Lord knows how long it ago the realty had put up the sign. I could barely make out a faded phone number and the name of the realty selling the property. Right next to the sign was a driveway, overgrown and neglected, that angled up through the hill. Maybe I had time to explore a little more. A few minutes later, the drive opened into a small parking lot, full of potholes and weeds, with a large old A frame style building stuck into a clump of trees set at it’s edge, just above the freeway, facing out over the ocean. Another for sale sign was driven into the flower beds at the front of the building, with a small plastic box attached to the post, half full of mildewed paper flyers. I pulled a flyer from the box and walked around the front, reading. A photo of smiling Clem Jones, the real estate agent, stared out at me from the front of the page. Clem was literally gushing with nifty information about the building - he told me all about the square footage, the improvements previous tenants had made for business zoning, and heck, look at the view. I was halfway around the place, fighting around some thorny old rose bushes, before good old Clem let me in on an important little secret. The key to the place was in a little lockbox, right at the front door. And look buddy, here’s the combination. Go right ahead and have a look around. Crazy how trusting folks out here in the sticks are. Good old Clem was right on. I found the lockbox, bonked it around a bit to shake off the rust, found the keys, and walked inside to have that look around.
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The place had been an old surf shop, once. A counter ran the length of the back wall, next to a stairwell leading to a landing that wound around the front room. Another door led off into a backroom. A few moldy posters hung behind the counter area. Trash littered the floor. Thick beams supported the ceiling in the main room, with heavy, metal hooks driven into them at regular intervals. A couple old surf boards had been left behind, still attached to chains dangling from the ceiling hooks. And Clem was right again. The front windows, stretching from the floor to the ceiling, had a great view of the ocean. I rubbed a little dirt and grime away with my hand, and peered out at the little beach cove across the highway. I smiled. Perfect. I followed the family in their blue Volvo for a few blocks and eased into the grocery store parking lot right behind them. The side trip to the A Frame had taken longer than I thought, and I was hungry. It was almost noon, and my stomach was rumbling.
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The traffic this morning was brisk. The town was bigger than I’d thought it would be, and every church in town seemed to have let out at the same time. My van idled next to the Volvo at a stop light, and I watched the woman in the passenger seat clip coupons from a newspaper. She noticed me staring blankly her way. I gave her a little shake of the head and a smile. Silly me, all zoned out. She smiled back, agreeing with my goofiness. When the light turned green, I eased into the Volvo’s lane and followed it toward the golden arches down the road. Just my luck, they were going shopping, not to get grease-burgers for their kids. The store was big, with signs advertising electronics, appliances, apparel, a deli, you name it. The deli sign caught my eye and my stomach growled at me again. A fresh sandwich sounded a hell of a lot better than a bucket of fries, so I decided to follow my new friend inside. I parked a spot or two away from the family and watched Mom pull the kids out of the car and Dad grab some empty soda cans from the trunk. The whole family looked like they were dressed in their Sunday best. Dad wore a sweater over a dress shirt with a tie and slacks, the two boys both dressed just like him.
The little girl wore a pink dress with patent leather shoes. Very cute. Now that she was out of the damn car, Mom was actually pretty attractive for someone with three kids, just starting to show some age in the spread of her hips, some flab in her arms. She was short - even in high heels, the top of her head might just reach my chin. Her dark, wavy hair was cut at an angle away from a nicely tanned neck. She wore dangling silver earrings and a matching necklace over a tight, purple, sequin vest-shirt that ended just above black nylon slacks that were cut wide at the legs. The outfit was kind of goofy - the metallic shirt looked like something out a bad musical, but it was cut low in the front and showed a little cleavage, and was open up the lower part of her back. She tossed her bangs back out of her eyes and absently tucked a purple, satin bra strap back over her bare shoulder. I watched her ass swish and followed them to the bottle return machines. A short, filthy bum dumped a dirty bag full of crumpled beer cans into a machine while a couple of his buddy bums waited and panhandled each customer not smart enough to detour out of the way. Mom took the cans, and dad and the kids jogged over to grab one of the dwindling supplies of shopping carts. Dad and the kids wheeled away with the cart towards the entry of the store, leaving Mom alone with the bums. And me. The bums eyed her as the bottle machine burped out her ticket. “Hey, lady! Spare some change?”Mom glanced at the bum who spoke, a big, foul, greasy-haired guy with crumbs in his beard.
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She tried to ignore him and grabbed her receipt, but he and his friends blocked her way. A short, scrawny guy with no teeth piped up, “My buddies and I could sure use some change for something to drink, y’know?”“Sorry, but I didn’t bring a purse. ” Mom searched the empty parking lot for Dad, but he and the kids were already inside. The third bum quietly stood by, licking his lips and watching a car leave the parking lot. No Teeth pointed at the ticked clutched in Moms hand. “How ‘bout that bottle money there?”“I promised my daughter I’d give her this for a treat. ” Mom tried to inch around the tall bum. He pressed against her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, c’mon lady, please. . . ” he almost begged as she cringed and backed away towards the entry doors, shaking her head. “I’m Sorry, I can’t. ”My cue. Time for the hero to join in.
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I picked a crushed beer can off the ground, felt a familiar tingling at the back of my head. The pavement shifted a little under my feet as my perspective adjusted. The bums looked around, startled, as I walked in behind them and pointed at a machine. “Mind if I use one of these for a sec?” That got their attention. They turned to me, completely ignoring Mom as she snuck off, her precious change safe from the mean, ugly bums. The Quiet Bum watched her go, like he wanted to follow her, but Big Bum shrugged his shoulders and pointed. “Naw. That one on the end don’t work though. ” His breath washed over me. The three of them out-stank the smell of spoiled beer that permeated the bottle machines. I decided to make small talk, let Mom get out of range. “You fellas doin’ okay? Folks around here being generous today?”No teeth snorted. “Hardly nobody givin’ us shit today. We’re just tryin’ to make an honest livin’, y’know? Get us enough change to buy some smokes and a little to drink. ” Big Bum jerked his thumb back the way Mom left.
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“Miss snooty bitch didn’t want to share anything with us nasty motherfuckers, though. ”No Teeth wheezed a laugh. “Nasty motherfuckers like us might just want more than spare change. ” He grabbed at his crotch. “Bitches like that just don’t know. ”“Fucking bisth. She only had four fucking cans, too. ” The Quiet Bum stuck his tongue into the space where his front teeth should’ve been, and licked his upper lip. “Damn the man” I said. “And fuck his bisth” lisped the Quiet Bum. I looked at them, my bottle ticket in hand. “Are you serious about that?”Quiet Bum eyed me back, squinting. “Wha’ you talking about, misther?”I stuffed the receipt into my pocket and pulled out a fistful of bills. No Teeth and Big Bum looked at each other and grinned. Quiet Bum glanced at the cash, then back at me.
