Two weeks hence was the next to last day of school and the secondday of finals. For some of the members of the South Marlin Circlecommunity, this would be the penultimate occasion on which to walkwith their Master or slave to school along with the others and to dothe same on the way back home. With finals completed that day,everyone headed off to Mrs. Westfield's house, but not to study. Rather, they made a seven course meal in tribute to her helping themwith their homework everyday during the past school year. All theparents showed up, too, to express their gratitude. Yes, all thesubbies were naked the entire time and Mrs. Westfield mused overmemories of those kids as the girls went from children to the firstwispy pubic hairs of puberty and the budding of their breasts whilethey pined after the latest teen idol to hot young nubile submissiveteenage girls with various breast sizes flaring hips and cute littlebutts and needs to be dominated, then to young women getting ready toleave home for the last phases of their education and subsequent lifetimeslavery to their masters and becoming mothers, too.
She also reflected on the young Masters, who were going fromrambunctious little brats interested in little more than videogames, cars and sports to adolescents and then masters of others andhow they've grown into their roles. She also chuckled over the firsttime her daughter had dressed Marshall in women's clothes, when theywere ten and how she broke it to his parents that Marshall wasn'tgay, but was a sissyboi who liked being humiliated and dominated byLisa.
Friday, the block pretty much emptied out to go see the seniors fromthe community graduate, which provided another excuse for a partyafterward. All the parties were fine with most of the girls becausethey liked to cook and make others happy even if the cleanupafterward was a bothersome chore.
Yumi also over and went with Jeff to watch the ceremony. Thetime had now arrived at which Jeff could begin boning her and hecould hardly wait for the graduation rite and the party after it toend while he held her hand and they giggled at each other nervously. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs.
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Minatohara arrived to sign the papers givingthe Jeff's parents guardianship of their daughter. Once theMinatoharas had left, Jeff had Yumi strip and took her to hisbedroom. As per his mother's advice, he took his time with her,kissing her slowly and softly at first and just letting things buildgradually while telling her how much he loved her and what awonderful, beautiful girl she was. She let him in on a secret thathaving the ridges of her ear lobes licked turned her on and by the time hewas sucking her nipples she was already well wet between her legs. "Ohhh God, Master, that feels soooo goood," she whimpered dreamily. As he was doing that, she reached down with her righthand andgripped his cock and began to gently stroke it. His fingers driftedbetween her legs and inside her, lightly rubbing her g spot. "OooohGod Master, please don't stop," she begged. "Your pleasurehole soloves what Master's fingers are doing right now. " Her soft hand onhis cock had him close to cumming, too, and his voice was raspy withpent up lust and and his balls with semen. She went over the edge just as he began toshoot his seed on to the bedsheets, her hand and her right thigh,leaving both of them panting and her slanted eyes looking heavilylidded from the endorphins that were injected into her system fromthe orgasm. She smiled at him and licked his spunk off of herdelicate digits.
Jeff scooted down toward the end of the bed and spread her 18 yearold legs open and went after her hairless slit. Jeff loved eatingher because her pussy was so beautiful and her juices so tasty. Heforced his tongue into her opening to tickle the nerve endingsaround it before withdrawing it and substituting his fingers on her gspot while he sucked and rolled her miniature love stick with hislips and tongue, pushing her toward another orgasm.
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"He's so good atthis," she thought to herself as the heat in her clit reached fouralarm levels and her g spot was dispatching indescribably pleasantsensations to her brain. Her rapid breathing told Jeff it was timeto suck her female cock like a champ and when he did her voiceexploded into a festival of panting, exclamations and rapid gasping. He kept at it and bullied her nubbin into giving her one climaxafter another while she encased his head in her hands wanting tokeep it in her crotch.
