

  • 03-06-2024
  • City:Batumi
  • Vzhled10.0 / 10
  • Služby:10.0 / 10
  • Komunikace:10.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:Gio_707
  • Líbání:Bez jazyka
  • Vykouřit:Bez kondomu
  • Udělat se do pusy:Ne
  • Sex:Pasivní
  • Anál:Ne
  • Prso:Přírodní
  • Opakovaný sex:Povoleno opakování
  • Foto:Skutečný obrázek


It's the same every day, it's become a routine and I'm bored. I decided to find an escort that was perfect for me and change my routine. I found Lara and we agreed when we'll meet. She does incall, so went to her place, just to see the new surroundings. I saw Lara at the door and she was like a bomb, I got very excited. We had one drink and we started to make out. Sex was so erotic and sensual that I had a great time with her. Eventually, we showered and freshened up, and I went home with a smile on my face. Top marks and best escort review for this gal!