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“I’m talking about a little snooty-bitch payback,” I straightened out the cash as Quiet Bum licked at his lip, coughed and spit. “You serious?”I handed him the wad of money. “Damn. ” He smiled. “What we goin’ do, brother?”Something strange happened to me a while back. I don’t know how or why the changes happened. Looking back, I can see small instances occuring from early on in my teenage years. And I can pinpoint the first, full-blown experience, where I knew for sure something wasn’t normal. One afternoon, I dropped off my mother-in-law to baby sit my niece and nephew. My brother-in-law, Ken, had landed a new, high-paying job, and he and his wife, Laura, had just purchased a ridiculously big house in a wealthy suburb on the outskirts of town. They were throwing a “game night” to show off the new house to their new yuppie friends. Of course, we were invited too, if for no other reason than to bring Granny by for the night so they didn’t have to deal with their kids for a few hours. I walked Granny to the door as Laura walked out. She was “just off to pick up a few things for the evening, the kids are downstairs in the playroom, I’ll be back soon”. Laura’s car was ripping out of the driveway before she could say “ta-taa” and blow us kisses.
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Granny asked me to drop her bags off in her room, and she headed in search of the rug rats while I grunted my way upstairs. I found the guest room (I guessed, anyway), and left the bags on the bed. Laura and Ken had been talking for so long about how great this house was, I thought I should give myself the grand tour. So I did. I found the kids rooms, the attic, the stairs to the basement, the kitchen. Checked out the fridge and grabbed a soda. I walked through the rest of the house sipping my ‘Dew until I found the master bedroom. The bedroom was huge. A small office was set up in the corner. Exercise equipment surrounded a messy king size bed that faced a widescreen television and matching dressers. The master bath angled off from the office area, next to glass doors opening out to a small deck that overlooked the backyard. The voyeur in me popped out and really took hold. I set my soda on a dresser and opened the top drawer. Ken’s stuff. I closed the drawer and moved to the next dresser.
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Score for me! Here one of the smaller drawers yielded bras and panties. I grinned and grabbed a handful of Laura’s lingerie - I’ve always had a fetish for lacy, silky stuff. I shoved my face into Laura’s panties and breathed deep. Her panties felt cool and soft and smooth, and they smelled like, well, flowers. I smiled at myself in the mirror above the dresser as I rubbed my face with the panties. I’d never really understood what Ken had first seen in Laura. He’d always been a pretty active guy - he spent his weekends climbing at the mountain, biking, skiing. When they started dating, Laura had looked like a pudgy bird with a bad fashion sense. She had a round face with strangely angular features and a sharp, pointy nose. She was kind of flabby, with a huge ass set below a tiny little waist that looked like it could barely support her melon-sized breasts. Her titties were so big, she always looked about to tip over. She was pretty, actually, but you had to look for it, then. She and I seemed to get along okay, but back then she was really quiet around most of the family, and I didn’t spend much time with them, just an odd dinner here or family holiday there. Then Laura got pregnant and gained a bunch of weight. I didn’t see her much then.
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After her pregnancy, she turned into a fitness queen. At the gym early every morning, all low-fat this, low-carb that. Started shopping at the Gap. Suddenly, her tiny little waist trimmed up, and that big, flabby ass turned into a firm, bubbly bootie. Her breasts perked up, and she started wearing low-cut shirts that showed off her chest. She started smiling more, and she gave great, lingering hugs. I’ve gotta say, then I kinda liked being around her. One night, we’d all gone out to dinner, and all she and Ken could talk about was this art festival they’d been to, and how they met this great painter and just had to buy one of his prints, and blah, blah, blah. . . Then Laura turned to me and asked, since Ken had a business trip, would I want to spend the next weekend at the festival with her? We could drive down Friday night and get a hotel room, then drive back up late Saturday or even stay until Sunday. Seriously? Heck, yeah. I, mean, umn, sure, okay, I guess that sounds like fun. You bet. That okay with you sweetie? Really? Okay, then, it’s a plan.
The trip never happened. Somehow I knew it was too good to be true. And then she got knocked up again. She gained back a bunch of weight. Got moody. Out went the lingering hugs, and the seemingly innocent request to spend a weekend checking out bad paintings with her became a distant memory. That was a few years ago. After the last kid, Laura had hit the aerobics classes hard again, and looked better than ever. But something had changed. Her mood swings got worse, she got more and more demanding of Ken, her kids had to be perfect and had to attend better schools. Their cars weren’t up to snuff. The property values around their house seemed to be pretty low for their standards, too. Therefore the new job, new house, new friends. But today I found myself staring at the painting above their bed, wondering about that night Laura had asked me to spend the weekend with her, and what if things had been a little different. I imagined the new, fit Laura lying on the bed next to me, wearing nothing but the lacy underwear I held in my hands.
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I realized that maybe Ken had seen the new Laura before anyone else, buried somewhere in the old Laura’s body. I decided I had to take a leak. I stuffed the underwear back in her drawer and walked into a bathroom bigger than my living room. I found the toilet next to the door, right by a Jacuzzi easily large enough for two people to soak comfortably. Melted candles stuck to the edge of the tub, and by the matching his and her sinks in the counter. A walk-in shower was set into the far wall. I groaned at the candles and I watched myself in the mirror as I pissed. And as the last trickles of my urine blipped off the edge of the toilet, a faint itch, a tingle started at the back of my head, the short hairs on my neck suddenly stood on end, and Laura walked into the bedroom, humming to herself, sipping from a glass of wine. Standing there with the door wide open, my dick in my hand and my pants hanging off my ass, I prayed she wouldn’t turn around. Sound stopped, for just a second. My eyes blurred and my skin twitched, and I grabbed at a towel rack as the room spun out from under me. My entire body tingled. And then Laura walked right into the bathroom. I smashed myself against the wall, frozen, my dick forgotten in my hand. Laura looked around, like she’d heard an odd sound.
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Looked right at me, right through me. She shrugged like finding her brother-in-law in her bathroom with his pants down was an everyday occurrence, set her wine glass down on the Jacuzzi and kicked off her shoes. And then Laura took off her t-shirt. Holy shit. She took off her shirt! I watched with my mouth hanging open as Laura unzipped her jeans and pushed them down over her hips. She grazed my penis with her ass as she bent over to pull off her pants, and my dick decided to remind me it was hanging around. Just to be useful, it gave a good throb, and stuck straight out, pushing right into her white cotton panties. A dizzying flood of horniness washed over me. Laura pulled one leg out of her pants, shifting her body, and my hardening cock slid up the crack of her ass and rested there, pointing up towards the small of her back. She kicked her jeans out of the way and started the water going in the Jacuzzi, pouring in something that made bubbles. The slight movement of her hips caused my dick to slide slowly up and down on her panties, and I let out a small groan of pleasure. Her tits rubbed against the tub as she dropped in some bath salts, and I felt the first bit of pre-cum ooze out of my dick, saw it smear on her panties as she moved. Laura reached back and slipped her panties down to her knees. I heard a soft, fleshy smack as my dick plopped onto the bare skin of her ass. I tried to get a grip on myself and wondered what the fuck was going on.
