
The Carnival Deal


It truly was a magical day when Amy Anderson-Wooding was chosen as hertown's Regatta Senior Princesses. It was the first year she had entered andwas amazed that she had got the title. The regatta was an important date inthe calendar for all the locals. For the young ladies taking part it was areally big deal, particularly if they won a title. Kirstie Boyce was chosenas the other senior princess, keeping her status from the previousyear. They knew that in next year's event one of them might even become theSenior Queen. The crown this year had gone to Beth Platts, who the previousyear had been the other senior princess. As girls they had often watchedthe event and wished they could enter and win, and now it had happened. Theyoung ladies all knew of each other, as they had been entering thecompetition for the past few years. When they were telephoned they werereminded of the need to keep the news quiet! Failure to do so what stripthem of the title and ban them from the event in the future. When it came to the official announcement at the local regatta they werenot the only three celebrating as the cameras clicked. Rachel Moon theformer Queen, had became the Deputy Queen, with the Junior Queen titlegoing to Danielle Chatterton, a newcomer. Once again the Charter Queentitle went to Michelle McKeown. A new girl, Darcey O'Donnell was made theJunior Princess. Thus there were three new girls in the `royal court' as itwas nicknamed. It was smiles all around as their images were capturedposing in their stunning white dresses.

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   Those that won attended fitting ofthe dresses at a local wedding gown shop, which was owned by a lady who,not surprisingly, sat on the Committee. They resembled wedding dresses intheir style, which made those wearing them feel all the more `special. 'Becoming the Senior Queen was nearly every girl's dream in the town. Butwhat the vast majority of people did not know was how the winners werechosen. Whilst anyone of the correct age could put herself forward, aspecial "Princess' Committee" decided the outcome. Those involved weresworn to secrecy. It had existed for many years and was the concept of thelocal postmistress, apparently keen to improve the standing of the town andgive young ladies a moral boost. She had left in her will a substantialamount of money for the ongoing costs of the annual Carnival andRegatta. The tradition that admission to this exclusive committee was byinvitation only remained as a condition. The original committee hadconsisted of herself and her `Housekeeper' plus a few close female businessassociates within her social circle. The local vicar at the time was not tokeen on the idea of men `ogling' young women and feared for the moralwelfare of those involved. His mind and that of his flock were put at restwhen they found out that no men would be involved and that `respectable'ladies of the correct standing were to be in charge. For the young ladies winning it brought prestige for the followingyear. Opening charity events such as fetes and appearing in the localnewspapers. For some it had become a springboard for a modelling or actingcareer.

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   A few of former Queens and princess had remained in the town anddone well for themselves. Winning seemed to open many doors, many of whichwere held by the all-important Princess' Committee. A generous bursarycould also be applied for in the future by any of the winners. It could beused for furthering one's education or starting a business. Appointmentswere made for each young lady to arrive at the shop on separateoccasions. These special fitting were to occur after closing, so as not tointerfere with trade. The request seemed reasonable particarly as theshopkeeper loaned and fitted the dresses for free. So each winner turned upon a different evening so she could be measured. Doating mothers or eldersisters came along with the new girls for the first session. They were soonconvinced by the owner that they need not be there. They were generallypleased to be able to leave and get on with more important things and nothave to stay. They knew no harm could come to the young women just tryingon a dress. All of the girls were embarrassed that their mothers of sistersinsisted on coming along in the first place!Once the girl's relative had gone, the door of the shop was locked and theshopkeeper led the girl into the spacious fitting room. It gave theimpression of being much bigger than it actually was, due to thewall-to-wall mirrors. There even was a large mirror on the ceiling.

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   Onceinside the lady instructed the girl to undress whilst she went to obtain afew dresses of the approximate size. In each case the young ladies removedtheir outer clothing and were in the bra and knickers when the shopkeeperreturned with an armful of white clothing. Danielle wasn't wearing her brathe particular day she visited the shop. It was hot day and her smallbreasts really didn't need a bra. She kept on her skimpy sleeveless cottont-shirt and slipped off her shorts. It wasn't a complete surprise for Danielle when she was asked to remove hertop. Clearly the dress would not fit correctly over a t-shirt. It washowever a shock for the other new girls when they came for their individualfittings and they too were instructed to remove their bras. In fact allthe winners were not just made to remove their tops but all their clothingincluding shoes and socks! They caught glimpses of their nakedness in theall-revealing mirrors and Amy, Danielle and Darcey found themselves goinginteresting shades of pink!Once naked the shopkeeper set about measuring them. She didn't seem to beat all phased by seeing them naked. Some of the girls were thinking abouthow they would love to have shared the embarrassing story with their bestfriends or even their close family. But they all remembered that everythingabout the competition was a secret. The shopkeeper placed the clothing on a nearby rail. She then approachedeach naked young lady, clipboard in hand, and pulled her tape measure fromaround her neck. The board was placed on the red-carpeted floor as sheknelt.

