
A Boring Day Gets Better


I had just turned 16, the legal age in the UK for some things (like sex, marriage and joining the armed forces) but not, strangely, for voting, drinking or watching 18-rated movies. But I digress. It was a fairly ordinary Autumn, school had been back for a few weeks and the same-old same-old was now in full swing. One Saturday, on a particularly dull and overcast day, me and my best friend David were wondering what we could do with ourselves. After deliberating on the usual – going to hang out at the shopping centre and, well, that's it – we had hit a dead end. The rest of our friends had Saturday jobs or were hanging out with their families, and neither of us had girlfriends so options were limited.

David mentioned that his mum, dad and little brother were going to the nearby leisure centre, which was like a mini indoor water park. He half-suggested we could go along. I thought about it for a few seconds, trying desperately to think of something else – anything else – that we could do instead but I came up with nothing. Not a thing. We were that bored.

So grudgingly I agreed, knowing that even though it was lame, there was little else to do. Whilst David's mum and dad were nice and all, they were pretty boring. Well that's not fair actually – they were alright, just quiet. I didn't really know them that well to be honest. Me and David were best friends but I was seldom over at his place as he hated hanging out there.

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   And whilst my parents and his got on well enough, and socialised occasionally, I was hardly regarded as a member of the family.

So I headed back to my place to quickly grab my things, all the while consoling myself with the thought that I'd at least get to perv over girls in bikinis and swimsuits.


I arrived back at David's with my bag packed just in time for his family loading up the car. There was David's dad Brian, packing up the bags into the boot of the car and his mum Louise, strapping his little brother Steven into his safety seat (he was only 4). Me and David squeezed into the back seat alongside Steven in his safety seat for the 18 minute drive that was thankfully short on small talk. Brian drove and Louise did the usual mum thing: "How's school Andrew?" "I hear you're playing well for the football team" – all that sort of thing. Louise was nice but she was, well, mumsy.


Arriving at the leisure centre, we all bailed out of the car and David and I made a beeline for the main entrance, trying to keep as much distance from his parents as we could incase any girls were watching; not cool to be seen going to the swimming pool with 'oldies'. It hadn't dawned on me that I hadn't been to this place before until I actually arrived and, having paid in, I was surprised to see that there were no changing rooms as such – you know, separate rooms for male and female as I'd been used to at the swimming pool near where I lived – but instead a 'changing village' as it was labelled, an area of dozens of separate cubicles that was, brilliantly, unisex.

David and I made for the first two available cubicles that were within close proximity to one another and went inside to change into our swimsuits. I say swimsuits, but I had brought my football shorts with me; first thing to hand when I went home to change. All the while I was getting undressed I couldn't help but imagine all the hot girls that were in various states of undress all around me, maybe even just over the wall from me. I was getting in the mood for a real perving session.

David and I both left our cubicles at the very same time and we both burst out laughing upon seeing our attire: we were both wearing the same football shorts. We both played for the same team and even though they looked pretty good, especially against our tanned complexions being white with three light blue stripes down the sides, it could also be viewed by girls as pretty lame, wearing the same 'outfit'.

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   But we laughed it off and I considered it ok that we were dressed the same as we were part of a football team and that, as far as I was concerned, was cool.


We headed out to the poolside and looking round I was pretty impressed. It was a really large, modern and pretty cool looking set-up. And really, really busy too. People of all ages everywhere. David spotted his family across the way, on some sun lounger-type things, probably setting up a base area for all of Steven's baby stuff so we hit the pre-pool showers for a quick warm blast before heading over. We were only going over to say 'hi' quickly I told myself – I was not hanging out with them.

Approaching them, however, I was really taken by Louise. I had never in my life seen her in a bikini, in fact not even in anything close. She did have a really pretty face which even though was 42 years old, still looked good – large, deep brown eyes, small cute pointy nose, small mouth with pouty lips around it. And she had fantastic hair, this wispy flicked up shoulder length style, dyed blonde with a long fringe that could cover her eyes at times. But her usual dressing style was very conservative – nothing tight, short, low-cut – nothing of the sort at all. Like I said, mumsy.

