
WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson I


Windroy Twelve Forrest Secondary School was just your average public highschool. Well. . . on the outside, anyways. Although it was over a hundred years old, the school building looked very modern and was up-to-date in terms of school equipment and such. At present, it had over 50 classrooms and around 900 students. The computer-labs had the latest computer models and used the Linux OS. The gynasium had the latest in training equipment and the library took up two floors. In the year 2XXX, it was just your average public high school with above average school fundings. To those who did not go to this school, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Most who did go to this school were also oblivious to the dark nature of this school. Only a handful of the 900 students knew the true horrors and secrets behind Windroy Twelve Forrest Secondary School. Only a handful knew the true reason why it was closed for five years and just reopened an year ago. An year ago, the previous principal found out the secret, but he knew he had no time to expose it. As a last ditch effort, he immediately sought out and hired a previous student of the school to be a teacher.

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   The day after this teacher was hired, the principal mysterious vanished and was replaced by another. "Three years of high school and nothing special happens. This sucks," A high school student around seventeen years old muttered as he walked to his first day of school. He kicked around an empty can as he walked along the leaf-covered sidewalk. The metallic sound of the aluminum rang out in tune with the crunching of the freshly fallen leaves. He knew that high school life was deeply exaggerated in media and such, but he couldn't help but feel disappointed. Three years had passed and nothing exciting happened at all. There was some rivalry with a local school, but there were no pranks pulled. Bullying was at a minimum and the washrooms and parking lots were cleared of any stoners. However, he was going to a new school this year. . . so perhaps things would be different for once?"Oh crap! I think I already passed it!" The high school student exclaimed as he whirled around and immediately ran in the direction he came from. Title: WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson IClass: 4DRoom: 104The school year begins! Random Student #13's first day of class!"Huh. .

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  . that's strange. . . the names aren't in order," Mr. Smith muttered as he looked over the attendence sheet. The homeroom teacher stood at around six feet tall and had a medium build. He had dark brown hair that was split in the middle. He wore a brown suit and black tie. "Alright, just raise your hand and/or say 'here' when your name is called. Mike Angels. ""Here. " A student with white hair raised his hand. He wore a white shirt with black sleeves and the number 7 on the front. He also wore a cross around his neck and baggy blue jeans.

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  "Sera Spykes. ""Here. " A student with golden blond hair raised her hand. Her hair was tied into a pony-tail and two dreadlocks framed her face. She also had yellow eyes that almost matched those of a serpent's. "Tiehhsin Ying. ""I prefer to be called Tim. " A young Chinese man with jet black hair and silver grey eyes raised his hand. "Trent Bloom. Trent Bloom. Anyone here answer to that name?" The teacher looked around the room in case he missed a hand being raised. He sighed and marked the student absent. Unknown to the teacher, Trent really was in school and heard what the teacher said. Mr. Smith shook his head in disapproval.

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   "Sheesh. . . on his first day, too. Let's move on. . . Jesse Cromberry. "A student wearing a black hood and extremely long sleeves responded with a raised hand. "Is there a reason why you're wearing a hood to cover your face?" Mr. Smith asked. When the student nodded, the teacher shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay. . . moving on.

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   Motoko Kurenai. ""I prefer Monica, if you don't mind," Monica replied with a raised hand. She was a Japanese girl with long shiny black hair that reached the small of her back. "Io Ford. ""Here," A girl with short auburn hair and a small body raised her hand. She barely looked like a middle school student let alone a high school senior. At first Mr. Smith thought about asking Io her age, but decided to leave her alone. He looked back down at his papers and continued, "Virginia Celeste. ""Here!" An Italian girl with two pig tails and green eyes raised her hand. "Heather Kimbley," Mr. Smith continued down the unorganized list until he reached the bottom. Once that was over with, he faced the class and began his lesson. "First thing's first. .