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   She ordered each girl to stand upright with shoulders back and armsby their sides. From her kneeling position she quickly reached around thewaist of the girl and placed her measure. Each one felt her warm breath ontheir tummies as she made the manouvour. Then she measured from their waistto the ground, instructing them to hold to top of the measure. No soonerhad she scribbled down the measurement than her hand was manoeuvring themeasure between their legs. Her index finger rested on each girl's crutchwhilst it held the measure. The side of her knuckle seemed to restnaturally between each girls' exposed labia. Each girl gave out a lightgasp but before they could say a word, move or complain the hand waswhisked away. Next she was standing in front of them. The measure onceagain manoeuvred around their torsos. This time her face lent on theirs asshe got the measure into position. It was pulled tight under their breastsand the measurement called out with the instruction to remember it. Next itwas pulled into place onto their bare breasts so as to get the cupsize. The back of her fingers moved slowly and almost deliberately overtheir smooth naked breasts as she adjusted the measure. One finaladjustment to guide the tape onto the nipples, her fingertips gentlybrushing over them, and the measurement was again called out.

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   Next feetwere measured and heights taken. In less than ten minutes she had expertlycarried out her task. She then rummaged through the various items on the clothing pile. The girlwas handed a white strapless bustier of the correct size. This, it wasexplained would embellish their figures in all the correct places, givingthem more defined waists and larger busts. None of them had ever tried onsuch a thing before but they had seen pictures of them in magazines. Theshopkeeper assisted them to put on the garment and pull the laces intoplace. The girls were grateful to have a piece of clothing on to covertheir embarrassment, even if it was a bit weird. The half-cup design of thebustier pushed their breasts upward allowing a fair amount of bare flesh tobe exposed. Where mother nature had not been too generous padding was builtin. The new girls presumed that matching white knickers or a thong would beprovided. But there was no mention of these items. Instead white stockingswere presented along with a small white suspender belt. The shopkeeperprovided a nearby chair and assisted them to put on the items along withsuitable pair of shoes. The girl was now ready to try on the dress.

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   Eachone gently stepped into the expensive and delicate dress. It was thenpulled up, positioned and fasted by the shopkeeper. Each girl was then toldto stand on the chair so it could be observed and fitted. The shopkeeperwent to work with pins and after about 18 minutes they were told to stepdown. The shopkeeper then helped them out of the dress which was then carefullyhung on the nearby rail with their name attached to the garment. She thenreturned and assisted the young ladies out of their bustier, followed bytheir shoes, stockings and lastly their tiny suspenders. Each item wascarefully hung up on a labelled hanger. She left them standing still for afew moments before informing the girl they could get dressed, as she leftthe fitting room pulling the small rail behind her. Each new girl hurriedly pulled on her clothing eager to cover up her youngexposed body. Once back in the shop they each girl was informed of the timeof her next appointment in about a weeks' time, then escorted to the door,as though nothing had occurred. The door was unlocked and they were eachpolitely but firmly reminded not to speak about what had occurred. Theyoung ladies told no one of the strange events they had experienced eventhough they all thought it strange. In answer to any question about thefitting or the dress they just relied it was `OK' and changed the subject. It was one of the Senior Princesses, Amy Anderson-Wooding, who was thefirst young lady to return some eight days later for her next fitting. Sherang the doorbell and was invited in by the shopkeeper.