But what I saw as I approached was a fine – no, fantastic – looking woman in a black bikini. She stood and watched us approach, smiling like she always does, but this time the smile looked entirely different to me – but that's purely because I was looking at her entirely differently.

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She was a lot shorter than my 5'11 – maybe 5'2 or 5'3 and her blonde hair was tied back in a high ponytail showing off her slender neck and shoulders. From this distance as I approached I could get a real good look without looking obvious and the next part of her that i admired were her tits – they looked incredible. I couldn't believe I'd never noticed them before as they were big, like possibly an E cup, filling her bikini top and then some. And they looked full and firm too, not like the bikini was straining to hold them up. My cock was twitching by this point. As we got closer I quickly scanned the rest of her body: narrow waist, round hips and slender – if short – legs. I tried to get a look at her mound but the black bikini wasn't giving anything away – damn.

"Hey boys," Louise smiled as we reached them "Aw, don't you look cute in your matching shorts" she said, which now, to me, sounded like she was teasing me. We both stood as David spoke to his dad about something. As Louise sat on her lounger next to Steven I noticed her looking at David then at me. More specifically, she was looking at David's face, then his crotch, then to my crotch, and then back again. She was really staring, almost trance like, with a real look of surprise on her face. She was too engrossed to see me watching her, and watch her I did as I was puzzled as to what she was looking at. Then I saw it. Both David's and mines shorts had gone transport under the shower with them being white.

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   But the thing that had caught David's mum's attention as the colour showing through from our shorts; Davids was dark, like his head. Mines? Well mines was just skin coloured…

She'd noticed that I shaved my balls. It was quite obvious now that we were stood side by side with semi-transparent shorts on and it looked like Louise was very – very – surprised. But not horrified. She kept looking as David and his dad kept talking. I was loving this supposedly discreet attention and also using it as a chance to check her out more. With Louise now sat not far in front of me the view of her tits and cleavage was breathtaking. My cock was twitching even more.

David broke away from the conversation with his dad and by saying "Me and Andy are gonna go on that rubber ring ride". He was all smiles – I was pissed off, but knew I couldn't stay there all day and ogle his mum. I was then surprised though: "Why don't I join you guys?" smiled Louise.

"You mum? On one of those rides?" Now David was looking pissed.

"Yeah sure – it looks great fun. You don't mind, do you Brian?" she asked her husband, by way of saying 'stay here and look after the kid'.

"Not at all honey" he replied, "just be careful". 


"I will" Louise said as she stood up then leant right over to kiss him softly on the lips. I watched as her tits nearly fell out of her bikini top.

"OK losers, let's go!" she giggled, "Last one there's a rotten egg". Terrible chat aside, I was engrossed in watching her tits jiggle as she walked quickly ahead of us, her round firm ass wiggling.

"This is soooo lame" grunted David under his breath as we followed. "Don't be so mean" I teased "She's just enjoying herself".

We got to the staircase leading up to the ride and each grabbed a rubber ring. We then climbed the stairs, single file, carrying those bulky big things. David first, then his mum, then me – this afforded me an amazing view of her ass, my face now so close to it.

After a few minutes waiting we reached the top and David was on his way down the flume. Handing her ring to the attendant to place in position, Louise was next. "Sorry ma'am" said the lifeguard, "there seems to be some damage to this apparatus – it's got a slow puncture. I can't let you ride this I'm afraid. "

Louise looked genuinely annoyed, maybe more because she'd have to walk all the way back down a crowded staircase. As she turned to me pouting she again looked me once over and then turned back to the lifeguard: "We can ride in pairs, right"? She smiled.

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   "Yes ma'am" he replied. Louise then turned back to me: "You don't mind do you Andrew, riding with me?"

I gulped, taken aback and slightly nervous all of a sudden. I was no virgin but my experience was limited. I'd fucked three girls in total, two of which were virgins and the actual sex itself wasn't great (they were pretty frigid). My third encounter was a lot better, with a more experienced girl. I have no 'technique' as such but I've seen a lot of porn and picked up 'moves' from there. I doubt I'm much of a girl-pleaser in bed but that third time just my intense hard and deep fucking was enough to make the girl cum. Or at least she said she did. It was great for my ego regardless. But here i was being hit on by my best friend's mum and I was stuttering and stammering like the little virgin I once was.

