inside her. Through all of this she was imagining Tushima doing this to her, Tushima exploring her and setting her limbs afire as she returned the favor, discovering each other’s forms in the dim light of the attic, the soft couch teasing their skin as they learned the shapes and their curves, getting lost in each other as every part of them was free to touch. Blank pushed the fingers the rest of the way in and began to massage inside of herself, slowly stroking her clitoris with her thumb, gasping and moaning in the veil of steam. Then she happened to look through the slightly transparent shower curtain and noticed Tushima staring at her transfixed, her eyes locked on Blank’s hands as they massaged her warm slit. Blank’s eyes also caught that Tushima was looking very aroused by this, and not the slightest bit afraid, but before she could say anything, Tushima turned around in a daze and walked to her room slowly.

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   Blank saw that Tushima locked the door behind her before she closed the bathroom door, something she had neglected to do on her own way in. She smiled softly and realized her fingers were still buried inside her most intimate of places and she laughed softly into the spray of water and finished her task, moving her fingers around again as her fantasy picked up right where she had left it, her slender fingers massaging inside of her, making her arousal reach a peak, and she moaned loudly, feeling a rush of even hotter liquid splash down her hand and into the water as it slid down her body, the rush of her climax allowing her to feel every drop of water on her skin, every touch her body made with something else sending a small shockwave through her nerves. As Blank got out of the shower and dried off, Tushima was sitting on her bed, trying to piece together exactly what she had just seen. Blank’s naked form doing just what she had hoped to do herself, to touch her beloved in such ways and get those same reactions from her lips. She could feel the desire to do those things rise up inside her, to give her beloved that ultimate gift, and she blushed softly. Closing her eyes she tried to think of how she could get her angel to let her make it up to her, as Blank would not want to think that Tushima owed her anything. A smile crept across her face as a plan came into her mind, heat spreading over her body as she remembered what she had felt when she saw Blank’s most intimate place, a feeling of intense want and purpose. She stood up slowly, not fully trusting her legs, and walked out of her room to begin setting up her scheme to gain her lover’s final stage of their relationship. Blank’s body returned to normal and she dressed in her clean clothes, finding a small note on her dresser, Tushima’s handwriting directing her to solve a clue and find the next note. The first clue read, “Head to the kitchen for a dish that is more fun than hunting moose in mid winter on dirty snows. ” Blank pocketed the note, walking down to the kitchen and looking around for anything obvious. She pulled the note out again and read through it, absent-mindedly pulling open cabinets and looking in them. “Moose? Dirty Snow? Hmm… winter… Freezer!”Opening the freezer she found herself face to face with a container of ice cream labeled “Moose Tracks” that looked quite a lot like dirty snow. She opened the top of the container and drew out the second note, along with a bite of ice cream. The second note read “Good! Now, go to the room where we spend the most time, and find the movie which you find most divine, then find that movie you wish we didn’t own.