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   She was instructedto go straight through to the fitting room. To her amazement there werefour women sitting in the room. As she entered, looking a little startled,they stood up and each one took it in turns to introduce themselves. They,along with the shopkeeper, were the secretive Princess' Committee. Amy feltherself gulp and said how pleased she was to meet them. She wasparticularly amazed that she had won anything. Like many young women shelacked confidence about her appearance for no good reason. She was delighted to hear when the women explained that they all had skillsthat would help her. For example, one lady was a hairdresser and beauticiananother owned a health club and gym. The other two did not say what skillsthey had but it was explained that she would find out in due course. Amyfelt very special indeed to have all this expertise offered to her. She wassure that she recognised the youngest woman, who was in her early twenties,as Katharine Whyte, the Senior Queen from a couple of years ago. They satback down on their line of chairs as the shopkeeper led Amy over to thecloths rail containing her dress and other garments. She was now standing with the rail between her and the assembled committeemembers who occasionally whispered to each other behind their hands. Whilstthe shopkeeper was very formal and prim in her manner the other members ofthe committee seemed friendlier and even gave the occasional smile.

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   Onewoman in her thirties even winked!The shopkeeper told her to undress. Amy shyly turned away from thewoman. She removed her t-shirt, causing her straight long blonde hair tofall over her face. She parted it with her fingers so she could see. Nextshe kicked off her trainers and tugged down her jeans. She remembered fromthe previous week that she must be naked for the fitting. Even the thoughtof it made her blush but she took a deep breath and reached behind herback. She unclasped the lacy white bra and slipped it down her arms andplaced it onto her pile of clothing. Lastly she took her white tanga-stylepink knickers by the waistband and glided them down and off. It was whilstbending over that she caught a glance of the mirrored image of her nakedbottom. She realised that the small audience of women had also had asimilar view and had in fact been able to observe her undressing. Thus theclothes rail had done nothing to hide her modesty. The shopkeeper handed her a black garment. Amy was quick to take it. Onhandling it she realised it had an unusual feel.

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   On inspection it was madeof a shiny plastic material and looked a bit like a leotard. She didn'thave much time to think anymore before the pushy shopkeeper was assistingher in stepping into it. It was a tight fit and accentuated her curvaceousfigure. Unlike the other new girls she had well-formed breasts, a roundedbehind and well-defined waist and hips. The black PVC body suit showed offher assets to the full along with her shapely legs. She caught a glimpse ofherself in the mirror and wondered who it was for a second! She feltherself flushing a little but soon overcame the initial shock. Amy was then lead out for the committee to see. Katherine, the formerQueen, stood up and walked around the new recruit. Amy tried to remainstill and to appear unphased. But was hard to appear normal when wearingsuch a weird piece of clothing. Amy found herself staring at her reflectionand analysing each part of her PVC-clad torso. Below the wide shoulderstraps was a set of eyelets which transversed each breast, complete withblack laces. In fact the garment had a number of black laces and eyelets,including one set, which started by the navel and disappeared under thecrotch. Just why they had made her wear this and whether they laces werejust for show were questions which Amy asked herself, as the women ogledher and whispered to each other. Katherine complimented her on her goodfigure and then gave her a peck on the cheek.

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   This put Amy at ease alittle. She tried to be mature about the situation. After all she wasshowing less flesh than she did on the beach. Whilst the committee were observing Amy, the shopkeeper had left thechanging room. She now returned and to Amy's amazement had Kirstie Boyce,the other senior princess with her. Also in tow was Rachel Moon that year'sdeputy Queen and former Queen. Both were wearing red silk dressinggowns. Amy smiled as they approached. They seemed pleased to see her andembraced her in a group hug, planting kisses on her cheeks. Amy almostforgot her weird costume for a moment as they exchanged pleasantries. Kirstie then steeped back a couple of paces and looked straight at themwith a wry smile and a tilt of the head. She then pulled the bow free onher dressing gown allowing it to fall open. Underneath could be clearlyseen a red version of the same kinky outfit. Rachel then stepped aside,pulled back her long blonde hair and pulled open her gown. She too waswearing the same garment only in turquoise blue.