"Er… sure Mrs Wilson" I stammered – I also always called her and her husband by their 'titles' – good manners and all that.

"OK" interjected the lifeguard, " as you're the biggest, you sit at the back and your mum here will sit in front between your legs" he said to me. Hearing him calling Louise my 'mum' really hit me hard; not my mum, but my best friend's. I really couldn't believe this.

Rubber ring in position at the top of the flume I sat in it, legs spread as instructed.

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   Louise approached putting one hand on my shoulder to steady herself. "I'm glad I'm not your mum" she whispered in my ear as she leaned right over, her amazing tits right in front of my face. She looked at my semi-transparent shorts then up at me smiling naughtily. My cock was now stiffening quickly as she moved into position. She was lowering herself down and I got a great look at her mound from behind which looked pert tight and tidy from what I could see. She sat right down in my lap, wriggling into my crotch then leaning back against my chest.

"This is going to be fun" she whispered back to me as I looked down at her. From my vantage point I had the most amazing view of her tits.

"OK, go!" shouted the lifeguard as he kicked the ring on to the flume and away we went. My cock was now at full size – thick and hard but unable to stand proud in its natural erect position as it was wedged between Louise's ass cheeks. My shorts were thin, her bikini bottoms even more so; it almost felt like I was pressing flesh.

The ride seemed like it took forever yet simultaneously was over in a second. The feeling of Louise's ass cheeks around my hard cock was almost too much to bear. I remained silent the whole time, loving the feeling of her ass on my cock and the sight of her tits wobbling, jiggling and swaying with every bump and turn on the slide. Louise was pretty quiet too, letting out a moan here and there that seemed to coincide with every turn that brought her ass and my cock together tighter.

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The end was upon us before I knew it, we splashed into the pool and the ring capsized tipping us into the water. As we both stood up in the two feet of water wiping it from our faces I looked at Louise as she wiped her hair away from her face – the first time I'd seen her whole face clearly with her hair swept entirely away. She really was beautiful. "Thanks for the ride" she giggled as my eyes were transfixed on her wet slippery cleavage that was a little more exposed thanks to her bikini top moving during us toppling into the water.

"Er, yeah… don't mention it" I mumbled pathetically.

"Oh, but you may want to give it a few minutes before you get out" Louise giggled as she nodded down at my crotch. I looked down to see my almost-entirely transparent shorts tenting obscenely, my seven-and-a-half inch cock clearly visible. I sat down quickly in the water to hide myself, embarrassed, as Louise giggled some more and turned and left. I looked at her ass as she walked away and groaned; her bikini bottoms were wedged in her ass cheeks. She knew I'd be looking and glanced over he shoulder at me smiling. Still walking she then nonchalantly pulled one side of it to cover one cheek, then the other side to cover the other cheek. I was now officially obsessed.

I watched as she made her way over to Brian and Steven, stopping to bend over and kiss Brian as she got there and receiving a little squeeze on her ass from her husband before taking Steven over to the kiddies pool. 'The perfect wife and mother' I thought. Or at least I did think that until only 20 minutes previous.

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   Now I was thinking something different entirely.

I hadn't even given David a second thought until I heard his voice shattering my thoughts: "Andy, come on man that was the lamest ride ever. Let's go find something better". It was only then that I realised how lucky I was that he wasn't hanging around waiting on me to come down the flume; maybe he got bored waiting on us, I don't know – but I was lucky.


The next hour or so was excruciating. Pretending to David that everything is normal, going on the different flumes in the leisure centre, trying to enjoy myself when all I could do was think about his mum. I wasn't imagining things was I? This isn't something harmless that happens all the time is it? She was seriously teasing me, to the point it looked like she wanted me. Or was it just teasing – tormenting – for no other reason than to give her a laugh and a boost to her ego? I was really confused.

Brian was waving over to us, summoning us to come over to where they were. I had butterflies in my stomach as we approached, trying desperately to remain cool, to act normal. I tried not to look at Louise as we got to where they were sat; I deliberately kept my gaze elsewhere as long as I could but each time I did glance at her she was looking at me, smiling, glancing at my crotch. At the same time, Brian was announcing that they – he, Louise and Steven – were heading home as Steven was getting tired. This, they said, was our chance for a ride home. David wasn't up for it as he'd been perving over a particular group of girls and wanted to continue for as long as he could. I, on the other hand, just wanted to get home and clear my head.