He pulled his head away and slid up closer to her. "Okay Yumi, takesome deep breaths and relax. I'll be as gentle as I can," he toldher. "I love you Jeff," she answered. "I love you even more Yumi,"he rejoindered, kissing her. He directed his spear at her hole andpushed the head in. She let out a puff of air upon feeling hervaginal walls being separated. He oh so gradually leaned his hipsforward, further slipping his cock into her. "Oh God, that hurts!"she writhed. Jeff's mom watched them from the doorway, but theywere so caught up in what they were doing that they failed tonotice. Jeff froze and stopped his dick to let her adjust to it. "Are you okay baby?" Jeff asked.
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"Yes Master. Please take it veryslowly," she pleaded. "You got it Yumi," he affirmed. He eased it infurther and her body twisted in pain. He waited another minute orso and then pushed it all in at once, causing her to squeal andsquirm because of the stinging sensations she was subjected to andshe bled after her hymen was pierced. He stayed still hoping hervaginal walls would relax and adapt to his fucktube. "Are you okaybabe?" he wondered. "I think so Master. Please be patient," sheurged. "Will do," he consented. He very very gingerly began tothrust and withdraw his meat stick into and from her passion pit. The more he penetrated her the more it seemed that the pain wassubsiding. He kept up a smooth but very leisurely pace. Yumi feltstuffed and the movement of his cock was smarting less and less andshe raised her arms and pulled him down on top of her. "It's feelingbetter Master.
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ooohhhhh. " she said, suddenly moaning. He maintainedhis tempo, wanting her to be comfortable before he reallybegan to get after it. "I love you Yumi," he whispered as hesteadily rammed her pussy with his weapon.
"Ohhh fucckkkk," she moaned, the first truly significant fragment ofpleasure rippling through her. He upped his hip flexion to giveit to her quicker and her moans were now increasing with the higherrate of thrusting.
"Oh God Master, it's feeling so good now, please,oh yes, God," she blurted. He raised the forcefulness of hisimpalements and now her legs were wrapped around his back toreceive every inch of him. "Oh fuck yes Master, God, your cock feelsso good, ohhhhhhh," she notified him and he pumped his flesh hammerinto her more vigorously and her breathing was shallower and fasteras she felt the heat of passion being disseminated through her. Hermoans became higher pitched and Jeff's mom smiled because she knewthat Yumi was almost at that balance point. "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ohyes harder Master, please harder!" she whimpered and he wasjackhammering it into her now and she let out a choked scream and aloud "yes! yes!" as the orgasm railed through her. He slowed histhrusting to more of a midtempo pace as she whispered in his ear hownice it was feeling. But her breathing was also somewhat irregularas he continued to fuck her as the sensitivity of his cock wasmounting. "Oh fuck oh fuck, god, ohhhhhhhh" she was mewlingwhile his dick snaked in and out of her. "Oh yes Master, oh fuck, ohyesssss," she was more desperately rasping but Jeff was at the endof the line and baptized her poon with his cream.
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He let out a long grunt of exhaustion as he flopped his body on tothe bed before scooping her up with his arms and pulling her intohim. He kissed her heatedly. "How do you feel Yumi?" heinterrogated. "Except for the pain at the beginning, it waswonderful Master," she disclosed. "I'm glad. Pleasurehole is excusedfrom her service for the rest of the day," Jeff told her. He wrapped her in his arms and held her, stroking her head.
A week after that, the Yamanories were just about done with therenovations on their new home on South Dolphin Circle except forsome minor touchups. So they moved in and were pretty well situatedand comfortable by Sunday night. The ensuing Monday, Mr. Minatoharadropped by the Alan Perlis house with Mr. Yamanori and the rest ofhis family to make introductions. Mr. Yamanori was dressed in a suitafter just coming home from work while his remaining three daughtersand wife were clad in skirts and blouses.