She wasn’t just ignoring me. She didn’t even look back when my dick flopped onto her butt. She didn’t seem to have any idea I was even there. Laura kicked her panties onto the floor with her jeans. She stood up and my dick slid down the crack of her ass, the tip burying itself into the space just between her legs. She unsnapped her bra, a plain, old, ripped cotton thing. I vaguely wondered why, with all the lacy, sexy lingerie she had tucked away in her drawer, was she wearing nasty, ratty underwear now? Not that I was complaining at the moment, really, but why didn’t women wear the good stuff all the time? Why save it?I forgot about it as the bra fell into the pile of clothes on the floor. Laura lit some candles, and slid into the Jacuzzi with a sigh. She settled into the bubbles and sipped her wine, and I held my throbbing dick and waited to wake up. I watched as she bathed. Watched her sip her wine, the rise and fall of the water around her breasts. And I leaned over the tub and mouthed another quiet little prayer. The back of my head tingled again, a little. Then she set her glass on the floor, leaned back, and ran her hands up over her breasts, her nipples. Her hands slid down to her crotch, began to slowly rub between her legs.
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My mouth dropped open and my dick throbbed again. Holy shit again. I glanced at myself in the mirror while Laura masturbated for me, with my dick, swollen and purple, feeling heavy as a rock in my hand. I heard her moan quietly, and I decided to test the waters, so to speak. “Laura, turn on the water jets. ” I said it as quietly as I could. She never looked at me, never gave any indication that she heard me. “Turn them on high. ”The tingling sensation spread, got stronger. And she turned on the water. “Spread your legs, Laura. Let the water play with your pussy. ”She shifted closer to the side of the tub and threw her leg over the edge, sending water splashing onto the floor. My pants were still down around my knees, so I shuffled around the tub until I was standing directly in front of Laura. Her eyes were squeezed shut, the tip of her tongue just touching her upper lip.
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She was breathing heavily, making soft little happy noises, and I could almost make out her hands under the swirling water as she rubbed her pussy. “Let the water do that Laura. I want you to play with your tits. ” As I talked to her, the tingling sensation at the base of my skull began to spread, slowly, down through the rest of my body. I started to jack off, pointing my dick into the tub. “ I want you to squeeze your big fucking titties for me. I want you to pinch your nipples so hard that they hurt. ”Her hips were gyrating now, splashing more water out of the tub. She squeezed her tits so hard she squealed. The tingling in my head got stronger. “I want you to cum for me. Come on, Laura, do it for me, come on baby. . . ” Laura groaned, and her hips jerked up out of the water.
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I got a perfect glimpse of her wet pussy with water beading off her pubic hair, her fingers sliding slowly up and down, in and out of her pussy lips.
Laura arched her back, hard, pushing with her head and neck as her stomach muscles bunched, and she gasped as a jet of pussy juice squirted into the tub. Her breath caught as her hips jerked back down, then up into the air again, sending water splashing and another jet of cum spraying out of her pussy. “Oh, fuck Laura, don’t stop, keep coming baby. . . ” I couldn’t hold on any longer. My hand was furiously jerking away at my dick as Laura rode out her orgasm, her tits squeezed in a death grip, her body contorting in and out of the water. I shot a thick stream of cum all over her titties and she rubbed the cum into her breasts, over her nipples. Another long spurt ended up covering her belly, slowly washing away into the water. I kept jerking my dick until my balls went dry. Oh wow, that felt good. I looked at all the cum I’d spewed over Laura. Where the hell did that all come from? It was like somebody’d just turned on a fire hose. The strange feeling in my head had subsided into a nice warm, friendly buzzing, and as I watched Laura’s hips move up and down, I felt my body start to relax.
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I thought about taking off the rest of my clothes and slipping into the tub with her, what her pussy would feel like, nice and warm and wet and. . . And I started to come back to my senses, but Laura was still fighting her orgasm. The muscles in her neck clenched in tight bunches as her head pushed her body further out of the water. Her back bent sharply up as her belly spasmed, her fingers digging into breasts, water shloshing out of the tub as she thrashed around. She gasped for air with each muscle spasm and gave little cries as fountains of cum squirted out from her cunt, over her legs. Pain and fear mingled with lust on Laura’s face, and my dick started to throb again, as if to say, Boy, climb on top of that pussy, it’s waiting for us. Just shove me on in and ride that bitch for all she’s worth. Let me do my job. I pulled up my pants, tried to shake myself out of my delirium. I walked out of the bathroom, leaving Laura still bucking wildly in the tub, and walked out to my car. I got in and sat for a second, staring up at the bedroom window. Then, quietly, “Laura, sweetheart, relax now. I’ll see you later tonight.
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”The tingling left, as quickly as it came, with a flash of dizziness. I grabbed the steering with both hands and waited for it to pass, then I drove home, wondering what the party later that evening might bring and my dick raging at me all the way. We arrived late. Jennifer and I waited at the front door in an icy quiet. We’d been fighting lately, and initially neither of us had wanted to come to the party. Jennifer hated having to deal with her family and their friends, and until a few hours ago, I’d felt the same way. But after this afternoon, wild horses couldn’t keep me away. I argued that she had promised her brother that we’d go, so, here we were. I rang the doorbell as Jennifer glared at the door, sulking. Ken answered the door with a pool stick in his hand, and invited us in. Jennifer’s bad mood seemed to evaporate once she stepped inside. A few people milled around the front room, and Ken made some introductions for us, then took us on a quick tour of the main floor. Jennifer ooo’d and aaah’d over the house. I’d been fantasizing about how Laura might react when she saw me since I’d left that afternoon. We met her in the game room, already full of their buddies shooting pool and playing air hockey.
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Laura was sitting on the couch, chatting with a couple young ladies, each of them sipping champagne, and she stood to greet us. She looked fantastic. She wore a red silk wraparound skirt with a low-cut black silk blouse, sandals that tied around her calves, and a small pearl necklace and matching earrings. The ladies she was talking with smiled at us from the couch, each of them looking us up and down. Jennifer gave them both a little fake smile and followed her brother over to the pool table. All three women turned their attention towards me. I smiled and hugged Laura. I wondered if she was still wearing the same underwear she’d had on earlier. She was a little flushed, as if she’d had a little too much to drink already. When she gave me her usual light squeeze of a hug, the back of my neck started buzzing again. I rubbed my cheek against hers, her breath suddenly hot against my neck. I pulled her a little closer, felt her breasts press against my chest and thanked her for inviting us to the party. She pressed back for a second then pushed gently away, shaking her head, looking around to see if anyone had noticed. Then she was back to being the hostess, told me to have fun, that food and drinks were in the kitchen if I wanted anything. Laura’s friends watched me watch her mingle, the tingling in my neck spreading out into my body again.