   The gowns fell to thefloor and Amy realised her jaw had dropped and that she was staring atKirstie. Before she could say a word Rachel took her arm and pulled hergently toward her. She then planted a passionate kiss on her lips. She wasthen spun around and Kirstie did the same. What happened next left Amy's mind in a complete whirl. Just why she didnothing to complain as Kirstie held her firmly around her waist frombehind? Just how her wrists were bound behind her so quickly? Why did shenot protest as Rachel vigorously began yanking at the laces on the chest ofthe PVC bodysuit?Within moments her nipples and most of her breasts were exposed through thepeepholes in the PVC garment. She glanced in the mirror and caught a visionof Rachel lunging forward and taking a large area of her exposed her rightbreast into her mouth! The sensation of her wet mouth and the flicking ofher eager tongue made Amy's legs go weak. Rachel wasted no time in repeating the same manoeuvre on her otherbreast. Amy felt her nipples tingle as they never had before and was awarethat other parts of her body and brain were developing minds of theirown. So much so that she did nothing to complain or resist when Rachelcrouched in front of her and began pulling forcefully at the laces by hernavel. She soon felt the warm air of the room touch her now exposed crotch,or was it Rachel's excited breath, as the garment fell open. Rachel licked her finger and was easily able to glide it inside the nowgasping and eager virgin. Not all the conquests had been so eager andeasy. Some had taken more coxing and persuasion. Usually the thought offame and future help with their careers was enough persuasion for them tosuccumb.

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   A few new girls had completely rejected her advances and that ofothers she had assisted – they were not placed in any future competitions. Those young ladies that were `amenable' soon found their rewards. The moreamenable they were the better their position in future events and the moreassistance they would be given. Amy opened her legs wider and allowedRachel's eager tongue began to probe her pink and engorged labia. It wouldseem that the blonde and gorgeous Amy might be going to go right to thetop. Amy didn't notice when one of the mirrors was slid back to reveal a smallsecret room complete with double bed draped in pink sheets. She was glidedseamlessly into the small room. Her audience moved their chairs to near theend of the bed. The committee looked on with glee as Rachel and Kirstietook it in turns to undo each others matching garments so as to exposethemselves to match Amy. They took it in turns to lick each other's barebreasts. Rachel then lay back on the bed. She bent her knees and allowedher legs to fall open. Kirstie quickly but gently began licking her. Hertongue circled around the outside of her virgina, licking each bit of herengorged lips. She then withdrew and sat nearby.

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   She took hold of Amy's armand guided her towards Rachel's wet and open orifice. Without hardly amoment of hesitation she followed the example of the other princess. Rachellay there gasping with joy whilst princess Amy satisfied her. Once Rachel was satisfied she returned the favour to Amy. Then it was Amy'sturn to `do' Kirstie. Soon an hour had passed and the shopkeeper instructedthe girls to remove their fingers from each other's eager bodies and getdressed. They reluctantly obeyed. After they had dressed a new appointmentwas made for Amy in about a weeks' time. Amy wondered just what mighthappen at her next fitting – only time would tell. The following day it was Darcey's return visit. She entered the changingroom and was also surprised to see the assembled welcoming committee. LikeAmy she went behind the clothes rail and disrobed, removing her denimdress, white cotton blouse and dainty flowery cotton panties and matchingcroptop. She stood naked for a few moments hands clasped in front of herand head bowed to avoid eye contact with anyone. She had not grasped thefact that the committee had already viewed every part of her body in themirrors. Darcey was grateful when presented with a garment from the shopkeeper.

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   Inher embarrassment she would have happily put on anything to cover hernakedness. Being naked in front of one person was bad enough, but nude inthe presence of a whole group of strangers was mortifying to this shy youngwoman. The fact that it was an almost transparent mini skirt didn't seem tomatter. She wrapped it around her waist and fastened the small button. Nextshe was handed a pink thong made of the same sheer material. Hurriedly shepulled on the underwear. Next she was handed a loose fitting matching pinktop. She pulled it over her head and adjusted it. She then was lead around the clothes rail and presented to thecommittee. Then two other young ladies entered the room. Darcey instantlyrecognised the raven-haired Senior Queen Beth Platts and the stunningblonde Kirstie Boyce, the Senior Princess. What did surprise her was thatthey were wearing almost identical outfits to herself only if differentcolours. Beth was wearing a white costume whilst Kirsty had a blackone. Once she got over the initial surprise she then came to therealisation that the sheer fabric left little to the imagination! She couldclearly see the shape of their breasts and could not help but notice theirerect nipples forcing themselves against the thin fabric. Darcey glanceddown at her own petite chest hoping that maybe her costume was not sorevealing.