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Akihiro was attired in awhite shirt and what appeared to be brand new jeans and boots. Mr. Perlis noted the demure behavior of Mr. Yamanori's beautifuldaughters. The following Friday, the Yamanoris were formallywelcomed as honorary members of the South Marlin Circle BondageClub with a party and were introduced to everyone. Ethan Perlis wasquite taken with the early developing Aya Yamanori and hit on her. She found him to be cute and engaging. However, while they coulddate as a boyfriend and girlfriend at that age, they weren't allowedto engage in any BDSM activity or anything more that touching herboobs for over a year. Both were nearly 18 now and would be eighthgraders in the fall. He offered to show her and her brother aroundas a chance to get to know her better.
So Saturday, Ethan as well as his brother Daniel and his slave Aoitook the Yamanori sisters and their brother on a tour of their newlocality, including Ms. McMullen's beauty shop, where Yuki, Keikoand Aya were put on the South Marlin Circle list and had the rulesfor using the salon explained to them, one of which was that untilthey get masters they would have to be escorted there by theirmother or father. The sisters were like Aoi, bubbly and sweet, soeverybody hit it off. Tomiko and Prentice joined them when theyheaded to the Yamanori residence. Of course, the South Marlin Circlecontingent were all blown away by the interior design of theYamanori home.
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"This might be even nicer than your place, Tomiko,"Prentice complimented. Noriko was pleased by their assessment of herhouse, but she was especially relieved that her kids were makingfriends quickly. .
Since the Yamanoris had to follow all the South Marlin Circle rules,that meant mandatory indoor nudity for all submissives and Ethan gota nice eyeful at Aya's voluptuous figure as well as the killerbodies of Yuki and Keiko while Akihiro got to peep Tomiko and Aoi's. Daniel couldn't help but to get hard and asked Mrs. Yamanori whatthe house rules were for having his sub service him with a blowjob. Noriko stated that the only rule was to not let any cum drip on toher new tatami mat floor. "Okay cockslut, suck me," he ordered, ashe stood up. "Yes Master," Aoi smiled. Aya scooted up close to watchhow Aoi did it in case she would have to perform it on her futuremaster. She was amazed that Aoi could take Daniel's entire penis inher mouth and noted Daniel's reaction when she deep throated him. Aya had seen her mother doing this for her father, but this was herfirst really attentive close up look at it. Tomiko explained thefiner points of what Aoi was doing. When Aya asked about dealing with the taste of cum, Tomiko advocated that "you do anything youcan for your Master, even swallowing his sperm when you don't likethe taste or texture because it pleases him. Fortunately, we bothlike our Master's taste," she giggled. moynakia live nadia cypriota lisa sparkle escort regina moon escort escortgay martina escort
Daniel approached blast offand blurted that he was going to cum. Aoi bobbed her head furiouslyand accepted her Master's spurted thick, warm load into her mouth. She showed it to everybody and then swallowed it with a shy chuckle.
"So what does that feel like Master Daniel?" Aya wanted to know. "Like heaven," he smiled. "It's really hard to describe, but it'slike the most exquisite pressure on my cock ever because it's sodirect," he tried to explain. "Part of the turn on for it is alsothat cockslut is doing it because she's a hottie," he bragged. "Thank you Master," Aoi grinned. "But because it feels so good,you'll be asked to do it a lot in the future, Aya, for your owner. And when you aren't on the pill yet you can use oral sex or yourfingers to get your Master off until the pill takes effect. " "That'sgood," Aya said. "But this is a little premature for you, Aya," Yukiinsisted. "Do you think that their future masters will bedisappointed that Yuki and Keiko aren't virgins?" Aya inquiredearnestly. "Aya!" Yuki fumed. "It doesn't matter," Prenticereassured.
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"The only thing I want to know is will she serve me withall her heart? Her previous sexual history is irrelevant," hepropounded.
