Slut Wife
Topic: LIFES SEXUAL PERKS 21/5 Fact or fiction? you decide.
I didn"t expect at the top of the stairs watching Dens nob slip from my wifes oozing pussy, I was just facinated as his elongated but soft cock lay down through Jackies slit and ass crack. Now sagging his bollocks and their sack hid half his cock length but they all glistened as did my wifes still puffy twat. A lot of their juices were now puddling on the floor and dangling from the pubes that were visible. Jackie pushing at Den"s shoulders said,"Up" Then as he complied a string of his cum draped from his nob end to her engorged puffy pussy lips.
I am looking at my wife with cum stuck all over her belly,pubes,inner thighs and groins. No wonder they were making such a sensational squelching as they fucked. As Den turned I saw his balls and pubes were covered in juice and his pubes were stuck to his belly like Jackies. Jackie made to get to her feet and as she did even more spunk squelched out her crack and dripped to the floor. It was then I realised moving back to the bedroom and looking at the alarm. Den had been filling her up for over two hours. No wonder they were stuck together and she drained so much on getting to her feet.
Now,how do I appear plausibly from upstairs after their shagging? Got it! I draped a knee length dressing gown on my shoulders, leaving it loose and open,then descending the stairs at speed with my cock being not completely soft dangling out the gowns like a spout. As I descend I"m asking "What happened to the tea Jackie?" . . .
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"I brought it up ages ago,but you"d nodded off so I left you" "Oh" Bursting in the room,Jackie looking at my naked front,smiles saying,"Put it away,Dens here already" reacting slightly shocked,I respond, "Eh,its not that late is it? how long you been here? sorry I"m not ready and dressed" "Not a problem,I"ve only just been here a few minutes" he lied.
"Want a cup? I need one" Jackie, "Make us all one Rich,seeing you"re volunteering" Out the door I go making sure I close it,but hanging there to listen. "Fuck,you weren"t lying,he was upstairs,do you think he heard us? fucking hell" "Naa, its to late if he did, I"m full of your spunk and thats it" "geesus I thought you were kidding" "That"s why I didn"t let you fuck me on our bed you prick" "Sorry I didn"t mean to call you that" I drift out to make the tea smirking as I hear him sqirming. Jackie had other clothes on,yet she hadn"t come to our bedroom to get them. Was this because she"d intended or even planned my introduction to a cheating wife scenario?
Jackie appeared, "I"ll help carry the cups" whispering, "my pussy"s still throbbing,but aching as well,what a fucking,did you enjoy it?" jabbing me hard in the ribs, Squeezing her cunt through her clothes I nodded a yes and raised my eyed up while pursing my lips. "Don"t she hissed,you"ll squeeze more spunk out and it will show,He"ll start panicking more than he is already if he notices spunk soaking through my shorts. I just mouthed "So what?" another couple of rib jabs.
The job went off without incident but Jackie did start to show a wet mark which Den clocked. He turned down a further cup of tea and beat a rather to hurried retreat. Alone now! "Lets have a look then!" Without a word,my wife pulled her shorts off and led in the lounge chair she hooked a leg over each arm and just looked down her belly as I thumbed open her pussy lips then hooked a pair of fingers in each side and pulling her cunt open as far as I could, I inspected Den"s handiwork. In an instant, Jackie jerked with shock as I rammed my tongue up as far as I could and started to lick Den"s spunk from her. Recovering,she said "theirs a lot to far up for your tongue to get" "I know I wanted to see how salty it is as you (and I nearly said Ginny,but checked just in time) said it was to salty for swallowing!"
"Well don"t stop now,you"re going to make me cum again in a minute" I now set about her clit and another load of spunk was added to the previous loads she"d received since this morning. Den had applied his skill to my DIY task and took a bonus. The rest was my skill so we had two days as I thought alone. Wrong! I returned from getting supplies needed only to find Jackie"s friend sat there chatting.
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I"d never thought of her as a sex object. Well almost hardly ever, although she was a type I was drawn to. (In todays terminology. A young fatty) While at this house Jackie had made a couple of good friends.
Sitting in, Moira was telling Jackie about how dreadful it was living with her husbands overpowering Dragon (Mother-in-law) She told or critisized everything and it didn"t help when all her husband done was played cricket everytime he wasn"t at work.
Hubby was starving her of sex because he couldn"t get it up because his mother might hear. "Why not move" Jackie asks. "He wont,I think he makes excuses. I shouldn"t say in front of Rich" "Go on he understands,he"s got a dragon but we don"t live with her. She"d vapourize if she knew what we get up to" "Well, I"m absolutely aching for the cock,but if I had an affair I just know it would get back to the dragon,I just know it!"
