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The best sex I ever had! She is gorgeous and looks even better than in pictures! Went at her place and she was waiting me dressing with an incredibly sexy lingerie. After a quick shower we started have sex she was using her mouth and then her pussy, when she started sliding on me I could not resist any longer! I thought it was all over, but she instead gave me a very nice and intense back massage, and started working on me again with her mouth...and she made me come twice!! It was extremely nice to talk with her after all the action, she is caring, nice, gorgeous and as soon as she'll be back in ANKARA I'll run to see her again! The absolutely best!! MOLLY LOVE YOU SOO MUCH!
Safia Molly Duo: Thank you honey soo much. We are happy if you liked our service. Kiss you ????
The best sex I ever had! She is gorgeous and looks even better than in pictures! Went at her place and she was waiting me dressing with an incredibly sexy lingerie. After a quick shower we started have sex she was using her mouth and then her pussy, when she started sliding on me I could not resist any longer! I thought it was all over, but she instead gave me a very nice and intense back massage, and started working on me again with her mouth...and she made me come twice!! It was extremely nice to talk with her after all the action, she is caring, nice, gorgeous and as soon as she'll be back in ANKARA I'll run to see her again! The absolutely best!! MOLLY LOVE YOU SOO MUCH!