
The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 17


Steven went home elated that he was no longer a virgin. He had putpoints on the board. The whole thing with Haruko seemed surreal tohim because he knew that guys in the popular cliques had been afterher and yet it was dweeby little him that ended up with her. Notonly that, then she takes the trouble to teach him how to have sexand lets him in on a secret that, if he were evil, could blow notjust her family up, but the entire neighborhood. In that way, theshared secret was a method of creating intimacy and trust betweenthem, which meant  that she felt a real need to be with him. Butwhy? Before, he had even had girls laugh at him when he asked themout. Haruko should have been way out of his league. So what's thedeal?

Then he thought about the term "outsider" she used to describe him. It is true that he was not part of the South Marlin Circle bondagecommunity. Not just that, though; he had always been on the outsidelooking in. He was just too intensely smart, quirky and prickly formost people to feel comfortable with. Now what need was he fillingfor Haruko? Well, she wasn't into the lifestyle for herself that herfamily and a good chunk of her friends in the neighborhood were. Inthat way, even while she continued to respect the right of thatcommunity to do what it wanted behind closed doors, she was also aminority in American society at large as a biracial person and thecombination of those qualities made her a sort of outsider, too. Herneed for novelty thus manifested itself in her relating to him as akind of fellow traveler rather than partaking of the activities thatdefined the South Marlin Circle subset.

With all the variation in personalities possible, Steven hadsuspected that at some point he would run into someone he could geton with, but the chances of someone like Haruko dropping in on himlike she did was a bit akin to suddenly having a box containing theHope Diamond fall out of a UPS plane and on to your head. She wasjust so stunning and he expected that if he ever married at all itwould be someone society would tend to deem less desirable such as afat or very plain girl.

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   But now he found himself with one of themost beautiful girls in the entire school. He could only shake hishead in a mix of bewilderment and gratitude.
Sunday, Steven went over to Haruko's house again and they had sex. While cuddling her afterward, she asked him if she could go to hishome since he had been to hers. He agreed to that and they put theirclothes back on and headed to his residence. It was maybe half thesize of Haruko's abode, but easier to maintain as a result,especially as Steven was an only child. In one corner of the roomwas a bunch of guitars, almost all of which had been bought by hisparents for him in pawn shops. "You didn't tell me you playedguitar," Haruko said, surprised. "Yeah, I'm sort of one of thosepeople that if they can't be the best at something tend to shut upabout it. I'll tell you all day long about my academicaccomplishments since I've never had anything less than an A, but Istill have a long way to go with my guitar  work before I would feelcomfortable bragging about it. " "Well, play me something. " "Oh God,I really hate this, Haruko. I'm not exactly Jimmy Page. " "Who'sthat?" "You know, the guitarist in Led Zeppelin. " "I still don'tknow what that is," she allowed.

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   "Me lady, you have a lot to learnwhen it comes to music," he laughed. "Whatever. Play me something,"she insisted. He exhaled half in exasperation and half in fear oflooking uber lame.

He went and picked up  a Takamine acoustic he had and sat down. "Ineed a few minutes to warm my fingers up, so please be patient, hepleaded. While he did some natural minor scales, she asked, "Well,so far you're a great kisser, have a big cock and play guitar . Whatother hidden talents do you have?' "I'm learning Chinese, but Istill kinda suck at it. The classes at school don't really go farenough. When I watch the Taiwan tv station I can still barely makeanything out. " "That's great! I can teach our kids Japanese, you canteach them Chinese and we can have them take Spanish and end upQuadlingual. " Steven chuckled. "That would be pretty cool, wouldn'tit?"

"Okay boy, get on with it. Less practice, more playing. "Okay babe.

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  This is a song by a hard rock band called UFO. I hope you can put upwith my four note singing range. This song kinda embodied some of mythoughts when I was lonely," he revealed. The salient part of thesong went:

"Try me, oh take me for a little while
before it's over and you leave me with just a smile
Try me, oh let me be the one
You say it's over
But for me it had just begun. "

Then he went into the acoustic intro for Heart's "Crazy on You" andthen played that song in its entirety, too.

