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Všem modelkám a modelům, jejichž fotky jsou vystaveny na tomto webu, bylo v době fotografování alespoň 18 let.
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CeSe Best
Daria, Daria….ist Sooo beautiful, so Cute , gentle, sexy and Teeny girl. A girl who will make you fall in love with her with her sparkling green eyes and cherry lips.
We had an unforgettable and unbelievable time in an hour. The only disadvantage is that she does not know English or Turkish. I had difficulty explaining my wishes. And She did not wait for an hour, we still had 20 minutes after the first love, but she was a little hasty in leaving, and I could not refuse this beauty. I will be together with Daria whenever I have the chance.
By the way, I would like to thank the Agency for making everything happen as they said it would.🙏👏