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I smiled at them as Laura announced that she was going to get dinner ready and walked off to the kitchen. I sat with the ladies, Katie and Emma, flirted, and watched the games. Jennifer had apparently decided to ignore me in favor of her brother tonight, and that was fine by me. My plans for the evening didn’t involve her either. I was trying to decide if I should join Laura in the kitchen when Ken’s best friend Steve showed up with his new wife, Lisa. Ken played the perfect host again, and introduced them around the room. I’d met Steve a few times before, and from family gossip knew that he’d just married a stewardess that he’d met on a recent business trip, but I’d not yet met Lisa. I watched her as Ken walked them around the room. Lisa would’ve made Hugh Hefner a happy man - she looked like she’d stepped out a Playboy photo shoot. Her dark hair was cut in a long bob that framed her heart-shaped face, and she had a caramel complexion with dark brown eyes and a mouth made for blow jobs. She wore a gauzy, light blue blouse tucked into a tight, knee length black skirt that was slit halfway up the back, showing off shapely legs cased in black stockings, and she wore long black heels on her small feet. Ken handed her a glass of wine, and she sipped it as he introduced us. I stood and she shook my hand and said hello. The buzzing in my head zipped off the scale, and I almost fell back onto the couch as Ken and Steve jumped back into the foosball competition. Lisa smiled at me and held my hand.
A second or two ticked by, Lisa and I just smiling away at each other, holding hands, before Katie and Emma invited her into the kitchen. I managed a weak “nice to meet you” as they giggled down the hall. I tried to look interested in the games for a few minutes, then gave up and decided to go find a snack. The kitchen ran along the back of the house. Laura and her friends sat around a table nestled into an eating nook, all of them drinking and giggling as they played a board game. The nook opened out into a family room, and I found Lisa sitting on a sofa by herself, watching the action, I asked if I could join her and she nodded, smiling her little smile at me again. We lounged on the sofa, and Lisa told me all about meeting Steve, and her job with the airline, and that she’d felt uncomfortable coming to the party because she didn’t know anyone and had to leave for a flight later that night. I laughed, and told her a lot of the same things about myself, and tried take in her entire body without being too obvious and slimy about it. I don’t know how long we sat, talking, but Lisa had polished off several glasses of wine by the time Laura plopped between us on the sofa. We were the only three people left in the kitchen. Laura pulled the soda out of my hand and snuggled up against me. Lisa sat up a little straighter. “You two seem to have hit it off. ” Laura’s head leaned back against my shoulder and she tried to look at both of us at the same time. Lisa finished her drink.
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“Where did everybody go?”“It’s the big Twister competition. Looks like we’re the only ones who don’t wanna join in” Laura shrugged and giggled. “It’s not naked Twister, so who cares?”Lisa giggled back, and glanced around. “I think I need to use the restroom, then go see how Steve’s doing. . . ”“You can have a little more privacy in our bathroom upstairs. ” Laura pointed to a door. “Just take a right, up the stairs and down the hall”“Got it. I’ll see you in a bit. ”Laura watched Lisa shut the door behind her. My arm rested along the top of the sofa, and she pulled my hand into hers, and twisted her body a little, tucking her head under my chin. Her hair smelled sweet. It reminded me of the smell of her bath this afternoon. She against me, pulled my arm tighter around her and looked up at my face.
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Her free hand moved to my face, and stroked my cheek. “Matt, I. . . ” She squirmed against me, her voice low and husky. “I had a. . . a dream about you today. ”My breath caught in my chest, and the tingling in my head neck buzzed louder. She looked into my eyes trying to find the right words, kept gently touching my face. “Do you remember when I asked you to the art fair a few years ago? We talked about getting a hotel room and spending the weekend?”I nodded. “I used to have this fantasy that we really went, and. . .
and we got really close. You know?” She looked down at my hand, wrapped in hers. My mouth moved, and I tried to come up with something suave to say. Not as easy as you might think. I managed to croak “Really?”She smiled up at me and nodded. “It was the same one today, but really intense. ” She played with the back my hand for a second, looked back up at me. “Matt, have you ever, you know, slept with anybody else?”“Besides Jennifer? Well, yeah. Of course. ”She blushed. “No I figured that, I mean. . . ” she drifted off, looked back at my hand. “I mean, have you ever had an affair?”My mouth dropped open.
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“Uh. . . , Laura. . . ” I had no idea what to say to that. “No. ”She looked back at me, shrugged, and touched my chin with her fingers. “Ken was my first, and I’ve never. . . well, you know. ” Laura smiled, and her hand moved behind my head and pulled me to her. “But tonight, I think.
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. . ” She drifted off again, and I felt her lips softly touch mine, watched her eyes close. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and she leaned her body back into mine, used her hand to move mine up her stomach, made me cup her breast. I felt her nipple harden through the silk of her blouse. She moaned, kissed me harder. I felt my world tilt again, and suddenly I could feel myself flowing into her, sharing her body. I felt her kiss, her mouth, her breast, still sensitive from the afternoon, her nipple stiffen under my hand. I opened my eyes, and I was looking back at myself, my eyes wide with surprise. I watched Laura’s hand slide from my neck, but I was watching from Laura’s eyes. I felt the warm wetness between her thighs, and then just as quickly, the room spun again, and I was back in my own body, tingling all over, like every inch of me had pins and needles. Laura smiled back at me, uncertainly. And my dick was throbbing. A lusty shout echoed from the game room. I gently disengaged myself from Laura, slipping off the sofa.
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I smiled at her and kissed her again, just to make sure it happened. She kissed me back, touching my hips, trying to pull me back to the couch. “I think it’s my turn to use the bathroom, and I think you might have had a little too much champagne tonight. Why don’t you rest until the party’s over, okay?” Laura smiled and curled up on the sofa. She was asleep by the time I opened the door to the hall. My dick was screaming at me about leaving Laura again, and I tried to ignore it and walk up the stairs to the bedroom without falling over. I heard water running as I walked into the bedroom. I peeked around the corner to the bathroom and found Lisa at the sink, touching up her make up. I was in luck. She was still here. I watched Lisa pack her things into a small bag, and I closed my eyes while she washed her hands. I wasn’t quite sure yet what I wanted to do, but I knew I needed more time and privacy than the sofa downstairs would have provided for me and Laura. I thought I was beginning to get an idea about my newfound abilities. I wanted to experiment. The now familiar sensation of pins and needles washed over me as I concentrated, trying to form a picture in my mind, and the room spun around me for a second.
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When I opened my eyes and looked back into the bathroom, Lisa stood, staring at herself in the mirror, her feet were spread as far apart as her skirt would allow, with her back arched and her butt up in the air, her hands braced against the counter. In my head, I’d pictured her on all fours on the floor, but this was pretty close. I smiled at the look of shock on her face. She tried to move, but just succeeded in knocking her bag to the floor. She gasped as I stepped into the bathroom. “Matt! What are you doing here?”There was a note of hysteria in her voice. I tried to look surprised. “Lisa. . . sorry, I just had to use the bathroom. I didn’t think you’d still be up here. ” Her body shook. I bent over to look at her face, rubbed my hand reassuringly on her back. “Hey, are you alright? You look a little green.