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   David wasn't pleased but didn't fancy staying there himself so it was agreed – time to get changed.

We all headed to the changing village, my eyes continually glancing at Louise's ass as she walked ahead with Steven. Me, David and his dad walked just behind. Brian was a good guy; quiet, happy to let his more outgoing wife be the mouthpiece for the family but he was far from under the thumb. He ruled that house and would kick most people's asses, mines especially. I found myself wondering if he knew his wife was such a cocktease. I doubted it.

We got to the changing area and it was mobbed. David grabbed a cubicle whilst his mum, dad and little brother managed to find a larger family-sized one. I had no such luck. It seemed that every other cubicle was taken. I wandered round and round but with no joy. Almost to the point I lost my bearings. After a few minutes a door opened in front of me and Brian walked out carrying Steven who was crying; I had come full circle back to where I started. "He's really tired" Brian said almost apologetically, "I'm gonna take him to the restaurant for a drink".



"Oh, ok Mr WIlson" I replied, not sure what to say. He had not turned the corner ahead two seconds earlier when I felt an hand grabbing my arm and yanking at me. I looked and saw it was Louise in her cubicle: "In here, now!" she grinned.

I let myself be pulled in after which she locked the door behind us. "I've been wanting to see this all day" she whispered smiling as she yanked at my wet shorts, letting my rapidly-hardening cock spring free.

"Mmmmmm, god yes that's an incredible size for a boy your age" she practically drooled as she wrapped her small, warm hand around it and began to tug it quickly. I was fully erect in no time, moaning a little too loudly given our location – no hand job had ever felt so good. She pulled me closer as she leaned against the door "Shhhhhhh honey you must be quiet" she whispered, looking in my eyes then down at my cock as she pumped it, over and over.

"Put it in me" she whispered again as I watched her pull her bikini bottoms aside to reveal her pussy. 'Dyed blonde right enough' I thought as I saw her neatly trimmed and shaped dark bush. Her pussy looked incredible and as strange and as crazy as this situation was, I was certainly not going to say no. I moved in closer, bending my knees, lowering myself and slowly and firmly eased my throbbing cock in as Louise lifted one leg onto the bench to give me easier access.

This was it, inch by inch my cock was sliding into my best friend's mum's sopping wet pussy. She moaned low and softly, her eyes rolling a little, eyes fluttering as she gasped quietly. "Oh fuckkkkkkkkkk baby" she giggled softly as she broke out into a smile.

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   My cock had now slid all the way in and I held it there for a second or two. She raised her arms over her head as I gripped her tiny waist and withdrew my cock slowly, almost all the way out. Her legs buckled some as she physically trembled. I pushed back in again just as slowly. This was utterly incredible. Her pussy was like nothing I'd ever encountered. Not as tight as the virgin pussys I'd fucked but it was an experienced pussy, one that knew what it was doing when it was filled with cock. Her muscles were flexing round my girth, softly welcoming my cock into her hot snatch. It was mind-blowing. I was in heaven as I slowly slid in and out, three, four, five times…

"Shit! Stop!" she hissed, snapping me from my trance-like state. It took a second or two to realise what was wrong, then I heard it: from outside we could hear Steven chattering away to his daddy – obviously feeling better now – as they approached. My cock was still buried in Louise but the look of panic, terror even, on her face was quite something. It hit me then: I had the upper hand here. She had put everything on the line – her marriage, her family, her reputation – simply because she couldn't stop herself from wanting the cock of a 18 year-old boy. Instantly I felt powerful.

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   Right now, David wasn't my best friend, he was just some guy whose mum wanted my cock. If we got caught I'd lose his friendship but who cares? I can make more friends. If we got caught I'd get my ass kicked but so what? My injuries would heal. My thinking was clouded by ludicrous thoughts such as these and I tried once more to slide my cock right back into Louise's pussy but stopped: "Please," she pleaded looking up at me "get off". Sensing the seriousness I did as she said, withdrawing my slippery cock from her equally slippery pussy and stuffing it in my shorts. The shorts were hiding nothing though but Louise thought quickly: she covered her pussy and left the cubicle.