Haruko clapped. "That was really good Steven!" "Thanks babe. But Isuck so much at singing. " "Yeah, but I suck at it, too. So when didyou start playing guitar ?" "When I was ten. My dad sent me toclassical guitar lessons to get the fundamentals under me, but thatdidn't last that long. I've been pretty much self taught sincethen. " "Play me something else!" "Okay, but this is the last one,okay?" "Okay. " He launched into Zeppelin's "Over the Hills and FarAway. "

"Oh my God Steven,  you're really talented!" "Nah, there's a millionguys who can play this song.

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   But thanks. " "Steven, stop negatingyourself, okay?" "Haruko, I'm really glad you seemed to like what Iplayed, but I try to remain levelheaded about what I can do so thatI don't seem like some conceited dick. " "God Steven, if it is onething anybody who knows you would realize is that you're notconceited. Anyway, you should try playing with Akihiro. He playsguitar, too. " "Who's he?" "Oh yeah, you guys haven't been introducedyet, I don't think. You remember Aya, right?" "Yeah. " "That's herlittle brother. " "Like how little?" "I think he's 12 or 13. " "Stevenlaughed. "I'm not sure how that would look playing  with an eighthgrader. " "He's also been teaching his girlfriend Anita to play, too. It's so cute. " "That's great! We need more female players! Youshould learn, too Haruko!" "No, I'm not really that motivated whenit comes to music. " "That's too bad.

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   Looking like you do, you wouldprobably have a million fans on You Tube within a week!" he smiled. She chuckled. "That would be too much pressure sweety. " "Yeah. I canunderstand that. "

He put his guitar back on its stand and reclined on the bed. "Comeon Haruko, let's kick it for a while. " She laid next to him as heturned on the tv and they cuddled while they watched music videostogether. Then his room was suddenly invaded by his two dogs, whojumped into bed with them and started licking Haruko's face. Stevengrabbed one of the dogs and turned him on his back and gave him abelly rub. "We better go take them out. I think they have someenergy to burn off," he offered. "God, your dogs are so cute honey. ""Yeah," he laughed. "Every home should have at least two.

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   They'relike little sanity maintenance engineers. It's pretty hard to remaindepressed when your mutt is doing something funny or cute, which isa lot of the time. "

Then his mom came in. "So Steven, are you going to introduce yourmother to your girlfriend?" "Mom, this is Haruko. " "Hi sweety!" "HiMrs. Morris. " "Okay you guys, keep the door open. " "Actually mom,we're going to take the dogs out. We'll be back in an hour or so. ""Oh good. They'll love that!" she approved as the dogs, who cansense when they are about to be led outside for a little exercise,began going bonkers. He leashed the dogs up, she took one of theleads and they headed out. "You know, maybe I shouldn't have takenyou with us. Now when you come over they're going to think, "oh boy!We're going for a walk!" She laughed. "God Haruko, you have a smilethat could light up a city block.

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   I'm getting up everyday now, inpart, just to see your smile. " "That's really sweet, Steven. Thanks. " "I'm sure you get guys kissing your ass and havingcompliments rained on you all the time, but I'm telling you how Ireally feel. It's not a line to get into your panties. " "Steven, Iknow you're being sincere. But I don't want to sound conceitedeither, so I feel a little uptight when someone tells me somethinglike you just did because it's hard to respond to it withoutsounding like I'm totally into myself, especially since I'm a girland we're  expected to be so nice all the time. " "Haruko, just beyourself. Don't obsess over the whole sex role thing. It's toolimiting and I don't want you imprisoning yourself in a box becauseof the whims of people who aren't you. " "What I hear out of that,Steven, is that you're looking for honesty. So am I. I really likethat you said that. " "Well, it's like the song says, 'free your mindand your ass will follow,'" he remarked, laughing. "God Steven, themore I'm with you the more comfortable I am and not just because ofthe familiarity.

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   I think it's good for me because you're showing meso much I haven't been confronted with before. " "I'm glad you feelthat way, babe. It's a super ego stroke to have someone say that tome. "

They got back to Steven's house and he refilled his dogs' water dishand they began gulping it down. Then he fed them each a couple oftreats and played with them a little bit. Haruko smiled as shewatched this. "Hey Haruko, do you want to stay for dinner?" his momasked. "No, that's okay Mrs. Morris. We're having company overtonight and I have to be there. But thanks anyway. It was nice ofyou to ask. " "You're welcome sweety. " "Would you like to walk mehome Steven?" "Oh yeah," he replied and took her hand and escortedher back to her residence, kissing her goodbye at her door.