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”Actually, she looked on the verge of crying. Her body gave little jerks, shaking as she struggled. “I can’t move,” she whispered. I smiled, concerned. “What?”“I can’t move. I can’t move,” she stared at me, not understanding what was happening. “You can’t move,” I repeated. “Lisa, maybe you had a little too much to drink tonight. Why don’t we. . . ” She looked up at me again, her brown eyes pleading with me. “I’m not drunk, please. . .
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”“You’re just kidding, right?”She let her head drop, fighting back tears. I stood up straight, smiling, and walked over to the toilet, unzipping my pants. She watched, frozen, fear forming on her face, as I took a leak. I sighed as I finished and shook myself dry. “Matt, what’s going on. . . ” Tears rolled down Lisa’s cheeks, and I moved behind her, my dick screaming at me again. I felt the desire flood my body again, the ache for release building deep in my balls. I ran my hands over her ass, then spanked her hard, watching her face in the mirror. Her eyes bugged out as her body jerked forward, and I slapped her ass again and again. Every time she tried to talk, I whacked her in the butt, until her face was red and the tears were pouring down her cheeks. Then I grabbed the hem of her skirt and yanked it up over her hips. She let out a low, quavering moan and shook her head violently from side to side as her skirt ripped where it was slit open. Underneath, Lisa wore a lacy black silk slip, and I pulled that over her ass too.
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My breath hitched and my dick throbbed up and down at the sight of a pair of black lace panties over a black garter belt. I slid my hand lightly up her stockings, cupping her pussy, gently rubbing, exploring. “Goddamn, Lisa. Nice ass. ” Amazing. Very witty, when I’m horny. “I don’t want you to say anything now, understand? I’m going fuck your ass, and I want you to be very fucking quiet. ”I wrapped my fist in her panties and pulled them off to the side, exposing her pussy lips and the crack of her ass. I grabbed a squirt bottle of liquid soap from the counter, popped the top, pushed the tip into her ass and squirted soap into her butt until it dripped out and down into her pussy. She squealed a little as I grabbed my dick with my other hand, pressed it against her little brown butt hole and pushed hard. Her ass was slick from the soap, and the tip of my dick slipped inside without a fight. I felt Lisa’s body stiffen under me and I grabbed her shoulders for leverage, stuffed myself into her until I felt my balls slap against her pussy. I heard myself groan with pleasure. Lisa tossed her head back, and I grabbed her brown hair and pulled towards me, forcing her back to bend, pulling her ass closer to me. Her tits strained against her blouse, and I started fucking her hard and fast, watching them bounce up and down.
The muscles in Lisa’s asshole twitched and spasmed as she tried to accommodate me. I wanted to see her tits, so I let go of her hair and wrapped her in a bear hug, my fingers sliding into the seam of her blouse, and yanked, popping the buttons, pulling it open down to her belly button. I almost came, seeing her tits in her black, lacy bra, her little, juicy pink nipples sticking out. I cupped her breasts with my hands and squeezed them while I fucked her ass. I kissed her neck and bit at her shoulders and ears, and slammed my dick hard into her. Lisa’s eyes rolled back into her head as I fucked her. I smiled and moved her arms so they wrapped up and around my neck, so I had a better view of her titties. My balls began twitching, and I decided that I wanted to cum in her pussy. I pulled out of her ass and lowered her to the floor, turning her onto her back, then I wedged myself between her legs and wrapped them around my back. I pulled her panties away from her pussy again, and shoved my way in. “WHoooo, Lisa. This is what I’ve wanted to do all night. ” I breathed into her ear as I eased my weight onto her body. The tingling sensation was screaming through me now, and I wanted Lisa to fuck me back. She started to nuzzle my neck with her mouth, and I smiled at the look of dismay on her face as she grabbed my hands, wrapping her fingers in mine, digging her nails into my arms.
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Her pussy was soaking wet, and she was easily taking me in now. Her back arched, pushing her ass off the ground, letting me further into her, and she mashed her tits against my chest. I kissed her, felt her little tongue push deep into my mouth as she kissed me back. She made sweet little sounds as she ground her hips against me, and I could feel the smooth silk of her stockings as her legs clenched around my back. Then I had a crazy thought. I slowed down a little, pulled away slightly. Lisa whimpered and tried to pull me back. “You like it now, don’t you Lisa?” She wouldn’t look at me, but she nodded quickly, grabbing at my ass. I pushed her hands away, pinning them to the floor. “Lisa, I want to make me cum. Can you do that? Answer me. ” Lisa nodded frantically. “Yesss, ohhh, please. . .
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” She ground against me. I wasn’t going to last much longer at this rate. “Can you get pregnant Lisa? Are you on the pill?”A look of panic swept over her face. “N. . . N. . . nooo. . . not on the pill. . .
” She wiggled her crotch against me, and I smiled at her. “Good, Lisa. I want to knock you up. Do you understand? Do you want me to get you pregnant?” The sensation that swept over me when Lisa nodded almost made me pass out. She pulled me against her with more force than I could fight, and whispered softly in my ear as she fucked me, “I want to have your baby, I want it soooo baad, ohhhhh. . . cum in my pussy, cum in me baby. . . ”She kissed me again, and threw her body into me, knocking the breath out of me. I braced myself against the floor as she grabbed my ass, and I let her fuck me. My orgasm came hard and fast, and she pulled me tightly against her as I spurted a huge load of hot cum into her, over and over. I found myself laying on her a few moments later, both of us panting, her hands still grabbing my ass, my fingers tangled in her hair. I pulled out of her, and she whimpered a little, clutching at me.
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I looked at her lying there and smiled down on her. “That’s my girl. It’s getting late, I’m sure your husband’s going to be looking for you. I think you should be leaving pretty soon. But I want you to call me every couple of weeks, and we’re going to meet for lunch. And every month or so, you’re going to tell your husband that you have to work a weekend layover flight, and then you’ll call me.
You can get my cell number from Laura. Do you understand?” Lisa nodded without opening her eyes. I pulled up my pants and left her lying there, panting, the muscles in her stomach still twitching, and went back downstairs to find my wife, absently wondering just what the hell was going on with me. Mom was standing behind me at the pizza counter, her kids all talking at once, giving her three different pizza orders all at the same time. Back at the store, my new homeless buddies had taken to my idea, and while I had the three of them shopping for supplies, I hunted down my new favorite family and followed them around the store, back to their car, and then all the way down the main drag to this pizza parlor. I managed to park and be waiting at the counter, ordering my lunch, when the gang walked in. The kids all wanted something different to eat, and they all had to go to the bathroom. Mom patiently waited out all the requests, and when they finished, Dad handed her a few bills and escorted the kids to the bathrooms. I turned around, my order ticket in hand, and bumped right into her.
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“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t. . . ” I trailed off, ‘surprised’ to find her standing there. A big smile as she recognized me. “It’s. . . well! Hi!”“Small world, huh?” Up close, Mom was very attractive, even with the dumb shirt. I gave her my most flattering smile, and she blushed a little, glancing down, then back at me from under her curly bangs. Pretty. I extended my hand and introduced myself. “I’m Matt, um. . .