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  . I don't like lateness and I won't tolerate talking in class. If you're absent, at least you're not interrupting the class for those who took the effort to show up. Therefore I've come up with a simple, but effective punishment for all late-comers. If you're late or talk in class, you get stuck with a nickname of my choosing for the rest of the day. ""What? Can he do that?" A guy with large eyes, Random Student #1 asked. "That's not fair. " Random Student #2 looked pretty angry. "Does that count as abuse?" Random Student #3 wondered. "Depends on the nickname, I guess?" Random Student #4 shrugged. "Fish Eyes, Blue Boy, Banana Bandana, Ringer, what did I just say?" Mr. Smith snapped at four students in the back. "Wait. . .

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   how did he know my real nickname?" Bandana quirked an eyebrow questioningly. "Excuse me, is this homeroom 4D?" A late student asked as soon as he entered the classroom. "Random Student #13, point out your name," Mr. Smith held out the attendance sheet towards the new student. "Uh. . . right here," Random Student #13 was taken aback by the teacher's unusual response and simply pointed out where his name was supposed to be. "There's a seat right behind Monica, Thirteen. If you showed up on time, you would've known why I'm calling you Thirteen, Thirteen," Mr. Smith pointed at the desk right behind the Japanese girl. "Um. . . okay.

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  . . " Thirteen was confused at the "explanation" as he took his seat behind Monica. He was still confused when the class was told to take out their textbooks and turn to the first chapter. Interesting teacher, don't you think? A female voice giggled. "Wha. . . " Thirteen looked around for the source of the voice, but to now avail. All the other students appeared to have their attention on the teacher at the moment. After a moment, their attention shifted to the first student who had to read out loud to the class. Don't bother trying to look for me. A mortal like you couldn't possibly figure out who I am in this class. "Maybe I'm dreaming. .

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  . yeah. . . that's it. . . maybe I'm sleeping in class," Thirteen muttered to himself. For some reason, no one else had noticed the voice. Why would they? The voice sounded like it was coming from Thirteen's own head. Let's meet up in the girl's locker room after school. I'll show you something special. "Yep. . .


   just. . . insane. . . in the membrane," Thirteen muttered to himself as he concentrated on the words in his textbook. "What was that, Dreamer?" Mr. Smith asked as he stood over Dreamer's desk. Thirteen almost had a heart attack when he heard Mr. Smith's voice. For a moment there, he thought he had his nickname changed or something. Monica looked out from the corner of her eye with suspicion written all over her face. A tingle went up her spine and goosebumps rose from the back of her neck. She felt something familiar and dangerous in the air of room 104.


   Someone or something was definitely emitting a killer's intent. *****"Well. . . glad that's over with," Thirteen muttered as soon as classes had ended. There were a few classes he liked and a few classes he didn't like all that much. Then there were the classes that were either dreadfully boring, a hateful teacher, or both. Now that he thought about it, there were more boring classes with hateful teachers than all the rest put together. Unfortunately for him, Homeroom was pretty interesting what with the teacher handing out nicknames all the time. There was also that weird occurence with the voice inside his head. This was pretty much what Thirteen wanted, but he wondered if he should've been more specific with his wish. Then he wondered about the voice inside his head. Was it really all in his head or did someone really invited him to the girl's locker room?The confused student thought about it some more as he stood in front of his locker. If it really was all in his head, then perhaps the reason for it happening was because he was trying to delude himself into believing his new school-life would be interesting. It would explain why no one else seemed to hear the voice.

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   On the other hand, if one of the girls really did want to meet with him. . . "Excuse me, are you okay? You had been standing there for ten minutes," Monica snapped her fingers in front of Thirteen's face. Her locker just happened to be right next to Thirteen's. "Huh? Oh. . . right. . . sorry, just thinking about something," Thirteen apologized with a flustered look on his face. The two of them happened to have a couple classes together besides homeroom, so they got a couple chances to talk to each other. At first Thirteen wondered if the strange voice from homeroom came from Monica since she sat in front of him. Since the strange voice did not match Monica's, he threw that idea out the window.