On the way back, his cellphone rang.

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   "Hey honey," Haruko said. "Hisweetheart. What's up?" "My mom told me that there is a kabuki playat the Performing Arts Center in a couple of months with one of thetop kabuki actors featured. My mom is getting tickets tomorrow. Youwanna go?" "Oh my God, Haruko, that sounds epic! I definitely wouldlike to go. " "Yay! I'll tell my mom. We're going to try to make it aneighborhood event since there are so many Japanese who live here. Do you think your parents will want to go, too?" "My mom, I think,might. I don't know about my dad. Let me ask and then I'll hit youback. " "Sounds like a plan baby. Love you!" "I love you, too!" As itturned out, Steven's parents wanted to go and he informed Haruko ofthat fact, saying he would bring the money for the tickets when theywalked to school in the morning.

After he walked her to school the next morning, his cellphonevibrated while he was in third period. He turned his back on theteacher and found that it was a text message from  Haruko tellinghim that she got her period and was going home because the crampshurt too much. At lunch, he called her and asked if there wasanything he could get her.

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   "If you know how to make the next fivedays go by quicker you could do that," she snarked. "Well, I'llcheck to see if I have any anesthesia left in the medicine cabinet,"he joked back. "God, I wish," she retorted. "Can I come over afterschool?" "Not today honey. I'm sorry. " "I'm sorry you have to endurethis. " "Sometimes that first day is a doozy. It should be tolerableenough to go to school tomorrow. Thanks for calling. " "If there'sanything I can do for you let me know, okay?" "Thanks honey. I loveyou. " "I love you, too. "

He decided to try hanging out with the South Marlin Circle crowdanyway and when he showed up, Jeff said, "hey dude, sorry to hearabout Haruko. " "How did you know?" 'Shiho told us. I can't stand itwhen I see my beautiful Yumi dealing with it, so I know how youfeel.


  " "Yeah, it sucks. We had such a good day yesterday and thenthis happens. Kind of a buzz kill. " "No shit, man. Yuki gets itreally bad sometimes. It's the shits," Eddie averred. " "I'm on mineright now. I feel so gross," Arisa sympathized. "But yet you look soscrumptious. Mmmmm," Cecil said. "She totally does Cecil. You betternot blow it with her since tons of other guys will line up to askher out," Dalton posited. "Oh don't worry about that my good man. Mydevotion to Arisa knows no bounds. I must say, though, that yourKeiko is quite the stunner.

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   A quality girl like her is not to betrifled with. " "Every day with her is a blessing, Cecil. "

Jeff's cellphone then rang. "Hi mom, what's up? Uh huh. Oh really?No problem. Everything okay at home? Great. Okay, see you later. "Jeff then turned to the rest of the crowd. "Hey you guys, anotheralumnus of the club is moving our way and so my mom wants us to lookout for available housing in the neighborhood. " "Right on. " "You gotit, dude. " "Yeah, I'll do a walk around after I do my homework. ""Excellent. Maybe they'll have a kid Shiho might like. " "I can 'tremember if he has any kids or what ages they are," Jeff stated.

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  "But it would be fantastic to see Shiho find a good situation . ""Thanks Jeff," Shiho appreciated. "No problem. You're a super girlShiho. "

As luck would have it, the aspiring new arrival was Keith Macero,who was Mr. Stevenson's best friend in high school and whose parentshad lived next door to the Westfields before he went to GeorgetownUniversity and then worked for the Defense Department. He decided toquit government work, though, and hook up again with Mr. Stevensonas his company's logistics director and legislative consultant. Heneeded housing now within 90 days to move his family, which includedhis wife Elena, AKA "lovesub,"14 year old son Matt and 18 year oldTracy, out to California.

Steven walked home with the South Marlin Circle neighborhood kids,but felt pretty empty without Haruko there. That made him resolve tomake sure she knew she was cared for every day.

After the homework session at Mrs. Westfield's, many of the couplestook strolls around the neighborhood to look for "for sale" signsand to evaluate the houses where they were posted. Shiho, Rie,Brandon and Robbie found a house on South Stingray Circle, which wasthe next street over from the one the two sisters lived on. It was atwo level house that arose out of the teardown and build biggerhomes mania like the one three of the group lived in, though it notas huge as their house was.

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   The exterior landscaping looked good andso they decided to report it to Lynn Perlis so that she could passit on to her husband.