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”She flicked her bangs back off her forehead. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Gail. ” Her skin was soft and warm, and her breasts jiggled a little as she shook my hand. I could just smell a hint of perfume. We stood there, holding hands, goofy smiles plastered on our faces. “Well,” I said finally, and held up my receipt. “I guess I should let you order. ”She reached out and gently grabbed my elbow. “Hey, I, umn, I should thank you for earlier. ” She fidgeted with her money, then looked me in the eye. “Those men, they. . . well.
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”I patted her shoulder. “Anytime, anytime. You have a great lunch. ”I moved to the drink counter, and caught Mom sneaking glances at me while she placed her pizza order. The restaurant had a main floor, just away from the counters, with picnic style benches set up for parties and families. A large salad bar stood in the middle of the floor, and a game room for the kids was set up by the entry. A set of stairs capped each end of the floor, leading up to a deck area that circled the entire restaurant, with booths and tables set against the windows. I picked a booth in one of the corners with a good view of the restaurant, set my drink on the table, and eased myself in to wait for my pizza. The place was packed. I had a great view of Mom’s family as they claimed an empty picnic table right in front of me, at the other end of the floor. Mom handed the kids paper menus and crayons, passed around their sodas, and split a pitcher of beer with her husband. She sat down facing me, sipping her beer off the mess left by the last family, sat across from Mom and played tic-tac-toe with their oldest boy. I watched Mom color with her kids, wipe her daughters’ face with a napkin, laugh at a joke her son told her. Her hair liked to flop down over her eyes; I liked the way she flipped it back, tucking her long bangs behind her ear. A cute, perky employee brought my pizza out to me and took my ticket away.
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I munched pizza and noticed the teenage girl sitting in the booth in front of me, glaring at her parents and little brother with that look of complete, utter boredom, dislike and irritation that only teenage girls have perfected. She was really pretty, had all the makings of a teenage heartbreaker. Long, thick, dark hair framed a beautiful face with a button nose, sparkling brown eyes and a perfect, sweet little bow of a mouth. She had a dark, cocoa-like complexion and sported a nice, even tan. She caught me staring at her, and I gave her the same smile that I’d given Mom earlier. She blushed sweetly, bit her lower lip and smiled back. I watched her play with her pizza, and I gave her ‘come hither’ looks to entertain myself while I ate. She surprised me a little by ignoring her family and shooting ‘come and get me’ looks right back at me. She gave her parents a surly look as they finished eating and got ready to leave. She smiled at me over her moms shoulder, and she stopped right in front of me as they trooped by my table. She was wearing a faded old football jersey that was maybe three sizes too big, cut off high at the waist, and light grey sweatpants were rolled down low on her hips. When she stood, I noticed that her belly button was pierced, and she was wearing flip-flops and had a silver ring on her little toe. Not your typical coastal town high-schooler. I looked up to find her smiling down at me, and she dropped a crumpled napkin on my table. Then she followed her family to the door, paused and wiggled a cell phone at me, and walked outside without another look.
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I watched her go, then looked from the doors to the napkin. I glanced over at Mom, daintily nibbling at a slice of pizza. I picked up the napkin and smoothed it out on the table in front of me. In a soft cursive the girl had written: I’m Cari. Call me. And she’d given me her cell number. Mom and the family had just about polished off their lunch. I shoved the napkin into my pocket and decided to get down to business. Gail looked around the bench in a panic. They were ready to leave, and she couldn’t find her purse. “Are you sure you brought it?” Jim asked. “I’m positive. I think I must’ve left it at the store. ” Gail really wasn’t sure, but the more she thought about it, that was the only explanation. She must’ve left it in their cart after they’d packed everything up.
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“Can we go back to get it, see if it’s in the lost and found?”Jim looked at the kids and sighed quietly to himself. He’d had a long morning already, and didn’t want to go hunt for a purse he was sure Gail hadn’t left the house with. Little Jaime yawned and rubbed at her eyes. “Mommy, I wanna go home. ”Gail smacked her head. “Shit, maybe I left it at the church. Oh shit. ”Jim hated it when Gail got like this. Swearing in front of the kids. And on a Sunday, too. He shook his head in resignation. She wouldn’t let it go until she retraced every step they’d taken this morning. That could take hours, and all he wanted to do was lay down. He could already feel a food coma sneaking up on him. Then he had an idea.
“Hey, honey, why don’t you take the car and go look. We’re just a few blocks from the house. I’ll just walk the kids home, and we’ll all take a nap. ”Relief flooded Gail’s eyes. “Really?”“Yeah. I think we’re all pretty tired, so you go ahead. ” “What about the groceries?” That’s my Gail, Jim thought. Always another problem. “We didn’t get anything that’ll spoil. You go, I’ll get the bags when you get home. ” He tried to give Gail a comforting smile, yawned instead. “You’re sure? It’ll just take a minute or two. ”Jim stood and gathered up Jaime, who snuggled against his cheek. “Do you have your keys?”Gail patted her hips. “Shit.
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” She shook her head. Jim unclipped his car key from his key chain, handed it to his wife and patted her on the forehead, like she was a small child. Then he hiked his daughter up to a more comfortable position, and went off to round up his sons in the game room, yawning all the way. I watched as Dad left the restaurant, carrying the little girl, shooing the boys out in front of him. Mom went to the bathroom, and then I followed her as she left, watched her get into the Volvo and pull out of the parking lot. I flipped my car keys around my finger as she drove off and grinned from ear to ear, feeling the tingling in my head subsiding a little. With Mom running on a wild goose chase to find a non-existent purse, I figured I had about a half an hour to get back to the a-frame before I needed to have her drive out that way. I could feel that my homeless buddies were on the way too, almost there, and they would be waiting for Mom. I didn’t want to be late. The plan was going like clockwork. And then, from behind me. . . “Hi. ” I turned to find the girl, Cari, smiling at me, her hands on her hips.
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She gave me a once over, and I stared at her with my mouth open. “I didn’t think you’d call, so I thought I’d come back to give you a chance to ask me out. ”I shook my head. “Really. ”She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Yep. ” She stepped closer, stopped just a couple inches away from me, and looked up into my eyes. “I’m Cari. ”I cleared my throat. “Cari. It’s nice to. . . ”She stood up on her tiptoes and leaned towards me. “What’s your name?”Ummmn.
“I’m Matt. ”“What are you doing this afternoon, Matt?”Jesus. This girl couldn’t have been more than sixteen, had no idea who I was, and she was close enough for me to kiss. “I, uh, was going to take a drive out to the beach. ”Cari inched even closer. “Sounds like fun. ” She smiled hopefully. “When we got home after lunch, my mom told me to go to the beach and meet some kids, play some Frisbee. Do you like Frisbee, Matt?”I realized this was a losing battle. “No. ”“Neither do I. But I told mom I’d go to the beach,” she pressed a finger against my chest. “And I’d like to go with you. ” She shrugged and plopped back down onto her feet. “At least I won’t be lying to her if we go.
