

  • 19-09-2023
  • Patricia
  • City:Sliema
  • Vzhled10.0 / 10
  • Služby:10.0 / 10
  • Komunikace:10.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:borgiv
  • Líbání:S jazykem
  • Vykouřit:Bez kondomu
  • Udělat se do pusy:Ano, polyká
  • Sex:Aktivní
  • Anál:Ne
  • Prso:Přírodní
  • Opakovaný sex:Povoleno opakování
  • Foto:Skutečný obrázek


Such a beauty!!! Couldn’t believe my eyes when Patriza opened the door and welcomed me to her apartment. She is exactly as in pictures and may I say even better in real. Very outspoken and lively person and she makes you feel so comfortable. What happened during our time I will leave it to your imagination but I must say it was one of the best experiences I ever had and it will not be last. Will see you again soon and this time for longer…