It hadn't been listed yet since it went on the market just that day,so she had Shiho run over to get the number on the sign. She got thelisting agent on the line and found out it was three bedrooms withan attic bonus room and came in at 3300 square feet. The bank hadforeclosed on it and paid the residents to move out withoutdestroying or stealing anything. It had a pool, too. The next day,the agent did a walk through with Lynn and she took pictures forKeith and emailed them to him, but it also went up on the MLS. Keithand his wife flew out to check on that property and others that thekids had found that seemed promising. They ultimately decided tomake their offer on the Stingray house and after having to wait acouple of weeks, the bank finally responded with a counter offer. The Maceros accepted that since the price per square foot was stillbelow the neighborhood comps. It would take the bank time, though,to process the transaction and the title company more time to dotheir thing. It didn't close until early December.

Getting back to that Tuesday in September, Haruko came to the doorwhen Steven came to pick her up. "Are you sure you're feeling goodenough to go to school today babe?" "Steven, I'm on my period andnot sick with the flu or something. I'll be okay. I just feel alittle bleah.

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  " "Okay babe. Don't overdo it, though, okay?" "Steven,thanks for your concern. This is just one of those girl things. ""Yeah, Arisa was telling me she was on hers right now, too. " "Yeah, that's what happens when you're the baby factory of the human race. "

They met the others in front of Jeff Perlis' house. "Hey dude," Jeffsaid to Steven. "Your turn to buy a candy bar for all the girlstoday. " "What do you want, ladies?" Steven asked them. The girlsdebated it as they began walking to school and settled on ThreeMusketeers. Haruko then whispered, "from what I understand,outsiders aren't normally asked to do this, so I kind of wonder whatit means. " "It's all good fun, whatever the motivation," he replied. "But I also think it means you have to buy one for all the guystomorrow," he laughed. "Shut up," she giggled. "Now there's thesmile that  knocks me out," he teased.

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At lunch, he asked her if she wanted to go lay down under one of thetrees so she could relax, but she wanted to remain with the rest ofthe group, so he directed her to sit on his lap, which she did andthey cuddled that way, with him holding her tightly against him.

When they met to go home, he inquired how she felt and asked if hecould go to her house after dinner even though it would mean hewould be meeting her dad. She called her mom and receivedpermission. After he ate dinner, he sucked it up and went to herhouse. Maki let him in with Haruko right behind her. She took himinto the living room and introduced him to her dad. What made Stevenfeel especially anxious was that he had already fucked Haruko andher mom had likely seen it or at least heard it. She had definitelyseen the aftermath, his spunk pouring out of Haruko's cunt. Erikshook Steven's hand and that was about it in what turned out to be apleasantly perfunctory encounter. She led him into her bedroom andthey laid on their sides with him holding her in his arms. "Well,that was stomach churning," he told her. "What do you mean?" "I wasso nervous meeting your dad that my stomach was doing somersaults. ""To be honest Steven, he had already asked me about you, so I thinkonce he saw that you weren't actually some tattooed biker orsomething he was okay with you being here. " "That's good. But I canunderstand why he would be protective of his strikingly beautifuldaughters.

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   I know that when we have kids, anticipating our daughtergetting her cherry popped is going to be kind of a weird mentalhurdle for me because I know how guys think. However, it's alsounhealthy to micromanage your children's lives. . So it can end upbeing a damned if you do, damned if you don't thing. "

"Does my being here help when you don't feel very good?" "I feelpretty disgusting right now, Steven. But it's comforting to knowyou're so concerned and I know it was hard for you to face my dad. So thanks. " "As long as you feel better, that's all I want," heexplained. "If you decide you want to be alone at some point, justsay something. I won't be offended because I know it will make youfeel better. " "Steven, you're so kind. " "I'm just going to be me,Haruko and let the chips fall where they may. It's all I can do. Iwant you to know I'm with you no matter what. " "And to love, honorand obey?" she snarked.

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   Steven laughed. "I don 't know about theobey part unless you want to submit to me," he joked, "but thosefirst two sound pretty good to me. " "They sound pretty good to me,too," she echoed. He leaned over and kissed her softly. "Steven,will you spend the night with me?" "Boy, I really want to, Haruko,but my parents would flip out since it's a school night. Sorry. ""No, I understand. I think most vanilla parents would feel the sameway. " "It's frustrating though. It makes me feel guilty. " "Steven,don't. It can't be helped. " "Yeah. It still sucks, though. "

At around nine, Rie and Shiho came back home and Rie had Brandonwith her.