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”I cleared my throat again. She smelled nice. Oh, the things I wanted to do to her. But I had other plans this afternoon, and I didn’t want to deal with another teenage girl in my life. “Um, Cari. Excuse me, but, how old are you?”She walked around me, keeping her finger on my chest. I followed her in a slow turn. “I’ll be seventeen in a couple weeks. ”“Seventeen. ”She smiled and cocked an eyebrow at me. “You aren’t a Townie, are you?” It was a statement, not a question. “No. ”“Me either. We just moved here at the beginning of the summer. ” Cari stared out at the street, lifted her head to the breeze.
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I could smell the ocean. She sighed, looked back at me and put both her hands on my chest. “You aren’t some crazy psycho killer, are you?”You don’t know the half of it, kid. “Nope. ” At least, not yet. She kissed my cheek, softly. “Then take me to the beach, and we’ll play for a while. ”Cari paused when she saw my van. “Definitely psycho killer,” she mumbled. “What’s that?” I grinned maniacally. She grinned back. “This is really your car?”“Yep. I decided to take a road trip for my vacation, so I bought this thing to sleep in if I couldn’t find a hotel. ”“Seriously psycho killer. ” she had a good laugh, a soft, smoky sound.
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She yanked the passenger door open and climbed inside. “Whoooo. . . Shit, it’s hot in here!”I slammed my door shut, stuck the key in the ignition and started the van with a roar. “Roll down the window. The air conditioning in this thing barely works. ”Cari looked around, back at me, raised that eyebrow again. I broke down, confessed. “If it makes you feel any better, my other car’s a BMW. ”“Yeah. I bet. ” she grinned. I showed her my key ring, and she cocked her eyebrow again. “Really.
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Why would I lie? It’s not like I’m gonna impress you with my cool, happening van. ”She fingered the key with the blue and white BMW symbol stamped on it. “I think it’s kind of sexy, driving with a psycho. ” she pecked my cheek again. “And I don’t think you know me well enough to call me a psycho killer, then go kissing on me. ”She settled back into her seat and looked out the window, stretched and smiled back at me. “I think I’ll kiss you whenever I want. ” She pointed. “Take me to the beach, and you never know what else I’ll do. ”I rolled my eyes and put the van in gear. “I think I just heard jail doors clanging shut. ”“Only happen if anybody finds out. ” She squeezed my knee, and my dick almost exploded. “And I’ll never tell. ”“Finds out what?”She stretched again, showing off for me.
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“Drive, Cutie. ”I drove. Initially, I was supposed to be at the a-frame to participate with the bums when Mom showed up, but my little surprise treat threw a wrench into those plans. I looked over at Cari, scrunched down in the seat, her arms thrown back around the head rest, half-listening as she told me about her move up from California. So things had changed. I just had to adapt. Cari’s parents had pulled her out of her last month of school in L. A. , found a house on the beach up here and settled in. Cari had spent the last two weeks of her junior year in a new school where she stuck out like a sore thumb, where most of the guys just wanted to fuck the hot new chick and most of the girls hated her. She’d managed to meet one girl who seemed cool, but she and her family were on vacation for the summer - where else? - in California. So Cari had spent the last month wandering around the town, watching movies, hanging out on the beach and being pissed off at her mom and dad. “Just wait until September - once the rain starts, you won’t even want to go outside. ”She groaned. “Figures.
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” She looked at me. “So where are we going, Killer?”I glanced over at her. She was grinning and playing with her belly ring. I shook my head and let out a long, slow breath. “Thought you wanted to go to the beach?”“There was a beach entrance just down the road from the pizza place, by my house. ” Oh. She hugged her knees to her chest. “But I guess you probably didn’t want to meet my folks, huh?”“Might not be the best idea, yet. ”She grinned at me again. “Maybe after we run off to Las Vegas together. Sound fun?”“Which, the meeting your parents part, or running off to ‘Vegas?”“Vegas. ” She hummed a little, and I recognized the wedding march tune. “I’ve always thought getting married at a drive through church would be cool. ” Where the fuck was that parking lot?She pointed. “Look, there’s a beach access.
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”Finally. Thank God. I pulled into the parking lot for the second time that day. No other cars here this time. I parked and we got out of the car. Cari snuck her arm through mine, cocked her head at the van. “You got a Frisbee lying around in there?”“Nope. We’ll have to figure out something else to do. ”She pressed close against me. “Shouldn’t be too hard to find something fun. ”I led Cari through the woods towards the beach, feeling her body next to me, her hands on my arm. When we pulled into the lot, I’d tried to locate Mom and my three bums. The tingling washed over me, and I got a clear mental image of the bums, waiting at the a-frame, ready to go. Mom was a little harder to focus on, with Cari distracting me, but the tingling ramped up and I caught her, still driving, heading back from the store. I remembered that she’d had a glass of beer during lunch.
That was lucky - without the alcohol in her system, I probably wouldn’t have had any control at this distance. It was going to be hard enough to keep my mind on her and the three guys while I was a few hundred yards across the freeway, dealing with Cari on top of everything else. . . This would be the first real test of whatever was happening to me, of my limits. I could feel the bums already passing around a bottle of Ripple. That’d help too. When I’d first started experimenting with my abilities, I’d found that alcohol gave me a big assist. The drunker the subject the better, actually. Pot, acid, and some other drugs were effective in helping me control someone too. A clearer picture of Mom popped into my head as she drove closer. I concentrated and sent a subtle suggestion her way. Then Cari and I broke through the cover to the beach. She stopped and looked up and down the coast. The sun was beginning to set, sending waves of color over the horizon, and the surf was beginning to come back in.
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A few gulls floated in the air and waddled around by the tide pools, but otherwise we were alone. “Wow,” she said, and pulled me with her, down through the driftwood towards the water. She stopped and took off her flip-flops when we hit the thick, dry sand. I took off my old hiking boots and stuffed them with my socks, rolled up my Levi’s. When we were moving again, I guided her towards the cove I’d found that morning. She stood, looking out over the water, then pulled me down into the sand. She curled up against me, and we watched the sun set together. My attention kept wandering back to her. I cleared my throat. “So, why’d you come back to talk to me?”Cari looked up and smiled her little flirty smile, eyebrow cocked like that was the dumbest question she’d heard all day. “Because you’re cute. ”“Oh. Just for my good looks. ”She looked at me for a long second, and she suddenly seemed a lot older than sixteen, and a little sad. Then she pushed me down into the sand, hooked a leg around me and rolled on top of me.
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“That’s why I gave you my phone number. ” She ran her hand over my face, and I felt her body relax onto mine. “I came back because. . . because I didn’t want to be alone again today. ” She gave me a long searching look, smiled again. “Why did you let me pick you up?”“Did you give me a choice?”“Uh-uh. ”And she kissed me. Gail was beginning to wonder if Jim had been right about her purse. Maybe she had just left it at home. She’d been back to the church and found it locked up tight. Nobody had answered when she pounded at the doors, so she’d driven back to the store. Nothing there, only an old umbrella and a dirty baseball cap in the lost and found. I usually leave it at home on Sunday, don’t I? Her brains felt scrambled today.