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  "There's no need to apologize, but you should hurry up. They're closing the school in a few minutes," Monica warned as she gathered her books into her bag and walked away. As she did, a look of concern crossed her face as her eyes shifted to the side. She muttered to herself, "Strange. . . ""What? Already?" Thirteen asked with a look of suspicion on his face. Suddenly, a stab of fear went through his body. He really, really, really wanted to check out the girl's locker room, but he knew the reason for it was too ridiculous to consider it. He wondered why he was so tempted and pondered on the thought that perhaps there was something wrong with him. Clang!"Huh?" Thirteen whirled around and tried to locate the source of the clanging. It was then he realized that the entire hallway was empty. For a brief moment, he was afraid that he had been standing around for much longer than ten minutes. He checked his watch and breathed a sigh of relief, but still wondered about the sudden emptiness of the school hallway. Was it really possible for the hallways to be completely empty just a few minutes after school?Clang!"Uh.

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  . . " This time, Thirteen was quite sure of where the sound was coming from. He stared at his locker, which he had yet to open. Did someone get stuffed into a locker? As in. . . his locker? How did somebody manage to open his locker, anyway? The youngster immediately knocked on his locker and asked, "Hey! Is someone in there?""Depends! Who's asking?" A voice called back. "Hold on, I'll get you out," Thirteen replied as he hurriedly unlocked his locker and pulled it open. Once he did, he found himself staring at the metal back of his locker. There was no one in there!Before Thirteen decided to check the other lockers, he noticed the back of his locker moving. He stared as a guy his age with blond hair revealed himself by pulled back the metal board that was the back of his locker. "Hey there! Name's Trent!" Trent exclaimed happily as he firmly grasped the hand of his wide-eyed classmate. The student wore a green jacket over a white shirt and brown trousers. His blond hair was so long that it actually reached down to his ankles.

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   "I'm from 4D, just like you!""Wha. . . how. . . wha. . . " Thirteen stammered as he tried to figure out what to ask or say first. For some reason, his first question was, "I don't remember seeing you in homeroom this morning. ""Heh, I was busy checking out the school's tunnel system. You can go pretty much anywhere in there," Trent explained with a mischevious grin on his face. He pulled out a sheet of paper and revealed it to be a map of the school with a network of lines all over the place. Thirteen looked at it and figured that the lines represented the tunnels Trent was talking about.

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  "Tun. . . wha. . . wait, did you say anywhere?" Thirteen asked as he grabbed the map from Trent's hands. "Even the girl's locker room?""Sure! I'll take you there if you keep this whole thing a secret," Trent continued grinning as he stepped back into Thirteen's locker. "So, the girl's locker room, eh? You realize there won't be any girl's there right now, right?""Yeah but. . . no! It's not what you. . . " Thirteen faltered when he realized how ridiculous he must've looked trying to convince this student, who discovered a secret tunnelling system, that he wasn't trying to peek on anyone when he said he wanted to check out the girl's locker room.

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  "Sure. . . whatever you say, Random Student #13," Trent said right before he pulled his new friend into the locker. The locker door shut behind them, reducing the light to nothing save for a few slivers from the slits on the door. Thirteen could no nothing but follow along as he was dragged by Trent through the tunnels. The tunnels were surprisingly spacious around six feet high and one and a half feet wide. "I'd prefer it if you didn't call me Random Student #13," Thirteen replied as he was dragged along. "Really? Sounds pretty cool if you ask me. How bout. . . Voyeur-Boy! There's also Spacey, Statue, or Locker Guy," Trent suggested. "Thirteen's fine," Thirteen sighed in defeat. As he walking along the narrow passageway, he noticed lines of light that went from one wall to the next.