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  ” Blank shook her head lightly and laughed, then walked into the living room and quickly found the case to her favorite movie and slid it out, half of the note taped to it, then began to search for the second movie. As she read over the numerous tapes, she noticed one that made her cringe, old home videos, picked it up and dropped the tape out with note attached. Putting the two halves together she read the next clue “Head to the place I’d like to sleep, search the drawer of things I’d like to remove”. Blank paused to think about this and her eyes widened. Could Tushima mean what her mind immediately began thinking of, including the earlier moment in the bathroom, did she mean what she wanted so desperately wanted to think she did?Her heart racing as she stepped into her bedroom and opened the drawer where her more “delicate” of clothing was kept, she found a small note laying directly on top of her most racy panties, and she opened it with her hands shaking slightly with anticipation. “My dear Blank, I cannot say how sorry I am for the pain I know I caused you last night… but tonight I shall make it up to you. Go to our usual place of meeting at 18 o’clock with your eyes closed tight, or I will not appear before you. Until tonight my beloved, until tonight. ” Blank’s heart hit a new record for speed as her eyes widened until they couldn’t anymore, and as she felt anticipation rising up in her, that familiar flush running through her skin. She looked over at the clock and read 8:45 pm, and her heart sank, she didn’t really want to wait that long. She shrugged and slipped out of her clothes, then redressed in some lighter things including the same panties the note had rested on, wanting to be as perfect as she could for her angel. Her shirt was one of her few tight ones that accentuated her female features, a semi-gray color with the word “Why?” in white letters on the back and her jeans were just basic blue jeans. Trying hard not to show the hope she was feeling in her stomach, the butterflies fluttering like mad over tonight’s event, she walked around the house and ended up sitting down to watch that same movie Tushima had her find earlier. Time ticked by and she saw the clock reading 9:58 so she turned off the TV and began walking slowly up the stairs til she reached the attic, she closed her eyes tight and pushed the door up and open, and stumbled in the darkness of her semi-blindness to the couch, where she sat in the very center of it and waiting, her breathing short and her heart beating madly. Hearing soft footsteps she tensed up and awaited whatever happened next, the most amazing sensation of her head enclosed by warm flesh spreading over her.

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   Her eyes opened and found Tushima’s arms pulling her between her breasts, for the first time she was seeing them as her love held her in an embrace of incredible tenderness. She turned her head and listened softly to the sound of Tushima breathing, then pressed her lips to the soft flesh enclosing her head and smiled up at her angel, skin shining in the soft light as she held her love. Tushima pulled her arms back and walked to the front of the couch, revealing that she still had her pants on, but was totally topless, and Blank gazed in awe at her beloved. Blank stood up slowly and reached out to touch her loves face, amazed at the look of total serenity in Tushima’s eyes, like she was ready beyond all physical reason or doubt. Tushima took Blank’s hand and guided it away from her face, placing it softly atop her breast and squeezing her fingers gently. She smiled at Blank’s face and leaned forward, kissing her neck gently as Blank felt the smooth skin under her palm, feeling that same shock as when Tushima first kissed her, like lightning through her body. Tushima’s hands slid down Blank’s shirt and softly caressed Blank’s breasts through the cloth, then began to slide it up her love’s stomach, no hesitation in her fingers. As her hands pulled the shirt up and over Blank’s breasts, Tushima pulled back from kissing Blank’s neck and helped slide it up over her loves head, then dropped it to the floor beside them. She smiled at Blank’s choice of bra, and softly ran her hands over it, making Blank’s eyes close and moan softly to the quiet attic, then felt her bra slip from her body as well and she opened her eyes to stare into Tushima’s. “Blank, my beloved, I cannot say how sorry I am for hurting you last night, but tonight I will make it up to you by giving you the greatest gift I can, I will share my self with you. ”“My dear, dear, Tushima… I love you so much and I wish only to show you the most incredible pleasure I can, to show you my love through my actions. ”Tushima stepped closer to Blank and felt her breasts softly brush against her lover’s, her eyes closing softly with the feeling of her skin against Blank’s, then stepped even closer, pressing right against Blank and rubbing their breasts together. She pressed her lips to Blank’s and they kissed passionately, lips massaging as their arms wrapped around the other and pulled each other as closely together as their bodies would allow. Blank’s fingers trailed down Tushima’s back, caressing the skin as Tushima slowly stroked all of Blank that her hands could with the limited range given by their close proximity. As they held each other tightly, their breasts squeezed together and elicited a soft from the lovers, their kiss growing all the more intense as Blank opened her mouth to taste Tushima’s lips and Tushima followed suit, their tongues touching slowly and mingling as Blank slowly pulled Tushima backwards and the two sat down on the couch, Tushima on Blank’s lap.

