

  • Líbání:Bez jazyka
  • Vykouřit:Bez kondomu
  • Udělat se do pusy:Ne
  • Sex:Aktivní
  • Anál:Ano
  • Prso:Přírodní
  • Opakovaný sex:Neví
  • Foto:Skutečný obrázek


I've met her before a couple of times, she is my go to girl. She is great fun to be with, oozes class and sensuality, when she opens the door you are met by a beautiful woman with a big smile and then you notice her breasts and the are fantastic. She provides the best top service of anyone I've been with so I usually have some fun feeling her cock getting hard in my mouth and then she rides me like I might be her last ride, I am on fire when I leave. shower is available if you want one, I usually go home afterwards but showered yesterday as I was going out on the town.
As always I had a fantastic time and then a great night out with my mates. 😍