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   "Hi guys!" Rie chirped brightly. "Hiya Rie. " Stevengreeted. "Thanks for being so supportive of my sister Steven. It'sawesome she has someone there for her when we're not around. ""That's nice of you to say that, Rie. Your sister is awesome and soare you and Shiho. " "Thanks sweety. Well Brandon and I are going tohave some alone time. See you tomorrow, Steven. " "Bye Rie. Havefun. " "So is he going to spend the night with her?" "No. They're acouple, but she hasn't submitted to him yet, so they can't spend thenight together, but they can have sex since they're both over 14. ""So the girls here don't submit to their boyfriends right off thebat?" "No.

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   There is usually something like a courtship period andthen he will ask her to submit to him and then it's up to her to sayyes or no. "

"So do your brothers have girlfriends?" "Ken doesn't because he'stoo young. Robbie does, but he's too young to be allowed to have hisgirlfriend submit to him. He also can't have sex with her. " "Sothere are all kinds of rules that everybody is operating under?"Yeah. It's all done to ensure that the masters have the necessaryself control and knowledge to properly handle and communicate withtheir slaves and literally take their lives in their hands withoutany bad consequences. " "So say someone submits to a dom is therealways protocol that they have to follow?" "It's up to the couple. Like with Aoi and her dominant, she obeys all his orders, but inbetween that is just kinda typical couples talk, 'I love you,' "howdo you feel,' and that sort of thing. The dominants are taught tolook in the long term and care for and develop their slaves beforethey settle down to full time married slavery. The dominants arealso expected to go to college and then be able to support afamily. "

"So if a girl submits to a dominant is she expected to stay with himfrom there on in?" "Yes and no. The long term relationship is theideal, but if the submissive isn't getting anything out of therelationship with her dominant  then she can leave him, which makesthe dominant look real bad and he may be put in a position withinthe context of the community where he will not be allowed to leadanyone in it, especially if the grounds on which the subbie left himwere related to abuse. However, what he might do outside of it thecommunity has no control over. "

"So what is with all the major ass kissing that goes on?" "That's aphilosophical thing. The idea is to make everyone in the communityfeel comfortable about themselves and the others.

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   Plus it keeps alid on people saying hurtful things about other couples in public. ""That's a trip. But whatever works. "

"So why didn't you go with what everybody else is doing? Did theprotocol stuff seem kinda stiff to you?" "Yeah, it seemed a littleunnatural to me. Plus there are times when I just feel I want to beproactive. The thought of having to get a dominant's approval forsomething I want to do doesn't really agree with me. " "Do you haveany dominant traits?" "Well, I have a really hard time with waitingto see how the result of something will turn out, like when I blewyou on our first date. I wanted to send you the message right awaythat I wanted to be intimate with you without having to play theusual boy-girl games because I didn't know how long it would takeyou to bust that kind of move on me. Plus I wanted to see how bigyour cock was. " Steven laughed and then asked if she had asubmissive side to her. "I like being spanked during sex. In fact,spanked kinda hard. Otherwise, I don't think so. I think I'm justkind of in the middle. " "Well, you can only do what's right foryou.


  " "Yeah. I don't think I need any more stimulation than what Iwould otherwise get from sex. "

"By the way, how many people are going to that kabuki play?" "Justabout all the members in the neighborhood plus some people from thealumni association. It'll be so fun. " "It sounds like it. I'm reallylooking forward to it. " Steven then rolled Haruko on to her back andgently kissed her. He caressed her left cheek as he gazed into hersmoldering brown eyes and smiled before he kissed her softly again. She smiled quietly at him. They spent the next half hour exchangingslow, lingering kisses. "God Steven, I love the way you kiss me. " "Imean every one of them, too," he replied. "I can feel that," sheacknowledged. He got up and slid down to the end of the bed and tookher left foot in his hands and began to massage it. "Oh God, thatfeels heavenly," she sighed.

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   "I'm glad. Just lay back and enjoy it. "He massaged her feet for a while until she fell asleep. He slippedquietly out of bed and used the bathroom. After washing his hands,he went back into her bedroom and laid the tenderest and lightestkiss on her lips and then went home.  