Ever since those creepy drunks had tried to get money from her at the store. If it hadn’t been for that cute guy who’d helped her, well. Who knows what those freaks would’ve done. He had been cute, too, in his faded black t-shirt and old Levi’s. Gail remembered staring at his butt while he was waiting in line at the pizza place, hoping Jim wouldn’t notice, wondering if she ever would’ve had the nerve to just walk up and pinch it. She felt another little flush of horniness, just like that afternoon when he’d touched her hand. She squirmed a little in her seat, her crotch starting to tingle. When was the last time talking to some stranger made her horny? Gail couldn’t remember. She could still see his face in her mind, clear as day. What was his name? Mark? No, no Matt. That was it. She squirmed some more, felt her panties getting wet. Gail ran her hand over her thigh, felt the soft fabric of her slacks against her skin. She wondered if that Matt guy had caught her staring at him. She thought he might’ve, and that seemed to excite her even more.
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Jeez, she thought, I haven’t felt like this in years. Maybe I should’ve got his phone number? Jim was going to go home and take a nap, I could’ve called him and invited him out for a drink, just to say thanks for. . . A wave of horniness flooded over Gail, almost making her swerve into the other lane. There wasn’t anyone else on the freeway now, and it was getting dark. Nobody would notice if I just pulled over for a few minutes, she thought, and, and. . . Gail sat up straight with a start. Waitaminute. Why am on the freeway? She looked around, trying to figure out how far she’d driven from town. She flicked on her headlights, couldn’t see any signs. Jeez, she thought again, I must’ve really zoned out. Gail glanced at her gas tank: half full.
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She shook her head to try and clear it. There was a concrete divider here, so she couldn’t just make a u-turn, but she could see a driveway up a little further, just at the edge of her headlight beams. There, she thought. I’ll just pull in and turn the car around. . . Gail eased her car through the bushes covering the driveway, found it wasn’t big enough to make a quick turn, so she followed the little road up the hill, the trees hiding what was left of the fading sunlight. She wound her way up, popping out into a barren parking lot. An old a-frame house stood at the edge of the clearing, with a couple of lights on in the windows. Gail stopped her car. It’s getting late, she thought, Jim might be awake by now, wondering where she was. She shook her head again at her own silliness. That cute guy must’ve really done something to her head today, if she was thinking about pulling over on the freeway. Buy why had she even driven to the freeway? Her house was a good ten minutes away, in the opposite direction she’d come. Gail shook her head again.
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Normally she was so on top of things. Not today, she thought. I guess I should’ve slept a little later this morning, just skipped church. She looked at the house, wondering if maybe there was a phone here she could use to call home. The lights were on. Maybe there was somebody home. Gail turned off the car, took the key out of the ignition, and ran her hand through her hair. She opened the car door, stepped out into the night air, and hugged herself as a cool breeze off the ocean chilled her. She walked to the a-frame, squeezing her arms to her chest, wondering just what she was going to say to her husband when he answered the phone. I know it’s been said before, but it’s amazing how fast time can fly when you’re having fun. Cari pushed away from me, holding my face in between her hands. I ran my hands through her thick hair, and she gave me her little smile. I was starting to really like that smile. “Better than Frisbee?” she asked. I just nodded.
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“I think it’s time to check out the water. ” Cari stood and straddled me. “It’s little cold, don’t you think?”She giggled, gave me a little kick. Then she pulled off the jersey and plopped it on my head. It smelled so nice I almost didn’t want to move it, but I pushed it away just in time for Cari to toss her sweats on me too. I managed to raise myself to my elbows in the sand. Cari stood over me, in just her panties and bra. My dick, already trying hard to rip out of my pants during our kissing frenzy, desperately tried to pull me up to my feet. She kicked a little sand at me. “Come on, swim with me. Not afraid of a little water, are ya?” She kicked some more sand, then turned and ran. I watched her butt, the smooth muscles in her legs as I stood up, pulling off my own t-shirt. I mumbled to myself as she splashed her way into the water, “Not the water, sharks. ” I unbuttoned my Levi’s, muttered to myself, “She’s fucking sixteen. ” I slipped out of my jeans, walked down to the water.
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Cari had pretty much just jumped right in. My feet touched the water and my balls tried to shrink into my chest, and my dick lost a little of its single-mindedness. Cari stood up and wrung out her hair. She was standing in water up past her hips, held out her hands to me. “Nice shorts. ” “Jockey boxer-briefs. Super comfortable, and just the thing for late night swims with a hot young thing. ”“Come on, old man,” she giggled. “Dive on in. ”I sighed and waded out to her. The tide was coming in stronger now, and it felt like the water was trying to push be back to the sand. Cari splashed over to me and threw herself against me, wrapping her arms around be and pressing herself hard against me. Her mouth covered mine, and I heard a little moan from her. I held her like that, felt her sharp little tongue slip into my mouth, felt her body against me, and then a wave knocked us both over. We came up sputtering, and she wrapped herself around me again, laughing.
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I carried her over to a rocky ledge, so we’d be a little sheltered from the waves. She clung to me, and wrapped her legs around my waist, kissing me hard. I kissed her back, kissed her neck, her cheeks, felt her nibble at my earlobe and run her hands through my hair. She ground her hips against me, and her hands slipped down my back, hooking in my underwear. She braced herself against the rock at my back, used her legs to roll my underwear down over my hips, rubbing her crotch against me. My dick sprung free, and she moaned as it pressed against her. Cari looked at me, lifted herself up so the tip of my dick was rubbing against her panties. “Please. . . ” she gasped. I cupped her ass in my hands, pulled her panties away from her pussy, and she settled herself onto me, wiggling her hips on the way down, taking me inside. I felt her stop suddenly, sudden pressure against me inside her, keeping me from moving further, deeper. Cari rested her forehead against mine, and smiled at me, her hips continuing their slow, grinding circle. She was panting a little, and she kissed me.
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I felt her raise her hips a little, getting leverage. She pressed her lips against me, kissing me harder. I could feel her breath, hot on my cheek, as she panted into my ear, “You’re. . . my. . . first. . . ohhh”. She pushed down with her hips, and I felt the pressure against the tip of my penis again, and then I was through. Cari stiffened against me, her pussy sliding completely down my penis, taking me in. I held her, kissing her gently, and she slowly relaxed.
She smiled at me again, then reached behind her and unfastened her bra, slipping it off and then around my neck as I held her. She used it to pull me close, kissed me, and moved her hips against me again. I listened to the ocean and Cari’s breath in my ear, felt her nipples harden against my chest as she gave herself to me. Her pussy, hot and wet, pulled me deeper inside her. “I think I could love you, old man,” she whispered. Gail knocked, a little ‘bonk, bonk’ against the window. The door.