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Kommentare (3)
Cette fille est adorable de gentillesse et même de tendresse... De plus elle tient ses promesses sans même besoin de lui rappeler: Elle est quelqu'un de rare!!! Bisous à elle
Nikki is even more beautiful in person than in the photos. Everything about her is perfect. Making an appointment with her was quick and easy. She accepted my conditions, especially for her outfit. We had a great time together, chatting in English. The massages were divine, done with passion and mastery. She's definitely in my top. I recommend her to anyone who likes sweet, sensual and cultured girls. I will see her again soon. Welcome back to Hong Kong again.
Amazing and very charming lady, ex ballerina in real life and still flexible incredibly body! Very good communication - always laughing and funny girl with nice side of sarcasm and humour! She have a good service, romantic atmosphere in clean apartment. Hope to see you again ballerina many kisses