"There you are" she sang. I could hear by the way she said it she had that gorgeous smile on again. "I was wondering where my boys got to" she said as her husband and youngest son approached. "What's happening?" asked David, now directly next to me save for the cubicle partition. "Andrew couldn't find a cubicle so he's using ours as I figured that we could then use it after him. It lets him go hang out with David and means David's not hanging out on his own". "Ah right, good idea honey" replied Brian, "Don't you be too long in there!" he called to me laughing. 'Long enough for your wife' I thought to myself.


If the flume encounter led to awkwardness, the cubicle encounter made that look like perfect normality.

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   It didn't last long but it did happen: I had sex with Louise, my best friend's mum. The journey home was tense but probably only for me and Louise. But the car was deathly quiet without Louise's chatter. My head was spinning and had no intention of talking to anyone about anything at the moment. I wanted to get home and be alone for a bit.

We pulled up at David's house and was just thinking about saying my goodbyes and heading home when Louise turned and said: "Would you like to stay for dinner, Andrew?" This shocked me, as well as Brian and David too. I'd never been invited for dinner before. This was a bolt from the blue and to me, especially in light of what had happened between us, looked glaringly obvious and suspicious.

"I'm sure Andy will be having dinner at his own house" said David, irritated by the thought of having to spend yet more time in his parents' company.

"Andrew?" Louise smiled at me, "Would you like to stay for dinner?" Her eyes locked on mines, practically boring into me, seemingly eager for me to agree. "Well, er yeah Mrs Wilson, if it's not too much trouble?" "No trouble at all Andrew" she smiled sweetly back at me. I heard David huff in annoyance to my side.

We all got to the house and made our way inside. I was thinking that Louise did seem eager for me to stay; what did she have in mind? She surely wasn't serious about continuing what we did? In her own house? With her family all round?

I went to the living room with David and Steven as Brian went to the kitchen to start preparations and Louise went off somewhere else. We put on the TV and watched for a bit with Brian coming in to join us.

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   Soon after I could hear movement from the kitchen; dinner was now obviously being made by Louise who must have returned from where she had disappeared off to.

"Would any of you boys like a drink?" I heard her say from the doorway behind us. We all turned and I think we all had the same reaction: 'what the fuck?' Louise had poured herself a glass of red wine which was unusual in itself, but it was her clothes – she'd gone to change and was now wearing a tight white v-neck tshirt and really small grey cotton shorts, the sort of thing she never, ever wore. Brian was first to speak: "You got changed, huh?" which sounded like 'why are you dressed like that?'. "Yup," she smiled, "this house is always so hot". That sounded like the lie it was. This whole dressing sexy thing just was so screamingly obvious to me that I was tempted to tell her to tone it down and play it cool. But I didn't, obviously.

"So?" she repeated "Drinks?"

Me and David asked for soda whilst Brian had a beer. "Dinner will be ready in five minutes boys" Louise called through. 'Time to freshen up' I thought as I excused myself and went to the bathroom. As I urinated, I began to think of Louise again, of our fuck, surely one of the shortest ever? My cock was leaking precum again and was getting really hard when I snapped out of my dream. I washed my hands and went to head downstairs. Opening the bathroom door I jumped with fright as there stood Louise, that naughty smile on her face again.

"Shhhhhhh" she giggled as she pushed me back into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. 

   "I can't believe we almost got caught back there" she whispered as i leant against the sink and she started to unbuckle my belt and pop open my jeans.

"Louise… everyone is downstairs…" I started, not sure what I was really saying.

"Louise?" she smiled, "Since when has it been Louise?" She mock-admonished me as she pulled my boxers and jeans to my knees, again freeing my now fully erect cock. "It's Mrs Wilson, Andrew. You know that. " she cooed softly as she gripped my cock and began to jerk it slowly.

"Ohhhhhhhh goddddd Mrs Wilson" I moaned, partly in response to how good it felt as she jerked my cock but also in response to her insistence I call her 'Mrs Wilson' – there was something really naughty about that.