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   It took a moment before he realized that the lines were coming from peepholes in the wall. With curiousity on his mind, he looked through one of them and found himself looking at a computer screen. The next hole revealed that the computer lab was on the other side of the wall. Ten holes later and Thirteen was able to see his homeroom. "C'mon, the girls are waiting," Trent urged his new companion to follow along. "Alright, I'm coming, but I don't see any reason to hurry. There aren't any girls there today, right?" Thirteen replied with a questioning look on his face. He hoped there was a girl in the locker room, because it could mean that he wasn't going crazy. It could also mean some. . . he immediately shook that thought out of his head. "Ah. . .

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   here we are! The girl's locker room," Trent exclaimed after several seconds later. He waved his hand to signal his new companion over. His hair's so long, I wonder how he grew it, Thirteen thought to himself before Trent's exclamation. He snapped out of his daze and shuffled over to where the holes peeking into the girl's locker room was. He peered into one of the holes, wondering how no one noticed so many peepholes throughout the school. He sucked in his breath as soon as his eye was on the view on the other side of the wall. On the other side of the wall were two girls sitting on the bench in the locker room. One of them was a blond with yellow serpent-like eyes and dreadlocks that framed her face. She had pale skin and a frail light build to her body. The other girl had brown eyes and short brown hair with red streaks. She was slightly more tanned than the blond and a bit more muscle to her body. They were both naked and making out with each other. Thirteen recognized both of them to be students from his homeroom. The blond girl with the dreadlocks was Sera while the girl with red-streaked brown hair was Linda. Besides their names, he knew next to nothing about them.

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  . . which was expected considering it was still his first day of school. "Go ahead, make as much noise as you want," Trent grinned as he continued watching through his peephole. "For some reason, we can hear them, but they can't hear us. It's quite convenient, really. "This is wrong. . . but I can't look away. . . Thirteen thought to himself as he continued watching his classmates make out. "I'm glad you accepted my invitation," Sera giggled as she pulled her lips away from Linda. A thin strand of saliva bridged the space between their tongues.


  "Ah. . . " Linda looked as though she didn't want to stop. With possessed eyes, she stared longingly at her lover and tried to resume the kiss. However, Sera stopped her by placing her hands on her lover's shoulders. The blonde girl leaned forth, forcing her classmate to lean backwards and lie down on the bench. "Just try to relax and let me do the work," Sera said as a sneer etched across her face. She swung one leg over Linda's body and straddled her lover's hips. Her hunter's eyes pierced through the tense air and into Linda's doe brown eyes. Although her eyes were on the dazed girl before her, her eyes were also visible to Thirteen. Even if you didn't look directly into her petrifying eyes, you would still have a hard time breathing let alone move. Thirteen's peeping eye was drawn to the dark round pupils encased by the sunflower yellow irises. His eyes widened as he watched the round pupils become thing vertical slits. Sera reached down and touched her trembling lover's face with a calm look on her own face.


   Her index finger drew downwards from Linda's left earlobe and down to her chin. The more dominant girl used her finger to tilt her prey's head backwards as her predatory eyes scanned the girl's smooth skin. The yellow-eyed girl grabbed hold of Linda's wrists and placed them above her lover's head. With her left hand pinning down the other girl's hands, her right reached down underneath the bench. She sat up with two coils of rope in her right hand. With one coil of rope, she straightened out Linda's arms before tying her wrists together. The other coil was used to tie the first rope to the bench. Throughout the process, Linda looked too out of it to really do anything at all. Next, Sera slid backwards until she was off the bench. She grabbed hold of Linda's ankles and pulled them apart. With one ankle on either side of the bench, Sera revealed a third coil of rope, which was used to tie the ankles together with the knees bent. Now that her prey was all tied up, she was ready to being her game. Thirteen's heart hammered against the inside of his chest. Despite what Trent said, he was quite positive that Sera could hear his heartbeat. He was a bit disappointed that Linda's pussy was facing away from him, but he also knew he wasn't supposed to be watching this either.