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   To her horror it was! Her breasts and nipples were also clearlydefined and everyone could clearly view them. Darcey tried to be brave and took some comfort from the fact that the twoother young ladies. who were dressed the same and didn't seem to be at allconcerned. Before she could contemplate her predicament too long andpopular dance song started to play and Kirsty took her by the arm andstarted dancing in front of her. Beth also joined in dancing to one side ofher. Within a few moments Darcey joined in not wanting to look awkward bystanding still. The three young ladies gyrated around and Darcey forgot her embarrassingcostume and started to enjoy the activity, copying the various moves of thetwo older women. The committee looked on ogling their new recruit andcomplimented her on her good dance techniques. Darcey felt she had been a bit silly to be so shy and embarrassed. So withnew confidence started to show some of her moves and routines, which likeall teenage girls she had practiced in front of the mirror and withfriends. Kirsty and Beth gave her smiles of encouragement and Darcey wassoon at ease and gyrating around to the music completely forgetting herinhibitions and the committee. Darcey felt so at ease that she fully co-operated when Kirsty and Amysandwiched her between them and began rubbing themselves on her to themusic. She looked Kirsty in the eyes and smiled as she writhed up and downin front of her, caressing her legs on hers and grasping her hips. Amy heldher waist and could feel her breasts brush against her back as all threemoved seductively to the music. It was only when Kirsty unwrapped her black tiny skirt and flung it offthat Darcey felt her embarrassment began to return.

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   She then felt a smoothsensation on her shoulders and glanced down. It was Amy's sheer white skirtbeing gently placed on her. It was then she caught sight of Kirsty's almostnon-existent tiny black sheer thong. Its tiny triangle of fabric hardlycovered her!Before Darcey could think too much she felt her own pink skirt beingquickly unwrapped. In a flash it was off and she was left somewhatbreathless at the shock. She wanted to run away and cover herself but wastoo emotionally overwhelmed. Kirsty then took off her own black toprevealing her shapely breasts and Amy followed her example. Darcey was thewhite top fly threw the air and feared the worse. Her top was taken by itshem by Kirsty at the front and Amy at the back and it was seductively slidup her silky white skin. Darcey passively allowed them to pull it up. It rested for a few shortseconds under her small breasts before gliding over them. It felt strangeas the silky top brushed her nipples as it travelled up the last part ofher body. Soon it was over her head and discarded on the floor. Kirsty and Amy pushed their naked torsos against the young woman once againsandwiching her. This time she did not respond but rather stood therefrozen, her hands by her side.

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   Even when she felt Amy's finger slip insidethe waistband of her tiny pink tong she remained still. She felt the fingerslip down between her cheeks taking the tiny thong with it. Her pert bottomwas now exposed. In one quick tug her tiny tong was now vigorously pulleddown her slender legs by Amy. In seconds they were pulled from of her –leaving her completely naked and exposed to the perverted glares of thecommittee. Kirsty and Amy quickly helped each other out of the remaining items ofclothing, seductively dancing as they did so. They then stood either sideof the trembling teenager and took a wrist each and then bowed to theassembled audience. Darcey followed suit not knowing what else to do. Theythen turned their backs toward the committee, who were only sitting acouple of meters away, and bowed again. No sooner than Darcey had followed their example, Kirsty quickly straddledher back, holding her in that position. Amy ordered her to place her handson the floor and to open her legs. The poor girl obeyed. She could almostfeel their eyes burning into her almost hairless and exposed crutch. But this humiliation and experience was nothing compared to what happenednext. Darcey then felt a sensation, which was completely alien to her, asAmy allowed her tongue to flick its end on the exposed pinkness of herlabia.

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   One after one the committee came forward to taste the youngwoman. Lastly Kirsty and Amy swooped places and she too could enjoy thevirgin's taste. It was only when Amy lay in front of Darcey with her legs wide open askingfor her to return the favour that Darcey refused and demanded to be letgo. The committee had to reluctantly agree to her request with a sternwarning not to tell anyone. The threat of telling her parents, and bygossip, the whole community about how she seduced other contestants intotaking part in lesbian activities! Darcey knew who would be believed. Kirsty and Amy lead away the young reluctant female to the small showercubical. They took it in turns to shower with her. Out of site and earshotof the committee they made sure that all evidence was washed away. At onepoint Kirsty forced the young woman to do a headstand and took greatpleasure in directing the power-shower nozzle between her legs, making surethat her clitoris was hit by the forceful jet. Darcey wisely did not tell what had happened and was crowed the JuniorPrincess for that year. She did not enter the competition again. Newcomer Danielle Chatterton on the other hand did continue to entersuccessfully for a further three years, finally becoming the SeniorQueen. Danielle was like all newcomers surprised and somewhat shocked ather first fitting. However, in the days that followed she pondered theexperience over and over in her mind. Her dreams often relived that lateafternoon when she was ordered to strip and her naked skin was touched andmeasured.

