

  • 10-11-2024
  • Bianca Glamour
  • City:Athény
  • Vzhled10.0 / 10
  • Služby:10.0 / 10
  • Komunikace:10.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:Sertunio
  • Líbání:Bez jazyka
  • Vykouřit:Bez kondomu
  • Udělat se do pusy:Na obličej
  • Sex:Aktivní
  • Anál:Ano
  • Prso:Přírodní
  • Opakovaný sex:Povoleno opakování
  • Foto:Skutečný obrázek


I couldn't help but write a review about this beautiful girl. I was in Greece for two days and was surprised!) This is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. A tall blonde with blue eyes, a doll-like appearance, you can't take your eyes off her. The meeting lasted two hours, she speaks English very well. She knows how to keep up a conversation, her snow-white smile blinded me at first sight when she opened the door, her body is soft as velvet, her body proportions are any man's dream. And in sex she is simply space, like in porn star movies 😍😍😍. Anyone who wants to have a great time, I recommend this beauty. Greetings from California 🤩