"This cock," she whispered looking me right in the eyes "is so fucking perfect" she smiled licking her lips as she crouched onto her haunches, still looking up at me as she opened her lil mouth and stuffed my fat, swollen spongey head in. Eyes locked on mines the whole time, she sucked on my head as she tongued the underside. Jerking my cock at the base she sucked and slurped loudly, easing her head down on my shaft slowly taking in inch after inch of my cock. Her little mouth stretched as it was made my cock look obscenely thick, the veins running its length were pulsing, throbbing. It was awesome.

I didn't even get the chance to pump my hips as she then began to bob her head on my cock, sucking in all the way in then out, over and over. She pulled off quickly to lick all round my shaved cock and balls, moaning on them to vibrate them, gasping: "Mmmmm baby I love your gorgeous smooth balls". She sucked one ball into her mouth, humming on it, rolling it on her tongue, then popping it out loudly then repeated it with my other ball – it was amazing.

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   She then greedily stuffed my cock back into her little mouth, sucking faster and deeper now, her hands on my ass gripping hard. I could feel myself tingling, my balls bubbling almost, when it happened again: it stopped. She pulled off my cock smiling up at me and wiping her mouth and chin. "Sorry honey, I really need to go. I have dinner to get ready". As she stood I could see her nipples clearly pointing through her tshirt and a damp patch at the front of her shorts. She had certainly enjoyed herself but was it the teasing part she enjoyed most? She gave my wet cock a little tug and with that, she spun on her heels and left, leaving me not only hard but close to orgasm. If it wasn't so amazing, I'd have been furious.


I waited five minutes, regaining what composure I had left and waiting for my cock to soften – again. I went downstairs to find everyone sat waiting to eat. "What kept you?" asked Louise, teasingly. "I was er… on the phone?" I said disbelievingly. But nothing more was said. I sat to eat, noticing immediately that Louise was directly across from me. Her nipples were no longer showing and I hand't had the chance to see if her damp patch was still there but judging by both Brian and David's good moods, no one had noticed anyway.

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Dinner was, of course, torture. Trying to engage in chit-chat with a dry mouth, a spinning head, a churning stomach, a pile of guilt hanging over me and my best friend's mum's constant teasing – either by overly-long eye contact or by rubbing her bare foot against my leg under the table – was exceptionally uncomfortable. But perversely enjoyable.


Dinner came and went, thankfully and mercifully, quickly. It was time to go home. Except it wasn't. It seems that spending time with his parents wasn't as awful as David seemed to think it was: "Want to play Xbox for a few hours, Andy?" he asked right after dinner. 'Xbox?' I thought, 'You have Xbox? We could have played that this afternoon and I wouldn't be in this mess!' Except I would rather be nowhere else other than in this mess. "Xbox sounds good" I replied, as I glanced out of the corner of my eye to see a very surprised, and possibly delighted, look on Louise's face.

We headed to his room, David commandeering his bed, me on the sofa, control pads in hand as we played FIFA. A few games in, there's a light knock on the door as it then opens. It's Louise.

"David, your dad wants you in the garage. " "Mum!" he huffs like a child, "We're playing Xbox here" he then states obviously. "I see that honey but it's your bike your dad is fixing remember?" Sighing, David gets up: "I'll be back in a few minutes" he says to me, visibly annoyed.

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   "Sure, man" I say, watching him go then looking at Louise, my cock twitching again. She looked smoking hot in her tight tshirt and tiny shorts; from the side she looked really top-heavy. She stood in the doorway watching David go before turning and walking in towards me: "Now," she smiled, "where were we?"

I placed the control pad at my side as she approached, getting on her knees between my legs as she quickly undone by belt and jeans again, even quicker than the last time. My cock was fully erect and still slippery by the time she pulled it free. "Mmmmmmmmmmm" she moaned loudly as she sucked on it, engulfing my throbbing cock in her mouth quickly, starting to bob up and down again, sucking deep and hard with each of her hands on my thighs. The sound of her slurping filling the room was immense.

A few minutes of some of the most incredible head was ended when she pulled off again, smiling up at me as she pumped my cock in her lil fist. "Enjoying yourself sweetie?" she cooed. "Fuck Mrs Wilson, you're amazing" was all I could manage to say. "Good boy" she replied as she stood up and slipped her shorts off, showing me that she was pantieless this whole time, her glistening pussy in full view.