Finishing her coffee she said "Thanks for listening to my woe"s, I don"t know what I"d do if I didn"t have you two" and off she went. We got back to our horny selves for the rest of the day. In bed that night,Jackie was a bit pensive. Then, "You know I feel so sorry for Moira, I can"t imagine how I"d feel starved of cock,it must be horrible" "Yeah,especially now you"ve had a real good fucking from Den" (Jab,Jab,) "Bastard, don"t be cruel,I wonder if she"s only had one cock?" "Probably" "Why do you say that? wouldn"t you fancy her if she was up for it? Oh!Oh! careful Rich" whats afoot? that was a trick question I"m sure! "Where"s that complicated female mind of yours going with this Jackie?" "Nowhere,I was just saying,would you?
It have never entered my mind,JAB,"liar,I"ve seen you look down her tits when she got that dress on that lets you see down to her navel. I bet if I got her to say ok, you wouldn"t say no!" My mind was working overtime at this stage,apprehensive as I was, if Jackie was saying yeah its ok because you let me try Den and it would ease her conscience to give her the excuse to do him some more. I must admit the temptation,especially if I"d be her second cock and got the chance to show her a real good fucking.
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Then another thought occured,perhaps Jackie had an urge to watch like I enjoyed seeing her. Now there"s a thought!
Come clean Jackie! Say what"s going round in there. Silence, so I start rubbing her clit again,she moves to a more comfortable and excessible position. I rub on, then. "I really enjoy the way you let me be got at,not only with Den, but the other little titivations as well. I thought at first I"d never stand for you doing something as well but now I"m older, I find I think you"re such a good fucker, its unfair to not let a deserving case enjoy what a real good fucking I can have every day. Besides if you did you"d know what another pussy felt like as I do now about a different cock with trying Dens cock on your say so. Did I? What do you think?" Silence, "Say something!" "I don"t know,one she might not want to" "Yeah,but if she said yes,what do you think?" "Its difficult to say,because with you and Den,you knew from the outset he wanted to get you,I"m different,you are so hot I don"t have either of their problems" "That"s so sweet of you,thanks for that,so you would for me then,yes?"
Eh? how did we get here? "I didn"t say I would" "If I told you a secret,would that make a difference?" "How would I know that?" She hurried on in full flow, "I want to see the two of you doing it, I get so hot being watched, I must see you as well, I"m sure I"d get the same thrill as you do.
I know how she feels and I (Hesitating now) let Albert see my pussy" (My step father) "poor sod he"s in the same situation as Moira,never getting any from your mother" I just couldn"t resist this one, "The next thing I know,you"ll be bringing stray dogs home you"re such a softy" I knew she was smiling in the darkness. "So that"s ok then?"
Eh! I think I"d just volunteered as her hand caught hold of my hardon. "There you are,you wanted to all the time" Eh? "Its made you hard already" "That wouldn"t be because I"m masterbating you then?" Course not,you"re relishing fucking Loira" Obviously by a womans logic,her conscience was clear for having Den. I must admit I anticipated she"d talk Den into me going into his wife. Got that wrong din-i.
"About Albert then,what went on there?" "Oh! When your mothers not about he really strips me with his eyes,so knowing his situation,I let him have a look" How? "I make an excuse to go up high on the steps and let him reach up to take what I"m handing down. That means he"s right under my legs and if we were caught he has an excuse" Yeah, "The look on his face the first time said he"d seen a mirage,My thighs and the panties,suspender belt and stocking tops" Saying "Don"t tell" he let me have what I"d reached down for nothing" "After that I found all the stuff I buy except potatoes and such like had gone up to the top shelf.
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He liked what he was seeing. "Not half he did" Anyway whats with stockings and underware? you only wear them on going out posh. "Hang on, I felt sorry for him and I thought it would give him a thrill" "Now I"m very careful not to be obvious and muck about till the shops empty" Why the change? "No change except its only suspenders and nylons with no panties,he finishes up panting like a dog,especially when I bend instead of coopying to get potatoes letting him see my ass and pussy from behind"
While being told this a copious amount of love juice was flowing from beasty as Jackie worked her magic. "Yesterday he seen it for the first time,Having had a good look in the normal way, I said you better sit down a minute, so sitting on that low seat they got,he watching my every move,I coopied down facing him,opening my legs as I did, I smiling went accidentally off balance backwards only stopping as my back hit the counter. Staying like that I let him have a really long look at my pussy" I shot my cum all over Jackie"s hand. I gurgled what then? "He came to pull me up with his hardon pointing straight out,before helping he took a real close up look, his hand went to touch,naughty!naughty! I said and he pulled back as though he"d been scoulded,but I felt he had just touched my hairs at the front" He was all apologies, "Its alright,perhaps next time eh? You didn"t I said? Really? "Yeah,I did"
"I got a real buss out of it and I know I make his day,poor sod! I wasn"t going to tell you till he"d had a touch of it" "It makes me all wet and I come up home and wank myself off like a mad thing!
More later.