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   She realised that she enjoyed wearing the sexy underwear andlonged to have it next to her skin again. Danielle imagined herself posingin the white strapless bustier, thong and stockings. She, like the others before her made her second visit to the shop. She waslead into the fitting room and introduced to the committee. Danielle feltstrangely exited when the shopkeeper told her to undress. Her fingersquickly undid the buttons and zip on her short skirt. It fell to the floorand was then kicked away. She pulled off her trainers. Next she wasted nottime in pulling off her black tshirt. Her bra followed and then her darkblue knickers. In less than a minute she was naked and made no attempt tocover her nudity. In fact she looked the shopkeeper in the eye waiting forher next instruction. The shopkeeper rummaged through the clothes rail that separated Daniellefrom the assembled ladies on the committee. She caught a glance of hernaked form and raven hair in the large mirror and realised that all thosepresent could also have a pretty good view too! She hoped they enjoyed whatthey could see. She was handed a small pair of silver hotpants and amatching halter neck top.

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   Danielle gave out a slight giggle as she took thehotpants. They were so small and sexy! She slowly squeezed herself into thetiny shorts. Then she was helped on with the top. The shopkeeper then tookher gently by the wrist and led her around the rail to face heraudience. From the looks on their faces they were pleased with what theysaw. The shopkeeper left her side and walked to the corner of the room andturned on some music and took a seat with the committee. Within a few beatsa young woman burst through a door. It was Michelle McKeown the currentCharter Queen. Her dark blonde hair was tied firmly back in a ponytailcomplete with a silver ribbon. Her slim petit body was clad in the sameskimpy costume as Danielle. Michelle McKeown had been in the competition for years. Her successful`initiation' a couple of years previous and her ongoing eagerness to complywith the Committee's demands also guaranteed her a place in the `royalfamily' for the next few years. Danielle instantly recognised Kirsty Boyce,the Senior Princess, with her golden blonde hair, blue eyes and slimfigure. She too was wearing the same outfit. Within seconds Kirsty had taken her by both hands and was dancing withher.

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   Michelle danced to her side whilst giving her sideways looks andoccasionally pouting at her. Danielle followed Kirsty's moves and swivelledaround to the music whilst Michelle continued to do her own erotic dancenearby. Danielle tried hard to focus on Kirsty as she looked so longinglyinto her eyes. But her head kept turning to observe the pouting face andpetite gyrating figure of Michelle. Danielle tried so hard no to look as the little minx pulled at the halterstrap and allowed the top to fall revealing her bare budding breasts andpointed nipples. Her hands seductively cupped her naked breasts and shesqueezed them whilst looking Danielle straight in the eye. Her top was soonflung away and she started to seductively roll down her tiny silverhotpants. Her rounded bottom was soon being aired for all to see. With someencouragement the shorts soon worked their way down her legs. Danielle thencaught sight of her downy pubic hair before the shorts were discarded. Just how Danielle found herself kneeling on the floor she could notremember. But within seconds she was on her back with Kirsty sittingastride her. She looked up to see the back of Kirsty's head and her lovelygolden hair. Danielle co-operated when she felt her legs being held wideopen by Kirsty. She then realised that the committee were getting a prettygood view of her crotch, through the tight silver fabric.


   There was littleshe could do. It was only when she felt Michelle's hands running gently upher thighs that she flinched a little. But it was the feeling of herhotpants being yanked to one side and her naked pussy being exposed toeveryone that she gave out an audible gasp. Danielle could feel what Kirsty and Michelle could clearly see. Her pussywas wet and exited. How easily Michelle's well-trained fingers divided herlabia and how expertly her right index travelled deep inside her. Just howand when she was stripped naked was lost in the orgy of ecstasy sheexperienced for some two hours. Once Michelle and Kirsty had sampled hervirginal body the committee had their turn. Not one part of her body wasspared their fingers, eager mouths and tongues. So it was that the new members of the "Royal Family" were introduced intotheir new lives as carnival princesses. They discovered just what thesecret deal was and were, all but one, very pleased with what was beingoffered and what they had to do. .



