

  • 11-01-2020
  • Amira
  • City:Larnaka
  • Vzhled10.0 / 10
  • Služby:10.0 / 10
  • Komunikace:10.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:chick
  • Líbání:Bez jazyka
  • Vykouřit:S kondomem
  • Udělat se do pusy:Ne
  • Sex:Aktivní
  • Anál:Ne
  • Prso:Přírodní
  • Opakovaný sex:Povoleno opakování
  • Foto:Skutečný obrázek


I've checked the images on the and there were 200% real. Your services were great and you're hot and you're really a nice person. You opened your door and you welcomed me with open arms. Your Domination was excellent, even towards the end when it was a bit painful (but it was my fault for not telling you to stop earlier) and made me an even stronger and confident man, your bites were nice, your cheeks, belly and your anal were nice to kiss and the sex was relaxing when you were lying on your back and the skin was very soft when massaging you. Whatever I've asked you to do, you would do it without any complaints (e.g. when Intold you to end the Donination, you did it without complaining). I also enjoyed your dirtytalk.I wish you all the best with your future studies and whatever you do and to live healthily because your great horny lady, and I would recommend any male person to pay a visit to her, she is hot and shell make you a stronger man and she would do whatever pleases them, provided that they respect you. I admire and respect what you are doing now because it courage for a woman to become a escort. You're a Superwoman. Xxxx