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  "Hmm. . . something seems to be missing," Sera tapped her finger against her chin as she stood over her new toy. All of a sudden, she grabbed hold of one end of the bench and began rotating it. Dispite her frail-looking body, she appeared to be strong enough to move the bench while Linda was tied to it. . . and quite easily, too. "Wha. . . " Thirteen backed off a bit when he realized that he was staring right into Linda's open womanhood! He began to panic, wondering if the two girls knew that he was peeping in on them. He wanted to run away before he was caught, but his body refused to budge. As if he were hypnotized, he continued watching the scene before him.

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  "Yes. . . the light here is sssssoooooooooo much better," Sera hissed into Linda's ear. Her left hand travelled along down Linda's throat, causing the tied-up girl to gulp in both fear and excitement. Her right hand stroked the brunette's red streaks while her left hand continued its journey down the valley between the breasts. The dominating girl swung her leg over the bench so that Linda's head was between her knees. "I can see your lovely body quite clearly now, my pet. "Dribbles of juice were travelling down the blonde's inner thigh as her hands grabbed hold of the submissive's breasts. She lowered her body so that her pussy was mere inches from Linda's waiting mouth. Linda reached up with her tongue, but she was unable to reach the prize she so dearly wanted. She struggled against her bonds, but to no avail. Fortunately for her, a drop of Sera's cum fell from the pussy and onto the tip of the possessed girl's tongue. "Enough playing around, I want you to make me come," Sera commanded as she lowered her pussy and sat down on her sex toy's face. Linda was taken by surprise and started thrashing around with her tongue.

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   She could barely breathe and became desperate for air, so she worked away at her captor's pussy. Sera moaned in response, "Oh. . . yes. . . that's right. Just like that. "Thirteen continued watching from the other side of the wall. He couldn't look away from the scene and he wasn't sure he wanted to. Sera lowered her head until her dreadlocks brushed lighly against the bench. Her hands clamped down onto the sides of the bench so that she was able to support herself. Her eyes were on the same level as Thirteen, which made the young man extrememly nervous. A sharp breath escaped from Thirteen as soon as Sera closed her eyes.

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   The blonde girl with the serpent's glare shut her eyes tightly as she felt the beginnings of an orgasm. She rocked her hips against Linda's tongue and her breathing went faster. Her moaning became louder and echoed against the walls and lockers of the empty locker room. "Keeping licking like the bitch you are," Sera gasped out as she pressed her pussy tightly against Linda's hungry lips. With one hand still on the bench, she used the other to play with her tits. She took her own nipple between her index and thumb and started twisting away as hard as she could. After a few seconds, she let go and started twisting the other. You're just a dumb slut, aren't you? A little lesbo slut who can't live without pussy in her life. It was Sera's voice. Although the message was directed at Linda, Thirteen could hear it loud and clear. I saw the way you've been looking at all those girls in class. The way you almost drooled at the sight of. . . who was it again? Monica? She's a pretty one, isn't she? That's who you wanted to fuck, right? That's who you were going to go after before I asked you to meet me here in this locker room.

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  Wait a minute, that message was for Linda? Thirteen thought to himself. His thoughts were cut short as soon as he heard a scream of pleasure. His focus was back on Sera's now tensed-up body and the thought messages were somehow forgotten. Oh. . . that was good. I was very good, my pet. I bet you've had a lot of practice, Sera smirked as the last of her cum dribbled into Linda's mouth. She waited for a moment to catch her breath before opening her eyes. Her left eye stared right into Thirteen. Thirteen wasn't exactly quite sure what happened next. You weren't supposed to know. It was a private invitation, you know, Sera hissed into Thirteen's mind. She stood up and proceeded to untie her new slave.

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   Linda rolled off the bench and laid there on the floor, but Thirteen wasn't aware of that. The guy was trembling for he found himself submerged in nothing but darkness. He was unable to breath for there was no air to breath. He was unable to see and unable to hear. He could only feel the fluid-like space around him slowly squeeze the life out of him. Kneel down before me and clean me out, Sera grabbed Linda by the hair and forced her new slave to her knees. She sat down on the bench and pulled Linda's head between her thighs. She sneered at the brown-haired girl while stroking the slave's hair. The dominant high school girl looked up from her submissive classmate and into the peephole. For some reason, the hole was invisible to normal people when viewed from the outside. However, Sera was not a normal girl. This is. . . Thirteen struggled against the suffocation and tried to snap himself out of it.