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   Blank’s hands slowly moved up and down Tushima’s smooth back while Tushima occupied her hands with softly cupping her breasts and rubbing them against Blank’s, trying to pull the loudest moan she could from her love. As their nipples brushed against each other’s breasts, both women felt the most sensitive spots on their breasts become stiff and scrape against their breasts, soft moans escaping both sets of lips as their eyes closed and tilted their heads back. Tushima arched her back slightly, then let her breasts slip from her hands, and slid them down her lovers chest, brushing her fingers against the soft skin of her breasts and pinching the nipples softly, then moving farther south to Blank’s pants, unbuttoning them, then sliding them down her hips and down her legs, exposing the panties she had hoped Blank would wear, and slid her hands across their surface softly. Blank’s head tilted back again and moaned as Tushima’s finger’s slid across her most intimate place, blushing slightly as she realized Tushima had created a wet spot in her panties by pushing down softly. Tushima smiled because she knew that she was becoming the same way staring at her lover’s form, and slowly she reached down and pulled the soft lace away exposing Blank’s last hidden place. As the panties slid back, Blank’s eyes closed and she leaned back farther into the couch, arching her hips up at Tushima. Tushima dropped the panties after sliding them down her legs and over her feet, leaning down and running her hands up her smooth thighs, slowly moving up towards her last real secret. Blank’s eyes closed tighter with anticipation and slight wonder at what Tushima was going to do, and where she heard what she was doing. Tushima pressed her head against Blank’s neck and kissed it softly, then moves down slowly, kissing her breasts and the valley between them, moving south still, each brush of her lips against Blank’s skin sending shivers of electricity through her body. As she moved herself closer and closer to that last spot, the butterflies in her stomach suddenly disappeared and she smiled gently, spreading Blank’s legs before her as she kneeled in front of the couch. She leaned forward one inch at a time, stopping her face only a few inches from the soft lips of Blank’s womanhood. She inhaled deeply, loving the fragrance of her love’s essence. Moving closer still, she softly kissed the wet lips, closing her eyes as she did so. Blank’s back arched, pushing her hips even more against Tushima’s face, her lips parting slightly in a moan. Tushima pulled back softly and felt the warm liquid that was shining from Blank’s lips on her own, extending her tongue and tasting it, smiling at the flavor.

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   She leaned back against Blank’s flower and extended her tongue slowly, tracing up between the opening but not moving in. Blank whimpered softly in pleasure and tried to push her hips even more onto Tushima’s tongue, and Tushima happily obliged, pressing her face right against it and sliding her tongue in to explore. Blank arched her back as far as it could go, her softest place placed directly against Tushima’s face as her tongue explored inside of her lover, the experience of actually having a part of her inside Blank’s body driving her mind insane. Then Blank, almost too weak to move, fought the urge to just melt and sat up, taking her arms and pushing Tushima down, laying her down on the floor. Tushima looked confused until Blank once again laid down atop her, this time placing her womanhood atop Tushima’s face, while she went to work removing Tushima’s pants and panties. Throwing them to the floor, she moaned softly as Tushima continued her tongue’s infatuation with Blank’s petal soft folds, then stared happily down at Tushima’s own dripping womanhood, and she dove in for the kill, immediately setting about doing the same job as Tushima. The two women continued to powerfully lap up the fluids in the other’s most intimate place, drinking in the other’s essence as Tushima thought to herself. Blank could no longer hold in her pleasure and moaned loudly into Tushima’s flower, the rush of an even greater tasting fluid pouring onto Tushima’s awaiting tongue, Blank’s body once again hypersensitive, feeling every inch of Tushima’s skin against hers. Wanting to return the favor, Blank brought a new vigor to her task and slid her tongue all over Tushima’s petals, rubbing the small nub of her clitoris with the tip of her tongue, feeling the shock waves of pleasure run through Tushima’s entire body. As the pleasure came in waves over Tushima’s mind, she tried to continue cleaning up Blank’s womanhood, but found there was little more her body could do but lie still and enjoy Blank’s ministrations. Then came the crescendo, the first climax of her experience with a woman, electricity throbbing through every nerve, every inch of her skin and leaving her breathless, as though unable to ever breath again. Blank rolled of Tushima and turned around slowly, placing one hand on Tushima’s stomach in a gesture of complete tenderness and security. Tushima smiled back at her lover, and caressed her face softly with one hand. Then Tushima looked down at Blank’s face. “My love… I want to do more… please… let me do something… else,” she spoke slowly and with almost no fear of anything, no doubts forming in her mind.