Daniel and Prentice then went through the etiquette for talking tothe subs of Masters because Aya was really supposed to askpermission before she could speak to Aoi or Tomiko. Then Danielasked both Yuki and Keiko if they had masters. They replied thatthey didn't because they didn't know anybody in their oldneighborhood who practiced BDSM, so they had just regular vanillaboyfriends in the past, but nobody now. "That's one reason we movedhere: so that even if I don't find anyone Keiko and Aya would have achance to do so," Yuki elucidated. "Well, all the masters are spokenfor on our block except for Ethan here, but there's somebody movingin soon over on [South] Bonita [Circle] who has a couple ofdominants without subs, from what I understand," Daniel stated. "Great! I hope we like them!" Keiko enthused. "I hope so, too,Keiko. A beautiful woman such as yourself going unowned is a shame,"Prentice flattered.
Sunday, Ethan invited Aya over to his house just to hang out. Whenhe showed up with her, his mom took him aside while Aya got nakedand explained to him what the rules were, that he was going to haveto show self control while he was with her or he wouldn't bepermitted to lead. "Okay mom," he said somewhat petulantly and ledAya to his bedroom. "God Aya, you're so hot!" he complimented. Shegiggled and thanked him. They talked for a few hours, his cock hardthe whole time from viewing her more attractive features, especially her boobsand pussy.
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When she went home for dinner, he rubbed one out in thebathroom while he fantasized about drilling her into next week.
Monday, Ethan took her to the beach and by the time they came home,they were kissing and holding hands. Dante and Daniel high fived himwhen Ethan told them that Aya and he were an item now. Thisannouncement also resulted in a long conversation with his elderbrothers over their experiences with Cheryl and Aoi respectively. Atthat age, though, being so close so often to Aya's shapely nakedflesh would see him end most nights stroking himself to a cumspewing finale before he went to sleep. She also would enjoy havingher breasts fondled and her nipples fiddled with while laying nude inhis lap in his bed and did quite a lot of masturbating of her own beforeturning the light out, envisioning how Ethan might take her virginityand imagining what his cock would feel like inside of her and how closeit would make her feel to him.
The time he was spending with her made him so happy but it was also aform of inadvertent torture. When nobody would notice, he sucked herdark brown milk ducts and she would pant while telling him how good itfelt. He wanted to be inside of her so badly, daydreaming about how muchcomfort she would provide to his hard, throbbing 18 year old dick,feeling especially jealous when he saw or heard Daniel cleaving Aoi'spink folds or Dante Cheryl's. Then he would have to visit the bathroomto relieve the roiling cauldron that were his balls. He and Aya wouldget so worked up that they began masturbating in front of each other,something that wasn't technically a violation of the rules. Aya squealedin delight when she saw his love volcano eject its magma and heard theway he grunted when he attained climax. His ejaculation would behastened by the hotness of observing Aya gasp and sigh while her fingersdanced on her clit or penetrated herself and sometimes he would evensuck her nipples while she did this. Her slick, moisture covered pussymade his mouth water, but he wasn't allowed to eat her yet.
Their deprivation only made their imaginations run wild and each makeoutsession seemed to become longer and more heated than the last one asthey didn't want to let each other go.
Even just walking with her handin his would result in his underwear absorbing copious amounts of hisprecum. Indeed, when they were at the park, they occasionally dry humpedafter finding a place where few people were likely to notice them andthey both had their first non-masturbatory orgasms together this way,the material of her panties and jeans stimulating her love button due tothe undulations of his hips subducting them and then allowing them tospring back over and over. She giggled when he had to run off to thebathroom to clean the cum out of his underwear as well as his groin.
One good thing, though, was that he no longer felt jealous of his olderbrothers when they would be sitting there watching tv with their slavesin their arms or walking to school with them. Now he could join in, too,by doing the same with Aya and didn't feel like such a third wheel ashe had before meeting her. The three girls also always kept theconversation going, making for a lively atmosphere, not to mention theside benefit of being able to gaze often at their naked forms, too. Buthe also realized that he was going to have to show that he was indeedmaturing and would be able to handle caring for human property. All themasters on the block had to do that and now it was his turn.