"Stand up" she ordered, which I obviously did. She then climbed on the sofa facing away from me and bent over showing me her amazing ass and wet pussy from behind. "Come on honey, you don't need any more of an invitation do you?" she teased over her shoulder as I drank in the sight before me. I climbed on behind her and slowly guided my cock into her from behind, one hand on her ridiculously round ass, easing in deeper and deeper, so fucking deep – it felt incredible. Holding her tiny waist I wasted no time in fucking her good and hard knowing that time was borrowed again.

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   It wasn't until I managed to tear my eyes away from the amazing sight of her pussy wrapped round my cock, reluctantly giving it up each time I withdrew, that I saw why she had taken up this position: we had a full view of the garage through the window behind the sofa. There before us as I pumped her pussy good and hard were her husband and son inspecting a bike. It was genius: she gets the thrill of watching her family as she cheats on them so openly and we both benefit from seeing when we would need to stop as one or both of them come back into the house.

This turned me on so much, my cock throbbing and pulsing more as I gripped Louise's narrow waist and drove into her pussy over and over and over, relentlessly fucking her. My grunting was loud but not as loud as her moaning, she was pushing back on my cock moaning, gasping, screaming with every thrust, her perfect ass jiggling every time our bodies came together. I reached under her tshirt and played with her tits – I couldn't believe I hand't touched them yet! They felt just as good as they looked: firm, soft, downright perfect. I slipped my hands under her bra and rubbed and stroked her hard nipples. Her moaning intensified. She looked like the hottest woman in the world when she looked over her shoulder at me as I fucked her – the look on her face was like a woman possessed. It only made me pound her harder.

"David's coming" she said a little panicky. 'He's not gonna be the only one' I thought to myself as i kept drilling every inch I had into her. Her pussy was sodden wet, squelching with every thrust. "Did you hear me? He's coming back in!" she hissed. I heard her alright but I was too far gone, too close to the point of climax I'd be cruelly denied all day.

Ερωτικές αγγελίες 

   She tried to move but I kept her in position, one hand firmly on her back as I fucked her faster and faster. "Please Andrew, stop!" she said more desperately now but she could surely tell from my noises, actions and throbbing cock that I was close. I could always pull out and cum all over her but that would be too messy; no, cumming in her was the best way to hide the 'evidence'.

I pinned her down harder and was now pumping her pussy faster, my hips thrusting at what seemed like lightning speed. "Noooooo noooooooo" she wailed as I felt her tense up and shudder hard. 'Ha! She's cumming too!' I thought, triumphantly. David was now in the house but feeling his mum cumming on my cock was all I needed. With a hard spurt I began to empty out my built-up load, grunting hard but trying to remain quiet as rope after rope of my hot sticky cum shot deep up into Louise's pussy. "Fuckkkk, fuckkkkkk, fuckkkkkkk" was all I could grunt in her ear as I continued to thrust, my balls tight against my crotch, my toes curling as I shot more and more inside her. I found myself tugging on her hair as I filled her, arching her back in the process, as my orgasm subsided. As I very quickly pulled out, a load of my cum slid out of Louise and onto the sofa. It made my cock twitch. I quickly threw her her shorts and assumed my position on the sofa as she pulled them on quickly, hearing David climbing the stairs. Her shorts were dark at the front with a damp patch, her nipples obvious for all to see through her tshirt as her bra was still pulled down, her hair was sweaty and face flushed red; she looked like a goddess. But she would never be able to hide the obvious: she'd just been fucked into orgasm and now had a young boy's cum oozing from her.


   She just ran, flying out the door and heading for her room. A few seconds later David came in having unbelievably not seen her. "What's up man?" I asked trying to remain calm, knowing my face must have looked red too. "Nothing" he shrugged, "just dad and that stupid bike is all". He barely looked at me as he sat on his bed and started the game again. I pulled over a cushion to hide the cum on his sofa and proceeded to play Xbox with him. Over the next couple of hours he beat me constantly. I had other things on my mind though.


This is potentially the first chapter in an ongoing series. If you liked it, please vote, leave a comment or feel free to contact me directly at stuartkgrant@yahoo. co. uk.