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  Blank nodded as she finished riding her orgasm, panting softly as her heart heard Blank’s words and jumped, already starting to beat faster once more. The anticipation of what was about to happen was filled swiftly as Tushima shifted down and turned herself around, crossing her legs with Blank’s and moving her flower to Blank’s eventually pressing them together softly. At the soft brushing, soft moans escaped both lovers and they smiled at each other, Tushima pushing them all the way against each other, then beginning to move her hips against Blank’s, nodding at her lover as Blank began to copy her motions and rub their soft folds against each other, both moaning loudly as they did so, Tushima working extra hard to do her best, trying her damnedest to make it up to Blank, even though she knew she didn’t really have to. As the two stroked each other’s most sensitive of organs against each other, finding each other’s clits inside those lips and brushing them against each other, their eyes closed tightly and they moaned loudly, in unison, almost as thought their hearts and minds were linked. Blank could feel that neither of them could take much more of this before they would climax, so she slowed down the pace at which she pushed against Tushima, trying to keep the pleasure up, but not finish too soon. Tushima couldn’t take it anymore and began to softly buck against Blank, pressing her womanhood directly against Blanks and pumping herself against her, moaning loudly and smiling at her lover as she joined in the act of going out in total ecstasy. Both felt a heat spread over their bodies and their faces flushed, pushing themselves even harder to make the other’s pleasure incredible. Blank pressed vigorously against Tushima and was pleased to hear the scream of pleasure that exploded from Tushima’s lips, her own scream just barely staying in her throat as Tushima kept increasing her pace, then let it out and her voice joined Tushima’s as the two exploded in their second release, and they lay softly against each other, panting and gasping in the dim light. “Ohhhh…. Blank… that… was… incredible… I… love… you… so… much…” Tushima gasped out between her deep breathes. “I love… you too… my beloved… Tushima…” Blank almost sighed happily as she said Tushima’s name and slipped her legs from Tushima’s, moving up and laying next to her, curling next to her lover and feeling Tushima’s arms wrap around her. The two fell asleep in each other’s arms and slept of the night’s adventures, and the joys of their discovery after so many times of failing inside. As dawn rose over the horizon, Blank awoke to find Tushima, wrapped in a robe standing before the small window, having opened it slightly more, and she stood up, wrapping herself in the blanket that someone had placed on them, walking softly to where Tushima stood. They looked at each other with joy shining in their eyes and then as one their gazes shifted out to the dawn, feeling a sense of awed symbolism in watching that sun rise together, for the first time they watched it as one heart. Tushima rested her head against Blank’s shoulder and they smiled gently as the sun rose over the hills, casting its oranges and pale yellows over the sky, the black of the previous night retreating in the east.

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   Blank kissed Tushima softly on the forehead and smiled again, knowing that last night both had forever pledged their love to each other in the greatest means they could see. “My dear Tushima… I will stand by you forever my love, I will never leave your side. ”Tushima looked up and into Blank’s eyes, smiling at her, “And I the same my beloved Blank, I will never forsake our love, I will be here with you til the end of time. ”Downstairs Mute smiled softly to himself and walked out of the house, knowing that the happiness of two of his closest friends had been assured, but unfortunately he did not watch where he was going and stepped on an ice patch, slipping and falling on his face. He got up and brushed himself off, and started laughing at himself, the difference a smile made on his face startling, and he walked on down the sidewalk. Up in the attic Tushima and Blank watched this and giggled together at the accident-prone recluse, both knowing now that it had been him that put the blanket on them last night, and they thanked him silently. They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled, arms wrapping around each other and holding tight, smiling to themselves as they embraced, knowing that they would never have to leave it.