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   He was able to move his body, but there was no point what with him just floating there. He forced his eyes open and looked deep into the darkness. He reached up with his right hand until his thumb was right in front of him. He opened up his mouth and clamped down on his thumb until blood began dripping out. He snapped out of it and found himself back in the secret tunnel of peepholes. "Trent?" Thirteen quickly looked around, but couldn't find his new companion anywhere. He quickly resigned to the fact that he was left behind to face Sera's wrath. Wrath? That's a little too strong of a word, don't you think? Sera giggled into the young man's head. Thirteen found himself back in the suffocating darkness. However, this time he was able to see Sera's face clearly, which was an inch was his own. Thirteen held his breath and his heart hammered with excitement and fear. He thought he was about to die from a heart attack when Sera started rubbing her body up against her classmate's. The speechless guy's body stiffened as he felt the blonde's sikly smooth skin rub up against his own. For some reason, in this world of darkness, he was completely naked. I'm quite curious as to how you were able to listen in on my thought messages, Sera grinned as her snake-like eyes continued piercing into her new captured prey's eyes.

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   Her right hand reached up and her index and middle fingertips touched Thirteen's forehead. I can sense something quite special about you, Berserker. Do you know why I'm calling you Berserker? You'll find out sooner or later, but for now. . . let's try something fun. What I'm interested in right now is your innate intuitive abilities. Accept this gift and your life will never be the same. You'll be able to understand and see what others cannot. Use this gift wisely or I'll make your life a living hell. Thirteen's consciousness started to falter. Trust yourself for once and let go of all fear, Berserker. Thirteen blacked out. *****"Ugh. .

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  . what happened?" Thirteen muttered as he sat up. His head was pounding and he wasn't quite sure why. He looked around, but wasn't able to see anything. Once his visioni cleared, he could see the face of Trent. "Huh? I thought you left. ""As if I could leave behind a fellow voyeur," Trent chuckled as he started slapping Thirteen's back. "Man, I thought we lost you for a moment there. ""Why are you slapping my back?" Thirteen asked even though he did nothing else to stop his new friend. "Also, I'm not a voyeur. I just wanted to check something, alright?""Are you okay?" A third voice asked. "Monica? What're you doing here?" Thirteen snapped his head and looked up at his other new friend. He blinked, then started looking around himself. He was back in the school hallway next to his open locker. His attention went back to Monica and as soon as it did, he asked, "Is that a sword.


  . . are you wearing P. E. clothes?""Huh? Um. . . yes, er. . . " Monica blushed as she moved a katana behind her back. Suffice to say, she was attractive with her athletic body and pale soft skin. Her white shirt was tight against her body and her long legs were showing. She opened her mouth to change the subject, "So why were you-""We won't ask if you don't ask," Trent suggested with crossed arms and a quirked eyebrow. "Right.


  . . okay then. . . see you guys tomorrow. . . I guess," Monica grinned as she back off before running away. "Uh. . . demon hunter?" Thirteen muttered as he blinked to himself. "Huh?" Trent looked down at the other student with a questioning look to his eyes. When he didn't get an answer, he shrugged and grinned, "So how bout those two chicks, huh? Was that wild or what? I gotta start hanging out with Sera.

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  ""Um. . . right. . . " Thirteen muttered before standing up. He walked down the hall in the direction that Monica headed while thinking about what had happened. Suddenly, a thought entered his mind. He muttered, "Dog. . . "Accept this gift and your life will never be the same. You'll be able to understand and see what others cannot. Use this gift wisely or I'll make your life a living hell.

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  Instead of the front entrance, he went to the back doors and opened them. Trust yourself for once and let go of all fear. . . He stepped outside and into the remaining sunlight of the day. Berserker. .



